The Grateful Chain

PLEASE NOTE: This Is The Original Version Of ‘THE GRATEFUL CHAIN’ with almost 400 comments. You are most welcome to browse through the archives from 2007, but if you’d like to add your own to the list, you can also go to The Appreciation Game HERE.

You are about to be involved in a life-enhancing process.

We invite you to be part of a revolutionary group activity called the “Grateful Chain”. Join this exciting community dedicated to feeling good, creating successful habits and beginning each day with a fresh new perspective on life and demonstrate that giving your positive attention to being grateful, really works to attract more HEALTH and HAPPINESS in your life!

It’s FREE, it’s HEALTHY and it’s FUN.

Just write some things that you are grateful for today and post them on our site. Maybe you’d like to browse through, see what others have written and be inspired or just notice how unique we all are. Also, consider writing a simple list of things you are grateful for everyday at home. We know that this process works to help you gain a more positive perspective on life and we simply encourage you to ‘give it a go’.

Whatever you choose, make sure you have fun and who knows, you might feel like being part of our community and doing it more often…it’s just like “giving your mind a healthy breakfast”.


I wish you abundant FREEDOM, UPLIFTMENT, FULFILLMENT and HAPPINESS and look forward to sharing my list with you too.

Just remember, you are magnificent,

(Creator and Founder of the Grateful Chain)

392 Comments Add yours

  1. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am incredibly grateful that the web site is up and running.
    I am grateful for all the assistance, advice, help and support that I’ve had (especially from my son Daniel) to get us to this point.
    I am grateful to be going to bed soon and feeling very relieved that this first step has been taken.
    I am grateful to share this with all my friends and to be able to make new friends as a result of this grateful process.
    I am grateful that this is something my parents will be proud of.
    I am grateful for the inspiration to keep on improving and adding value to what we are doing here.
    I am grateful for the marvellous technology that connects us all to the rest of the world.
    I am grateful for our tiny office with a warm heater.
    I am grateful that I have a free day tomorrow.
    I am grateful for the peace and quiet where I live.
    I am grateful for this process that has enabled me to change my focus and look forward to each day even more than before.

  2. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to have the energy and motivation to get up this morning.
    I am grateful for the heater in the office (I’m always grateful for that).
    I am grateful to have a dishwasher.
    I am grateful for the ideas I’ve had this morning to promote the website.
    I am grateful for finding out the reason my daughter was having mood shifts (now I know what to do to balance them out).
    I am grateful that I slept really peacefully.
    I am grateful for the web services that check our site for efficiency etc.
    I am grateful that the internet is so accessible and provides such a wealth of information.
    I am grateful that I only need to do ten gratefuls.
    I am grateful for Daniel’s incredibly support and effort to work with scriptsetc to get the site functioning.
    I am grateful for any feedback from our site visitors.
    I am thinking of you all.

  3. dricho says:

    I am grateful that i have the opportunity to participate in this amazing experience,
    I am grateful for the terrific site that has been produced,
    I am grateful for having a great and fulfilling life!

  4. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for being able to catch up on some sleep today.
    I am grateful for the way our local school is run (very efficient and friendly)
    I am grateful for my commitment to this project even though there have been some challenges.
    I am grateful for the help I received from our hosting company (very prompt, courteous and user-friendly.
    I am grateful for this amazing process of gratefulness that always brings me to a nicer mental state.
    I am grateful for the assistance and feedback from Ann and Susie today (oh, that’s yesterday now)
    I am grateful that we didn’t release the web site to the public until we get all the challenges resolved.
    I am grateful for all the things I’ve learned while getting this project together.
    I am grateful for Scott for coming to my rescue so quickly when I neede someone to check our usability for me.
    I am grateful for being warm and cosy.
    I am grateful for the people who are still phoning up and asking to be put on our contact list (for Quality Parties).

  5. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that the play rehearsal went REALLY well tonight.
    I am grateful that all the hours of practise I put in to playing the guitar has been worth it.
    I am grateful for such a wonderful supportive and friendly cast.
    I am grateful for being able to take some time away from the computer and go out.
    I am grateful that the dancing I did tonight was really lovely.
    I am grateful for the encouragement I get from the director.
    I am grateful to have been given so many opportunities since I moved here.
    I am grateful for the mild weather tonight when I had to be walking around in bare feet and swimmers.
    I am grateful to have Daniel here minding Crystal when I go out.
    I am grateful to be getting to be bed early tonight.

  6. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I have had a wonderful (long) sleep.
    I am grateful fot the natural smile on my face this morning.
    I am grateful for the ability to find a benefit in almost everything that occurs.
    I am grateful for the peace I feel inside.
    I am grateful that I am considering extra business coaching even though this is something I ‘should’ be good at.
    I am grateful for the solutions available to me.
    I am grateul for my flexibility.
    I am grateful for the excitement I feel about this site even if it has been a challenge to get people to post their grateful’s.
    I am grateful for my committed nature.
    I am grateful for doctors and dentists as we’ve had to visit both in the last week.
    I am grateful for the way my children get along so beautifully.
    I am grateful for this delightful home.
    I am grateful to be able to look ouside my bedroom window at gorgeous views.
    I am grateful for life right now.

  7. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to have gone for a walk on the beach today.
    I am grateful for the healthy food I am eating.
    I am grateful for a warm office (yet again)
    I am grateful for getting some more things done to the site.
    I am grateful for the very generous friends I have who deliver fresh produce to me.
    I am grateul for some of the entertaining programs on television.
    I am grateful for the contact I’ve had from people complimenting us on the look of the site.
    I am grateful for solutions that are forming in my mind.
    I am grateful for the fantastic text editor that comes with this program.
    I am grateful or the new e-mail template Daniel has designed.
    I am grateful to be living with my children.
    I am grateful for the motivation to keep working to improve the site.
    I am grateful that I can allow my life process unfold (without thinking I can control it).

  8. Trevor says:

    I understand that this process works without any doubt. I haven’t been doing it for the past week and have slipped back into assessment and woryy, when really all I need to do is be grateful for every moment

  9. Trevor says:

    I am grateful that – after playing an bad round of golf yesterday – I realised today that I was playing in the ‘How’ and not the ‘Why’.

  10. Trevor says:

    I am grateful that I will be having lunch with my mum today, she being 91 and in incredibly good health.
    I am grateful that I have her genes
    I am grateful for this glorious South Gippsland morning.
    I am grateful that I will be having a mastermind meeting today also.

    1. Rebel Lilly says:


  11. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for this beautiful sunny morning.
    I am grateful that I took time to sit in the sun with our mastermind group.
    I am grateful that I’m learning so much about creating web sites.
    I am greful to find site to submit articles.
    I am grateful for search engines that index our sites so quickly.
    I am grateful that we have so many search engines to choose from.
    I am grateful for the helpful people on support desks.
    I am grateful for the yummy food we are eating in the office as we work.
    I am grateful that we’ll take time out now to eat properly.
    I am ever so grateful for the people who appreciate the gratitude process.
    I am grateful that I am finding out ways to get interest in this site.
    I am grateful for my commitment to this project

  12. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that so many people are willing to give me new ideas to improve the site.
    I am grateful for the added inspiration I feel when we have our mastermind group meetings.
    I am grateful for all the people who are on their way to the site.
    I am grateful that I’ve had time to set up everything I need.
    I am grateful for the beautiful weather we had today.
    I am grateful that I took some time out to practise guitar.
    I am grateful that I’ve still got time to polish up my performance.
    I am grateful that my finger nails are growing again (a sure sign I’m healthy).
    I am grateful for Susie and Trevor coming today in perfect time.
    I am grateful Susie rang and re-scheduled our meeting.
    I am grateful that I can see how perfect things are.

  13. dricho says:

    I am grateful for technology these days, it has allowed us to explore horizons and exceed many expectations.
    I am grateful for having a loving and caring family.
    I am grateful that my life is fulfilling and enjoyable.
    I am grateful for all the lovely people who are apart of my life.

  14. Trevor says:

    I am especialy grateful that instead of having to cancel a planned holiday to FNQ, which was our position yeterday, The Universe has provided the funding out of the blue.
    I am gratfeul for that abundance and being open to receive and accept it.

  15. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that I am posting my first list on this FANTASTIC site
    I AM grateful that my Father is about to celebrate his 84 birthday in rude, good health…
    I AM grateful for my friend Dirk in Germany who helps keep me focussed and stops me drifting of course
    I AM grateful for this glorious South Gippsland autumn morning, the singing lyrebirds and wedge-tailed eagles overhead
    I AM grateful that I don’t have to go ANYWHERE today after a busy week with beautiful tiny grandchildren visiting and parties and loads of lovely friends in my life over the weekend
    I AM grateful I have friends I love to visit and stay with in Melbourne soon
    I AM grateful for meeting with Elizabeth and Daniel yesterday morning for re-inspiration and support
    I AM grateful I got to see Crystal again not having seen her for some months….She’s SUCH cool kid….!!!
    I AM grateful I have been able to create this magnificent haven that will bring delight and joy into someone else/s life/ves..
    I AM grateful that I have a lively, intelligent, mobile, together 91 year old mother-in-law whose wisdom and company are a joy
    I AM grateful for people of ALL AGES who are a part of my life
    I AM grateful for all the NEW people I have yet to meet
    I AM grateful I am able to CREATE…

  16. Trevor says:

    I am grateful that I could register (hidden content) on a world-wide basis today and here is the start of a new uplifing web site/business. Watch that space.

  17. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the three day weekend I have just enjoyed

    I AM grateful for the fantastic sunny warm weather over those three days… and for the misting of rain yesterday afternoon

    I AM grateful for my safe travel to Bendigo on Friday morning and my safe return last night

    I AM grateful I have such wonderful friends to visit and catch up with over the three days

    I AM grateful for Op Shops who have over the past few months yielded treasures for me to acquire for my friends collections – for Joan = cats and Anne = teapots that I was able to deliver

    I AM grateful that I could spend much of Mother’s Day with Joan who, in the past 4 years, has been like a Mother to me as well as a very special friend – an 84 year old lady whose beliefs and outlook is a couple of generations after her age

    I AM grateful for the good food, good wine (new discoveries) and good conversation I enjoyed

    I AM grateful that the landscape up there is now green (only just) after a little recent rain

    I AM grateful for the wonderful fresh produce: butternuts, potatoes, lettuce and coriander direct from the growers, I was able to get at the Bendigo market (and silver beet from a friend’s garden) to bring back home with me

    I AM grateful I was able to visit Shelia and share produce with her when I got home, and to find that she was well enough to have attended and enjoyed a family birthday dinner on Saturday night

    I AM grateful that my daughter called me to wish me a happy Mother’s Day even though I missed her call had to call her back last night

    I AM grateful that my nephew who acknowledges me as the real mother figure in his life called me to wish me a happy Mothers Day

    I AM grateful for the three nights of good refreshing sleep and for waking up this morning – and before the alarm, which then allowed me the luxury of snuggling until getting up time

    I AM grateful for the cappuccino to start my working day

    I AM grateful I have had a busy morning catching up on the accumulated tasks from Friday and the new ones this morning, even though it has delayed my list today.

    I AM grateful to see Trevor is back on track again – go Trevor

  18. I am so grateful to see everyone come to the page (yes, that means Ann, Trevor, Susie and Daniel).
    I am grateful to be going off to bed now after a really long day.
    I am grateful for a surprise refund of money today.
    I am grateful for the nice game I played with Daniel and Crystal tonight.
    I am grateful for the cute little flash signs Daniel created for the grateful chain.
    I am grateful for friends that remember me even when I don’t keep in regular contact.
    I am grateful for the new inspirational CD I’m about to listen to.
    I am grateful for the veges that are still growing in the garden even if they haven’t been attended to.
    I am grateful for the warm shower I’m about to have.
    I am grateful for toothpaste.
    I am grateful that companies are making gluten=free products.
    I am grateful for the extra inspiration on it’s way.
    I am grateful for this website and the increasing numbers of visitors.
    I am grateful that Susie thought to recommend the site to her friends.
    I am grateful for her persistence, even though we had some e-mail challenges today.
    I am grateful for all of you.

  19. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful for a wonderful sleep.
    I am so grateful for the fantastic inspirational CD I listened to last night to help me get clear on my direction.
    I am grateful for the pleasant, sunny morning that makes me feel like going for a walk.
    I am grateful for my director phoning to remind me about rehearsal tonight.
    I am grateful for Doctor Emoto’s work on the effects words have on water which tells me that I am on the right track.
    I am grateful for this morning ritual that begins my day in such a lovely way.
    I am grateful that I am moving on to my next project NOW.
    I am grateful that this website is serving it’s purpose.
    I am grateful for the people who find benefit in expressing gratefulness.
    I am grateful for Daniel who has come out to live here and is helping me immensely.
    I am grateful for wonderful surprises.
    I am grateful for comfortable shoes to walk long distances in.
    I am grateful for my body shape.
    I am grateful that I am attractive.
    I am grateful for the rain we had last week that has encouraged all the little seedlings to emerge in my garden.

  20. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful for a magnificent sleep
    I AM grateful to be alive a I am going to a funeral today!
    I AM grateful I have beautiful friends like my friend Mark with whom I can banter, have friendly debates and learn a heap from
    I AM grateful that my husband has serviced my car and I have safe new tyres on it for my journey later in the week
    I AM glad I have a good hairdresser who I am about to visit and who will make me feel ‘better’ in a couple of hours!!!!
    I AM grateful for the glorious, still morning in my glorious environment
    I AM glad Elizabeth is encouraging and supporting me in a very personal project!!
    I AM grateful that I got a lot of things I needed to handle done yesterday
    I AM grateful that I will moving ahead with my new project this afternoon

  21. dricho says:

    I am grateful for having such a great life!
    I am grateful for having a lovely tea this morning.
    I am grateful that i had a lovely sleep last night.

  22. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for my busy day at work yesterday
    I AM grateful for the treasure of a quotation that was in my e-mails yesterday –
    “When we learn to say a deep, passionate yes to the things that really matter, then peace begins to settle onto our lives like golden sunlight sifting to a forest floor.” – Thomas Kinkade

    I AM grateful for my safe journey home, the time to read a book and listen to music

    I AM grateful for the pleasure of walking home in such a balmy evening and to be able to see and appreciate the beauty of the stars peeping through the clouds

    I AM grateful for a neighbour bringing me a piece of cheesecake to finish off my dinner

    I AM grateful for the early night even though it preceded a night of broken sleep and a midnight read and e-mailbox download

    I AM grateful for the e-mailed responses from my son… brief and all as they were… and that they hadn’t been aware of any experience of the earthquakes

    I AM very grateful for the BFO in the middle of the night that let me remember what it was that I had changed my password to yesterday – and forgot to write down

    I AM grateful for the dew that fell overnight and for the water to water my undercover plants this morning

    I AM grateful for the surprises of unexpected flowers out on some of my plants and for the ability to be surprised and delighted when they do display

    I AM grateful I was up to see the subtle colours of the sunrise – among the heavier grey ones, soft fluffy clouds that changed from a soft cream through all the pinks.

    I AM grateful for the oh so soft sprinkle of rain on my walk to the train

    I AM grateful for Sandra’s cheery greeting and interest in my happenings since Thursday night when we last travelled together

    I AM grateful for the cheery greetings from George and Ange when I got my breakfast and for the great cappuccino to get my workday started with

    I AM grateful for the medication that will ease the pain and stiffness in my knees this morning… a sure sign of rain in the air

    I AM grateful for the smiles I received from strangers on my walk from the station

    I AM grateful for a place of work to come to… where I get paid to be.

  23. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the fantastic play rehearsal we just hsd.
    I am grateful that the songwqriter is re-wrting my song to suit me better.
    I am grateful that I’m confident I’ll do a great performance.
    I am grateful that I have a pretty nice voice.
    I am grateful for my lighthearted sense of humour.
    I am grateful that people like and accept me the way I am.
    I am grateful for the friendly and helpful cast members.
    I am grateful to be asked out on Saturday night to go to a comedy thing with a couple from nearby.
    I am incredibly grateful for the people who join me on the site to express their gratefulness’s – it’s lovely to have company.
    I am grateful that we have somewhere to store these positive thoughts.
    I am grateful that now I can relax and focus on the next project.
    I am grateful that Susie, Trevor and Daniel are around to keep me moving forward.
    I am grateful for the huge laughs I had tonight.
    I am grateful that Ann keeps coming up with these inspiring lists.
    I am grateful that Daniel contributes his gratefulness’s – I wonder how many young boys would support their mother like that!!! (He’s laughing about that one).
    I am grateful for the synergistic team we have created with the mastermind group.
    I am grateful that the team makes me feel encouraged – not pressured to do tasks.
    I am grateful that Susie found time to be online.
    I am eternally grateful for the friendship that I have with you all…

  24. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the recording I’ve been listening to this morning – giving me some more new thoughts to ponder.
    I am grateful for the sunshine and that I took the time to enjoy sitting in it.
    I am grateful that Daniel is taking the time and effort to put together a ‘grateful-chain special presentation’. (You’ll get to see it soon).
    I am grateful to be able to take time out from this project to remember what it is I really want for my life.
    I am grateful that what I want for my life is more about others than it is about me.
    I am grateful that I am at this point in my life where I really find more meaning and fulfilment, by assisting others.
    I am grateful for the continuing ideas that flow through me until I choose which ones I want to take on.

  25. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful that after 4 hours the gremlins gave back whatever it was they took to bring down a vital software connection yesterday

    I AM grateful the gremlins only needed to keep the same whateveritwas for an hour and twenty minutes this morning

    I AM grateful Sharon was onto the problem so quickly this morning and that I was able to get the wheels in motion so much faster

    I AM grateful that on my walk at lunchtime yesterday I was attracted to three bargain priced garments ready for the colder weather… (when it comes)

    I AM grateful for the great lunch I enjoyed at La Cucina and for Joe loaning me the Josh Groban CD they were playing so that I could listen to the whole CD last night

    I AM grateful Joe’s baby daughter has arrived safely and completed their pigeon pair

    I AM grateful for a safe journey home and a walk in the sprinkle of rain

    I AM grateful my early retirement to bed allowed me to watch The Secret DVD again

    I AM grateful for all the Abundance in my life

    I AM grateful for all the special people in my life

    I AM grateful for all the Love I have in my life

    I AM grateful for all the Appreciation I have in my life

    I AM especially grateful for all the real rain we had overnight – approx 5mm

    I AM grateful for the lovely clean fresh air, the sunshine and the warmth for my walk to the station.. and that the train was on time

    I AM grateful to Sandra who mentioned to me on the train this morning that the Oprah Winfrey Show 7:30 tonight on Channel 10 is a special presentation of The Secret

    I AM grateful for the pleasant lady who attended to my needs when I purchased my travel tickets for the next two weeks

    I AM grateful I am able to rescue two bunches of flowers to grace my desk

    I AM grateful that it is payday today

    I AM grateful that Denise has called me and that she is excited about coming to the city to go with me to The Secret Revealed evening with Dr John Demartini on Monday

    I AM grateful I could tell Denise about this Grateful Chain and that she will likely join us

  26. Trevor says:

    I am grateful that Susie has made it to Melbourne, despite some annoying car issues which held her up three times along the way.
    I am grateful that the World Wildfife Fund may financially support a mission of ours in Wonyip, to provide nature corridors for the threatened Spotted Tiger Quoll.
    I am grateful for a very useful day spent on LandCare issues.
    I am gratfeul that a friend has invited me to see the Al Gore movie tonight.

  27. dricho says:

    I am grateful for my family and their endless ability to entertain me.
    I am grateful for living under a roof.
    I am grateful for having my own computer.
    I am grateful that i live a happy and fullfilling life.

  28. justin says:

    I am grateful i didn’t get an ‘n’ award for english yesterday.

  29. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that Justin has decided to join us.
    I am grateful that he’s made a great start.
    I am grateful that he watched Oprah tonight.
    I am grateful that I’m getting to know who he is.

  30. justin says:

    I am grateful for the warm welcome that I have recieved.
    I am grateful for this wonderful site.
    I am grateful that people are there for me, even if i mess up sometimes.
    I am grateful for television, for without I would be unchallenged and bored.

  31. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that we’ve made a new friend.
    I’m grateful that Justin is using this wonderful technique for communicating.
    I am grateful that he trusts us enough to express himself.
    I am grateful that he finds positives in his life and I’m also confident that he’ll take this fun way of viewing things out into the world.
    I am grateful that he didn’t get an ‘n’ award in english yesterday too, because now I know it’s not such a nice thing to get – by the way, I’m proud of him.

  32. happy4ever says:

    I am grateful that I read Elizabeth’s email about “The Grateful Chain”.
    I am grateful I can read.
    I am grateful I have my eyesight.
    I am grateful science has created medication for my eyes.
    I am grateful I have my health.
    I am grateful I had 2 wonderful parents who gave me values and cared enough to discipline me.
    I am grateful each morning I wake up.
    I am grateful for the house I live in.
    I am grateful I have compassion for others.
    I am grateful for where I live.

  33. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful that ‘happy4ever’ has joined us – what a thrill.
    I am grateful that I had the courage to send the promotional e-mail out to all the ‘Quality Party’ people.
    I am grateful for this magnificent way of communicating with people.
    I am grateful ‘happy4ever’ has signed for the 30-day experiment…now I’d better sign up myself.
    I am grateful that I have found this fantastic way of adding value to the world.
    I am grateful that we got our system worked out before we are inundated with participants.
    I am grateful that I am learning how to make a video to put up on YouTube (and on our site).
    I am grateful for being alive right now.

  34. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for my safe journey home and for Sandra’s company as well as the entertainment value in the MX newspaper

    I AM grateful for the almost unreal glorious warm weather – especially for walking home in the dark

    I AM grateful for the lights that come on to light my way down the long drive and to find the keyhole for my front door

    I AM grateful for a warm and welcoming space to come home to

    I AM grateful for the beautiful vegetables, fruit and seeds I enjoyed for my dinner

    I AM grateful for the container of pumpkin and capsicum soup that Shelia made and has provided for my lunch

    I AM grateful for modern telecommunications and that although I cannot speak to someone I can leave a message

    I AM grateful I was able to watch Oprah, for the wonderful enthusiasm of the Teachers on the show and to have received clarification on some aspects of applying The Secret

    I AM very grateful for my good health in a great well functioning body and for my peace and happiness

    I AM grateful for the really great night’s sleep I had and for waking up to the alarm this morning knowing I had had at least one dream… and that I could remember it
    (a very, very rare occurrence) and can look forward to enjoying it again in reality

    I AM grateful for more of that glorious weather, the warm breeze, the sunshine, the different cloud formations, the flowers, the colours and patterns in the sea … all noted and enjoyed on that walk to the train station this morning

    I AM grateful for having the train to take me to the city and for the train drivers who do such a marvellous job

    I AM grateful for the welcome I always get from Ange and all the love he puts in my cappuccino

    I AM grateful for the perfectly toasted croissant I really enjoyed for my breakfast

    I AM grateful for the welcomes from my workmates

    I AM grateful there are no “challenges” that awaited me first thing when I fired up my workstation and opened the applications

    I AM grateful that this PC software, all by itself, adds in the missing letters in words when my finger slips and misses them

    I AM grateful that I can share my ‘gratefuls’ with you all and that we are being joined by more new friends

  35. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful (and amazed) that I have so much energy considering I only had 1 hour sleep last night.
    I am grateful that our videos are complete (and pretty good too)and up on YouTube – you’ll get e-mails really soon with the links so you can watch and comment.
    I am grateful for Pete who brought around fresh fruit and vegetables, and also changed the oil in my car today.
    I am grateful for Daniel and his commitment to this project.
    I am grateful for finding another way to help me visualize my dreams – our little vision videos are wonderful for that.
    I am grateful for the rain on the roof – what a delightful sound to go to sleep with.
    I am grateful for all our visitors to the site – it lets me know that people are getting value here.
    I am grateful for the extra money I heard I will be receiving soon.
    I am grateful for Ann’s wonderful lists.
    I am grateful that Scott got in touch with me tonight – it’s nice to hear from him again.
    I am grateful or the people who phoned today wanting to know if I’ll be hosting some more parties.
    I am grateful that another two people have signed up for the 30-day Grateful Experiment.

  36. happy4ever says:

    I am grateful that I remembered to be grateful today.
    I am grateful I spoke to my son this morning on the phone.
    I am grateful I have 2 wonderful sons.
    I am grateful I am a grandmother.
    I am grateful for the rain we have had.
    I am grateful for my faithful canine friend Shaq.
    I am grateful I have June as a friend and that we walk together each morning.
    I am grateful I have plenty to keep my mind and body occupied.
    I am grateful for Elizabeth’s warm welcome to The Grateful Chain.
    I am grateful that Elizabeth had the courage to contact Quality Party people.

  37. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for my life.
    I am grateful for my health.
    I am greateful for my wonderful children who bring endless work, motivation and joy into my life.
    I am grateful for being slim and attractive.
    I am grateful for being confident.
    I am grateful for all the traumas I have suffered that make me a stonger personal capable of feeling empathy for people.
    I am grateful for being able to learn from past experiences.
    I am grateful for the travels around the world in my life.
    I am grateful for the presence of my ex-husband in my daughter’s life as he shows her how to be silly and have fun.
    I am grateful for all my assets and being able to earn them on my own.
    I am grateful for my parents who are good examples of how to be honest and hard working.

  38. Ann Steel says:

    I AM so very, very grateful I am part of this chain and the discipline it engenders

    I AM very grateful to this chain for the influence it had on my thoughts and demeanour last night

    I AM very grateful that I was severely challenged to come up with all the positives in a sea of impatient, angry, negative people and events occurring over which I had no control

    I AM grateful my well practised patience, already finely honed travelling on public transport, stood me in good stead last night

    I AM grateful to get home safely after a very long journey to get there….. and in perfect time to see the item on Compass I wanted to see

    I AM very, very grateful for the life work of Peter Andrews at great personal sacrifice for what he believes in and that the scientific examination of the results are vindicating his passion and his work, showing that one person really can make a huge difference and be such a shining beacon of hope for the environment and the need to battle bureaucracy to ensure what is right

    I AM grateful that we had only to wait threequarters of an hour to get on a bus at Caulfield when others had waited over two hours

    I AM grateful my knees held up OK for that time waiting for the bus

    I AM grateful that it was only raining very lightly on the thousands of people waiting for the buses

    I AM grateful for the Connex man who stopped several young people pushing to get onto the bus, insisting they let me go first

    I AM grateful I got a seat on the bus for the one hour journey from Caulfield to Moorabbin through so many different streets, views, sights on the way
    and for the time to find these positive thoughts

    I AM grateful that there was a seat for me on the packed train from there to Bonbeach and still just a light sprinkle of rain on my walk home from there (about 8 pm – only one and a half hours late)

    I AM grateful for that brisk walk home after being confined to crowded seats and masses of people

    I AM grateful it was Thursday night and not the night before as it would have meant missing seeing Oprah and missing out on the distinctions I got from that programme

    I AM extremely grateful interruptions and hold-ups like last night are so infrequent

    I AM grateful my freezer held options for a quick meal preparation after all that delay

    I AM grateful the police had patience and were able to resolve the issue safely later in the night after five and a half hours of negotiation

    I AM very grateful Susie made it safely to Melbourne

    I AM grateful to have seen Jerry (previously chef where I mainly get breakfast) again on my way to the station and that he was so delighted to see me again

    I AM grateful I can express my feelings on paper when circumstances prevent me from saying in person

    I AM grateful I can love unconditionally

    I AM grateful I have music I can share

    I AM grateful I have inspirational books I can loan

    I AM grateful for a good deep sleep and waking up early

    I AM grateful for a lovely hot shower and being able to have a big choice of clothes to wear today

    I AM grateful for the light rain on my walk to the train and for the umbrella to keep it off my head and shoulders

    I AM extremely grateful for all the rain that has fallen in the catchments (not at my place though) and for all the rain we are about to receive

    I AM grateful there was still one vacant seat on the earlier train this morning

    I AM grateful the train came into Flinders Street on the most inconvenient platform and that in taking a different walk to work brought me past Jesters.

    I AM grateful for LoAn’s delighted greeting and for the lovely cappuccino she made for me to go with the Morning Glory

    I am grateful for the cheery greetings from my workmates

    I AM grateful to find out that Paul had got home safely to Mt Martha at 8:30pm last night and that Martin and Morgana had been very lucky in that they had taken their car to Caulfield Station so weren’t held up

    I AM grateful that I have a workplace to come to, for the lovely flowers on my desk and for the tasks and challenges ahead for the day

    I AM very grateful Scott has talked to Elizabeth and that he is OK

    I AM very grateful for Elizabeth’s kind comments and that my lists mean something to others as well

  39. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to see Dinah (lizwelsh) join us on the grateful chain.
    I am grateful that she is so comfortable and confident with herself.
    I am grateful that she has taken a friend of ours under her wing (so-to-speak) and is giving him useful guidance.
    I am grateful to see happy4ever on this morning – do you guys even know what a thrill I get to see you all post such amazing comments..?
    I am grateful for the views we’ve had to our VISION MOVIES on YouTube.
    I am incredibly grateful to YouTube for providing such a service.
    I am gratful that Trevor is looking after HIS needs today.
    I am grateful that he is able to ask for what he needs.
    I am grateful for the excellent advertising that comes on our site via google ad-sense.
    I am grateful for the great computer programs we have that enable us to do more with our ideas.
    I am grateful to Ann for moving so rapidly with her life and using the grateful-chain as a tool to help along the way.
    I am grateful that we can find almost anything we need on the internet, and that if we can’t, then we know where a niche is to create something that is useful to others.
    I am grateful to the endless persistence and courage I’ve had to keep promoting the grateful-chain, and finding new and exciting ways to do that.
    I am eternally grateful to The Universe/God/Life/ for providing me with so many wonderful ways to experience life in FULFILLING ways.
    I am grateful that people read what I write and can hear my acknowledgements.
    I am grateful to EVERYONE who has viewed this site – whether they left comments or not – because I KNOW we have created a magical way for people to express themselves and create new conversational habits.
    I am grateful that Ann is taking Denise to John Dimartini.
    I am grateful the people who did our ‘lifegames’ workshop have bonded so beautifully and are contributing to each others lives.

  40. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to be going out to a comedy show tonight, and for being picked up by a lovely local couple.
    I am grateful that I could perform in front of a group of people at play rehearsal the other night.
    I am grateful that people commented and liked my style of guitar playing.
    I am grateful that I attract such helpful people into my life.
    I am grateful to be re-scheduling our mastermind group meeting – I’m looking forward to it (as always).
    I am grateful for the wonderful response to the Vision Movies.
    I am grateful for the fantastic amount of views they have had in only a couple days.
    I am grateful for the feedback I’ve had on the website from a review panel who said that it was well presented, nicely coloured and the message was clear and concise.
    I am grateful to the people who have thanked me for providing this as an outlet to express themselves in a more positive way.
    I am grateful for the inspiration to produce more mini-clip Vision Movies.
    I am grateful that this concept has worked and also for the exciting growth.
    I am grateful to the people who have viewed our site from places all around the world.
    I am grateful to our service provider who is very professionl, provide excellent facilities and are always there when I need assistance.
    I am incredibly grateful to write my grateful’s again this morning…this is a marvelous process for me.
    Looking forward to hearing from you very soon.

  41. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that I have other people’s ‘gratefuls’ to read!!!
    I AM grateful that Ann survived all that c’fuffle at the railway station the other night…I was thinking of you when I was in town, Ann…..
    I AM grateful its RAINING and I am snug and warm inside and the fire is roaring….
    I AM grateful for all my WONDERFUL grateful friends…it’s lovely to be back in touch after a couple of days in Melbourne without a computer
    I AM grateful that Scott is okay and that I am sure we will be communicating with him again very soon…I miss him
    I AM grateful that my test in the city went okay and anticipate satisfactory results
    I AM grateful I was able to catch up with some friends who are experiencing an extremely unfortunate lot of circumstances in their life at the moment that seem to be never-ending…and hopefully offer some love and support…
    I AM grateful that the two motor vehicle ‘events’ I experienced on my way to Melbourne don’t appear to be horrible and costly……..just very annoying………….!!!
    I AM grateful that I was able to take my invalid brother out for lunch and some yummy coffees in Fitzroy Street….
    I AM grateful I have a dear friend coming to visit for the weekend and we can catch up on gossip and giggles and stay warm and snug inside..
    I AM grateful that my husband missed me and was overjoyed to see me when I got home last night……..
    I AM grateful that the puppies missed me too………
    I AM grateful to be rescheduling Mastermind Group too………
    I AM grateful we have new friends on the Grateful-Chain site……..

  42. justin says:

    I am grateful i have this english assignment to do to keep me from running amuck and being bored.

    I am grateful it was a close match between lleyton hewitt and rafael nadal last night.

    I am grateful for my bed, which is nice and comfy.

    I am grateful for Peta Fell, who accepted my job application, and who is going to be my orientator this wednesday.

  43. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that THIS STUFF WORKS……..!!!!
    I AM grateful that a quite a few things have ‘shifted’ in our lives as a result of this PROCESS…..!!!
    I AM grateful that things are moving very nicely…
    I AM grateful that I have lovely friends who want to spend time with me…
    I AM grateful for the beautiful warm fire in my house…
    I AM grategful that I am not out in the cold right now….!!
    I AM grateful I am able to be of assistance to my friends when they need me….
    I AM grateful even if they just go right ahead and do what they want to do in spite of the good, sound advice they have sought!!!!!
    I AM grateful to myself for keeping on track with these postings…………
    I AM grateful for my husband builds and maintains the fire on these chilly days (amongs other things!!!)……

  44. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that Justin is finding useful ways to keep himself entertained.
    I am incredibly grateful that he has come back to visit us.
    I am SO VERY grateful that Susie is getting phenomenal benefit from the grateful-chain.
    I am grateful that she can see her life shifting…as we can see it too!
    I am grateful that I gave myself permission to sleep in and have some time off.
    I am really, really grateful that I have finished a mini-clip (The Comfort Movie) that is intended to have people feel comforted, encouraged and presents some beautiful solutions to a more fulfilling life.
    I am grateful that these projects consume me so much, that I can survive on little sleep and am filled with enthusiasm, inspiration and dedication.
    I am grateful for taking the time to CELEBRATE our success of getting the website up and having more than ten people register.
    I am grateful for Ann dropping in and giving me a lovely pumpkin we’ll probably eat roasted really soon.
    I am grateful for my drive to keep posting grateful’s every day.
    I am grateful to Rhonda Burne from “The Secret” who reinforced the idea of writing things we are grateful for everyday.
    I am grateful to be able to watch “The Secret” whenever I want, thanks to the very generous person who gave me a copy as a gift.
    I am grateful for the graet food at the Toora Pub.
    I am grateful for all my friends on the grateful-chain.
    I am grateful for all my friends all around the country.
    I am grateful for the wonderfully, respectul relationships that I have with my ex-partners.
    I am gareful to Daniel and Crystal, who support me in what I do, and allow me to have lots of space to do this fulfilling work.
    I am grateful for the excellent comments we’ll get for ‘The Comfort Movie’.

  45. justin says:

    I am grateful for being alive

    I am grateful for the roast dinner I just ate.

    I am grateful for my parents who let me travel to places with my sporting events, even though it is pretty expensive.

    I am grateful for my dog, who keeps me warm on those cold nights (apart from the heater)

  46. Daniel says:

    I am grateful that i have this lovely computer that i can use as a tool for creation.
    I am grateful for life and all of the little yet important parts of it.
    I am grateful that i have such a creative sister who is always entertaining.
    I am grateful that this gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with everyone.
    I am grateful that lifes many mystery’s are opening up to me.

  47. Trevor says:

    I AM grateful to be practicing daily gratefulness, even though I don’t always post them.
    I AM grateful for some meaningful contracts comeing my way.
    I AM grateful that my magnificent old Landrover is going to a new home and grateful that the purchaser didn’t attempt to haggle the price.
    I AM grateful that Susie and I now have two vehicles and not four.
    I AM grateful that every day is a joyous event.
    I AM especially grateful to see new people popping up on this site.
    I AM ever grateful to Elizabeth for having the vision, passion and tenacity to create this site.

  48. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for my safe travel on Friday night to the RSL and then home just before midnight

    I AM grateful for my choice to stop off at the RSL for the lovely lamb roulade dinner

    I AM grateful the RSL put on such great entertainers on a Friday night

    I AM grateful I have found that I am able to dance all night… and that I will have to look to buy some dancing shoes

    I AM grateful for my safe travel over the weekend, driving to and from Foster on Saturday (especially the part that was in the very heavy rain) and to Gardenworld on Sunday morning and to Mornington for dinner on Sunday night

    I AM grateful to Suzette for the really great session on the SCIO machine on Saturday morning

    I AM grateful to have been able to pop in and see Elizabeth … hard at work

    I AM grateful that Suzie travelled safely too and glad that she had such a good time in Melbourne and especially that she found such a great welcome when she got home

    I AM grateful that I did decide to go to Gardenworld to get the Orchid magazine as it was the last one they had left

    I AM grateful I could just look at all the exquisite orchids in flower there, enjoy…. and walk out, leaving them all there

    I AM grateful I have some or my orchids out in flower to enjoy at home

    I AM grateful John looked after me so nicely at the Boyz for Breakie for dinner

    I AM grateful for a good night’s sleep and that I woke up this morning

    I AM grateful for the hot shower and the choice of clothes to wear

    I AM grateful that I drove the car to the station this morning (in case it is wet and cold tonight when Denise and I get back after “The Secret Revealed”) as it was really blustery, but not as cold as I expected

    I AM grateful for my trip on an old Hitachi train this morning – they really have the most comfortable seating of all the trains – and that I could listen to music and read a book.

    I AM grateful for Ange’s greeting and the really great cappuccino he made for me this morning (not all cappuccinos are equal)

    I AM grateful to find there are no hassles to sort out this morning

    I AM grateful to have the time to write this list and to be able to check my e-mails before 10.30am

  49. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that I am ALIVE this day and that I awoke after a glorious, restful sleep….
    I AM grateful that life is showing up as I want it to
    I AM grateful that Ann had such a lovely weekend… sounded so nice, I wish I’d been with her….!!!
    I AM grateful taht it’s raining off and on and that I can still see the beautiful mountains on The Prom between showers and clouds………
    I AM grateful that I NEVER get tired of this glorious place where we are blessed to live…
    I AM grateful that my home is warm, I am fed and I am feeling really good….
    I AM grateful that I am embarking on some new habits which will support me in the changes that are occurring in my life right now….
    I AM grateful for the love and support of my dear husband and my lovely friends…..
    I AM grateful to my husband that because of him, I have two lovely stepdaughters and three very precious grandchildren….
    I AM grateful and really looking forward to catching up with Elizabeth and Daniel later in the week, having missed out on our Mastermind meeting last week……….

  50. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for my daughter’s help around the house.
    I am grateful for being capable of studying.
    I am grateful my son is so cute.
    I am grateful the weather is sunny again today.
    I am grateful we have an abundance of good food in our house.
    I am grateful we have a lovely big house.
    I am grateful we live in a quiet and peaceful town.
    I am grateful for god’s healing power in my life.
    I am grateful miracles happen.
    I am grateful for my fellow students who helpe me.
    I am grateful for feeling happy.
    I am grateful for being able to study at home.

  51. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am incredibly grateful for all of the wonderful comments we are getting for the site, the mini-clip movies and our articles.
    I am grateful to be able to sustain my high activity level.
    I am grateful to see Justin come on twice yesterday and for displaying such an incredible maturity – this young guy is going places.
    I am grateful for a restful sleep.
    I am grateful that my garden looks really nice even though it has been neglected by me for at least 6 months.
    I am grateful for the little cherry tomatoes that I am still picking out of the garden.
    I am grateful that Susie and Trevor were impressed with The Comfort Movie – that means a lot to me.
    I am grateful for the phenomenal amount of views it is getting in such a short time.
    I am grateful that some people that have viewed the movie are in a position to give it even higher exposure.
    I am grateful for the inspiration to make the next mini-clip movie (as I really, really enjoy making them)
    I am grateful for Ann’s descriptive lists and wonder if she’s recognized a hidden talent in writing.
    I am grateful that the internet give us such a broad access to meaningful images…I needed them for the mini-clips.
    I am grateful to Ann who offered her own privately taken pictures for our use.
    I am grateful to the generosity of people that we are witnessing on a daily basis.
    I am grateful that I have an EASY life and I can do what I want when I want.
    I am grateful to find pleasure in really simple things.
    I am grateful for the people who have the courage to ask to be taken off our contact list – as we only want to approach people who find a benefit in what we do…the grateful-chain is just one way to get results, there are many other ways too.
    I am grateful to be exposed to Susie and Trevors very successful relationship.
    I am grateful that they express their appreciation of each other so openly – what superb role-models.
    I am grateful to be feeling LOVING.
    I am grateful that Daniel is sitting next to me and is able to answer most of my questions about technical stuff. That makes everything so much easier.
    I am grateful and excited to see ‘lizwelsh’ back on again…and what a magnificent role-model she is, as a mother who adores her children and as a young, attractive girl who has a quiet self assuredness that makes her glowingly beautiful.

  52. Susie Foletta says:

    BOY AM I grateful for my lovely, warm bed last night and the roaring fire on this four degree morning……..!!!
    I AM grateful for the long chat I had with my little granddaughter and her Mother this morning
    I AM grateful that I have such a busy week and lots to do and places to go
    I AM also grateful that I don’t HAVE to do or GO anywhere if I don’t want to…..!!!!
    I AM grateful that every day I do this list it keeps me on track and the more grateful I am the more things just glide along..
    I AM grateful for the two beautiful boiled eggs I had for breakfast
    I AM grateful for the seemingly successful outcome of a meeting we have just had with a huge plantation company with regard to setting up wildlife corridors for wildlife as well as a couple of endangered animals that have been found here

  53. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I have been able to solve the fact that I deleted outlook express this morning.
    I am grateful that Billy told me what I needed to look for.
    I am grateful that he was there to answer the phone when I called.
    I am grateful for google search, where you can find the answers to almost any problem.
    I am grateful that in the process, I have installed explorer 7 and it is beautiful to work with.
    I am grateful for the wonderful thank you in my in-box this morning from a big Internet marketer on “The Comfort Movie”.
    I am grateful that he said it put a sparkle into his Monday.
    I am grateful for the wonderful rain (and hail) we had last night.
    I am grateful that my water tanks are full.
    I am grateful to be given the opportunity to record a song.
    I am grateful that our professional songwriter has told me I don’t need singing lessons.
    I am grateful for my natural abilities…that I’m noticing more and more as I do this process.
    I am grateful that Susie and Trevor are coming for mastermind group this week.
    I am incredibly grateful for the increasing number of views we are getting for “The Comfort Movie”.
    I am grateful for the person from “The Ocean Of Gratitude Cruise” who is is calling to catch up with me.

  54. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful Denise was able to overcome her challenges to get to the city yesterday afternoon

    I AM grateful I could finish work and we could go have coffee, something to eat and drink before taking the tram to the venue

    I AM grateful our timing was so good we didn’t have to wait very long to get the tickets, then for the doors to open, and for being smart enough to take the empty side aisle to end up with a front row seat… a very definite bonus in a crowd of more than 1000 people, many of whom ended up either standing around the walls or sitting on the floor around the stage area.

    I AM really, really grateful I acted on the invitation to obtain the tickets for the event as soon as it arrived in my e-mail and that I was able to invite a guest to attend with me

    I AM really, really grateful for the life work of Dr John Demartini, for his passion and especially for his gift of being such an informative and entertaining speaker

    I AM grateful for the clarity of the distinctions I got from his presentation and will put into practice.

    I AM grateful that Denise also considered the presentation really great and well worth having made the long journey from Yarram to attend

    I AM grateful for the ease and safety of our journey home, and that the car was ready waiting at the station and we didn’t need to walk in the very cold blustery wind

    I AM grateful for warmth of my home and for the interval of conviviality we enjoyed before retiring for the night

    I AM grateful for the fine morning and the brisk walk to the station.

    I AM grateful to have been able to see the sea with the whitecaps on such a vivid navy colour

    I AM grateful for the cooked breakfast we enjoyed together and to Denise for suggesting it and shouting (and to Ange for the very good price and great coffee)

    I AM grateful for the flexibility for me to still be on time for work regardless of it being somewhat later than usual

    I AM grateful for the comment from a workmate who had seen Denise and I having breakfast that led to me finding out that another workmate, George, is also very interested in and working with the teachings of The Secret

    I AM grateful that I am able to provide him with the details of this website (and to 4 others of my friends via e-mail yesterday) and also the other inspirational newsletters and daily affirmations I subscribe to

    I AM grateful that Paul has introduced me to the Audio CD’s of The Secret as well.

    I AM grateful for this great workplace to come to, to spend my day.

  55. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the fun we had in Yarrum today at the park.
    I am grateful for finding time to start mowing the lawn today.
    I am grateful for the wonderful children I looked after today.
    I am grateful we had plenty to eat today.
    I am grateful our house protects us from the cold.
    I am grateful my daughter helps in many ways.
    I am grateful my son is eating really well.
    I am grateful to have been visited by past bakers of the old bakery here. They took some photos and when they asked for old long bread oven stick I gladly gave it to them for the Yarrum museum.
    I am grateful giving is such a pleasure.
    I am grateful for my health and beauty.

  56. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I have such a full life that is definitely not boring.
    I am grateful that I had the courage to e-mail some really big names in our industry and offer them the link to watch the movies.
    I am grateful for the lovely responses that I’ve had back via e-mail from many of them.
    I am grateful to know that our name is getting out there (both mine and The Grateful Chain).
    I am grateful that my chooks seem happy even if I don’t tend to them as often as I used to.
    I am grateful that Daniel is here to stay with Crystal while I am out.
    I am grateful for the phone call from California yesterday.
    I am grateful that I maintain health and fitness even if I am not as physically active as at other times in my life.
    I am grateful that my mental activity is high, and my emotional level is balanced.
    I am grateful I have the grateful-chain.
    I am grateful that there are so many people who appreciate the power of gratitude.
    I am grateful for my warm bed on a cold night.
    I am grateful for the heater I’m using in the office that a very generous person gave me last year.
    I am grateful for the time my composer has taken to re-arrange a song for me.
    I am grateful for the enthusiasm I have to perform it to an excellent level.
    I am grateful for all the new people who are coming on to the site.
    I am grateful for the many interviews with great and inspirational speakers that I listen to on a daily basis.
    I am grateful for the insights I receive when I relax and let them come to me.
    I am grateful for feedback from one of my brothers.
    I am grateful for the feedback from 2 of my other sons.
    I am always grateful for everyone who reads these messages and especially all those who join us here and write them.

  57. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that it is still raining a bit and our tanks are full
    I AM grateful that I am moving ahead into an exciting new area that is full of growth potential and a lot of fun
    I AM grateful that I was able to spend some quality time with my dear friend Mary yesterday, and enjoy a delicious coffee in a warm and cosy environment
    I AM grateful Woody’s owners came and got him early last night and we didn’t have to keep him here, in a cold, alien environment all night…..
    I AM grateful that the test I had last week was clear…
    I AM grateful that I could sneak a bit of a sleep-in this morning…
    I AM grateful I have a full and busy week but still can get my priorities right……..!!!
    I AM grateful Ann and Denise both had such an uplifting and life-enhancing experience at John Demartini’s presentation on Monday night….wish I’d been there….!!!!!

  58. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for a happy day at work yesterday… in spite of finding out that the spreadsheet I had spent a lot of time updating and expanding had not been properly saved, was lost and I had to redo it all again…

    I AM grateful for a safe train trip home enlivened by Sandra’s interest in how I had spent my time since Thursday evening and especially what I had learned at John Demartini’s The Secret Revealed presentation

    I AM grateful for my warm jacket to put on when we arrived at the station

    I AM grateful for my snug, warm and welcoming home after the walk in the fresh breeze

    I AM grateful for the rain that had fallen in my absence

    I AM grateful for the lovely vegetables and wine I really enjoyed cooking and eating for my dinner

    I AM grateful for the telephone to call Denise and know that she had a safe journey home and all was well when she got there…. And for the discussion on the different distinctions we had realised the night before

    I AM grateful for my warm bed and early night, for the good 5 hours of sleep I had before awaking and for the snuggling and planning as to how I could put Denise’s idea to improve the Feng Shui for sleeping …. and for the subsequent 2 hours sleep I drifted into much later

    I AM grateful I woke up with enough time to be ready to leave for work without having to rush too much

    I AM grateful for the brisk walk to the station, the cheery greeting from Gloria along the way

    I AM grateful for the train arriving on time and Sandra’s lively chatter along the way

    I AM grateful I was three quarters of an hour early for my meeting at 242 and so had time to breakfast at new café in Little Burke St where the warm croissant was so light and crisp and the (different brand) cappuccino was very nice and well made

    I AM grateful we had a good and productive meeting and I was able to put my points across and feel listened to…. especially as it is going over ground covered many times before …. And the problems still won’t be resolved

    I AM grateful for the walk through Chinatown back to my building/office and that there weren’t any pressing problems awaiting my attention when I got here

    I AM grateful for the opportunity to write of all these things I am grateful for

    I AM grateful I can read all the other lists and so keep in touch with what is happening in the lives of those of my special friends who are posting their lists.

    I AM grateful “I am alive, I am well and I feel great”……was the motto of the SWAP Club I enjoyed membership and fellowship of all those years ago….

    I AM grateful I am recalling and resonating with one of John Demartini’s quotes:
    “Be sure to fill the garden of your life with beautiful flowers or you will be forever pulling weeds” (I’m not recalling his source)

  59. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for my life today.
    I am grateful for my health today.
    I am grateful for my mum who, like so many other times, came to the rescue and found the other set of my most loved hair clips wedged, hidden between two beds in the spare room last time I stayed.
    I am grateful for my mum who is coming to stay and help look after my children whilst I focus on studying for my exams next week.
    I am grateful to have romantic interest in my life today.
    I am grateful to have learned from past relationships to be both bold and cautious in balance.
    I am grateful for the internet as it enhances communication and research in my life.
    I am grateful we ate well again today, a lovely meal my daughter cooked on her own.
    I am grateful my son is sleeping better.

  60. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful this morning for the fantastic e-mail from the manager of the band whose music I used in The Comfort Movie, and for his support for the mini-clip.
    I am grateful that I have the courage and intelligence to contact and communicate effectively with these people.
    I am grateful for all the comments I have received and that each person has classified it as powerful.
    I am grateful that my estimation of the mini-clip is matching up with the responses that I am getting from others.
    I am grateful to have realized that the site has only been on the net just over two weeks and we have come such a great distance.
    I am grateful to be exposed to powerful people and for the networks I am creating with them.
    I am grateful to Gihan for suggesting he use my story in his next newsletter.
    I am grateful that in 2 weeks we are numbers 1-5 on google (and I think yahoo too).
    I am grateful for all the little plugins that we have to make our site function really easily.
    I am grateful for the time I spent doing some pruning this morning that gave me a clearer view to the bay.
    I am always grateful to the people who come online and leave comments and their grateful lists…it would be lonely without you all.
    I am grateful for the way you all entertain me in such a delightful way…I love to hear how people are…with a positive spin on the story.
    I am grateful to God and life and love.

  61. justin says:

    I am grateful im sick, because I get to get that good feeling of being better and I appreciate being well more!

    I am grateful my mum let me stay home from school, and i got a great sleep in

  62. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that Justin made it on to the grateful-chain today even though he isn’t feeling so good.
    I am grateful that he is such a good role model in turning around “not feeling so good” into looking forward to “being better”.
    I am grateful for the new people who have registered that I do not know yet, and I look forward to finding out more about them.
    I am grateful for pleasant surprises.
    I am grateful for the daytime nap I just had.
    I am grateful for the informative e-mails I have been receiving.
    I am grateful for the time to imagine some really beautiful things in my mind.
    I am grateful to be catching up with Susie and Trevor tomorrow for mastermind group.
    I am grateful for the new e-mail program I’m using as it seems to be much neater.
    I am grateful that so many of thse programs we actually get free.
    I am really grateful for Susies expression of appreciation this morning.
    I am grateful that there are technically minded people who have the patience and foresight to produce these sorts of things.
    I am grateful for Veoh…another internet site where I could display my mini-clips free.
    I am grateful for the people who will see The Comfort Movie and get benefit from it.

  63. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that today was SOOO beautiful and I had a GLORIOUS drive through green, rolling hills with sparkling trees (an autumn speciality) to my appointment in The Valley
    I AM grateful it was not raining when I was struggling with the wind to get into my car this morning…
    I AM grateful there wasn’t any mud at the gate to get all over my nice, clean boots and black pants………
    I AM grateful for having a coffee with Jan this afternoon on my way home..
    I AM grateful my meeting went well and I am all FIRED UP……
    I AM grateful that I live in such a magnificent part of the world and I can get to drive over sixty kilometres with no traffic lights, and hardly any other cars……
    I AM grateful that I meet nice, helpful people every day…
    I AM grateful Elizabeth is my friend….
    I AM grateful that I will be seeing her tomorrow….!!!
    I AM grateful that I am going up to Melbourne tomorrow to get some good coaching in an element of my new business….
    I AM grateful that I am bright and that this won’t be hard…just requires some discipline…..
    I AM grateful that when I got home, my darling husband had the fire on and the house nice and snug and warm….
    I AM grateful that I will be able to help people grow their businesses………

  64. lizwelsh says:

    I am so grateful my mum has arrived to help out for a few days so I can focus on revision for my exams next week.
    I am grateful my television broke so I can buy a newer, bigger, sexier one.
    I am grateful after six weeks and about six visits to the post office my daughter’s passport application is finally on its way to the passport office.
    I am grateful for remaining as calm as possible during the stressful paperwork of the passport process.
    I am grateful for having romance in my life.
    I am grateful for being a hopeless romantic.
    I am grateful for my two adorable children.
    I am grateful for my life, health and wealth.
    I am grateful it was sunny when we were at the park today.
    I am grateful today brought good news of a fellow student about to undertake her last exam and wish her well.
    I am grateful we are financially fit and feel this will always be so.
    I am grateful for all the wonderful investment opportunities this country offers.

  65. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I went for a walk early this morning.
    I’m grateful for the delightfully mild weather.
    I am grateful for the challenge that I am facing, as I always get through challenges like this easily by looking at them from a different perspective…when I do that, my horizons expand dramatically.
    I am grateful for the opportunity to fix up a mistake that I made last night, with an apology.
    I am grateful that I can let ‘feeling bad about that mistake’ go and focus on what I need to change so that it doesn’t happen again.
    I am grateful to relax a little more today.
    I am grateful that I had to drive Crystal to school as it got me into action early.
    I am grateful for the tasty food that we eat.
    I am grateful for credit cards…and that I know how to use them effectively.
    I am grateful for the wide variety of lovely music that has been recorded.
    I am grateful to have a very good solicitor who has managed a legal issue for me for 4 years, so I don’t have to concentrate on it.
    I am grateful for the legal system…even though it is imperfect, I cannot image what it would be like without it.
    I am grateful for the peace and quiet this morning.

  66. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for my mum helping so much today looking after the kids while I continue to revise for my exams.
    I am grateful my revision is showing I need to study more and gives a good indicator of progress.
    I am grateful for feeling and looking as young today as I did yesterday.
    I am grateful for being able to eat whatever I like without excessive weight gain.
    I am grateful for all the holiday opportunities flowing my way.
    I am grateful for the sunshine making it warm in my office today.
    I am grateful the heating expert from Retravision came today and advised on an excellent system for the loungeroom.
    I am grateful for the confidence we will be able to afford all the improvements we require around the magnificent house.
    I am grateful for so many things and the time each day I focus on this now because of the grateful chain.

  67. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for my busy day at work on Thursday which means I get to write two days worth today

    I AM grateful for “memory sticks” which allowed me to bring the half written list home to my computer to finish

    I AM grateful for my safe and entertaining travel home with Sandra on both Wednesday and Thursday nights

    I AM grateful for the warm breezes on my walk home on both nights too …especially as last night I was so heavily laden it was a long slow walk with frequent stops to rest

    I AM grateful for the lovely steak dinner I cooked and ate… again on both nights

    I AM grateful for the long telephone call from my son on Wednesday night… even when it meant that I had a longer trip to a supermarket to get the ingredients for a Cheese “ball” for Thursday’s Greatest Morning Tea (he talked so long it was after 10-20pm and the local one was closed and I had already chopped up some of the ingredients and needed to buy the rest)

    I AM grateful my they are all happy and well, very pleased with the results of their year’s work and the returns from their grapevines

    I AM grateful for the news about my grandsons’ sporting achievements

    I AM grateful for my son’s invitation to consider joining them for a week’s holiday on the Gold Coast at the time when my eldest grandson is representing his College First Fifteen (Rugby Union) at the International College Tournament in July

    I AM grateful I was able, before midnight, to make my two contributions for the morning tea and I am grateful I was able to sleep well afterwards

    I AM grateful for the safe travel to work yesterday morning, for my breakfast and for all the support from workmates for the Morning Tea.

    I AM especially grateful to Maria who organised it all and to those who contributed to the two big party hampers raffled.

    I AM grateful those approximately 60 people who attended and purchased raffle tickets raised $515 for the Cancer Council.

    I AM especially grateful that I was the winner of one of the hampers of goodies

    I AM grateful I was able to stagger home under the 10kg extra weight of the basket and it’s contents without doing myself a mischief

    I AM grateful for my good night’s sleep… and for all the sleep I have had today…
    only getting up now to go out dancing …..

    I AM grateful for days off so that I can sleep all day and do nothing….

    I AM grateful it is watering day tomorrow so I can get up early to revive all the plants stressed by today’s strong winds.

  68. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I am able to rest now that my body is telling me to sleep more.
    I am grateful for the comments we get for The Comfort Movie…still.
    I am grateful for the time Susie and Trevor spent with us yesterday.
    I am grateful that they surprised us with a lovely, tasty and beautifully presented lunch.
    I am grateful to hear how you are all noticing benefits from this gratitude process.
    I am grateful for the technology that makes it easy to submit our site to the search engines.
    I am grateful that someone has just come over and fixed the door handle on my car.
    I am grateful for the extra money I found in my bank account last week…that I didn’t realize I had.
    I am grateful for another source of money that came last week.
    I am grateful that the government provides us with such generous payments for being sole parents.
    I am grateful that I have been able to see that I am a generous person as well.
    I am grateful to work beside Daniel on a daily basis and that he is such a wealth of information when it comes to questions about the internet etc.
    I am grateful that Crystal looks after herself every morning so that I can get up when I feel like it.
    I am grateful that Daniel, Susie, Trevor and I will be working on a joint project really soon.
    I am grateful that the contact with our masetermind group keeps me thoughtful as to what direction I am taking with my life.
    I am grateful that I still get phone calls from people who want to come for a party.
    I am grateful that Crystal’s friends asked her over to play today.
    I am grateful that we are all exceptionally healthy, happy, relaxed and supportive of each other.

  69. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for all the wonderful people, good friends in my life

    I AM grateful to be healthy and happy

    I AM grateful I am a member of the RSL and have somewhere I can socialise

    I AM grateful so many people were enjoying the music there last night even though I couldn’t get into it and came home early

    I AM grateful I had taken my car there so could choose any time to leave and not have to think about when the next train was due

    I AM grateful I could listen to my choice of music when I came home

    I AM grateful for the early night and good sleep I had

    I AM grateful for my warm robe I was wearing outside in the cold to water my plants in the dark this morning

    I AM grateful for all the outside lights I have that make it easy to be out there whenever I need to be

    I AM grateful for my lovely warm bed to get back into for another snooze and snuggle after the watering….. (and I’d extremely grateful for a lovely man for company)

    I AM grateful I can dream…..

    I AM grateful to have a different breakfast at weekends… even when I have to get it myself

    I AM grateful the gremlins are finished with my sunglasses and Joan has called to say they have reappeared at her place, “intimately entwined with a dog collar and lead” days after I couldn’t find them to come home from her place two weeks ago

    I AM grateful Joan had lots of good news to tell me when she rang and that she’d had the pleasure of winning raffle prizes at the two Biggest Morning Teas she went to

    I AM grateful to all my extra orchids that have belatedly decided to honour me with flower spikes…. and for the ones that are still working on it

    I AM grateful I can spend the time in the sun weeding and staking those orchids and particularly grateful for the simple little clips that make the “tying” much easier these days

    I AM grateful for the spare pots and coir I have on hand to be able to up-pot those orchids that have over-filled their pots and need more space for the spikes to develop properly

    I AM grateful to all the plants that are showing me their beautiful flowers today … and there are lots of them…. and especially for the more than 10 different colours of schlumbergera flowers all out together

    I AM grateful for all the grass I am about to cut, it looks so lovely green and lush and tells me the rain we had has benefited all plants

    I AM grateful I can take this break before I go out and garden some more

  70. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful may main computer broke down as this was after I emailed my last assignment and gives me a chance to update my virus protection and purchase a backup of my XP Pro CD I lost.
    I am grateful my mum is here helping with the kids and preparing beautiful home cooked meals.
    I am grateful my first exam is on Monday and is open book.
    I am grateful my very good friend I love dearly and have done for 20 years is finaly off methodone and now holding down a job with a company car.
    I am grateful my accountant friend is finally going to apply for her tax agents licence and wish her well.
    I am grateful my kids are so well behaved today so I can study.
    I am grateful for feeling younger today than yesterday.
    I am grateful we have wealth, health and happiness in our lives.
    I am grateful for another glorious sunny day.

  71. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I have completed another mini-clip movie.
    I am grateful for the restful sleep I’ve had.
    I am grateful that I feel so energized again today.
    I am grateful that I now have the time to do more guitar practice.
    I am grateful that I know Susie and Trevor are going on holidays or I would wonder where they are.
    I am grateful I am often able to help people at times…and that it makes me feel more fulfilled (as if my life is worth living).
    I am grateful that people care about me.
    I am grateful for the people who e-mail me with words of encouragement and support.
    I am grateful to be in contact with people who are very professional, influential and prosperous.
    I am grateful that people are ready to help me when I ask for it.
    I am grateful that I was able to sleep in again this morning.
    I am grateful that Crystal brought me in some warm socks when I was cold last night.

  72. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the invention of custard and having just eaten a warm creamy bowl cooked by my mum.
    I am grateful my mum has taken the kids out on this glorious day.
    I am grateful my studies are progressing for my exam tomorrow really well.
    I am grateful for feeling younger and fitter today than I did yesterday.
    I am grateful for the good sleep gain last night.
    I am grateful for being able to boot up my virus infected computer in safe mode and save some valuable accounting data onto a ram stick.
    I am grateful my family and friends love me.
    I am grateful for capitalism and all the rewards it brings.
    I am grateful for being aware of the three hardest things to say and will try and use them more often – I am sorry – I love you – I need help.

  73. Margaret says:

    I am grateful that I am back to writing my gatefuls again.
    I am grateful I have good friends.
    I am grateful I am able to contribute to society in my own way.
    I am grateful my backyard is clear of debris again.
    I am grateful I have my privacy.
    I am grateful I met a new friend named Jill today.
    I am grateful I have people to help me when I need it.
    I am grateful I can touch type – makes life a lot easier.

  74. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful to have been able to watch the Dreamtime game from the MCG and then watch the Wallabies play Wales in Rugby Union

    I AM grateful I had a great sleep last night and the nice sleep in.

    I AM grateful it was such a lovely sunny warm day today

    I AM grateful for the whipper-snipper that cut my long grass into something that somewhat resembles a lawn as I don’t have a mower

    I AM grateful I can look forward to fresh tasty vegetables having potted up lettuce, rainbow beet and bok choi seedlings today

    I AM grateful for the eight extra pots of orchids that I found today that have honoured me with spikes

    I AM grateful I could just pop out to the supermarket this morning for a few things and then have a cappuccino on my way home again

    I AM grateful I could spend time photographing flowers today

    I AM grateful Yvonne is coping well with her mother being still very ill in Hospital

    I AM grateful Sharon is now back at work after her injury and also that she is losing lots of centimetres

    I AM grateful I can choose what I want to eat and drink and that the wine was excellent

    I AM grateful for the TV programmes on the 1967 Referendum as I learned a lot (I wasn’t in this country then and didn’t know much about it)

    I AM grateful to be warm and comfortable while watching TV

    I AM grateful for SBS showing the 2002 Movie “The Tracker” – I found it profoundly interesting and loved the scenery

    I AM grateful I can pay my bills by telephone at any hour of the night

    I AM grateful I am about to go to a nice warm bed and I will still make it by midnight.

    I AM grateful that I have another day off work tomorrow and that I can do whatever or as little as takes my fancy

  75. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that Ann and Elizabeth both seem to have been having a very busy and interesting time since I have been off-line….
    I AM grateful that I have all this life activity to reflect upon that is different to my experience…
    I AM grateful to see contributions from Margaret and lizwelch…..hi guys…!!!!
    I AM grateful that our Landcare Group is applying for a grant to build nature corridors to protect our wildlife and give them movement through the pine forests up near our home and thus assist their migration…
    I AM grateful that since seeing The Secret, doing Elizabeth’s FANTASTIC workshop and putting into action all the things we learnt…that HUGE changes are happening in our lives and now opportunities for generating wealth and prosperity in the areas where our hearts are – sustainability and protection of our glorious Planet – are pouring out of the woodwork………
    I AM grateful that this WORK WORKS…………….!!!
    I AM grateful for Elizabeth bringing home Mike Dooley’s maxim of “Thoughts Become Things” so strongly in her workshop….I focus on it each day..
    I AM grateful for ELIZABETH and DANIEL and our Mastermind Meetings…they are so POWERFUL and contribute so MUCH to us all….(speaking for us all!!!!)…..
    I AM grateful that I am able to spend a few days with my 86 year old dad and just forget about everything else for a while..
    I AM grateful that I have a lovely husband who never gives up and is always full of life, hope and promise and always encourages and supports me…..he is
    an inspiration…Thank You, Darling………
    I AM grateful that Elizabeth is the BRILLIANT, TIRELESS being she is and that she is putting SO MUCH of herself into this site and all the other things she is creating…..This woman is a DYNAMO……
    I AM grateful to be able to call her my friend……..
    I AM grateful for Daniel for supporting and contributing to his Mother and being SO MUCH a part of this site…he is extremely talented and a BEAUTIFUL…(and handsome!!!) young man to boot….
    I AM grateful for Crystal who brings her soft, gentle female energy into their lives with her creativity, wit and charm……because we all benefit from this, too…..!!

  76. Daniel says:

    I am grateful for having such a lovely group of people in our mastermind team.
    I am grateful for Suzie and her kind words.
    I am grateful that i have the freedom to express my ideas and help build creative new ideas.
    I am grateful that the site i am building is getting better and better each day.
    I am grateful for the internet 😀

  77. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to have had most of the day to relax and get some much needed sleep.
    I am grateful for the beautiful comments, encouragement and support from Susie.
    I am grateful that my friends keep phoning and e-mailing me.
    I am grateful to be giving myself permission to only write a short list tonight.
    I am grateful that my children are happy and healthy.
    I am grateul that Dinah forgives me when I forget her childrens names.
    I am grateful that we’ve had a new registration today and several last night.
    I am grateful that I have this process to come back to…as it always gives me a much nicer perspective on life.
    I am grateful to be inspired to do a new mini-movie clip.
    I am grateful that as we are accessing people across the globe, that they are getting benefit from the movies as well.
    I am grateful that I have our mini-movies to watch as they inspire me greatly too.

  78. Ann Steel says:

    I AM Grateful for a good night’s sleep and for the lovely lie in I had this morning

    I AM grateful that I could get up when I felt like it and then slop around in grungy clothes all day

    I AM grateful for the lovely breakfast eaten while admiring the newly opening orchid flowers

    I AM grateful for the four new orchids that decided today was a good day to open the first flower on their spike… one a seedling to be seen for the very first time

    I AM grateful for the beautifully warm day and for all the pottering around I was able to do

    I AM grateful I found a whole lot more orchid plants that have flower spikes, some on plants I thought were too small and three that are rather precocious seedlings that aren’t really old enough

    I AM grateful that almost 100 cymbidium plants now are showing flower spikes, many are multiple spiked with as many as nine spikes on the one plant…

    I AM grateful that so many plants have shown the season must be rather late as when I looked at the expected time there were less than 25 plants showing spikes

    I AM grateful I got the rest of the long grass cut before it rains again

    I AM grateful for the nice hot shower to ease the aches and pains after the gardening

    I AM grateful I had plenty of time to cook and enjoy a Chicken Laksa for dinner

    I AM grateful for my safe drive to and from the Peninsula Golf Club tonight to attend a meeting

    I AM grateful the speaker was so knowledgeable and competent to talk on how important hormones are and the health consequences of being out of balance

    I AM grateful that I now have a warm bed comfortable bed to go to

    I AM grateful Susie is flying and enjoying her life so much and all good things are coming to pass

    I AM grateful that Trevor contributes so much to Susie’s life and for their synergy, being such a great role model couple

  79. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful that I am managing to drop a few words before I disappear for a few days….
    I AM grateful that the project Trevor was working for our Landcare group is complete, and he can relax now for a few days

    I AM grateful that you are all able to manage exchanging your ‘gratefuls’ without me!!!!!!
    I AM grateful that I will have LOTS to contribute again in a few days……
    I AM grateful that I can send LOVE to everyone who reads this, and intend for them to have an EMPOWERING and FULFILLING day……….

  80. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the lovely weather today, as we went to the park twice and the kids really enjoy it.
    I am grateful for the two parks in my street.
    I am grateful for having the energy to exercise today.
    I am grateful all my kids in family day care are so well behaved.
    I am grateful my mum cleaned my house yesterday.
    I am grateful for the XP Pro CD from Elizabeth that has allowed my PC to boot up normally.
    I am grateful for having another computer to use with internet connectivity whilst I take the time to iron out the remaining problems on my main PC.
    I am grateful for my Pastor saving the day in having my exam papers faxed at literally minutes before my exam was to start.
    I am grateful to have tried to answer all the questions on my exam paper.
    I am grateful my daughter does her homework automatically.
    I am grateful for all my friends that love me and to be able to love them in return.
    I am grateful my daughter is musically and artistically gifted.
    I am grateful my son went to sleep early today.

  81. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for a good night’s sleep and awaking early to water and feed my plants

    I AM grateful I thought to unhook all the hanging orchids I put up yesterday and put them all on the ground this morning

    I AM grateful I was up in time to see the magnificent sunrise colours on downy cotton soft clouds and the lovely warm temperature as I fed the orchids

    I AM grateful for the chance to chat with my neighbour Sharon on the walk to the station this morning

    I AM grateful for the train arriving on time this morning, for Sandra’s cheery chatter and interest in my doings since Thursday night on the crowded, slow trip.

    I AM grateful for the great cappuccino Ange made me this morning… nobody makes then quite as well as he does and I do miss this daily treat on the days when I don’t go into the city

    I AM grateful for the very busy varied work day I had today and for the various challenges that I had to deal with

    I AM grateful I was able to get away in time to catch my usual train and in spite of the people packed in tighter than usual, the delays and to get home safely accompanied by Sandra’s cheery chatter

    I AM grateful that Chris was able to force her way onto the train at Parliament and that we could catch up briefly at Bonbeach Station

    I AM grateful the little bit of rain was all over before I needed to walk home… the wind was quite cool enough enough without a jacket

    I AM exceeding grateful to have escaped any wind damage at all, especially to my orchids or my shadehouse

    I AM grateful for a warm dry home, good food (already prepared and only needing reheating) and soon to be snuggled up in my nice warm comfortable bed…ready for another big day tomorrow.

  82. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for a pleasant night at play rehearsal.
    I am grateful for how genuine and kind my co-stars are.
    I am grateful to be picked up and driven each night by the director.
    I am grateful to all the people who tell us they intend to come and see the play…World Premier of “String Lines” at Foster Memorial Hall Friday July 13th 2007…running for 6 nights and 1 matinee with the possibility of an extended season.
    I am grateful for the guys who have persisted in asking me for the website address to the grateful-chain.
    I am grateful for warm clothes, a warm home and a warm bed on these cold and windy nights.
    I am grateful that the disc I gave to Dinah has worked for her…it’s nice that it has been put to use as it was sitting idle here.
    I’m grateful that I have done a lot of tasks today that really need to be done.
    I am grateful for technology that enables us to have x-rays and to be able to see things that we wouldn’t have been able to see any other way.
    I am grateful for all the people who contribute to this site.
    I am grateful for the quotes Ann has left for us on the “Inspirational Stories And Quotes” page.
    I am grateful that this stuff works so well.
    I am grateful to feel uplifted, hopeful and excited about my future prospects.
    I am grateful for the time I take to imagine an even better world for myself.
    I am grateful that I can imagine lovely, wonderful and incredible things for my future.
    I am grateful for the encouraging and supportive words that I get from people all over the world via e-mail almost on a daily basis now.

  83. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to be inundated with e-mails after having been given wonderful exposure in an international newsletter.
    I am grateful to be given an opportunity to get permission to use various songs on our mini-movie clips.
    I am grateful for the fantastic inspiration received on my long walk today.
    I am grateful for the awesome support from people across the world – thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I am grateful to be able to focus on what I love to do, and adding value to the world.
    I am grateful that income will be generated from focussing on doing what I love to do and adding value to the world.
    I am grateful to feel more and more fulfilled as I do this work.
    I am grateful to have the courage to contact the people that I have…it’s funny, as some of the people I know are dropping off our contact list, more influential people are offering and giving me abundantly wonderful support.
    I am grateful to be able to notice the benefits of, losing in one area and gaining tremendously in another.
    I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to my life in any way as it has ALL been immensely valuable to me.
    I am grateful to be able to turn what could appear to be a negative thing, into a beneficial thing.
    I am incredibly grateful to LIFE for giving me this opportunity to make a difference in the world.
    I am grateful to have found a really fun way that I can impact useful change in the world (and in myself).
    I am grateful that you are there!
    I am grateful for all the new registrations today and look forward to getting to know YOU better.

  84. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful it is a good day to cook up a stew and started ours at 9am.
    I am grateful for a quiet peaceful day at home with my son.
    I am grateful my mum is coming later today so I can study some more.
    I am grateful for all the warm clothes in my wardrobe.
    I am grateful all my books have arrived for my next study semester.
    I am grateful for having good health today.
    I am grateful for being able to exercise so much on Tuesday my muscles ached whilst they were growing on Wednesday.
    I am grateful for a good chat with my friend on the phone last night.
    I am grateful for hearing news of an high school girlfriend being back in Australia again.

  85. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the safe travel to and from my place of work each day

    I AM grateful for the warm clothes I needed to wear, added a singlet to the cardigan and jacket, to divert the ‘lazy wind’ or as my dad calls it – “a sooner wind” – sooner go through you than around you…especially on the walks to and from the station

    I AM grateful for the very busy day I had yesterday and again this morning

    I AM especially grateful that it was payday yesterday

    I AM grateful Joy came down to join me for lunch at our favourite café… it was good to catch up… and to have half of the fettuccini carbonara serving in a ‘doggy bag’ to take home for my dinner

    I AM grateful to have been able to enjoy the view of the moon on my walk home… a glorious nearly full pale lemon globe behind some light soft fluffy downy clouds with a glorious full golden halo

    I AM very grateful that all the very strong winds on their way elsewhere blew safely in and around my shadehouse, orchids and other pot plants…..

    I AM very grateful an anticipated for five weeks phone call finally arrived…..

    I AM especially grateful to hear that he was OK and that he had received some very, very encouraging, personally validating news he could tell me

    I AM grateful for a warm roof over my head, a comfortable and relaxing space to chill out in and that good bed….

    I AM grateful to my immune system for dealing so well with the cold and flu bugs that are trying to attack it

    I AM grateful I have supplements and medications to deal with the aches and pains the weather tries to bring around

    I AM grateful for the tasty breakfast and great cappuccino made with love by Ange

    I AM grateful for the walk, the shopping and the lunch I am about to have

  86. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I live where I do as it is very convenient, beautiful and a qick trip or a long walk to the shops.
    I am grateful my car has been lovingly attended to by two very good friends of mine.
    I am grateful to have access to the people who created
    I am grateful for all the new people who are coming along to the site.
    I am grateful for finding inspirational material on a regular basis.
    I am grateful to be almost finished another great mini-movie clip – perfect for all the family to watch…what fun.
    I am grateful for having a car to travel in when it is cold and raining like it was today.
    I am grateful for the very caring and gentle dentist who worked on Crystal’s teeth today.
    I am grateful for the delicious produce that our friend Pete dropped off for us again today.
    I am grateful to live in a very happy household.

  87. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to be up and ‘at it’ this morning.
    I am grateful for a really nice nights sleep and for the lovely e-mails I’ve had already this morning.
    I am grateful for a renewed sense of peace and inner comfort this morning.
    I am grateful that I am finding ways to enhance my life experience.
    I am grateful for the fantastic mentors that make themselves so accessible to learn from.
    I am grateful for the quality clothing that I bought many years ago that are still an absolute pleasure to wear today.
    I am grateful for the vision I had to get to where I’ve got to.
    I am grateful that I can imagine WONDERFUL things happening for me.
    I am grateful for the opportunity to gain higher exposure in our community and on the Internet.
    I am grateul that I find ways to continue to improve and add more value.
    I am grateful that the mini-movies are such fun to create.
    I am grateful for INSPIRATION.
    I am grateful for getting out of bed and being so eager to get to work…which is really PLAY!
    I am grateful that I feel loving.
    I am always grateful for our warm heated office.

  88. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful my last exam for this semester is completed and the feeling I have passed both exams.
    I am grateful for my mum’s help during this week in looking after the children, cooking and cleaning so I could focus on preparing for my exams.
    I am grateful for being able to setup my laptop on the kitchen table where it is warmer.
    I am grateful for feeling healthy, fit and young today.
    I am grateful for having a loving family and friends in my life and to be able to love them in return.
    I am grateful for the playground at McDonals as my son really enjoys it there.
    I am grateful for having lots of energy tonight to setup my study plan for next semester.
    I am grateful my children like playing together.
    I am grateful for being able to appreciate today and look forward to tomorrow.

  89. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for another excellent play rehearsal.
    I am grateful that even though we had 2 people request to be taken off the contact list today, I had 1 person who was immensely supportive and offered her assistance to mentor me.
    I am grateful that I can accept people’s differences and preferences.
    I am grateful for the people who support what we do here.
    I am grateful that the people who don’t want to be on our contact list have the courage to ask to be removed.
    I am grateful that I can maintain my resolve and knowing that I am on the right track and heading towards adding more and more value to the world (and myself).
    I am grateful for being able to talk to myself in encouraging and positive ways.
    I am grateful that I like myself.
    I am grateful that I accept myself just as I am.
    I am grateful that I have a high level of self-love and confidence.
    I am grateful that other people like, accept and love me just as I am as well.
    I am grateful for what I am learning by going through the process of building a website, offering a service and creating new and valuable friendships along the way.
    I am grateful that I can stand back and watch as some people move out of my life and others move towards me.
    I am incredibly grateful that I can see all this wonderful change as a positive step forward in the right direction.
    I am grateful that I allow myself to make these changes.
    I am grateful to be viewing all of what is happening as a magnificent and exciting growth spurt.

  90. Ann Steel says:

    I AM very grateful that my 80yr young neighbour and friend Sheila, has been called Home, released from her pain and suffering of the last 8 months

    I AM very grateful her family were with her and let her go; and who plan to make her funeral a real fun celebration of her life

    I AM grateful that in the short time I have been living here I have been able to be a good neighbour to Shelia (even buying her smokes) and Yvonne, as they have been to me

    I AM grateful for the honour of her company on scenic drives around Mornington Peninsula – often to places she had never been before, to her ‘favourite shop’ – Bunnings, and all the trips for coffee at Gardenworld and Chelsea

    I AM grateful for my safe travel yesterday (and for when I go out today) especially coming home after midnight last night and getting home just as it started to rain

    I AM grateful for the very busy day at work yesterday, especially all the precautionary preparations we have put in place, in case we have a very serious challenge on out hands on Monday as the result of a huge platform and software release this weekend

    I AM grateful I could still find the time to go out to do a little essential shopping, especially to get a card in the post for my grandson’s 16th birthday next Wednesday (in NZ)

    I AM grateful for the good meal, fun with the friendly people and hours of dancing rock’n’roll to the great band at the RSL and especially grateful to be privileged to watch a man in a wheelchair on the dance floor dancing, either with a lady on his knees or swinging them around his chair in rock’n’roll – it is such an uplifting, heart warming experience.

    I AM grateful my bed was ready to receive me when I got home…I certainly didn’t need any more rocking to sleep

    I AM grateful my knees, hips and ankles still work this morning and are virtually painless

    I AM grateful another orchid has opened flowers on the spike and that at least another two plants with multiple spikes will do the same this weekend

    I AM grateful to discover one of my lapagerias, rosea albiflora has opened an exquisite pristine white flower, especially this late in the year (Chilean bellflower is its common name)

    I AM grateful that all my plants (and crude structures) have come through all the wild winds and rain unscathed

    I AM grateful for the rain as it meant I could sleep in, instead of having to get up and water and now I am grateful for the sunshine this morning as I ate my brunch

    I AM grateful that when I need it, I have a wonderful Spanish Proverb to guide me … “How beautiful it is to do nothing … and then rest afterwards.”

    I AM grateful that I can support Elizabeth in her endeavours … which also greatly supports me in mine.

    I AM grateful the Grateful Chain has been such a valuable resource and guide for me to have grown through what could have been a rather painful and difficult ‘growth spurt’

    I AM grateful I can post “Carrots, eggs or coffee?” to the Inspiration Stories and Quotes page.

  91. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for Ann’s wonderful support, and that she has so much fun on this site.
    I am grateful for Susie, Trevor, Daniel, Justin, Margaret and Dinah who contribute regularly too.
    I am grateful that the Internet went ‘out’ for a few hours so I could concentrate on other things, and now I feel so much better that they are done.
    I am grateful for my renewed vigour towards guitar practise.
    I am grateful that I’m really close to an entertaining product with one of my songs and I’m also grateful for the extra song I’ll surprise our cast with next week.
    I am grateful to be getting my hair done again next week and that my new hairdresser is so excellent at what she does.
    I am grateful for the time I took today learning my lines even better.
    I am grateful that our cast members are so supportive and helpful.
    I am grateful to Paul for re-writing my ‘bio’ to make it sound more appropriate.
    I am grateful for feeling happy about life now and in the future.
    I am grateful that I get to hear laughter through our house.
    I am grateful for how much pleasure I get from this site and creating new mini-movies.
    I am grateful for the inspirational articles etc that I find on a regular basis.
    I am grateful that I feel inspired – I can’t imagine life without it!
    I am grateful for the cut and paste feature because I just forgot to log in before I wrote my list.
    I am grateful that I was able to save them instead of having to re-write them again.

  92. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the delicious food we had today, both at the local pub and at home.
    I am grateful for the beautiful area we live in overlooking Wilsons Prom and drove a new friend around site seeing several beautiful spots today.
    I am grateful my children are so well behaved, and they are kind and loving towards one another.
    I am grateful to see my son enjoying splashing in puddles as he laughs with the delight of it all.
    I am grateful for my health, wealth and high energy level today.
    I am grateful for having a spare television as a backup because the large one died.
    I am grateful my nearly 2yo son is learning to say so many new words each day.

  93. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to have solved a problem with my new mini-movie to get it to a more impactful level.
    I am grateful for my perseverance.
    I am grateful for the images I find to use for the mini-movies.
    I am grateful for great games that we can play as a family.
    I am grateful for the time Daniel spends with Crystal.
    I am grateful that our house runs smoothly.
    I am grateful for another great interview MP3 with a new working concept on it…to give me some new ideas to implement.
    I am grateful to have time to do as I please each day.
    I am grateful that I have remained healthy even if I am not as active as normal.
    I am grateful for the wonderful mentors who are available and accessible for me to learn from.
    I am grateful that my computer continues to opperate adequately…and grateful for the new one on its way to me.
    I am grateful to be happy with my life as it is.
    I am grateful that I allow myself to do what I love to do.
    I am grateful for the inspiring thoughts I have around prosperity generation.
    I am grateful that Paul so generously bought me a guitar.
    I am grateful that Rob ‘lowered the action’ on it and that it plays so much nicer now.

  94. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful I wrote a to do list for this weekend

    I AM grateful I chose just the pleasurable things on it to do

    I AM grateful I did some pleasurable things that weren’t on that list

    I AM grateful I took time out to see the sea and marvel at the beautiful turquoise shallows, shading to the deepest cobalt blue

    I AM grateful I now have some new purple colour co-ordinated items added to my wardrobe

    I AM grateful I took time out to nurture myself, to go for coffee, as we would have done if Sheila had still been here, to remember the good times

    I AM grateful my beliefs sustain me in knowing it was Sheila’s time to go, that she was ready to go and wanted to

    I AM grateful Yvonne and her sisters have had such a wonderful time planning Sheila’s funeral, finding peace and healing in doing so

    I AM grateful that they have found really wonderful people who are providing the essential services

    I AM grateful I have been able to be of practical assistance to Yvonne

    I AM grateful for supermarkets close and handy, for all the good food and ingredients for cooking they stock

    I AM grateful for the good meals I cooked for myself

    I AM grateful for television to bring me such a great view of the rugby field so I can enjoy watching a game (even if it was a shocker) taking place far away that I can’t attend

    I AM grateful for a good night’s sleep and for waking up this morning

    I AM grateful I haven’t lost my old country skills… doing a baking this afternoon, like before shearing that would fill up the freezer with biscuits, buns and loaf and delivering some of them to Yvonne tonight, ready for the influx of visitors tomorrow sure to arrive once the notice appears in the paper

    I AM grateful I can write this list and check my e-mails while I am waiting for the loaves to cook as I well may not have time tomorrow at work

  95. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful to be able to repair my computer and have a series of options to try.
    I am grateful for the XP Pro CD from Elizabeth as this is assisting in my third option.
    I am grateful I was able to do some study tody.
    I am grateful for new friends in my life.
    I am grateful my daughter missed the school bus today as she stayed home and cooked a nice lunch for us.
    I am grateful my son slept a lot last night.
    I am grateful it was another gorgeous sunny day.
    I am grateful for a wonderful day in Sale on Sunday and visiting a friend and seeing how a modern farm operates.
    I am grateful for the nice countryside we have to drive through around Gippsland.

  96. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to have had a release of emotion yoday (yes..I had a bit of a cry).
    I am grateful to have registered a new domain name for my next adventure.
    I am grateful that Daniel is right on to downloading the software so we can get it up and running quickly.
    I am grateful to be thinking more about ways to create higher prosperity.
    I am incredibly grateful for Daniel’s wise words and never-ending support.
    I am grateful to be getting my hair done tomorrow.
    I am grateful that my guitar skills are picking up really fast.
    I am grateful to be inspired to keep creating mini-movies, even though I’m not quite sure where it will lead.
    I am grateful for feeling excited about my next creation.
    I am grateful I have things to do (and I’m definitely NOT bored).
    I am grateful Crystal has been inspired to clean up some of her drawers.
    I am grateful for the help Daniel and Crystal give me in preparing dinner.
    I am grateful for the really tasty vegetables tonight.
    I am grateful to be slim, healthy and happy.

  97. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the excellent talent of the girl who did my hair today.
    I am grateful for the way they treat their customers (as if they are very special)
    I am grateful that they still let me have my appointment even thought I was late by almost 15 minutes.
    I am grateful that the fog was quite light this morning.
    I am grateful that our heaters are still working well.
    I am grateful for the great idea I had while I was driving to generate extra income.
    I am grateful for the plans I have for the new website (and that it will easier to generate traffic and great income on).
    I am grateful that Daniel is building the template for the home page.
    I am grateful that I am able to do everything else fairly independently.
    I am grateful that Daniel has such great design skills.
    I am grateful that I can give some of these tasks to him as he is much quicker than I am.
    I am grateful for his young and progressive ideas.
    I am grateful for the clothes I bought in Warrigul today.
    I am grateful for the divine guidance I am receiving (and for having it confirmed to me).
    I am really grateful that I have this site to write my grateful list on as it keeps me in tune with a REALLY positive and fulfilling habit.
    I am grateful that I always have so many things to be grateful for.

  98. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful it is another beautiful sunny day.
    I am grateful to have caught up with studying in one of my university units.
    I am grateful my computer repairs are progressing a little bit each day.
    I am grateful I have located an exam invigilator in Melbourne as this will mean my mother can assist better with minding my children during my next exam revision period.
    I am grateful to be keeping up to date with the housework and paperwork.
    I am grateful to be feeling strong and healthy this week.
    I am grateful for locating a long lost girlfriend from high school and hearing her voice on the phone today and having made time in my busy study day for a chat.

  99. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the very busy days I have had at my place of employment even though it has conspired to delay me from posting my daily gratefuls

    I AM grateful the Deployment went well over last weekend and that Monday brought no immediate challenges … and Tuesday and Wednesday were trouble free as well

    I AM especially grateful I am no longer travelling three hours daily on V-line

    I AM grateful for safe travel each day … at all different times of the day … and including my driving around yesterday and my walk home much later than usual tonight

    I AM grateful for my new manager finding a way to approve me a flex day to attend Sheila’s funeral after initially refusing point blank to consider the request

    I AM grateful for the wonderful service in the beautiful chapel at Bunurong Park – such a great setting too

    I am especially grateful they chose such an amazing Celebrant who had such beautiful material for the service and especially for her magical voice and the way she made the whole experience so special

    I AM grateful, that as neighbours, Sharon, Corrie and I were able to share the occasion together

    I AM grateful for the way I nurtured myself on the day at, and after, the service

    I AM grateful I took time out to visit an orchid nursery at Tyabb, purchasing an orchid in Sheila’s memory – named Rembrant “Masterpiece” – and going on to have lunch in Mornington, spending reminiscent time at the lookout overlooking the sea and then visiting Bunnings on the way home – to get those extra stakes I need for all the orchid spikes…

    I AM grateful for finding a great pair of dancing shoes, a raincoat and lots of books at the Op shop – because I do love the challenge of finding such really great bargains there.

    I AM grateful that the smoked chicken, spinach and fetta risotto I tried to re-create (without a recipe) turned out so well and was really yummy and that the rest of the bottle of chardonnay (after what was required for the dish) was even yummier with it

    I AM grateful for the really great, long conversation I had with my great friend Joan (84) last night and especially to be able to rejoice with her at all the rain they have had which is at last starting to raise the water level in the dams

    I AM especially grateful to hear that a real favourite of mine Ned, the 12 yr old brown kelpie, is showing that he is experiencing relief from his “all natural” treatment for his arthritis

    I AM grateful for painkillers to help with mine …

    I AM grateful that the gremlins that apparently have need and use for my reading glasses are about to decide to return them to me for my use

    I AM grateful to have seen the rainbow on my walk to the train this morning … and for the cheery chat with Gloria and Hamish the Scottie dog on the way

    I AM grateful for the opportunity to meet with my major support people over drinks after work this evening, (a very, very rare occurrence) to particularly thank one who is moving on to a different job after 6 years of us working together … and to learn more about the personality of his replacement.

    I AM grateful for risotto leftovers that I’ve only had to reheat for my dinner tonight… and for the warm bed that is about to give my tired aching body comfort and rest

  100. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for Ann’s inspiring list below mine, and her creative writing skills that entertain me.
    I am grateful that my mini-vision-movie is working to get my mind into accepting and attracting lovely things into my life.
    I am grateful for the abundant and free resources that I discover regularly and easily.
    I am grateful for finding some new and interesting ways to serve people.
    I am grateful that there are always solutions to whatever challenges I am faced with.
    I am grateful for Daniel’s fantastic attitude as it serves to lift me up even higher.
    I am grateful that I allowed myself a day off writing my grateful’s yesterday, without even realising.
    I am grateful for the call I had this evening to acknowledge that people like the track I am taking.
    I am grateful for the new video sharing site I found today that seems to give us a much nicer quality video player.
    I just love everyone, and I’m grateful that I feel that way.

  101. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the warm office.
    I am grateful for the extra sleep I’ve had today.
    I am grateful for the peace and quiet I’m experiencing.
    I am grateful that we got Daniel to the bus on time this morning.
    I am grateful that my internal body clock works so well.
    I am grateful for the delightful comment on my mini-movies from a guy who does the video tutorials on windows movie maker.
    I am grateful for receiving the inspiration to register another domain name and to set up a third website.
    I am grateful that I have exciting things to do.

  102. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the phenomenal/enormous/magnificent increase in traffic over the last 12 hours.
    I am grateful for David who surprised me by promoting “The Comfort Movie” in his newsletter.
    I am grateful that the energy on the site is catching up to my vision for it.
    I am grateful for the inspired ideas I’m having for the NEXT NEW website that enhances everything I’ve already done so far.
    I am grateful for the PROBLEMS I’ve had, because it is because of the SOLUTIONS that I needed to create that has given me the way and the means to add more VALUE to the world.
    I am grateful for how excited I am feling because of YOU being right here right now.
    I am grateful for the influx of comments on our mini-movies.
    I am grateful for the problems that have become opportunities.
    I am grateful that my imagination, support from other people and the universe are all conspiring to bring me my dreams.
    I am grateful that this shift in energy around manifesting my enormous dreams has shown up so quickly.
    I am grateul for all YOUR SUPPORT and kind wishes.
    I thank you all.
    Elizabeth Richardson

  103. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the gorgeous sunny morning and for the walk I’m about to venture on.
    I am grateful for another e-mail in my inbox this morning with wonderful congratulations on “The Comfort Movie”
    I am grateful for getting so much done yesterday on the mini-movie-maker site.
    I am grateful for the creativity I’ve found inside me to do these tasks beautifully.
    I am grateful that I slept so well last night and I am really refreshed this morning.
    I am grateful for having plenty of time to do whatever I feel like doing.
    I am grateful that I can relax more when I go to play rehearsal as I know my lines fairly well.
    I am grateful that I let my personality shine when I am on stage.
    I am grateful Crystal always let’s me sleep in when I choose and organises her own breakfast.
    I am grateful for Crystal wanting to be involved in writing gratefuls.
    I am grateful and excited about the future and the exposure that I am getting in the industry.
    I am grateful that the BIG people in our industry listen to what I have to say and contribute.

  104. crystal says:

    I am grateful Daniel is coming back tomorrow.
    I am grateful for my mum Elizabeth,dad John.
    I am grateful for the whole world.
    I am grateful for tv if i didn’t have one i wouldn’t live.
    I am grateful for me and my family.

  105. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the very busy day I had on Friday and for still being able to get to the RSL in time for “The Raffles”, make my donation for “The Warcry” and for dinner … and to go home early when the Rock of Ages Band was too unbearably loud… and I don’t usually have a problem with loud music …

    I AM grateful for a good book to keep me amused in bed … before and after sleep

    I AM grateful for the lovely warm bed to go back to after getting up to water plants early on Saturday morning

    I AM grateful for the abundance and freedom of choice on how I spend my day when not at work and for not feeling any guilt at ignoring a lot of “shoulds”

    I AM grateful for food and ingredients already in my fridge and cupboards and for the time and knowhow to prepare what I fancied for my meals

    I AM grateful for microwaves and a magnificent Scanpan Wok to make “roast” vegetables so easy and tasty

    I AM grateful for my good health and the ability to resist cold and flu bugs attempting to assault me currently

    I AM grateful for my orchids to keep me amused as I photograph them, move them around, check for more spikes, add the info to my spreadsheets and attempt to pursuade/train the spikes to grow in the right direction

    I AM grateful for digital cameras and laptop computer to view the results in front of the heater

    I AM grateful for a full 8 hours of sleep this morning after watching the Wallabies v Fiji Rugby Union game on TV

    I AM grateful for the opportunity to go to Gardenworld for coffee and to get the Orchid Review Magazine with all the wonderful photos and growing information it contains

    I AM grateful for washing machines and clothes dryers this damp cold weather

    I AM grateful to the gremlins for returning my reading glasses undamaged … and that I still have and can use my old ones while the new ones were otherwise engaged

    I AM grateful to hear from my nephew Brent and that he will soon be going home to Mt Gambier to live and work from there

    I AM grateful that there are good hospital facilities caring for Yvonne and Andrew (another nephew) as they anxiously live one day at a time, hoping to carry their first baby closer to term

    I AM grateful for IVF services that have allowed them to get to this 3rd trimester stage after all the years and times of disappointment

    I AM grateful for music DVD’s to entertain me when there isn’t anything educational on TV … specifically tonight – the Seekers 25th Anniversary Tour – a trip down nostalgia lane, with both good and not so good memories, great dancing experiences and a learning experience from the commentary on the history and who wrote which, mostly themselves, as it is the first time I have watched it … and it won’t be the last … even more there are two songs for today, here and now, appropriate for the sentiments of this site – “Keep a Dream in your Pocket” and the Rick Springfield song “Speak to the Sky” – check them out …

    I AM grateful for another holiday day tomorrow in which, from so much richness and abundance, I can choose to do so many things … or as few as I desire

    I AM grateful for my perseverance when my internet connection kept failing so now I can post my “gratefuls”

  106. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for another sunny morning again in South Gippsland.
    I am grateful for having a wonderful experience on the weekend staying on a yacht on Saturday night and then sailing early in the calm of the morning into Westernport Bay.
    I am grateful to my parents for their support of my study.
    I am grateful to my parents for their financial support.
    I am grateful for my friend who cooked us a wonderful tuna pasta lunch on Saturday.
    I am grateful for an excellent adventure packed weekend in Melbourne.
    I am grateful the RACV came quickly to get my car back on the road after it overheated.
    I am grateful for all the extra effort the RACV mechanic put in and even wrote a list of other car repair needs, as it is wonderful when people provide professional service.
    I am grateful for being able to study in the peace and quiet today.
    I am grateful my son’s temperature was nearly back to normaly this morning.
    I am grateful my daughter likes to have quiet days at home.

  107. Trevor says:

    I am grateful that Susie and I had a great break in Cairns which was just brimming with ‘excess cash’.
    I am gratful that we had a free home to live in and a free brand new car to run around in.
    I am gratful our trip was safe and event free, flowing like water.
    I am gratfeyul we went in winter, which was warm enough for us Gippslanders and everything that bites was still out and about anyway.
    I am grateful Susie’s dad was well and had a great time for ten days with his daughter.
    I am grateful I had a coupe of golf lessons while I was away.
    I am very grateful to be back.

  108. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that my life is one where I can take a day off whenever I choose (and yesterday was one of those days).
    I am grateful that the mini-movie-maker site is up and I’m very proud that I built it all myself.
    I am grateful for the wonderful new people who have registered on the site here.
    I am grateful to see everyone contribute so wonderfully.
    I am grateful for the long sleeps I had yesterday.
    I am grateful for the dramatic increase in my prosperity.
    I am grateful Daniel is back home after his fun long weekend in Melbourne.
    I am grateful that Crystal and I both missed him yet were OK without him too.
    I am grateful for how easy it has been getting these websites created,
    I am grateful that I am such an incredibly quick learner.
    I am grateful for all the people from the UK who have been coming to the site…and I would love to know how they found us.
    I am grateful that the days will be getting longer soon.
    I am grateful that the weather is fairly mild.
    I am grateful that Crystal had some fun with a friend yesterday.

  109. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful to be home, safe and sound
    I AM grateful for having a really wonderful time with my Dad in Cairns not having seen him for eighteen months
    I AM grateful that EXCESS CASH was miraculously flowing….being GRATEFUL EVERY DAY and The Secret REALLY WORK!!!
    I AM grateful that Trevor and I had a lovely, relaxed time together with not a single thing to worry about….I even read a WHOLE book……….!!!
    I AM VERY grateful that I do not love in Cairns…..too bloody hot and humid and too many things that bite….but people love it….
    I AM grateful that we are all not the same….!!!!
    I AM grateful for warm, snug, fires; comfy, snuggly couches and delicious red wine…….!!
    I AM grateful that there is so much to come home to on the Grateful-chain site….well done guys…!!!!
    I AM grateful that I will be catching up with Elizabeth and Daniel very soon……..

  110. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the very busy day I have had today … after yesterday’s gentle pace and pleasures

    I AM grateful I got through my stint on the helpdesk this afternoon in a relatively painless manner, especially as well as having to also handle a significant outage crisis again

    I AM grateful for my safe travel over the past few days and for Sandra’s cheery chatter and interest in my doings (and the account of hers) since we last travelled together

    I AM grateful for the magnificence of the sun reflecting on the back of the dark storm cloud formation that fringed the top of it with a golden glow of light this morning

    I AM grateful for warm colourful clothing to wear on a crisp freshly washed morning as I walked to the station to catch the train

    I AM grateful to have been able to get out shopping at lunchtime to find the right buttons and thread to match the blouses on which I needed to update by replacing all the buttons, as well as just one button for the missing one on my new coat … and for the junk food enjoyed today

    I AM grateful I have had the time and energy to sew them all on tonight as that is another item I can cross off my list and I think I will really need the coat tomorrow if the forecasted weather arrives to run its course

    I AM grateful for the talents of all the artists that exhibited in the Chelsea 33rd annual Art show over the holiday weekend that I was privileged to view yesterday morning, and for the great organisers and volunteers that made it a good show

    I AM grateful I was really challenged to decide on which exhibit I wanted to vote for in the People’s Choice award, such was the variety and excellence of the 1000 exhibits to choose from … and then to be well satisfied and quite surprised by that choice

    I am grateful that the exhibits intrigued me and inspired me to really think about and make plans to guide me in discovering/using my own talents

    I AM really grateful for the collection of large pots Yvonne has given me; they will be a great help at cymbidium repotting time

    I AM grateful that my orchids are still surprising me with more and more spikes, and that three are especially generous with 12, 11 and 10 spikes per plant, all contributing to a (so far) expected season of 160 spikes from the cymbidiums alone with very many more from the dendrobiums and other genera

    I AM grateful for the pleasure of luxuriating in the smell and feel of newly washed bedlinen, especially when warmed to comfort my body

    I AM grateful I am a very sensuous person able to find some substitutes for the lack of touching in my life while keeping the space open to receive what I am so missing

    I AM grateful for my good health … and especially for the higher dose of anti-inflammatory medication I currently admit to needing to lessen the overall stiffness and pain on moving all parts of my body with the advent of the cold weather

    I AM grateful that Sandra’s family will be able to finally lay a young boy to rest on Thursday some 11 days after tragically losing his life in a quad bike accident in WA and that she, her sister and brother have been able to get fights to and accommodation in Perth. I wish them safe travel and comfort in their grief and togetherness.

    I AM grateful Crystal wanted to join us – I enjoyed her contribution
    and look forward to more

    I AM grateful Elizabeth is having so much fun and success

    I AM very grateful Susie and Trevor had safe travel and the wonderful family experience … welcome back … and I do envy them that trip, I loved Cairns when I visited a couple of years ago (even the nasties)and I am looking forward to your contributions again … I have missed you here.

  111. Icequeen539 says:

    I am gracious that life has blessed me with so few problems, that I sit here inventing imaginary ones in my mind…Like, my relationship feels boring, although I’m in love with a man I know is “the one”, I should be happy that we aren’t fighting or struggling through issues, and that monotonous feeling shoud dissipate, it is actually a blessing.

  112. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that Icequeen has decided to join us, and what a great name you’ve chosen too.
    I am grateul to see such a descritive version of this area of your life and I feel as if I understand just what you are talking about.
    I am also grateful for Daniels surprise at the quality of the new web site that I built while he was away.
    I am grateful for the huge cry I had a play rehearsal tonight (do you feel better after you’ve had a good cry too girls?)and also for the hug David gave me afterwards.
    I am grateful for the phenomenal support of the director despite me strongly disagreeing with the songwriters opinion.
    I am grateful for my persistence in the face of what appear to be obstacles sometimes.
    I am grateful that the article I wrote tonight wasfairly easily to complete.

  113. Matt Pleus says:

    I am SO grateful to be living in the country that I am when half the world lives on less than 2 dollars a day…
    I am SO grateful to have access to the internet, it is an enormous source of knowledge… and happiness…
    I am SO grateful to be alive.

  114. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful to be feeling energetic this morning and as though a lot will be achieved today.
    I am grateful to be having an early start on my study.
    I am grateful to have a friend help fixing my car today.
    I am grateful the Holden dealer has time to service my car on Thursday and thoroughly check the overheating problem.
    I am grateful for the cool crisp morning today with all the fresh air it brings.
    I am grateful the kids were up and on time for college and creche and both ate a good breakfast.
    I am grateful for all the help I receive in my life from so many people.
    I am grateful for the hard working global study group online in my accounting unit.
    I am grateful for my health, wealth and abundant future prospects.
    I am grateful for feeling younger today than yesterday.

  115. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so excited and grateful for the new people who have joined us and I welcome you. I’d like to be able to shake your hand or give you a hug…depending on what you would prefer of course…and I especially appreciate that you’ve had the courage to write down your thoughts here.
    I am incredibly grateful for the people who have supported and believed in us right from the beginning. Susie, Trevor,Ann,Daniel…you know who you are.
    And then there’s Dinah, Margaret and Justin who have joined us along the way.
    I am grateful that you get benefit from such a simple exercise like this.
    For those of you who don’t know, Crystal (my 8 year old daughter), made her first post several days ago and I’m grateful that she has soaked this up and wanted to be part of what we do!
    I have been contacted by people I don’t know from several other countries (phone calls and e-mails). I appreciate you taking the time to do that and I thank you for brightening my day.
    It was a huge thrill when Matt and Icequeen made their first posts yesterday.
    I receive an e-mail every time YOU make a post here and it is indescribable the effect that this has on me…it’s as if you add meaning to my life.
    Please feel free to loosen up on how you write your grateful’s.
    There are no rules – be creative and have fun.
    Let’s make this a more interactive community, and if you like, we can implement a forum into the site so you may contact each other and reply to each others posts (your choice)…you let me know!
    But for now, let me thank you all again for contributing in such a meaningful way.
    Elizabeth Richardson
    P.S. Have I said thank you?

  116. Ann Steel says:

    I AM so very grateful for the money that has arrived in my mailbox

    I AM grateful for the exquisite colouring of the huge flowers opening on all three spikes of “The Khan”

    I AM grateful to talk on the telephone with my sister last night, to hear that all is well with my nearly 89yr old dad, that his surgery is to finally take place in the next few weeks.

    I AM grateful to hear that my sister is enjoying her new relationship (I am very envious); losing weight (double envious); and her painting and golf interests; and new business endeavours

    I AM grateful for the food, lovely warm home I have, the good heater, comfortable chair, and two doonas on my bed on very cold nights

    I AM grateful for my warm clothes, especially the new coat to become layer 5 to be out in the frosty air this morning – the whitest I have seen the rooves, cars and ground in all my years in Melbourne

    I AM grateful for my safe travel, on time, and for Chris’s company and conversation

    I AM grateful to have had the opportunity to be very busy both yesterday and today

    I AM grateful it is pay/redistribution day and I can pay my bills

    I AM grateful I have been able to get my act together and have posted a gift and card to my son for his birthday … probably the last, given the now exorbitant postage rates on small parcels – I’ll stick to cards or phone calls from now on…or deliver to NZ in person

    I am grateful for the crisp walk home and the opportunity to admire the clear starry night, and even against the city glow, identify some of the constellations and observe that the Southern Cross is now almost overhead

    I AM grateful Yvonne came to visit this evening, that she is handling the loss of her mother so magnificently well, has such positive plans for getting on with her life now, … and that she feels free to come visit if she is feeling too alone.

    I AM very grateful I have just watched “Still Doing It: The intimate lives of women over 65” on the ABC…such a validating and inspirational documentary … wow I hope it is all there in my future too…. I’ve still got so much time to make up and to look forward to

    I AM grateful for the new participants, the way this is evolving and for the suggestion of a more interactive forum as I think some feedback might be fun and maybe even more encouraging or helpful for some of us

  117. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful that Ann has been on the grateful-chain because I missed out yesterday.
    I am incredibly grateful that I am up and into action at 5.50 am this morning as I was feeling drained and am now back on track after having driven quite a long way yesterday to pick up some vitamin supplements that have been out of supply for several weeks.
    I am grateful that after only taking two small doses I am feeling DYNAMIC again.
    I am grateful that I know what I need to take (in the way of supplements) to sustain my body at it’s optimum performance and be able to live the lifestyle that I choose.
    I am grateful that we will be revamping the home page on this site really soon (if not today).
    I am grateful for the fantastic amount of traffic we are getting here now.
    I am incredibly grateful for ALL the SUPPORT that is given to me both here and in my personal life.
    I am grateful that I am feeling so terrific.
    I am grateful I am feeling so terrific.
    Have I said I am grateful that I am feeling so terrific.

  118. irmawil says:

    I am grateful to find the grateful-chain site.
    I am grateful to find anything grateful in my life
    I am grateful that I can sip a can of soda with delight
    I am grateful to see smiling faces at work
    I am grateful to have good health but most importantly to have a great spirit
    I am grateful for my husband
    I am grateful to be alive today
    I am grateful that so far I have not cried today
    I am grateful I had chicken barbecue and fruit pie today

  119. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really, really grateful yet again to be able to welcome irmawil who has found our site and joined us here…it’s great to have you.
    Thank you for the surprise – and I love surprises.
    I am grateful all of my co-stars in the play that I’m in, as they have all given me a real boost by supporting my decision to reinterpret the song that was written for me.
    I am grateful for the renewed confidence and vigour that I feel towards our fantastic play.
    I am grateful that I have completed the main page of the site for today and given it a bit of a change.
    I am grateful that I can do these things myself without having to rely on Daniel so much.
    I am grateful for the wonderful messages of support that I receive regularly.
    I am grateful that Susie and Trevor came over for our mastermind meeting and we had a productive time.
    I am grateful that I feel so fabulous.
    I am grateful that I am able to indulge in such a relaxed lifestyle.

  120. Daniel says:

    I am grateful for the fullness of life,
    I am grateful for the amazing sunshine that i have been missing,
    I am grateful for crystal and mum,
    I am grateful for my fullfilling life i am living.

  121. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the idea that occurred to me to take my car to the RSL car park, on Friday morning to leave it for the whole day and night until I was ready to go home, rather than having to time the rest of my journey home after the dancing, to coincide with the train timetable…. and walking to the train station from there to catch the train to work.

    I AM grateful my work colleague, John, was sufficiently interested to ask why I was catching the train from a different station

    I AM grateful to Ange for the really great cappuccino he made with love and for Megan making my toasted breakfast croissant

    I AM grateful for another busy day at work on Friday (even though I didn’t get yesterday’s list compiled and posted) and for the empathy and support of my colleagues

    I AM grateful for remembering the personal tasks I needed to do…. even though it meant I missed out on my planned sit down lunch … while not being able to find what I was looking for.

    I AM grateful for the junk food… and the fresh fruit juices that filled the gap….

    I AM grateful for an early finish to catch the early train to get to the RSL in time for the rituals

    I AM grateful that Yvonne joined me there, even though she went home very early.

    I AM grateful for the nice food and drink, the opportunity to empty my wallet of coins in the Salvation Army collection box and receive the Warcry in return

    I AM grateful for the musical instrumentalists (especially the saxophones – close enough to a trumpet, my preferred brass instrument) and their skills in providing the lively music for dancing…. the bass guitar player was particularly spectacular…. and was ably supported by the other guitarist, drummer and purely vocalist.

    I AM grateful for the opportunity to strike up conversation with a 69 year young lady whom I have seen walking in my street and find out she is a recent discoverer of “The Secret” and that she is promoting it to all her extended family and friends

    I AM grateful my knees were up to the dancing challenge… even though they kept me awake for a long time afterwards and I had to resort to the heavy massage machine to eventually get to sleep

    I AM grateful for the three and a half hours of sleep I achieved before the alarm went off and I HAD to get up to travel to Foster for a 9>30am appointment

    I AM grateful the all enveloping fog wasn’t as bad as forecast when it came to my two hour drive to Foster … the journey took only an extra ten minutes … and from Loch onwards the fog disappeared to brilliant sunshine with just the occasional swirl of fog

    I AM grateful the unneeded additional time I allowed for the trip then gave me plenty of time for breakfast at the fantastic Bakery in Foster.

    I AM grateful Suzette was looking out for me to arrive early and then to make an early start on the session.

    I AM grateful for the really great session I had with Suzette, for her knowledge, skills and above all her friendliness and caring.

    I AM grateful for my body’s intuition as to the supplements it needs and that the cocktail of “pills” showed to be very positive for me

    I AM grateful for the early lunch at the bakery afterwards

    I AM grateful I was able to briefly catch up with Elizabeth, Crystal and Daniel before they set out on their walk.

    I AM really grateful to have seen the sunshine in South Gippsland after not seeing it for a couple of days in the city

    I AM grateful I can remain so disappointed yet philosophical at not being able to catch up with another friend when he wasn’t home when I called in.

    I AM grateful for my safe journey home again, (still thick fog from Korumburra to Lang Lang), another cappuccino and then stopping off to get some fresh fish in Tooradin.

    I AM grateful for the overcast but still day with an incoming tide in Tooradin allowed me to take some superb photos with interesting reflections.

    I AM grateful for the “nanna nap” I needed to have when I got home… scraping the bumper on the turn into my garage showed my just how tired I was

    I AM grateful for my warm (now) house, good food and wine to enjoy until it is time to watch the tri nations rugby union match between Australia and South Africa later on tonight…. if I can stay awake that is….

    I AM grateful this PC allows me (very slow dial up) to download my e-mails and to write this list.

    I AM very grateful for the wonderful responses to e-mails I sent off during the week

    I AM really grateful irmawil has the courage to join us on the Grateful Chain

    I am especially grateful irmawil has had the best part of a day without crying and I will be even more delighted to hear that she has is having very many more of them because I’ve been there I know how important that is to be able to take the day at just a minute, an hour, another hour until it becomes just a whole one day at a time…..

  122. Susie Foletta says:

    I AM grateful to be able to say HI THERE to everyone today….!!!!
    I am grateful, may I say, yet again, for the wonderful detailed pictures Ann always paints of her daily life…it always seem so enjoyable and peaceful….thanks Ann…
    I am grateful for Elizabeth and Daniel and Trevor for a very productive Mastermind Meeting on Friday…
    I am grateful for all the lovely, dry firewood that is warming our ‘home in the hills’ today….
    I am grateful for wonderful friends and neighbours and new friends and beautiful food and wine we enjoyed on Friday night….
    I am grateful that I surprised myself and was still having a good well past midnight…I’d thought I was past that…!!!!
    I am grateful that in the country we seem to have more to do and more places to go that when we lived in the city….
    I am grateful that I can still enjoy a busy social life whilst being able to live in PEACE and QUIET, with FRESH AIR and WATER from the heavens and with VIEWS of the bush and the ocean and mountains that are worth millions!!!!
    I am grateful for my darling wee puppies who bring so much warmth and affection into our lives….
    I am grateful for all my wonderful, loving, and caring friends and hope I am one to all of them……..
    I am grateful for my health and that of those that I love……..
    I am grateful for all of YOU!!!

  123. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to have created a new blog today for our other site.
    I am grateful for the gluten free food that Pete so generously brings over for me sometimes.
    I am grateful for finding my creativity in designing a new banner for the mini-movie-maker site.
    I am REALLY INCREDIBLY grateful that my vision movie has such a dramatic and positive effect on me.
    I am grateful to give myself permission to sit back and relax after creating 2 great web sites and before I recreate the next one.
    I am grateful for the 8 hours of peaceful sleep this morning(well I can’t remember a thing – so it must have been peaceful).
    I am grateful that I can keep unusual hours and still work at optimum performance levels.

  124. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for Susie’s kind words … and isn’t it interesting, I really value Susie’s grateful list, often with a large degree of envy for the peace and beauty she lives amongst as well as the quality of her life

    I AM grateful I was able to wake up to see the match last night … it did take several naps to get me through the time, and even more grateful it was an excellent match to watch.

    I AM grateful my son has finally found time to reply to several e-mails as he and my daughter in law have been so busy pruning their grapes … completed 5000 in the past month but still have more than 70% still to go … as well as running around after two sons involved with their sports.

    I AM grateful for a very quiet day today which I have spent playing with the camera, laptop and printer to have some samples to show to interested friends and colleagues

    I AM grateful for the ability to see so much more detail than the immediately obvious and to find unusual angles and views to photograph.

    I AM grateful for the skill and talent I have in that direction and for the wonderful results

    I AM grateful for good heating, warm clothes and a safe secure environment that I live in

    I AM grateful for the very surprise passing visit from an old friend whom I love very dearly, down from Coffs Harbour for a couple of days and whom I haven’t seen nor heard from in 14 months… not even an e-mail…

    I AM grateful for the lovely back rub, kisses and cuddles he shared with me … and I do regret feeling I had to say no to more than that … as much as I wanted it, it would have been just too casual … and I need to be able to look myself in the eye in the mirror in the morning with respect …

    I AM grateful I need to work on my relationship goals and redefine my criteria

    I AM grateful to all of you for being in my life and to be able to share this list with you … it keeps me honest and on track when I look for the positives

  125. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the positivie experience from being part of the grateful chain process and can give witness to its beneficial effects.

  126. rainbow says:

    hello all
    I am grateful for Elizabeth for starting and maintaining this website.
    I am grateful to my friend who told me about it.
    I am grateful to the contributors who make this meaningful.
    I am grateful for the sun shining today as I know how my much my mood improves on sunny days.
    I am grateful for the rain we’ve had when I am cozily indoors.
    I am grateful for the accident the library made in sending me a DVD that I had not requested but have since watched and has already allowed me to make positive changes in my life.
    I am grateful for the many positive and encouraging people in my life.
    I am grateful to my counsellor who has been an essential sounding board over the past few years.
    I am grateful for my three beautiful and challening children.
    I am grateful for the aspects of my personality that allow me to change.

  127. Susie Foletta says:

    I am grateful for a snug home today as the hail and rain pelted down, in between sunshine…very delicious!!!
    I am grateful to be deeply immersed in a new business plan for one of our future businesses….
    I am grateful to have renewed energy after just a couple of days on Elizabeth’s fantastic supplement……..
    I am grateful to be feeling positive and excited about what I am doing and what I am going to be doing…..
    I am grateful for a focus that seems to be shifting, subtly but measurably….
    I am grateful Ann is having a lovely time….with unexpected visitors….and that she managed to maintain her own integrity in the face of what must have been a HUGE temptation….!!!!
    I am grateful for new ‘friends’ who are helping Trevor with our new wind turbine…..this is going to be MUCH more successful than the last one, I am sure……..!!!
    I am grateful that new contributors are coming onto “the chain”…’s great to see…
    I am grateful Trevor is busy and happy with his ‘lot’ once again, and that we are both contributing in the best way we can to the sustainability of our beautiful planet while having fun and hopefully making some money…..!!!
    I am grateful for Elizabeth’s contributions to me, as always….thank you, E…..

  128. irmawil says:

    I am grateful to have this website to share
    I am grateful that it is Monday Morning
    I am grateful for my cup of tea
    I am grateful for the great weekend I had with my Husband
    I am grateful for the church I go to
    I am grateful for singing and praying to God
    I am grateful for the job I have
    I am grateful for the sun and beautiful warm weather
    I am grateful for the few friends I have
    I am grateful that I am going to swim class tonight

  129. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that ALL OF YOU make this site such a pleasure to play with.
    I am grateful for the highest number of hits we’ve had on our site at one time, and it happened today…thank you everyone…it’s up and up from here.
    I am grateful for the SUPPORT of EVERYONE who participates and reads these grateful’s.
    I am incredibly grateful that a site like the grateful-chain is so fulfilling to be a part of.
    I am grateful that I can type fairly fast, but not nearly fast enough to keep up with my thoughts.
    I am grateful that our household is wonderfully peaceful and that my children are responsible, intelligent and capable enough to tend to their own needs when I get pre-occupied having FUN on the Internet.
    I am grateful that I don’t have to compete with Ann’s phenomenally long and creative grateful’s.
    I am grateful that IRMAWIL has such a delightful personality.
    I am grateful that RAINBOW is enjoying being art of this community…and that you spark up my curiosity about several things — ooooh, this is such fun!
    I am grateful for the technology to implement a blog site like this so other people can contribute as well.
    I am grateful for the INSPIRATION that YOU ALL GIVE ME!
    I am really grateful that Susie is finding some energy to match her dynamo personality.
    I am grateful for the praise from both Susie and Trevor for the new mini-movie “The peaceful journey”.
    I am gratefulfor the great music that I find to use and listen to.

  130. irmawil says:

    I am grateful for my mom who I can still hear her say she loves me
    I am grateful for the cool breeze on my face
    I am grateful for the chicken I had for dinner
    I am grateful that I can swim a little better today
    I am grateful that I can be grateful

  131. I am grateful for wonderfully warm showers on cold days.
    I am grateful that I can keep such unusual working hours and my body clock adjusts accordingly.
    I am grateful for SPELLCHECK so that I can easily repair my misprints.
    I am grateful for the excitement I felt this morning when we had over 100 people on line at one time.
    I am grateful that I know what was responsible for the dramatic increase.
    I am grateful that I am confident that my mini-movies are having an impact on people.
    I am grateful for the courage it takes to promote the mini-movies to the leaders in the Internet Personal Growth Field with such gusto and confidence.
    I am grateful that lizwelsh made it on the chain yesterday.

  132. Susie Foletta says:

    I am grateful, yet again, for warmth and love in my home..
    I am grateful for my dear, wee pups who give SO much unconditional love, it makes my heart sing..
    I am grateful for the nourishing and luscious food I can and will prepare tonight for a special guest…
    I am grateful for the future I can see blossoming in front of me..
    I am grateful that life is SO full of promise if you just let it and welcome it with open, GRATEFUL arms…
    I am grateful that being GRATEFUL for all the wonderful things that fill my life, opens up the opportunity for MORE of the same…
    I am grateful that my mother-in-law is celebrating her 92nd birthday on Saturday with an enormous collection of family and that she is still articulate, agile and as sharp as I believe she’s always been….before an overseas trip ten years ago, she had to go to the doctor for some shots and realised it had been thirty years since she’d been to one…and I doubt that she’s been since!!!
    I am grateful to have such a positive role model in my life…
    I am grateful to Elizabeth for this site as it helps me to remember how grateful I am….!!!!

  133. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful winter is passing quickly and am looking forward to warmer weather in a couple of months.
    I am grateful to be catching up with my studies.
    I am grateful for the very helpful real estate agent who is assisting me and making a lot of effort, like organising many properties to be viewed on the one morning.
    I am grateful for my children interacting so well together.
    I am grateful for my electric blanket at night time.
    I am grateful be able to love and to love others.
    I am grateful to have learnt from past mistakes.
    I am grateful for my parents support and assistance in so many matters.
    I am grateful to be catching up with an old high school girlfriend who I have not seen for over ten years.
    I am grateful to be receiving the benefits of focussing on gratitude for a few minutes each day.
    I am grateful for the good food we have in the house.
    I am grateful for my friend who helped fix my car.
    I am grateful for the well behaved children I look after.

  134. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful I woke up early to catch an early train to work on Monday and left myself short of time so drove the car to the station

    I AM grateful to the lady who offered and gave up her seat on the train for me

    I AM grateful to have arrived at work with no knowledge of the drama a couple of blocks away

    I AM grateful for a busy day and for a wonderful Greek chicken and rice soup lunch

    I AM grateful for the praise and appreciative feedback when I shared my photos at work

    I AM grateful for Chris’s company on the train journey home and for her interest in my ‘doings’

    I AM grateful for the brisk walk home from the station… and (I think – for the extra exercise?) for the extra walk back to the station to retrieve my car… which I had walked right past and didn’t even see or remember where it was until I arrived home and it wasn’t there….

    I AM grateful for only needing a snack dinner and to be able to relax warm and comfortable to enjoy the ABC’s Monday night lineup of programmes

    I AM grateful I was able to see the Four Corners programme and know it isn’t just me that feels a disappointed dissatisfaction with many aspects of my workplace

    I AM especially grateful to see and be reminded of the beautiful and amazing Jane Goodall and her work with the chimpanzees

    I AM grateful for a good deep night’s sleep, awakening early so I could water those plants that miss out on the clear stuff that is supposed to fall generously from the sky

    I AM grateful for the good warm clothes to keep out the cold wind this morning

    I AM grateful I saw the sunrise again this morning… though not as colourful as yesterday morning

    I AM grateful both Sandra and Chris shared the train journey with me this morning

    I AM grateful Sandra had safe travel to and from Perth and the funeral for her nephew’s young son… quite an ordeal

    I AM grateful for the opportunity on my walk from the station to work to purchase my next fortnight’s travel tickets and to ‘rescue’ a bunch of yellow asiatic lilies for my desk

    I AM grateful for my change of breakfast menu this morning and a very different lunch of prawn dumplings and noodle soup from an outlet I hadn’t tried before… and both meals were yummy

    I AM grateful for my safe travel home tonight, again in the company of Sandra and Chris.

    I AM grateful for the lovely bangers, mash and gravy dinner I cooked and enjoyed tonight… and with enough leftover for lunch tomorrow

    I AM grateful for good heaters, warm clothes…. and my electric blanket warmed bed that is about to embrace me and take me off to dreamland

    I AM grateful that this is such a fun way to keep a diary (this is the longest I have ever managed to do so)and stay focused on the positives of all the things that happen to, and around, me each day

  135. irmawil says:

    I am grateful for the nice surprise I received from my co-worker who brought me an iced coffee drink
    I am grateful for the sun on my face
    I am grateful that I smiled twice today
    I am grateful that I cried for a couple of seconds today and not for an hour
    I am grateful for my friend Shay. She has been so supported in my times of need
    I am grateful to share my gratefulness that brings a smile to my face
    I am grateful for my work I have ahead of me for the rest of the day
    I am grateful for the red shirt I wore today
    I am grateful that my husband is trying hard to be good husband and not to talk to that woman at work
    I am grateful for the emails my husband sends me to work
    I am grateful for the birthday ice cream cake I had at work for my co-worker
    I am grateful for the suntan on my face
    I am grateful for the ambivalence that I am faced everyday
    I am grateful for the choices I have everyday

  136. gratefulshay says:

    I am grateful for the morning sunshine.
    I am grateful for the grace and love of The Lord in my life.
    I am grateful for the health of my family.
    I am grateful for the love of my husband, our son and our dog.
    I am grateful for the teachings of The Lord our Father.
    I am grateful for all the grateful things yet to come.

  137. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for antibiotics.
    I am grateful for the caring policies of our local clinic.
    I am grateful for staff that uphold these policies.
    I am grateful all three of my children were able to see a competant and caring doctor at short notice.
    I am grateful that my eldest has more resilience when it comes to dealing with pain than I’d thought.
    I’m grateful that my middle son was able to get an xray done immediately.
    I am grateful that my youngest is feeling cared for and is also feeling physically better.
    I am grateful that I had what it takes to deal with all of this.
    I am grateful that my guilt feelings that I ‘should’ have gotten them to the dr earlier passed quickly as I forgave myself.
    I am grateful that I can accept that I am doing a good job with my children.

  138. Trevor says:

    I am grateful that I have a very worm home and a caring and loving wife to share my life with.
    I am grateful for having mended bridges with my two daughters.
    I am grateful that Elizabeth’s latest mini-movie, which I sent to my eldest daughter, lifted her spirits.
    I am grateful that I am not a young mum raising a three month and three year old.
    I am grateful that ‘rainbow’ has forgiven herself and dropped the guilt feelings. Good move ‘rainbow’
    I am grateful that ‘irmawil’ enjoyed a thoughtfully given iced-coffee and can only assume that she is not in our hemisphere.
    I am just grateful for everything in my life, the so-called good and the so-called bad.

  139. I am grateful to get back from Melbourne and see all the activity on the Grateful-Chain.
    I am grateful to see more new registrations today and that GRATEFULSHAY has made a contribution here straight away.
    I am grateful to sit back and watch as your grateful lists seem to grow the more you keep writing them.
    I am grateful to have had a safe trip away today (sorry, that’s yesterday now).
    I am grateful that the migraine that I had, worked it’s way through itself.
    I am grateful for the massive downpour of rain that we’ve had – for our overseas friends – South Eastern AUSTRALIA has been experiencing some low rainfall levels over the past 12 months and it’s such a blessing to have water in our tanks and water catchment areas again.
    I am grateful that the loud rendition of “MOON RIVER that I performed for myself on the way home in the car tonight, sounded pretty good.
    I am grateful to be involved in such a positive web site, and even though we all have challenges to face, we are finding creative ways to verbalize them.
    I am grateful that The Grateful Chain has attracted such a delightful bunch of people from all sorts of places. THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING THIS SUCH A GREAT SITE TO VISIT.
    I am so grateful that IRMAWIL, RAINBOW and GRATEFULSHAY are willing to put a voice to their life challenges and I feel honoured that you are doing it here with us…THANK YOU!
    I am grateful for Trevor (and any of you) who notice and comment on what other people have written – I think that’s really nice.

  140. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for the laugh I got from Trevor as I pictured his ‘worm’ home.
    I am grateful for Trevor’s feedback which brought a tear to my eyes as the impact of someone else caring hit and the realisation that I really did forgive myself.
    I am grateful for the joy and sense of belonging I feel here after only 3 days!
    I am grateful that all three children went to school today.
    I am grateful to my youngest who cuddled and kissed me to reassure me after one of his brothers made an unfriendly comment to me last night
    I am grateful for the open and honest relationship I have with my kids which allowed us to discuss what happened.
    I am grateful for the fact that my children recognise me as a real live person – I certainly didn’t see my parents that way until I was an adult!
    I am grateful then for my parents who must have tolerated my selfishness.
    I am grateful for our cheery postie who I will miss so much when she retires soon.
    I am grateful for my health.

  141. Daniel says:

    I am grateful for having a nice warm house, without any worms.
    I am grateful for the life i am living.
    I am grateful that my website is nearing completion and will be launched soon.
    I am grateful that there is peace and quiet where i am.

  142. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful I checked my personal e-mail when I did and that it was still soon enough for me to register to receive one of a very limited number of a free DVD of “The Secret Revealed” with Dr John Demartini and for the invitation to order one for a friend as well. I hope Denise enjoys the surprise when it arrives in her mailbox as she did enjoy the presentation we attended.

    I AM grateful for my safe travel with entertaining interactions with Sandra, Chris and Margaret

    I AM grateful for restorative sleep in warmth and comfort…. (I’d be even more grateful for a loving male body to snuggle up to)

    I AM grateful for warm comfortable clothing for the rather cold walks to and from the train station

    I AM grateful for the almost 8mm of rain in the past 24hrs…

    I AM grateful for good food and the means to cook it, reheat it, freeze it and store it.

    I AM grateful for the ease of buying breakfast, lunch or cappuccinos in the central city.

    I AM especially grateful for Ange’s special skill in making those cappuccinos. They are the best.

    I AM grateful for a caring doctor, Sarah, who is really interested in how I am…. and who, while discussing the merits of different wines, spent lots of time applying liquid nitrogen to many unsightly, itchy and annoying “senile warts” over many parts of my body this morning… and for panamax tablets to ease the discomfort that resulted.

    I AM grateful for my otherwise good health and that Medicare will refund almost all of my consultation fees, just not the liquid nitrogen

    I AM grateful for a place of employment to go to and for the camaraderie of my team

    I AM grateful I was able to sort out a problem with a very volatile client in a very calm and gentle way today in spite of the temptation to be far more confrontational and demanding of an apology…. none is forthcoming yet… and it doesn’t matter…

    I AM grateful I had only one teleconference meeting to take part in today and that I am about to go home again

    I AM grateful for the newcomers to this chain for the new insights they bring and no doubt will receive from participating

    I AM grateful they are finding assistance with their challenges and hope they find it as uplifting and rewarding as I do/have done

  143. I am grateful that someone else picked up Trevor’s ‘worm home’ misprint, because Daniel and I sure had a laugh about it too.
    I am really, really grateful that RAINBOW feels a sense of joy and belonging – I just love this!
    I am grateful for how uplifting this whole process makes me feel.
    I am grateful for how pleasurable it is to be involved with a group of caring,light hearted and expressive people.
    I am grateful when I see anyone logging in to the site.
    I am grateful that we can all have a great laugh.
    I am grateful to be feeling a magnificent improvement in my well-being, especially after sleeping in until 4.40pm today.
    I am grateful that Crystal has gone off on a really happy holiday into the OUTBACK of Australia with our long time family friends.
    I am grateful that Andrew and Jacquie love her so very much and have welcomed her as part of their family.
    I am grateful that the loss she must feel after her fathers death, has been replaced to some extent by Andrew.
    I am grateful for the very best friends in the world.

  144. Trevor says:

    I am grateful that worms are the only known disease-free organisms on the planet (true folks)
    I am grateful that I don’t really don’t have to share my home with them as they make lousy ‘wriggly’ bed partners. Best left until one leaves the mortal coil.
    I am grateful I gave you all a good laugh (truly)
    I am grateful for this site, because it makes a big difference.

  145. Susie Foletta says:

    I am grateful that MY LOVE has a sense of humour and can always laugh at himself….it keeps him young and ALIVE….
    I am grateful that RAINBOW is having SUCH a lovely time with her kids….I truly understand what she says about not seeing your parents as ‘people’…I don’t believe I did either, R, until I was older…. Did I even then I wonder…..????
    I am grateful for Elizabeth being able to SLEEP IN until 4..40 p.m. today….how COOL!!!
    I am grateful being my own boss (like Elizabeth!)….it certainly allows for great flexibility in your life..
    I am grateful I didn’t have to leave the house all day today….
    I am grateful I have lots of places to go, and people to see tomorrow…
    I am, yet again, VERY grateful for Ann’s contributions…I
    so enjoy them….thank you Ann
    I am grateful for GRATEFULSHAY joining us who seems to be extremely grateful for Life……

  146. irmawil says:

    am grateful for my husband and his compassion for himself and others through difficult times
    I am grateful to be merciful and compassionate
    I am grateful for my Cuban sandwich that I will eat at lunchtime
    I am grateful for my boss
    I am grateful for my friends
    I am grateful for the week so far
    I am grateful for my bible study group
    I am grateful for this wonderful weather
    I am grateful for listening to Miles Davis; he has been a great inspiration to me this week
    I am grateful for the nature that surrounds me every day
    I am grateful to read everyone’s grateful journals it inspires me to be grateful

  147. rainbow says:

    I am grateful that my landlord has finally supplied the bond claim form.
    I am grateful that I’m now living in a home that feels so great.
    I am grateful for the whole day good feelings this process creates.
    I am grateful that I can provide my kids with piano lessons, each of them benefit and I love to hear them.
    I am grateful that I can solve my centrelink hassles on Tuesday and I have learnt how to avoid one hassle for the future.
    I am grateful that I have the freedom and opportunity to go to Melbourne tonight to see my dearest friend.
    I am grateful that I share my life with people that love me a I am.

  148. I am grateful to be feeling alive, rested, happy and wonderfully healthy.
    I am grateful for the fabulous community of people who come here.
    I am grateful for the people who read our lists.
    I am grateful for the people who contribute here at any time and in any way – thank you.
    I am grateful for our new map that will plot where our guests, visitors and contributors are coming from.
    I am grateful for another excellent play rehearsal tonight.
    I am grateful for the restful sleeps I am having.
    I am grateful that the days will now be getting longer.
    I am grateful for the tasks that I’m able to complete efficiently and professionally.
    I am grateful again for the fantastic responses that I get for our mini-movies.
    I am so grateful that I can ‘sing from the rooftops’!
    I am just really grateful that I feel appreciative for my life.
    I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given to gain a higher profile on our local community and beyond.

  149. I am grateful I made it online before midnight as I just love to post my grateful’s everyday.
    I am grateful for an excellent rehearsal again today.
    I am grateful for the compliments I received.
    I am grateful to feel relaxed and confident.
    I am grateful for the little tricks and tips I’m learning about geting extra traffic to the site.
    I am grateful for Ann as I can see she has just left an inspirational story or quote for us to read – and they’re always good ones too!
    I am grateful for delicious food, warm beds, electric blankets, sweet dreams and being able to imagine a really, really lovely man in my life…if anyone knows one or two…send them my way please! I’m currently taking interviews!
    I am grateful that I still get phone calls from my friends and even people that I don’t know very well yet.
    I am grateful that my body metabolism is perfectly balanced.
    I am grateful to be really happy with the way I look on the outside.
    I am grateful that I love my insides as well.

  150. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful I had an interesting day at work on Friday

    I AM grateful I was able to remember so many of my achievements when I needed to write them up at very short notice…. it used to be called a performance development report and was written up by one’s manager… nowadays it is a performance plan… and I had to write it all up for myself and then we both signed it?

    I AM grateful for the new Medicare office in the Galleria with its new customer queuing system where it took a mere 5 minutes to get my refund of the whole consultation fee from Thursday

    I AM grateful I was able to find the new mineral supplements easily and at a good price on my way back to work

    I AM grateful I was able to leave work early and catch the train to get me to the RSL on time.

    I AM grateful Yvonne arrived to join me for a short time; and that she’d had a good day off work and going to Bingo as she and her mother would have and then winning $80 on the pokies.

    I AM grateful a new band Showtime, there for the very first time, replaced the advertised band as they were very good and had a record number of people up dancing right from the start.

    I AM grateful I am able to dance and enjoy the music.

    I AM very grateful to the friendly people who came to share my table and that they introduced me to others made my night even more interesting and enjoyable. There is something quite special about hearing people say “I’ll see you next week?” as you say goodnight

    I AM grateful I took my car up there in the morning and left it parked all day, ready to go home when my evening finished.

    I AM grateful for a good long morning’s sleep (it was just after midnight when I got home and a good sleep in followed by time to finish the book I was reading

    I AM grateful Sandra brought me round a couple of Aloe Vera plants this morning, then admired my orchids out in flower and went home pleased that one of her orchids has got a spike showing.

    I AM grateful for the dull grey damp cold day today so I could use the heater to warm up my spare room so I could attend to most of the pile of mending and button re-sewing that was waiting for me.

    I AM grateful I happened across a repeat showing of that great film, Calendar Girls. I really enjoyed it yet again

    I AM grateful for the freedom to choose to do whatever I feel like

    I AM grateful for all the comforts in my life

    I AM grateful for all my friends, old and new – and feel excited about the new ones I met last night

    I AM grateful for finding a lovely new quote to add to the Inspirational Quotes page and which I’d like to share with you all here as well

    ((-: SMILE :-))
    “Smile at each other; Smile at your wife, Smile at your husband, Smile at your children,
    Smile at each other; It doesn’t matter who it is …and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other” – Mother Teresa

    I AM grateful I can have fun smiling at people. It works. I hope it helps their day too (even if they are only wondering what it is that I have been up to to be smiling).

  151. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for a great night’s sleep and a lovely lie in this morning and that my treatment last week isn’t causing me too much discomfort

    I AM grateful for the lovely brunch I enjoyed and for all the pills I swallowed with it

    I AM grateful for the interesting variety of topics shown on Landline, Gardening Australia and Message Stick… regular fare I enjoy whenever I am home on a Sunday lunchtime

    I AM grateful the sun was shining today and it was warm enough to dry the grass out the front so I could cut it again

    I AM grateful for the strength to shift furniture around and to set up an additional table in front of the big lounge window to put some of the orchids that are out in flower on.

    I AM grateful for stick on picture hooks and a spirit level so I could rehang my lovely seascape picture … and hang it level

    I AM grateful for my decision this evening to drive to Mornington and have dinner at the Boyz with John

    I AM grateful that I filled the car with petrol at the first servo down the road … it proved to be the cheapest of all the ones on the way

    I AM grateful I left home in time to see the very last of a very colourful sunset and sorry I didn’t leave earlier so I could have seen more and photographed it

    I AM grateful for the lovely lamb roast, gravy, roast potato, roast pumpkin, green beans and zucchini served to me… living on my own, a roast isn’t something I get to have very often as it isn’t something one cooks for oneself

    I AM grateful for the glass of excellent Margaret River shiraz John recommended that I have with it

    I AM grateful I chose to have a dessert with the coffee… and didn’t feel guilty enjoying it immensely… even if it was my second choice when my first choice had run out.

    I AM grateful John is always so pleased to see me, interested in how I am and what I am doing and he has invited me to go back to share a bubbly with him on my birthday… if I don’t have any other plans

    I AM grateful for my safe travel there and home again after stopping off to look at the wonderful view of the lights across the sea from Oliver’s Hill, and also at the supermarket.

    I AM grateful for the chicken and lovely fresh vegetables I bought to make a big pot of soup, some steak and mushrooms and the ingredients for a smoked chicken and spinach risotto which will be enough meals for me for at least a week …

    I AM grateful for my warm comfortable bed that is waiting for me and the knowledge that I have tomorrow off work so can have another day of choosing how to spend it … after I make the soup of course …

  152. I am grateful to have created a lovely new place to store our growing treasure trove of e-cards.
    I am grateful for ‘wordpress’ who make it so easy to make a new blog site.
    I am grateful for the new music we get to listen to on the sites now.
    I am grateful for all the FREE resources I come up with regularly.
    I am grateful for the smile I have on my face.
    I am grateful for finding some new clothes when I was out shopping the other day.
    I am grateul to be contacted by someone who would like some assistance with propmotion – I like to help!
    I am grateful for Daniel’s opinions on things to do with the Internet.
    I am always grateful for our warm office as the rest of the house is fairly cool.
    I am grateful to be so inspired to be here and creating beautiful things that might just help someone else.
    I am grateful for the peace we have in our home.
    I am grateful for Daniel’s company.

  153. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the still sunny day today, beginning with the beauty of the frost on the lawn slowly melting away.
    I am grateful for the power of positive thought and prayer in my life.
    I am grateful for my health and appearance, feeling strong and energetic today.
    I am grateful for how my study is progressing and applying finding little pockets of time here and there outside the 20 hours I set aside to try my best.
    I am grateful my son is sleeping much better the last three nights.
    I am grateful my daughter is practising her clarinet again.
    I am grateful for the lovely caramel cakes we bought yesterday and all the good food we have in abundance.
    I am grateful for being able to help other people improve their lives.
    I am grateful to have met a new friend and learned some things about the forestry industry.
    I am grateful for my friends that phone me and spend time talking to me, sharing their lives, feelings and thoughts and being interested in mine.
    I am grateful for the overwhelming positive feeling everything is great today and will be better the next.
    I am grateful for my heater in the kitchen, keeping me warm inside whilst looking out at the blue sky.
    I am grateful for all the childrens’ dvds my friend leant me, as my son is really enjoying these, especially the Nemo one.
    I am grateful my car and computer are running well again.

  154. dave_j117 says:

    I am grateful for the two stage productions I am involved with.
    One been rehearing for a while – so I am grafeful for the growth experience I have had interacting with and getting to know the other actors.
    The second has just started , it’s a mucical but the “feel, the vibe, the joy of it” is already uplifting…..that’s it !

  155. I am really grateful that Dave has been on and left us a message – he’s one of our cast members (and a great actor and singer too)
    I am grateful that lizwelsh sounds so peaceful and relaxed – I love it when people come back and share what is happening in their lives.
    I am grateful that I get to keep in touch with people here on the chain.
    I am grateful for the new people from all over the world who are finding us – you only need to check out the map to your right to see where people are coming from.
    I am grateful that our map shows us in such a graphic way where people are and we’ve only had it up for a few days – just imagine what it will look like next month!
    I am really grateful for the support, kind wishes and thoughts from so many people in my life, including YOU, my children, my friends, my internet collegues and people that I don’t even know yet!
    I am grateful for the people who I know are still coming on to post their grateful’s today.

  156. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the lovely sunny day today as it enables me to start cutting back the garden for its winter pruning.
    I am grateful for the very well behaved kids I look after and how they bring joy into each others’ lives playing.
    I am grateful for having mowed my lawn this week, as it has come up really well, and it is a joy to look out the kitchen window at it.
    I am grateful for my daughter and son who like hanging out together being silly.
    I am grateful for progressing with my studies and having my assignments on track for handing in.
    I am grateful for my good health and feeling energetic today, especially in the garden.
    I am grateful for being energetic last night and catching up on the house cleaning.
    I am grateful for my son continuing to sleep better at night and eat better during the day.
    I am grateful for my heater and electric blankets keeping us warm this winter.
    I am grateful for all the hot, fatty winter dishes like roast potatoes with lots of salt, big mugs of soup, hot cakes and cream.
    I am grateful for having caring friends who take time in their busy lives to visit.

  157. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for my day off work yesterday

    I AM grateful for the huge pot of wonderful soup I made – it is so sweet and yummy

    I AM grateful I was able to do my laundry and for it to have dried inside on the rack in front of the heater

    I AM grateful I was able to feed the vegetable scraps to my worm farm and to shred paper for them as well.

    I AM grateful for safe travel to and from my meeting last night

    I AM grateful for all the wonderful information on health and nutrition I learned from Dr Chris Darby, dentist extraordinaire

    I AM grateful for a good night’s sleep and waking up well this morning

    I AM grateful for the friendly greeting from Hamish and Gloria this morning… Hamish was walking off the lead and loving checking all his smell-mail

    I AM grateful for the cheery conversation on the train this morning with Chris, Sandra and I all catching up on each others “doings” since we last travelled together last Thursday night

    I AM grateful for the wonderful cappuccino Ange produced from his new machine… all shiny silver with levers to pull instead of buttons to push

    I AM grateful for a good day at work today, to catch up on yesterday’s work, manage another outage, walk the six and a half blocks to, and back from head office for an hour and a half workshop (surprise attendance) where I needed to provide information to one of the Transformation teams.

    I AM grateful for my container of soup I took for lunch… especially as the workshop was over the lunch time

    I AM grateful for the situation I needed to address this afternoon, that I was able to put forward a calm and reasoned e-mail… and for the equally satisfactory response received.

    I AM grateful for the safe travel home with the bonus of my neighbour Sharon joining Sandra, Chris and myself on the train and then walking home together.

    I AM grateful for my warm and secure home, a great steak and mushroom dinner, an entertaining evening responding to a lovely surprise e-mail among others.

    I AM grateful to be able to prepare photos to send with those e-mails and to be able to write these gratefuls

    I AM grateful for all of you out there who are deriving amusement/pleasure from these postings. It feels a bit like tossing a pebble into a pond…you can’t really see just how far those ripples go in ever widening circles…. and I don’t need to know…just keep having fun keeping tossing in the pebbles….

  158. I am ever grateful for having this site to come to when I get home and when I wake up in the morning.
    I am grateful for the new registrations we keep getting – it’s exciting.
    I am incredibly grateful that I have been asked to produce a mini-movie for a large network in the USA, I’m also very excited and pleased to get the huge exposure for the work I love to do.
    I am grateful for the wonderful traffic that we get here – where are you all coming from and how did you find out about us? I love to know!
    I am grateful for meaningful conversations and sometimes for meaningless ones too.
    I am grateful for a balanced life.
    I am grateful for the assistance I received today from a couple people, giving ideas for new things to include when I sing my song.
    I am grateful for Ann and Lizwelsh who have been on the chain before me…always so nice to have company.
    I am grateful for being able to share my day with you.
    I am grateful that I am always able to express the events of my life with a positive and hopeful twist on everything.
    I am grateful to have a new project to begin very soon.
    I am grateful that what I asked for when I was out walking today came to pass by the time I got home.
    I am grateful that I usually manifest what I ask for.
    I am grateful to have perfect health, great skin, good taste, a happy heart and that I am blessed with patience (most of the time.)

  159. I am grateful to have this page to come to when I’m not feeling so good.
    I am grateful for a forum where I posted writings of how I am feeling.
    I am grateful for the beautiful music we can play on the site….FIND BEAUTIFUL MUSIC TO PLAY IN THE SIDE BAR TO YOUR UPPER RIGHT!
    I am grateful to know that my challenges will take me to a better place and make me a better person (so to speak).
    I am grateful for being my own boss and I would really like it to stay that way.
    I am grateful for my FREEDOM – freedom to choose what I do every day, freedom to choose what I think about, freedom to change my perceptions etc.
    I am grateful for the fantastic people I am connecting with as part of this process.
    I am grateful for the tears I’m having as I know I always look and feel better afterwards.
    I am grateful for my challenges because, when I look back, I see that they have brought me to a much happier place.
    I am grateful for the enormous amount of benefit I still have to contribute to the world in a HUGE way!
    I am grateful for the fantastic visitor maps (to your right) that show us where our visitors are coming from (and it’s only the 5th day).
    I am grateful for the people that respond to my e-mails and site postings.
    I am grateful for the people I can count on to support me – Ann, Daniel, Susie and Trevor and thank them all very much for being there for me.
    I am grateful for the time I’m about to take to curl up in my bed and have a good cry.
    I am grateful that I know things are really OK and I’m just feeling stuff that needs to be expressed.

  160. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for finishing and posting one of my assignments.
    I am grateful for the research I did on the internet today about super co-contributions, ascertaining it is no use to self employed persons as myself.
    I am grateful for being brave enough to make requests of University of South Australia who performing under my expectations.
    I am grateful my daughter came home early today and band practice was cancelled as it is pouring with rain.
    I am grateful my son is having a nice sleep so I can catch up on paperwork.
    I am grateful for being able to be so straight forward with people and confident in this approach.
    I am grateful for the hour nap I had today after doing some reading, and waking up refreshed to do some more reading.
    I am ever so grateful I took the opportunity of being in the garden a lot earlier in the week when it was sunny.
    I am grateful to be part of this process to focus on positive aspects whilst it pours with rain.
    I am grateful to be here for my friend as her divorce that was nearly settled is flaring up and leading into a court battle again.
    I am grateful for being happier after writing this.

  161. Just before I go to bed (4am) I am grateful to welcome our new guests from CHINA who have joined our site.
    I am grateful to have had some wonderfully inspiring and exciting conversations tonight with various people across the world.
    I am grateful for the feeling of another explosion in our membership rate and for being able to trust that the results I have been expecting are rapidly travelling towards me!
    I am grateful that I know what I am talking about.
    I am grateful for the extra rehearsal that I organized tonight (for our play) that has given me so much more comfort and confidence.
    I am grateful for supportive people and also grateful that I was willing to ask for help when I needed it.
    I am grateful for the Internet to be able to connect with people in far off places and for the opportunities for it creates to do bigger business deals.
    I am grateful for the attention I get from several guys who still phone me (even if I have been ignoring them) because it makes me feel like a ‘woman’!

  162. irmawil says:

    I am grateful that it is Wednesday and the workday is almost over
    I am grateful for my father-in-law and his wife who came to visit us from Florida
    I am grateful the weather is warm outside
    I am grateful for the cute pair of sandals I have that everyone seems to compliment
    I am grateful for water I drink everyday
    I am grateful to remind myself to be kind to myself
    I am grateful to take each moment one day at a time
    I am grateful for the quote my friend gave me, which I have hung in my office “I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday. They insist on bringing into today the failures of yesterday and in so doing pollute a potential wonderful day”.
    I am grateful to listen to James Taylor song Fire and Rain – it pulls me through today
    I am grateful to ice coffee – which wakes me up every morning
    I am grateful for all the challenges I face everyday
    I am grateful for not being too angry with myself
    I am grateful for finding more than one item to be grateful for

  163. Susie Foletta says:

    I am grateful that the Gippsland drought seems to have broken and our dam is OVERFLOWING….
    I am grateful that I am OVERFLOWING with gratitude!!!!
    I am grateful I live on a hill and am not being flooded out like some….
    I am grateful for the things I am getting done and trying to be grateful that there is always tomorrow for the things I am NOT getting done…
    I am grateful that my husband is finally completing my new laundry…..
    I am grateful that I am involved in a Landcare Network that is doing some fabulous things to protect our wildlife and even some thought-to-be extinct species….
    I am grateful that we are working on a whole area to protect endangered flora and fauna from our mountains to our beautiful inlet….
    I am grateful that there are people out there who realise how vital protecting our eco-systems is to our very survival on this beautiful Planet….
    I am grateful that I am one of them…..
    I am grateful that I also LOVE to have a good time, too……!!!!

  164. irmawil says:

    I am grateful for the rain and lighting outside tonight
    I am grateful for the falling down and my knee being okay
    I am grateful for the car I drive; it gets me to the places I need to go
    I am grateful for birds I hear in the morning
    I am grateful for the book I am reading
    I am grateful for the job and co-workers I have
    I am grateful that wind in my air
    I am grateful to wash the dishes nice and clean
    I am grateful for the peace God granted me yet everything and everyone that surrounds me has no peace
    I am grateful for the compassion I have for myself
    I am grateful to be grateful

  165. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the amazing clarity of my mind today as I have been resting in the aftermath of my body’s decision to go into a spontaneous detox over the past 48 hours

    I AM so grateful for the BFO (blinding flash of the obvious) in regard to what had been a very long held desire. I thought it had been fulfilled recently but I now realise it was actually fulfilled six years before – and I had lost sight of it in the disappointment that followed

    I AM so grateful for the e-mail message received on Wednesday and re-read a number of times that gave rise to this realisation today…. and it was such a simple phrase “Love you for who you are” with which he ended most e-mails from the time we first met in person those more than five years ago

    I AM grateful I have the gift and pleasure of the all the good memories, that the chemistry is mutual and am looking forward to responding to that message as the beginning of understanding and a new phase in our friendship

    I AM grateful I can now joyfully really release a more recent situation that doesn’t matter anymore and isn’t good or right for me

    I AM grateful for my safe travel to and from work and that when it was very wet and windy I got home relatively dry and with my umbrella intact; and when it wasn’t raining that I could admire and appreciate moon and stars and fleeting cloud shapes

    I AM grateful I have a place of work to go to… especially when it comes to payday

    I AM grateful for the busy three days I had this week and for the courage to hang up on abuse and provide honest feedback when given the opportunity and for the sense of bridge building that felt like

    I AM grateful for my realisation (today) that the dreaded new ticketing system we had a brief basic training for on Wednesday holds some possibilities I need to explore to be able to include another group I interact with to better manage the workflows between several groups

    I AM grateful for Joan calling for a chat last night and that in spite of all the wind and frost she is faring well (she reckons all she seems to be doing these days is feed the fire with wood) that the two old cats are driving her nuts (she wonders why they don’t just pack their bags and go if she really is neglecting them as they seem to think) that Ned is so much better after his arthritis treatment, his swollen nobbly paws have gone down and he (at13) is tearing around and playing like a pup at times.

    I AM grateful the free DVD of Dr John Demartini’s Sydney presentation of “The Secret Revealed” which Denise and I saw in Melbourne arrived in the mail yesterday. It is really great to have this reminder of all we saw and heard…and some of the things that didn’t really register first time around…. as watching it again last night was likely the trigger for my realisations today.

    I AM grateful for all my good fortune, good friends, warm sanctuary of my home and all the good people and things coming to me.

  166. I am grateful for the supportive words of encouragement and ideas that my ex-husband gave me today.
    I am grateful for the contact from people by e-mail.
    I am grateful for the integrity displayed by one of the people I am doing business with.
    I am grateful for everyone who comes on the grateful-chain.
    I am grateful for my perfect health even if my life is not as active as before.
    I am grateful that I have learned to play the guitar.
    I am always grateful for the courage I have to go full-steam into a project and contact people I might feel intimidated by if I thought about it too much.
    I am grateful that Ann has experienced a clarity of mind and what sounds like some more excitement in her life.
    I am grateful for the glorious rain to fill our water tanks.
    I am grateul that the days are turning a little warmer.

  167. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for dial up even though it is so slow… after a week of broadband out of action.
    I am grateful that I can make the extra time needed to come in and post my gratefuls.
    I am grateful for my eyes that allow me to see.
    I am grateful for my ears that allow me to hear the rain falling.
    I am grateful that I will not have to deal with being flooded.
    I am grateful to everyone who is helping the people in distress.
    I am grateful for the heater.
    I am grateful for the financial resources that allow me to do all that I need and choose to do.
    I am grateful for my friend D.
    I am grateful for the warm peace that is spreading throughout me as I focus on my blessings.
    I am grateful that I didn’t have any longer break away from here.
    I am grateful to all who post here as I enjoy reading your posts. Thankyou.

  168. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for having broadband back this morning!
    I am grateful for the yummy yogurt Im eating.
    I am grateful for the peaceful evening I had.
    I am grateful for waking up refreshed and ready to scrub the bathroom.
    I am grateful for being able to look forward to dinner and catch up with a good friend tonight.
    I am grateful to know that I am capable of the tiresome work I need to do to recover many lost files.
    I am grateful for my sense of humour.

  169. I am grateful that Rainbow is finding peace.
    I am grateful for the lovely message from Susie today with some really supportive words of encouragement.
    I am grateful for learning my lines and performing well at rehearsal tonight.
    I am grateful for resolving an issue with the songwriter.
    I am grateful for keeping my promise to myself about significantly raising my income level.
    I am grateful that I am willing and eager and determined to keep going and reset another goal even if I haven’t quite achieved the one with the time-line set for midnight tonight.
    I am grateful that my natural nature is to keep going even stronger than before.
    I am grateful for the forums I have been visiting where the people have helped me considerably.
    I am grateful that every person I have come across really wants to assist to the best of their ability.
    I am grateful for the people we have from such a myriad of countries that come to visit this site.
    I am grateful that gratitude is such a powerful tool for change.
    I am grateful that something so simple can do so much.
    I am grateful that I enjoy making beautiful e-cards to give to people.
    I am grateful that I am valuing myself, my work, my efforts and my time highly NOW!
    I am grateful that we have broadband…
    I am grateful that my little car works so beautifully.
    I am grateful for the wonderful rain to water the garden and fill our tanks.
    I am grateful for supermarkets keeping later hours these days, especially when I needed to pick up something to eat on the way home.

  170. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the really great band and my wonderful night’s dancing, even doing the twist, on Friday night

    I AM grateful to all the new people I met by name… and who expressed amazement at my dancing skills … as well as the people I met last week

    I AM grateful for the great night’s sleep and the lie in and reading that followed the dancing before getting up and going shopping

    I AM grateful for the two new high-necked tops I bought to cover the unsightly marks following the freezing of the ugly spots which, while being very itchy, do seem to be doing what is supposed to happen

    I AM grateful for all the purchases at the supermarket, food and other useful things.

    I AM grateful I decided not to travel to the MCG for the Bledisloe Cup rugby union match – I attended last time it was here – and I have saved the cost of the ticket, plus the train travel there and back; I didn’t get cold and wet and was spared the embarrassment when my team lost …

    I AM grateful I was able to avoid finding out the score before I saw the TV coverage of the game (delayed by over two and a half hours)

    I AM grateful for my nice warm heater, comfortable reclining chair and being able to enjoy the telecast in such comfort … complete with replays of the significant passages of play … it was a good, although not great game of rugby

    I AM grateful I slept well afterwards and woke up well this morning.

    I AM grateful for my washing machine and dryer today so that I can put the sheets etc right back on the bed and have a full selection of clothes to choose from to wear to work tomorrow

    I AM grateful that I went to GardenWorld Collectors’ Corner and admired all the lovely orchids (and other plants) out in flower this morning … food for the soul…

    I AM grateful I had a $50 gift voucher so I could use it to pick up half a dozen cymbidium seedlings of interesting crosses that took my fancy because they were at bargain price … even though it is an act of faith as it will be several more years yet before they flower for the first time and I can see if they really were a bargain

    I AM grateful Bunnings had the products I wanted this morning to be able to foliar feed all my orchids this afternoon … and for the other bits and pieces and beautiful water-saver pots they had at a real bargain price.

    I AM grateful I checked my docket when I got home as I had been overcharged more than $15 and that when I went back this afternoon, the refund was no problem and they were so apologetic (I had forgotten to take my glasses with me in the morning to check it before I left)

    I AM grateful I got my roses pruned as well as another shrub that needed a good cut back… and the bins out to the kerb for collection in the morning

    I AM grateful I cooked for myself tonight and enjoyed a serving of the absolutely fabulous Smoked Chicken, spinach, pinenuts and fetta risotto I concocted… it is so yummy… especially as I had to open a bottle of white wine for the recipe – a 1998 Grant Burge, Eden Valley Riesling – I’m sure it is sacrilege to have used half the bottle in cooking (even if all the best chefs say it must be the best drinking wine) (and I have made enough for half a dozen meals for me) as the other half of the bottle was just fabulous to drink with it.

    I AM grateful that I have e-mailed a carefully considered and written response (bared my heart and soul) to my lovely e-mail from Wednesday (I has taken me over two days to put it together) and know that whatever response, if any, is OK by me.

    I AM grateful to be able to enjoy the lists from my fellow participants and hope all get as much delight and inspiration as I do from them

    I AM grateful that Elizabeth saw this as part of her journey and invited us all along and that through whatever challenges have arisen for her that she hasn’t wavered from her vision (apart from refining and expanding it that is)

  171. I am grateful for Ann’s supportive message and her lengthy grateful list – another testament to the fact that the more that we do this, the more we find new ways to enjoy our lives.
    I am grateful for having choices – so many choices as to what will be my next BIG Project.
    I am grateful that I have some time to choose that next exciting project.
    I am grateful that I know when to take a new step.
    I am grateful for the high quality articles I have been reading in the last 24 hours.
    I am grateful for the connections I have made with people here and at other sites.
    I am grateful for the Internet and Computers and Programs and Software and the people who have the time, skills and understanding to make our world-wide communication possible.
    I am grateful for the gluten-free products at our local supermarket.
    I am grateful for the fantastic forum software I have found that may be art of my next project.
    I am grateful for YOU.

  172. irmawil says:

    I am grateful for going Church today
    I am grateful for the water I drink to replenish my thirst
    I am grateful for the tears I cry
    I am grateful for my mother and brother
    I am grateful for eating Hershey chocolate kisses
    I am grateful that it is still Sunday, not Monday
    I am grateful for sound sleep
    I am grateful that I can still sing and dance
    I am grateful that I am not wallowing in my self-pity, even though my life is not going into the path I thought it would
    I am grateful to be inspired by other people’s gratefulness in the grateful-chain site
    I am grateful that I decided to live another day

  173. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for the inspiration to buy nuts to nibble instead of lollies.
    I am grateful for all the work I was able to accomplish yesterday.
    I am grateful for my ability to trust my intuition even when this meant changing plans.

  174. I am grateful for rainbow’s delightful company on the grateful-chain.
    I am really grateful to hear irmawil’s persistence in spite of life circumstances.
    I am grateful to hear about other peoples challenges as it reminds me to pull myself together…and find the treasures in my life.
    I am really grateful to be able to communicate with you all like this…it allows us to view our challenges in a more positive light, it allows us to express ourselves in a more enlightening way and it also allows each of us to take responsibility for the way we respond to our world around us.
    I am grateful that I have an enormous desire to ‘serve people’s needs’ and ‘add value to the world’ as it makes me feel my life is worth something….and I have often wondered my own value.
    I am grateful for the many people who read these messages…and for the comments I receive about how much it helps!

  175. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the companionship my friend who has come to visit with her daughter for a few days.
    I am grateful my back pain is starting to easing a lot today.
    I am grateful my son is remaining cheerful even with his croup.
    I am grateful for my friends who could give my daughter a lift to and from her dance Eisteddfod today.
    I am grateful for my mum who is endeavouring to go to the Eisteddford dance competition on Friday, even though she has a hectic schedule.
    I am grateful for community members who come to use the internet here and gain advantage from this.
    I am grateful for having nearly pruned back all my roses now.
    I am grateful for progressing in my studies despite ailments in the house, and keeping on track with it all.
    I am grateful for making the decision to hand in my assignment early and move on with the next assignment.
    I am grateful for my doctor who assisted with paperwork to send to university for special exam conditions.
    I am grateful for my heaters on cold days like today.
    I am grateful for my friends at church who are always there for me.

  176. I am grateful for the beautifully produced video that was sent to me – it gives me something to aspire to, in producing even pore powerful and professional mini-movies.

    I am grateful for being able to sleep when I feel like it and get up when I am awake – even if that is in the middle of the night.

    I am grateful for delightful music, beautiful images, the love of my children, the friendship and caring from the people close to me, the support from the members of our play production team and the interest and gratitude from people who come to the site here.

    I am grateful for peace and prosperity, for the hard times that teach me so much, for the good times that remind me who I really am.

    For healthy food and clean water, for our fantastic road systems, schooling facilities, hospitals and emergency services.

    For the government that manages our country in the best possible way they can (I would not like the job) and for business leaders, community workers and home-makers.

    I am grateful for those who take care of our environment and those who actively support sustainable living.

    I am grateful for the way we communicate with each other and that we have voices to speak.

    I am grateful for people who have wisdom to share and those who quietly listen.

    I am grateful for the mentors I have and that people around me keep raising the standard so I have a distance to travel and grow.

    I am grateful that I am so happy where I live and have a beautiful life to look forward to.

    I am grateful for the challenges and the triumphs, the arguments and the resolutions, making mistakes and knowing the value of forgiveness.

    I am grateful for knowing the power of the words “I am” and that I use them thoughtfully.

    I am so grateful that this is all simply flowing out of me.

    I am grateful for inspiration that comes to me at any time, without having to ask for it or mediitate or do anything in particular.

    I am grateful…!

  177. I am so grateful to be able to contact people I don’t know over the internet and have them give me advice and support.
    I am grateful that I know my lines really well for the play.
    I am grateful that I’ll be getting some extra support for my final performance.
    I am grateful for finding a great style for the new forum we are developing.
    I am grateful that I can stop scouring the net for the right style.
    I am grateful for Daniel’s good business sense and advice.
    I am grateful to have someone to bounce ideas off.
    I am grateful for the lovely rain that I can hear outside.
    I am grateful for being able to go to bed now.
    I am grateful for feeling content about my life and relaxed about my future.

  178. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the peace and quiet to study today and keep up with my weekly work and assignments.
    I am grateful for being free of my back pain and sinus pain today.
    I am grateful for my warm heater as I look out the iwndow and see the cold onshore wing thrashing through the trees today.
    I am grateful for my daughter who helped so much yesterday and organised lots of fun stuff for her little brother’s party.
    I am grateful my daughter is having a good sleep in today and being able to tuck her back into bed with a teddy.
    I am grateful for the hot weetbix in the morning to fill me up for breakfast.
    I am grateful for receiving some of my university exam results indicating a pass in two of three units.
    I am grateful to my friend who helped so much whilst she stayed here preparing lovely home cooked food for us each day.
    I am grateful my son’s illness is only mild and have confidence he will recover fully soon.
    I am grateful for my old laptop that keeps working year after year.
    I am grateful my mum is going to travel to see my daughter dance on Friday in her competition.

  179. I am grateful that I am who I am.
    I am grateful for my drive to continue and grow and develop and SHINE.
    I am grateful that I have set myself up with a beautiful place to live and that my life is easy and mostly pleasurable.
    I am grateful for my new focus on ‘living a life of ease, pleasure and abundance’.
    I am grateful for the distinctions I have just made on the concept of ‘making money’.
    I am grateful for the people who support me and love me, no matter what!
    I am grateful for my NEW PROJECT which focuses on adding massive value to our local community and has the capability to expand world-wide…more about that soon.
    I am grateful for the courage to take on this enormously fulfilling and worthwhile project which intends to give us all a platform to make more of our lives in our local areas.
    I am grateful that the weather is warming up – how nice.
    I am grateful that my animals take care of themselves and seem quite happy as well!
    I am grateful and appreciate myself for having a kind heart, an inquiring and intelligent mind, and a generous and thoughtful nature.
    I am grateful for my body which has balanced itself out beautifully and I can look at myself and say, “Wow, how nice!”
    I am grateful to allow myself to have some extra sleep even though I am so driven to get the new project up and running.
    I am grateful that I’ve decided to ask for support and that I am willing to include other people in the excitement.

  180. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the busy days at work even when it means I don’t have time to write my gratefuls

    I AM grateful for the early to bed nights I have been enjoying (with grateful thanks to my electric blanket) even when it means not even turning on my computer

    I AM grateful to have negotiated the least desirable shift of my job without allowing it to affect me negatively

    I AM grateful for my safe travel to and from work and the people I have travelled with whose company I have enjoyed

    I AM grateful to have been able to discuss the benefits of being grateful with one of those travellers and that she asked for the website address so that she could check us out and maybe join in

    I AM grateful for another visit to my very caring doctor again this morning, even though I am a little sore again from the liquid nitrogen applications

    I AM grateful that it takes only a few panadol to take the sting out of the soreness after the treatment

    I AM grateful for the challenges I encountered and to quickly let go of the pain I felt at when I became aware of the actions of others and information that has shocked and disappointed me

    I AM really grateful to be working with Rod this week, he is so responsive and informative; and adds a lot of confidence and pleasure to my job.

    I AM grateful for the satisfactory resolution of a few issues with other people in the past week and for the hope of better working relations with people that were causing me to be concerned for the stability of the software application

    I AM grateful for the rain we have had over the past few days and that I have walked in it and generally stayed dry.

    I AM grateful for Hamish’s warm greeting when I meet him and Gloria out on their morning walk. (Hamish is an elderly Scottie dog that lives up the street)

    I AM grateful for the warm clothing to keep me cosy during the cold windy days we have experienced

    I AM grateful that the very strong winds forecast have either not done any damage in my back yard or otherwise not eventuated

    I AM grateful that I have not needed to use heaters the last two nights – which is so much better for the orchid plants in flower that are sharing my living space and giving me so much pleasure

    I AM grateful for warm and nourishing food I have cooked and eaten these last few days – haven’t bought lunch this week at all…

    I AM grateful for the great cappuccinos Ange has made for me to start my day with.

    I AM grateful I am about to finish work for the day and go home to my warm and cosy home.

    I AM grateful I can read all the other postings here and that each of us seems to be gaining something from participating.

  181. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for a lovely day out at Morewell, with a safe drive there and back.
    I am grateful for passing two out of three of my latest university subjects.
    I am grateful my mum will be arriving soon.
    I am grateful for the leftover dinner we could quickly heat up for tonight.
    I am grateful for the lucky country we live in and all its luxuries.
    I am grateful my children play so nicely with each other every day.
    I am grateful for my son’s beautiful and cheeky smile.
    I am grateful for my daughter trying so hard in her dance competitions.
    I am grateful for my friends who phone to catch up and hearing how they are doing.
    I am grateful for the internet that makes life so much easier in so many ways.
    I am grateful for my house and feeling all safe and warm when we arrive home after a full day out.

  182. irmawil says:

    I am grateful to be safe at home and listening to the thunder and lightening
    I am grateful for the chocolate chip cookie I had
    I am grateful for my Mom’s coffee
    I am grateful for the bracelet my mother brought me
    I am grateful for the friends I have to share my story with
    I am grateful for my brother’s cheerful voice
    I am grateful for the movie I saw with my mother and her husband
    I am grateful for dishes that I left unwashed
    I am grateful to laugh again

  183. I am so grateful for you wonderful people who keep coming back and leave posts for me to read and enjoy…and also to feel that I am normal.
    I am grateful that we are all so similar and yet so different.
    I am grateful for the beautiful response I received from someone very high up in the personal development field.
    I am grateful for a fantastic response from a musician who will allow me to use her music for our mini-movies.
    I am really happy and grateful to have had a lovely and blissful vision of a really beautiful future for myself…that I intend to live as if it is already happening.
    I am grateful for The Secret and all the material that has come out that helps us make a more fulfilling life and understand the nature of feelings, perceptions and attracting what we want.
    I am grateful for peace, love and understanding…and that my life is filled with all of those elements.
    I am grateful for the relaxed and easy life I have even if my choice is to work long hours and move at a fast pace.
    I am grateful for getting the first stage complete on my new project and that I have been willing to ask some key people for support.
    I am grateful that my standards are high and I expect great results for myself and each of the businesses that I create.
    I am grateful that our play is starting next wek as I feel I am nearly ready and the timing will be perfect.

  184. Susie Foletta says:

    I am grateful that Elizabeth keeps sending me little ‘Grateful-Chain reminders’ which, when they arrive, seem to be EXACTLY what I need to hear….
    I am grateful that the drought has broken in our part of the country and will be even MORE grateful when it breaks everywhere…
    I am grateful for Dr Emoto’s work on water and emotions….it really helps me re-connect when I’ve been around people who are cynical..
    I am grateful for my very dearest friend about to arrive from interstate with her darling husband for a few days stay with us….
    I am grateful for the warm fire MY darling husband has built and our BEAUTIFUL, snuggly sofas we can curl up in and talk ALL afternoon while the ‘boys’ do outside ‘boy stuff’……
    I am grateful that we have lots of lovely neighbours who care about our countryside as much as we do and are as much into Landcare and it’s potentially new direction, as are we….
    I am grateful that next week and the one after, I will be ablt to totally focus on the new businesses we are creating and give them my relatively unbroken focus..
    I am grateful Elizabeth’s play, into which she has put SO MUCH energy, is about to start …I KNOW she will be a star…..(so much bloody talent that girl…..)
    I am grateful her play is only a week long and that we can get back into our Mastermind Group after her Sensational Stage Debut…..!!!
    I am grateful it’s the WEEKEND…!!!!

  185. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for a calm and quiet day at work yesterday which allowed me time to do some tasks that were waiting in the wings

    I AM grateful for another entertaining night at the RSL, good meal, excellent music, great dancing and pleasant interesting company

    I AM grateful for a good sleep and waking up so well this morning

    I AM so grateful for the amazingly rich and varied day I have had today … and all pure pleasure

    I AM grateful for the safe travel to and from Foster today through all the “weather” weather… from leaving here this morning in bright sunshine after I washed the ice of the windows of the car and half an hour down the road to run into rain and from there experience fog, mist, drizzle, rain, heavy rain and very heavy rain the rest of the way and all the way back again

    I AM grateful for the pleasure of seeing all the newly washed shades of greens and greys in the trees and ferns, for the glimpse of the glorious yellow of wattle flowers, the purple of the hardenbergia, the white of the heath, earlicheer and soeil’d’or narcissus and even glorious orange sumach leaves still hanging on a tree (travelling slower in the rain lets me notice even more of my surroundings)

    I AM grateful for the lovely smells from the flowers, the freshness of rain, wood smoke from a bonnie … all such memory evocative soul food – especially great after being cooped up in an airconditioned highrise in the city.

    I AM grateful for the amazing SCIO session I had with Suzette and especially grateful for her courage and persistence to go in a different direction and with the opportunities; my courage in being open for her to do so; and my letting go of so much “stuff” with her gentle guidance, and her excitement when I did so. She gives interesting little tips and suggestions as well. Thank you Suzette.

    I AM grateful for the opportunity for a brief catchup visit with Elizabeth (with more material around The Secret) before I headed home

    I AM grateful I allowed myself to take a little detour to the Lyre Bird Hill Winery, taste just 4 of the wines on offer and to purchase two bottles of unwooded chardonnay (one to introduce my doctor to as she considers herself to be an ABC drinker as I was until I discovered cool climate chardonnay)

    I AM grateful for the wonderfully warm welcome at the Hard Loch Café when I stopped in for a Cappuccino both going down and coming back (the gluten free, egg free, pistachio, fig and sultana cake was pretty fantastic too)

    I AM grateful for my nice warm heaters while I catch up with my e-mails while I wait up to watch the Rugby test late tonight

    I AM grateful I have redefined my affirmations and my ideal man for a lasting relationship.

    I AM grateful for all the abundance in my life and for all that is flowing through me

    I AM grateful a project is starting to crystallise for me….

    I AM grateful I still have two days to look forward to spending however takes my fancy (although domestics and orchids seem likely to be beckoning)

    I AM grateful that Susie’s here with another contribution… I have missed you Susie but its great news that you have so much happening and to look forward to.

  186. I am grateful for my resolve to write another list of gratefuls even though I accidentally deleted the first lot.
    I am grateful for Ann dropping in today and leaving a DVD for me to watch and also for the books that she loans me from time to time…and her patience while waiting or me to return them.
    I am grateful for the delightfully informative phone call with Crystal tonight and her happy travel stories.
    I am grateful for Daniels patience as he is installing the software for our new website.
    I am grateful or being able to have a laugh and showing some patience during a very long and challenging rehearsal today.
    I am grateful for the fun I am anticipating when we finally get to perform.
    I am grateful that my song is at a reasonable standard for the production next week and with room for improvement over the next 5 days.
    I am grateful that I am finding really innovative ways to source original music for the mini-videos.
    I am grateful that I am not a theatre director as the job looks like an enormous one.
    I am grateful for seeing the extra guests online today.
    I am grateful for the peaceful and blissful time I am having and the delight in being able to do as I please.
    I am grateful that I have the drive to work and excel and thrive in business.
    I am grateful that my focus is clearly placed on creating wealth.
    I am grateful for the fantastic process I did 2 days ago that really established what my current passions are.
    I am grateful that I can feel ‘another workshop coming on!’
    I am grateful for the exposure that I have in our local community and on the internet in self development circles…it’s nice to be recognized.

  187. I am grateful to have posted over 100 articles in our article library at the new website over the last 24 hours.
    I am grateful that I feel so fantastic.
    I am grateful for the rain that makes me enjoy snuggling up inside.
    I am grateful for such an easy lifestyle.
    I am grateful for feeling very relaxed.
    I am grateful for feeling happy and healthy too.
    I am grateful for the lovely chicken stir fry Daniel made tonight.
    I am grateful that I can do anything that I want to do.
    I am grateful for being able to make the perfect appointment times for a spray tan and the hairdresser at the end of the week.
    I am grateful that the play will be starting in a few days as I am ready for it!

  188. Susie Foletta says:

    I am grateful that my friend Diane met her ‘true love’ through doing this sort of work (being grateful EVERY morning when she woke and every night before she went to sleep for what was good in her life) many years ago….
    I am grateful that she also kept a vision board updated constantly….
    I am grateful that she ‘kept with it’ for five years…..!!
    I am grateful that she did it in the face of some seemingly surmountable personal obstacles…
    I am grateful for her that her thirteenth wedding anniversary is coming up and she is even more in love now than she was on her wedding day…
    AND I am grateful for the fact that she will NEVER have to worry about issues financial for the rest of her life….
    I am grateful that we got to spend some time with them both over the last few days when they were on there way to Tasmania for a ‘delicious’ holiday….
    I am grateful that her husband is SUCH a lovely man….
    I am grateful that his first wife left him after thirty-two years so that they were able to meet each other…..!!!!
    I am grateful that ‘the boys’ put our wind turbine up and it is now whirring away, putting lovely power into our batteries…
    I am grateful that my friend and I were able to sit by the fire and TALK and TALK and TALK while the boys ‘played’ outside to their hearts’ content….
    I am grateful that my weekend was such a treat…..

  189. Hello…I am really grateful to have a smile on my face again today.
    I am grateful for feeling incredibly relaxed about the play that starts on Friday.
    I am grateful for getting to a point where I am getting so many enquiries that I will have to let go some of the less-interesting things that I do.
    I am grateful for the beautiful comments by two people this morning on my mini-movies – they are getting a really nice lot of exposure.
    I am grateful for sleeping in and feeling really rested with only 5 hours sleep.
    I am grateful for Susie’s lovely grateful list below – it makes me remember what it is like to have a beautiful relationship…and I enjoyed how happy she sounds.
    I am grateful for the enquiries I’ve been getting for my Quality Parties business and now I have got something exciting to tell them all.
    I am really grateful for yet another message on my mini-movies as I am writing this.
    I am also grateful for the incredible interest we are receiving from the countries in Asia.

  190. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the lovely sunny warm winter’s day and walking up and down my street in the subtle sunshine.
    I am grateful for a quiet day to study today and be working on schedule.
    I am grateful for the support I have received after having found out I failed one of my exams and being able to accept I may have to repeat this subject which is of little interest to me, however necesssary to complete my degree.
    I am grateful for signing up as a community member of the Monash library in Churchill giving me access to much needed academic references to preferred to online references by our rather old-fashioned universities.
    I am grateful for having a new family day care client booked in and am looking forward to another lovely toddler to care for.
    I am grateful for keeping on top of the order of the house and my paperwork in preparation for a full on weekend of work in Melbourne as it is the end of the financial year workload.
    I am grateful for the lucky country I live in with its good food and luxurious living standards.
    I am grateful my son is sleeping a bit better and enjoys having friends around to play with.
    I am grateful for being able to focus on being thankful and that this puts events in perspective.

  191. I am so grateful that I have managed to get in to write my grateful list before midnight tonight.
    I am grateful that I feel so fantastic even with little sleep.
    I am grateful that Andrew and Jacquie have helped so much with Crystal and that whe has had such a wonderful time away on holidays with them.
    I am grateful that they are so flexible with times for me to pick her up as I am really busy with the play starting tomorrow night.
    I am grateful for the extra rehearsal that we fitted in tonight that makes me feel really confident.
    I am grateful that I have been able to help someone today.
    I am grateful that miracles happen.
    I am grateful for Margaret who has e-mailed and offered her assistance with the new community website.
    I am really grateful because she is so involved on our community already and will be a wonderful asset.
    I am grateful for the excellent and progressive hairdresser

  192. I am grateful for the gorgeous spray tan I’ve had done for the play this week…I can pretend I’ve been on holidays.
    I am grateful to be inside as I can hear hail on the roof at the moment.
    I am incredibly grateful for all the wonderful wishes for me to enjoy opening night – how lovely that people have remembered.
    I am grateful that I feel so calm, as I know I have prepared to the best of my ability and accepted the last minute changes that have the potential to diminish my performance as a challenge to excel even more!
    I am grateful for the people who have surprised me who will be coming along tonight…and other nights as well.
    I am grateful that even though my mother has had a mishap, that I have allowed my brothers to shoulder the responsibility to create the solutions needed, as frankly, I am happy to be outside the problems (and to be here – in peace!)
    I am grateful that even though I have had some thoughts of wonder as to whether my character in the play will be portrayed to her maximum advantage, the words of encouragement from others (and myself) have brought me to a place of acceptance – whatever will be will be!
    I am grateful for the long, refreshing walk I had this morning and that the sun was shining – just for me it seems, because as soon as I was under cover, the rain started.
    I am grateful for the grateful chain.
    I am grateful that Ann has the courage and care enough to give me feedback, that I may not always agree with, but find extremely valuable…and in the last case, have acted on it!
    I am grateful that I can listen to feedback as a way to grow, change and learn and not as criticism…I look forward to it these days and am always waiting to see who will have the courage to speak up!
    I am grateful that I have confidence in my abilities even though sometimes, the results might not be what I was anticipating.

  193. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful there is happiness in my life and my friendship is sought.
    I am grateful to be taking a break from study to reflect on the good things in my life.
    I am grateful to have plucked up the courage to book in for some counselling to assist me with putting some past traumas back in their box to obtain even more happiness and fulfilment from life each day, and focus on living in the present again.
    I am grateful for one of my clients who has confirmed our work schedule for this weekend, and he is such a reliable and troublefree client.
    I am grateful for the Monash University Bookshop being open on just the one weekend when I really need them, so I can work all week at home, and then travel to Churchill on the weekend.
    I am grateful my friends understand when I am having a down day/week and need some time on my own being totally selfish and indulging in a ‘woe is me’ time.
    I am grateful to have my own house, peace and space to be on my own to just sit and think and sit and not think, and have a nap in my warm bed as I feel overwhelmed with parts of my life.
    I am grateful for having baked a cake yesterday as the sweetness has really comforted me today.
    I am grateful taking a few minutes of my day to focus on the positive lifts me up to where I belong.

  194. rainbow says:

    I am grateful that I have had a good holiday with my boys.
    I am grateful that I will be seeing the premeiere of ‘Stringlines’ tonight.
    I am grateful for the time I will have tomorrow to read up here and do a full list of gratefuls!

  195. I am so grateful that I have finally found out who rainbow is…and it was such a delight to have her come to our opening night last night.
    I am incredibly grateful for the massive amount of support, via e-mail and phone calls yesterday, from people wishing me well.
    It’s so nice that people remember me and are thoughtful like that.
    I really appreciate the support and the contact from so many of you…it means a great deal to me!
    I am grateful for a pleasing opening night, with a good response from the crowd, a satisfied and excited cast, a pleased director and playwrite.
    I am grateful that I filmed myself beforehand, because it gave me a tremendous amount of confidence before I went on stage…as I have tended to be over-critical of my performances (high expectations of myself!) and I’m still OK to have high expectations and the more I find ways to reaffirm to myself that I am great, then the more relaxed I will feel.
    I am grateful for the excited feelings I had after filming myself and that I mostly experienced a calm confidence.
    I am especially grateful to the judge who singled me out at the end of the night to compliment my talents profusely – that meant a lot too…
    I am grateful I’ve had the time to come on here before I go to Melbourne and then to the second performance tonight.

  196. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for the blue skies and sun today.
    I am grateful that what kept me from posting yesterday was good!
    I am grateful to have shared a hug with Elizabeth after her first performance. She did do an exceptionally good job – not just as a ‘first timer’ but her performance stands in its own right. Congratulations.
    I am grateful that my dear friend David also has done so well in his performance. I am grateful that he is nothing like the character he is portraying!
    I am grateful for the loving and open relationship I have with my boys.
    I am grateful that my ex and I can maintain our friendship.
    I am grateful for the support I have recieved which helped me make a leap into a new creative activity.
    I am grateful that I am about to start working hard here at work so that I can accomplish my goals.

  197. rainbow says:

    I am grateful I was able to put my needs first and not feel guilty about it.

    I am grateful that I can accept that another person’s problems belong to them.

    I am grateful that my kids were all organised and extra cooperative this morning, starting term 3 off so well.

    I am gratefeul that I have people who love me.

    I am grateful that I have people I love.

  198. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the busy days and very early to bed nights over the past week … even though it has kept me away from my PC and writing out the gratefuls I have verbalised many times daily.

    I AM grateful I was able to competently handle a difficult problem, requiring me to take responsibility for proactive remedial actions outside of my jurisdiction because it was the right thing to do, even though it delayed me finishing for the day and I needed to go in very early the next day to make sure it was all cleaned up properly.

    I AM grateful for all my safe travel at all different hours during this time

    I AM grateful the walks to and from the station have been very cold, that lazy wind and even some milder weather, or at least where I can see the stars and admire the last quarter of the moon in an almost cloudless sky

    I AM grateful I was able to “rescue” some bunches of flowers … I have really enjoyed the white alstromeria and especially the perfume of the earlicheer jonquils

    I AM grateful for the opportunity to accept an invitation to attend another new Demartini presentation – The Secret Behind The Secret and take a friend for free next Wednesday night

    I AM grateful that Sandra is delighted to have been asked and that we did get to travel home together on one day

    I AM grateful I could get away from work early enough on Friday to stop off at the RSL in time for the raffles and a lovely warm chicken salad (it has the loveliest dressing) for Dinner

    I AM grateful for the greetings and company of my new friends as we enjoyed the new band and lots of dancing (even if they kept changing beat through a song)

    I AM grateful for the opportunity to see my nephew on Saturday morning when he was in Melbourne this weekend … even though it meant another trip to city on a non-workday.

    I AM grateful he looked in a CD/DVD shop … I found a new CD by BoneyM, my most favourite band, with some different tracks from the others I have

    I AM grateful I accepted the invitation to attend a sales presentation on Saturday afternoon and be rewarded for my time with $75 petrol vouchers even though I didn’t buy and walked very long distances from public transport to get there and back home again

    I AM grateful for the painkillers to take care of the aches after all that walking and dancing

    I AM grateful for my son letting me know my grandson had a very good Rugby Union Colleges tournament on the Gold Coast, his team, Marlborough College from NZ placed fifth with three wins and three losses. They had lost their top 4 players to the NZ South Island Representative team so didn’t place as high as expected and that meant Phillip got more game time than expected – he played all but 5 minutes total gametime.

    I AM grateful I was able to go shopping at Southland yesterday and sort out some of my confusion over which memory cards fitted which readers in which peripheral. I will now be able to get on with putting some slide shows together with music to go into my “digiframe” for display

    I AM grateful for the head, neck, shoulders, back massage I treated myself to …I sure had some knots that feel so much better now

    I AM grateful that I will find it much easier to practise my dancing at home now that I found and bought myself three by three CD packs of Hits of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s with lots of the frequently played songs at the RSL

    I AM grateful there is another 3 cymbidium plants out in flower and that they are now sharing my living room with me so I can really appreciate their beauty. Of the 9 inside now there are 22 spikes out in flower (11 of them on one plant). Another 6 plants are nearly out so will have to make more room for them by the weekend.

    I AM grateful I made time to try out the new mini tripod with my camera on Sunday afternoon. After I checked the flowers in the garden, and the orchids that are out I then went for a little drive down the street and had a lot of fun taking over 200 photos … some of which are truly magnificent, especially some of the indigenous coastal banksia, some other banksias, orchids and other flowers

    I AM grateful that Margaret called me while I was out taking the photos. It was a lovely surprise to be able to catch up with what has been happening in her life over the past three and a half months since we last enjoyed each other’s company at a Quality Party on 1st April.

    I AM grateful I filled the car up with petrol and then decided to succumb to temptation (as I hadn’t eaten all day) go on down to Mornington for dinner …

    I AM grateful John looked after me so well again, spoiling me with tastings of three wines before I decided on the one to go with the roast beef dinner … and then the little muscat to go with the coffee … all delicious and I did dawdled slowly through the meal to ensure my alcohol level would be legal

    I AM grateful I stopped off in the layby on Olivers Hill on my way home to enjoy one of my favourite sights … lights across the water, and then went back to where I had taken some of the banksia photos to try some more in total darkness with the flash … interesting …!!!

    I AM grateful that I have options for downloading the photos from my camera, especially when I have mislaid the USB key that the XD card fits into (and I didn’t have to look for the cable either)

    I AM grateful I have now made the time to write these gratefuls all ready to download a week of e-mails as I admired the pictures I took (photos on the laptop, writing and e-mails on the desktop) until it all came to a halt when my PC went into a big freeze … and I hadn’t saved this list of gratefuls

    I AM grateful I decided to leave the PC on when I went to bed hoping for a miracle that it would get over its hissey fit and I would be able to save the document before I went to work this morning … because it did … even though it wouldn’t recognise the memory stick for me to transfer the data so I could have posted this from work

    I AM grateful I could flip the power switch to off and come home tonight and switch it back on,that I didn’t have to write everything from scratch again but just recover the saved document and edit it and now post it … while 9 days of e-mails download (I have been able to check them from work and clean out most of the rubbish)

    I AM grateful for a very welcome special e-mail and for the anticipation of making an appropriate response for the gift of open honesty and the trust implicit in that

    I AM grateful for taking the opportunity to telephone my sister in NZ tonight to find out how my Dad is recovering from his surgery and am very surprised and pleased to hear that he will be going into respite care at Wallingford while Miriam is having a few days off for a trip to Singapore later this week to a Convention

    I AM really grateful to be able to read all the great posts here since I last joined you. It is great to hear all the good news and lovely things that are happening in all your lives

    I AM grateful Elizabeth’s opening night went so well and hope each performance since has been really great too. I am only sorry I won’t have the opportunity to attend.

    I AM grateful it is now time to slip between the sheets, beautifully warmed by the electric blanket, ready for a good sleep and another day to be grateful for all that happens … or doesn’t happen …

  199. I am really grateful to have given myself some time-out after an incredibly energetic and exciting few days of performances.
    I am grateful that Ann’s grateful list reminded me to come on to the site and do mine too!
    I am grateful that Susie, Trevor and so many other people I know have made it to the play.
    I am grateful for the delightful comments from Kathy and Rainbow and I’m especially excited that one of the judges made a special effort to speak to me about my guitar playing etc.
    I am grateful to be given this opportunity to be in a successful public performance because it has been a fulfilling exercise in raising my public profile.
    I am grateful that I have significantly reduced my e-mail subscriptions and lightened my commitment load – ready to get moving at a fast pace on the new community website.
    I am grateful that Crystal is really happy to be home, that she thoroughly enjoys school and that we have Daniel here to spend some quality time with her.
    I am grateful that Andrew keeps such great contact on a regular basis and provides her with the stability of a father figure.
    I am grateful for David’s friendly e-mail today.
    I am grateful that I have enough wisdom to listen to my body when it tells me I am tired, even if my mind doesn’t want to agree.
    I am just so very grateful that I have freedom to choose what I do every day.
    I am grateful that I made the commitment to do the play as the rehearsals and performances are really the only social life I have at the moment.
    I am grateful that I can look forward in anticipation to whatever the next chapter in my life will present me.

  200. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for the continued good humour and cooperation of my gorgeous boys.
    I am grateful I can choose so much of how I spend my days.
    I am grateful for the trust shown to me by a stranger.

  201. I am grateful to have achieved a great deal today even though I spent many extra hours in my delightfully warm and comfortable bed.
    I am grateful for the time I took to play guitar with thorough enjoyment – and that my skills are improving dramatically.
    I am grateful that Crystal woke me up this morning so I could tend to the beginning of her day as I usually do.
    I am grateful for the phenomenal amount of rain we are having to soak the ground as some people are still experiencing a dry winter.
    I am grateful for the outpouring of support I’ve had to assist with tasks on the new website.
    I am grateful for the delicious roast lamb I cooked today and the pancakes we had for dessert as part of a family tradition on a rainy night.
    I am grateful that we still have 3 days of performances to go as I think I might miss the company when it is over.

  202. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for music.
    I am grateful for heaters and warm clothes.
    I am grateful that for the third morning in a row, all my children were ready and organised on time.
    I am grateful for the friendship I share with D that enables me to wake him up and sit on his bed and chat!
    I am grateful for the great review of Stringlines:
    “After interval, the play becomes dramatic and the hidden links in the story are revealed, supported by growing tensions and some surprising twists.
    The ending is quite wistful and unusual, with the spotlight on pivotal character Kaye, performed by Elizabeth Richardson.
    Although Stringlines is Elizabeth’s stage debut, she is very natural and convincing in her role of a woman who loves her man but lives in difficult circumstances that are contrary to her preferred setting.
    Elizabeth proves to have a delightful voice when she performs the play’s song by Rob Ellis about “outback blues in the deep red centre of my heart” and she also makes good use of her freshly acquired guitar playing skills.” The Mirror 18-7-07

  203. I was thoroughly delighted to wake up to rainbows report from the newspaper review of Stringlines and I’m really grateful that she thought to include it here.
    I am grateful to have progressed an enormous distance on the new website and with even more people expressing interest and desire to advertise yesterday again.
    I am grateful that most of my ideas for the site are easilly coming into reality…I really desire this to be a wonderful and valuable resource for all our community.
    I am grateful that the news is getting out about the site and it is one of those things that will attract enthusiasm without me having to promote it.
    I am grateful for good foresight and Daniels intelligence that keeps me facing in the most feasible directions.
    I am grateful for my insistence on having just the right format and facilities.
    I am grateful to be so excited about it.

  204. rainbow says:

    I am grateful that I am me.

  205. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful for the 25 mm of recent rain when I emptied the rain gauge

    I AM grateful I drove the car to the station on Tuesday morning when it was so wet and cold and that I remembered to take it home again on Tuesday night.

    I AM grateful for safe travel to and from work travelling at different times with a book and music for company when Sandra wasn’t there

    I AM grateful for a comfortable place of work to go to and the time to appreciate it (and that I can look forward to another day off tomorrow)

    I AM grateful for the opportunity to respond to personal e-mails, and being able to provide information that may be of value.

    I AM grateful to be able to enjoy the music of BoneyM this week

    I AM grateful for the lovely lunch with Joy yesterday and the opportunity to catch up with the progress of our lives and for the exchange of health information websites

    I AM grateful I remembered that Sandra couldn’t contact me on my mobile phone as I had left it at home on the charger so was able to call her before she left home to arrange our rendezvous

    I AM grateful Sandra and I had the opportunity to hear Dr John Demartini speak again last night. It is the third time I have seen him present in person and definitely the best so far.

    I AM especially grateful for the distinctions I got from his message and further clarity on what work I need to do to redefine values and align desires for congruence

    I AM grateful I was able to survive the long wait in the queue to get into the theatre and that I have e-mailed feedback to global1training in the hope they will review their processes

    I AM grateful for safe travel home on the train last night and that I had taken the car to the station in the morning so didn’t have the walk home as well

    I AM grateful for the paracetamol that helped the good night’s sleep; again this morning to walk to the station and to work and again after another session with my doctor and liquid nitrogen.

    I AM grateful the visit to Medicare for a cash refund of part of my doctor’s fee took less than 5 minutes.

    I AM grateful I found a new food outlet “Torts” at the Galleria food court and tried something different for lunch … and it was really nice

    I AM grateful for all the abundance in my life, for good friends and opportunities to make a difference

    I AM grateful for the co-operation of my new work colleague in getting some information to request investigations into some unexplained new glitches in the system I support

    I AM grateful to rainbow for posting the newspaper review of the play Elizabeth has the lead role in(otherwise I wouldn’t have seen it)and that it is recognition of what she has put into it as well as her natural talent.

  206. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for the cheery people in the world.

    I am grateful I found the strength and calmness to deal with my youngest who decided he didn’t want to go to school today.

    I am grateful for having all the money I need to do as I need.

  207. I am grateful to have just managed to get home before midnight.
    I am incredibly grateful for the compliment I received tonight for giving a consistent performance.
    I am grateful to find that I have a wonderful memory for my lines and that my singing is coming across even better and nicer each time.
    I am grateful to have solved another challenge with the newspaper on the new website.
    I am grateful for so many people who are keen to see it up and running.
    I am grateful for our fabulous cast members and how close we all become after sharing this magnificent experience together.
    I am grateful to have had so many of my dreams fulfilled just by being involved in this production.
    I am grateful for the fantastic opportunity to perform and gain a new level of confidence and experience that could not have need gained any other way.
    I am grateful that I am me too!
    I am grateful to be so excited about life and that I have created some exciting future projects to look forward to.
    I am grateful to feel the I have so many new opportunities opening up to me and that my life is taking off again.
    I am grateful to have set myself up in a beautiful home and that I’ve had the experience of getting whatever I want if I want it enough.
    I am grateful that wonderful things happen for me even if I haven’t consciously asked for them.
    I am grateful for the fun surprises that life presents me with constantly.

  208. rainbow says:

    I am grateful that I know I am strong.

  209. I am really really grateful for a wonderful closing night for ‘Stringlines’.
    I am grateful that I was asked to make the speech to thank our director and that I also made an appropriate and particularly moving speech for him.
    I am grateful for the amazing growth and learnings from being involved in this production – that I would not have learned from anything else.
    I am grateful that I have learned an effective and appealing way to socialize and that I am so calm and comfortable in front of people.
    I am again really grateful for the musician who complimented me on my performance.
    I am grateful that rainbow came back the second time to watch the play.
    I am so very grateful that I went down to help clean up this morning as it has given me a sense of completion.
    I am grateful for feeling as if ‘I have lost a loved one’ because they tell me how special this experience really is to me!
    I am grateful for the cast and crew, playwrite, songwriter and support people who have all contributed in meaningful ways to me having an experience that I will always remember with fondness and some nostalgia.
    I am gratefully leaving the space open to find out what the next big social activity will be.
    I am grateful as I watch the new Local-Space website come together with profoundly beneficial intent.
    I am grateful for the software that is so accessible to us to enable this site to function automatically and extremely professionally.
    I am grateful that I have been given even more reasons to keep on focussing on ‘adding value’.
    I am grateful to be feeling feelings that I haven’t felt in a long time and that make me feel so ALIVE!
    I am grateful that I was able to express an outpouring of love for all our cast members and in ways that made me realize I have infinitely much more to give.
    I am grateful to have a delightful life, strong support, a loving family and a clear vision for how I will contribute to life in the future.
    I am grateful for taking the time to sit in the sun and play the guitar – and quite well too.
    I am grateful for all the new skills I have picked up as a result of being involved in this production, especially for even more confidence in being in the public eye.

  210. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for all that I have achieved today.
    I am grateful that I found what I needed to make a phone call I was nervous about.
    I am grateful for the love of my parents.
    I am grateful that I learning to accept my parents for who they are.
    I am grateful that I will be going home in a minute and that my boys will be joining me.
    I am grateful for the week ahead that will be filled with much joy and good feelings.

  211. I am grateful to have achieved so much over the last 24 hours and that I will go to bed now fully satisfied and complete.
    I am really grateful for how much fun I am having building and developing the new site.
    I am grateful for the time I have to focus on my goals.
    I am grateful for the fantastic interview with Dr. Joe Vitale that I listened to many times today.
    I am grateful for the information that come directly via e-mail to me that allows me access to these quality self development tools.
    I am grateful for the e-mail I received with a thank you attached.
    I am grateful to have so much time to do as I please and specially that I sat in the sun again today and played my guitar.
    I am grateful that I can play quite well now and just need the practise to remember the right lyrics and chords for the songs I am choosing.
    I am grateful to have had such a marvelous response to my singing and playing over the last week or so and feel really encouraged to continue.
    I am grateful for the surprises that life has to offer and how I often receive more than what I have asked for.

  212. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for all the work I did get done yesterday.
    I am grateful for my son’s and David’s assistance.
    I am grateful for the help I asked for and received for the play.
    I am grateful to be involved in this creative project.
    I am grateful for the friendships developed.
    I am grateful for David who washed the dishes and joined us working on the play.
    I am grateful my ex came through for the kids.
    I am grateful my youngest made it to school on time.
    I am grateful for the insights and guidance I will recieve to help him cope with what is stressing him.
    I am grateful for all the work that I will accomplish today.
    I am grateful for this place that helps me to focus the way I want to and need to.

  213. Ann Steel says:

    I AM grateful I could send my sister a text message yesterday (as she’s not home from her travels yet) wishing her a happy birthday. This is a followup to the photo birthday card I made for her and posted off to NZ.

    I AM grateful for the time I have spent working with my photos to get them into some semblance of order and arrange to take advantage of a special deal for cheap prints

    I AM grateful for the time taken to go out and take some more photos to add to my collection

    I AM grateful a colleague has offered to help me select a portfolio of my best work

    I AM grateful to Elizabeth for the ground work she has done in promoting my work and for the contact she has given me to follow up which may lead to a wonderful opportunity to see some displayed.

    I AM grateful that my visit to Centrelink was relatively painless and especially for the quality of customer service I received from the man on the telephone enquiry line earlier in the day.

    I AM grateful for the great night of socialising and dancing at the RSL on Friday night.

    I AM grateful for the nice warm lie-ins on my flexday and the weekend, especially when the weather was so wet and very cold

    I AM grateful for my nice comfortable chair in front of my TV in a nice warm room to watch the All Blacks retain the Tri-Nations and Bledisloe Cups.

    I AM grateful for all my safe travel to and from work, for all the good company along the way; for the walks in the dark; in the light; in the rain; in the cloudy; in the foggy; in the windy; in the sunshine

    I AM grateful for taking the time to view all the different moods and colours of the sea every day and to be appreciative of all the nuances of colour as the surface varies from flat, to rippled, to gentle whitecaps, to the wilder ones.

    I AM grateful to be able to admire and enjoy the flowers on my orchids each day

    I AM grateful for all the lovely cappuccinos made for me and for all the meals I have made and enjoyed

    I AM grateful it is payday/redistribution day today, that I have paid my rent to keep my roof over my head

    I AM grateful to have had sent to me a website for the Well of Positivity that will make donations towards Breast Cancer research for every positive thought donated and that I am having fun filling that well at:

  214. I am grateful that I am feeling so wonderfully optimistic about my future prosperity.
    I am grateful for the enthusiasm I feel towards getting up and working (which really feels more like playing).
    I am grateful for the fabulous modifications I’ve found for the new website – You will all be so impressed.
    I am grateful to have found a beautiful way to add value to our local area and know that what I’m creating will be profoundly beneficial to all who participate.
    I am grateful that every step of the way I am adding so much value that I know people will be busting to pay to have exposure on this new site.
    I am grateful that my body is coping with the long hours of sitting and being awake and mentally alert.
    I am grateful for the magnificent computer programmers out there who provide the most creative scripts for the applications we will be using.
    I am grateful that I have been able to have everything I have asked for and that most things have turned out so much better than anticipated.

  215. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for taking time out to be grateful, that is just feeling good about life.
    I am grateful for the rain today and the few days of hot weather for winter.
    I am grateful for having courage to face the past and learn from it, so as to improve today.
    I am grateful for living in such a rich country we can indulge ourselves in so many ways.
    I am grateful for the enjoyment of watching Ready Steady Cook with the kids and being able to cook as fast as they do.
    I am grateful to be concentrating on my studies and getting better at focussing.
    I am grateful for having a garden to enjoy myself in.
    I am grateful for friends who are there for you no matter what.
    I am grateful for having the skills of being resilient and resourceful.
    I am grateful for my laptop that is continuing to work well after quite a few years of use.
    I am grateful for my daughter who is so helpful and loving.
    I am grateful for my son who is extremely helpful for his age and likes to be tickled, and it gets us all laughing.

  216. I am grateful to be able to do just as I please and that my only commitments are to myself.
    I am grateful for FREEDOM and that we live in beautiful Australia.
    I am grateful for the fun I’m having playing on the new site and for the anticipation of the prospect for the future when it is launched to the public.
    I am grateful for the box of food that Pete dropped off for us and for his amazing generosity.
    I am grateful for the great dinner that Daniel helped to prepare….and lots more things.

  217. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful to have slept in a bit and enjoyed a wonderful dream about going on vacation in Queensland.
    I am grateful to be having more deep sleep and being able to dream.
    I am grateful for the excellent students met recently with study groups online, motivating each other and helping each other.
    I am grateful for the wonderful new child I look after in day care as the children play so well together.
    I am grateful for being able to do my exercises at the park in the sunshine and gain more fitness and strength.
    I am grateful for feeling energetic and young and being able to do so much each day.
    I am grateful someone has show interest in house sharing with us.
    I am grateful for remembering to put out the rubbish bin every week all year.
    I am grateful to have such a wonderful life full of joy.
    I am grateful my daughter is growing up into a beautiful teenager.
    I am grateful my son likes a good tickle and running around jumping.
    I am grateful for delicious roast vegetables tasting so sweet.
    I am grateful for the grateful chain and all the benefits it brings to many people.

  218. I am really grateful that Dinah reminded me to post a grateful and that hers were so beautiful.
    I am grateful that I have an amazing persistence to keep on going for what I want – and that I can see how different I am to some other people.
    I am grateful for Susie who very generously dropped off two bottles of “Jungle Juice” for me…liquid vitamins.
    I am grateful that the liquid vitamins enable me to live the lifestyle that I am choosing to live at the moment (last night only 3 hours sleep)
    I am grateful for the wonderful people I am meeting and are helping with the new site in all sorts of ways.
    I am grateful for Jennifer who surprised me today by mentioning the grateful-chain in her newsletter – and for the mass of new registrations we received as a result.
    I am overwhelmed with the generosity and thoughtfulness of people like that and that I am able to see the magic in life.
    I am grateful for this wonderful grateful-chain because it has changed my life in dramatic ways.
    I am grateful that this site is easy to maintain and that everyone is OK if I don’t send out a regular newsletter at the moment.
    I am grateful that people appreciate what we have set up here.
    I am grateful for the amazing learning curve I have been on and that I can now even do simple coding for websites.
    I am grateful that people care about me and also for the influx of phone calls that I’ve had for Quality Parties.
    I am grateful that I feel like organizing a Quality Parties Reunion and that I might do that as a treat when the new site is launches to the public.
    I am grateful to feel that it will be easy for people to access the new site and for the creative ways I am thinking of the put out the word.
    I am always grateful for the Internet and that our service provider is so efficient, professional and helpful.
    I am grateful for being able to contact owners of businesses and people in high profile positions and feel completely comfortable and confident in my own abilities to mix with some of the best in the industry.
    I am grateful for the support I’ve had from Paul K in getting one of the facilities up on the website and his persistence in assisting me to the highest level I could imagine.
    I am grateful for the chat room s0oftware that we found that is proving to be much fun for Crystal as she is testing it prior to the launch.
    I am grateful for feeling so relaxed about my life and my future and that I can do as I please without feeling obligated to ANYONE else only to MYSELF!
    I am grateful for the time off from writing my grateful list so that I had the opportunity to come up with this long and enjoyable list…

  219. crystal says:

    I’m gratful for mum because she’s happy.

  220. halifaxgus says:

    I’m grateful to be “awake” after a 12-year slump like Rip Van Winkle. So thankful for having my recently departed sister Nancy in my life for so long. Happy I finally met a lady near my age to “walk & laugh with.”

  221. I am grateful for all the new users who are registering – that just lets me know that people are finding value here.
    I am grateful for waking up feeling happy almost every day and that my life is so much easier than it ever has been.
    I am grateful for all the challenges I’ve had in the past because they help me appreciate what I have now.
    I am grateful that I experience so much peace and health and love in my life.
    I am grateful for gratefulness as if I didn’t think about things I am grateful for I probably wouldn’t realize the beauty and wonder of what I already have.
    I am grateful for feeling relaxed about the launch of the new site and that I haven’t set a time frame to finish.
    I am grateful that it is almost complete though with just a few final touches needed to help give our members that best experience possible.

  222. I am grateful for the Customer Service department I have been working with over the last 5 days or so, who are just so professional, patient and solutions orientated.
    I am incredibly grateful for the GIFT FROM THE DEVELOPER of a commercial version of a program I really wanted for the new website.
    I am grateful that I know how to bring out the best in people and communicate in a way that encourages and compliments them.
    I am grateful for sleeping peacefully and for the new song I have written – my first ever.
    I am grateful for the confidence I have in that my first song composition is very good and look forward to performing it in public.
    I am grateful for Google and Yahoo, who keep directing people to the Grateful Chain for inspirational things.
    I am grateful for the people who provide referrals and generously send others over to us.
    I am grateful for the feeling of wanting to ‘add vvalue to the world’.
    I am grateful for the wonderful software that has been responsible for the ease of development of the Grateful Chain.

  223. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful miracles happen and after a lot of praying by myself and my church the near impossible has been achieved by a fail mark being turned around to a pass.
    I am grateful for having the courage to apply for the remark and speak my mind about some inefficiencies and inadequacies.
    I am grateful this news of a pass was delivered within minutes of my payment to repeat the subject.
    I am grateful this will mean I am back to my original study plan and can focus properly on my law unit that is really enjoyable.
    I am grateful my son is sleeping better and enjoying himself with his friends.
    I am grateful all the kids I look after are so wonderful, cute and well behaved.
    I am grateful my daughter likes to read quietly while I study.
    I am grateful my daughter cooked some great pastries for us.
    I am grateful my health is good and there has been sunny days to go to the park and walk around town.
    I am grateful for the financial assistance of my tax return arriving in the mail as an added bonus this week.
    I am grateful for knowing I can have great peace in my life when complying with my core moral values.

  224. cbehr99 says:

    I am grateful for my husband, and that we have been together through thick and thin for 32 years, my children, my 3 beautiful granddaughters. I am also thankful for God bringing a wonderful frien into our lives, who is helping me to discover that i have it with me to attain anything I want, i am grateful for every day, good or bad, that i awake to a new day. There is so much i am grateful for, there just isnt enough space to write it all down.

  225. I am so incredibly grateful for our new member who has come to join us here.
    I am grateful to be really close to launch day for the new website and that it is phenomenal – really, you will all be impressed.
    I am grateful for the way it has all come together so perfectly and it is much nicer and has ever more facilities than I had imagined.
    I am grateful that The Grateful Chain keeps rolling along even though I haven’t been on here for days.
    I am grateful that Ann put my name down for a photo shoot, because, someone has requested my photo for an Internet promotion and that was such a surprise…I needed new photos.
    I am grateful for peace and prosperity and for what was my vision for the future, turning into present reality.
    I am grateful that I am wonderfully happy and entertained with all that I am doing.
    I am grateful that I am OK with the life I am living – though I would not recommend it for everyone.
    I am grateful for the amazing inspiration and motivation that flows through me on a regular basis.
    …oh, I almost forgot, I am grateful that I have that ability to write great songs, as I have just written my first and it is fantastic.
    I am grateful that I am not too modest.
    I am grateful to be feeling loving and joyful and peaceful…what more could I need!
    I am grateful to be viewing my life as perfection.
    Thank you for reading this!

  226. rainbow says:

    I am grateful that I am slowly catching up on some much needed sleep.
    I am grateful that the aches and pains are easing.
    I am grateful that my renovations have worked out so well.
    I am grateful that next week will be easier to manage.
    I am grateful that my kids have managed so well with less attention from me lately.
    I am grateful that I will have more time to enjoy with them.

  227. I am grateful for a beautiful life than runs smoothly most of the time.
    I am grateful that I find benefit in every challenge.
    I am grateful the new website was received with such glowing praise.
    I am grateful to be relaxed about the future and trusting that the results will be even better than I imagined.
    I am grateful for the talents I have been gifted.
    I am grateful for rainy days and being inside and getting so warm in the office.
    I am grateful that I can sleep so well when I finally take myself off to bed.
    I am grateful that my body accepts the pressures that my mind occasionally puts it under.
    I am grateful for clean air, good food, easy and quick recipes and that I can whip up a tasty and nutritious meal in a few minutes.
    I am grateful that my children appreciate me.
    I am grateful that many members of the community appreciate me.
    I am grateful for Pete who dropped off another bag of goodies and produce for us yesterday…and for Arthur bringing some fresh eggs.
    I am grateful to be alive (as I haven’t always felt that way).
    I am grateful that things change and that our attitudes can effect change, rapidly.

  228. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for all the stormy weather bringing a wintery change.
    I am grateful for the power outage brining our house into a state of relaxing candlelight for a few hours.
    I am grateful for having a spare monitor to replace the one that blew a fuse in the power spikes from the storm.
    I am grateful for the sweet juicy manadarins we bought the other day, they are so refreshing.
    I am grateful our daffodils in the pot are starting to grow now.
    I am grateful for the wonderful holiday my mum went on as she sounds so relaxed from all the natural beauty she saw over the fortnight.
    I am grateful for my lovely son who just loves playing with balls and baloons.
    I am grateful my daughter has agreed to stay home from school until she is more well.
    I am grateful all our bodies are slowly fighting the viruses in our throats and this is the only time we have been ill this winter.
    I am grateful to know we will all recover quickly and are still well enough to do all our normal daily routine.
    I am grateful my laptop is providing such convenience of being able to study next to the heater in the kitchen.
    I am grateful for passing all my university subjects I have tried so far.
    I am grateful for the feeling of the pull to goodness as I am missing going to church during my heavy study load period.

  229. I am grateful for the net work of people I am creating.
    I am grateful for the wonderful people who keep showing up here on the Grateful Chain.
    I am grateful for actually getting 8 hours of complete sleep today.
    I am grateful that I am able to keep unusual hours , get so much done and that my body patiently accepts my behaviour.
    I am grateful for the supportive comments we’ve had on the new website at and that our local community in South Gippsland, Eastern Victoria, Bass Coast and the Prom Coast are rallying behind it.
    I am grateful for an easy life and for the fantastic prospects for the future.
    I am grateful for the fairly nice critical reviews of my performance in Stringlines.
    I am grateful that I only listen to the things that are useful and constructive.
    I am grateful that the judges on the whole are very supportive and write well to encourage people to move forward.
    I am grateful for the full water tanks and that we don’t have to collect water in buckets in the sink like we were a couple months ago.
    I am grateful for peace and prosperity and that I live in a country where happiness does not depend on whether we have food in our bellies or that there have been no bombings in a neighbouring village.
    I am grateful for the people who keep coming to share time on the Grateful Chain.
    I am grateful for the wondrous ways people keep finding us even if I have not been promoting like I used to.
    I am grateful to be able to focus 99% of my time over at Local Space.
    Thank you for reading this!

  230. I am really grateful that I could laugh at myself this morning as I had put pepper corns on my breakfast cereal instead of poppy seeds – and I can still taste them.
    I am grateful for the idea this has just given me for a new game to use on
    I am grateful for the roadside assistance that came really quickly this morning.
    I am grateful that this site is here for me to post on.
    I am grateful for the great sleep I am about to have.

  231. I am so grateful for the backup service that our server provides for us as it has been needed to day.
    I am grateful to be calm in the face of what could have been a disaster.
    I am grateful that our other website will be restored and the content saved.
    I am hoping to feel grateful really soon for an experience that I have had on another website where one of the administrators removed parts of a post I made on a forum.
    I am grateful that I sent off an e-mail to the site owners and that I know that, is as much as I need to do before I move on.
    I am really glad and grateful that I can let go of what felt like an injustice.
    I am grateful that I can see beyond my issues and into the insecurities that would prompt someone else would do something like that.
    I am grateful to be back on the chain after a few days away.
    I am grateful to have noticed that I had actually slipped into some less than pleasant thoughts because I haven’t been practising my gratitude.
    I’m really grateful that this website is here and that I can get value from this wonderful experience.
    I am grateful that Deborah noticed that the site was down as it is good to be missed.
    I am also grateul that our server is very professional and is up online a very high percentage of the time.

  232. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful to have some unexpected extra study time today.
    I am grateful to be well again after a tickly throat for a few weeks and for the tickle going away before it developed into a cold.
    I am grateful my daughter helps out a lot at home.
    I am grateful my son only woke up twice last night.
    I am grateful my parents are going to buy a house for my son’s future.
    I am grateful my exam preparation in one unit is going well and I feel I can pass this subject.
    I am grateful for the beautiful sunny days we have had.
    I am grateful for taking time in friendships to get to know people before progressing to a relationship.
    I am grateful for having our house and enjoying the security this provides.
    I am grateful for feeling well and energetic today and younger than yesterday.
    I am grateful the RACV came quickly to fix the car last weekend.

  233. I am grateful to have reduced significantly the number of e-mail addresses I manage…nice and easy!
    I am grateful for the choice of being able to do as I please when I get up every day.
    I am grateful to have had quite a few nights of really long and restful sleep..and that I feel like my life is more established and I can relaxed.
    I am grateful for feeling happy inside this morning.
    I am grateful for Dinah’s company on the grateful chain.
    I am really grateful for my lovely home too and that we live in an area where it is safe and secure and peaceful.
    I am really grateful to be living in the country as well – it’s so beautiful and quiet and the people are really friendly and helpful.
    I am grateful again for gratefulness because this process really makes me look at life with a much nicer perspective.
    I am grateful for the assistance and wonderful support from a company in the States who are helping to get one of the modifications working effectively on the other website.
    I am grateful for the delightful compliment I received about one of my photos that was sent to someone who wanted to use it for a promotion – it’s always nice to hear a compliment.
    I am grateful for having the courage to sign up for one of the more respected Internet dating sites.
    I am grateful to have had some flirting fun with someone last week that really stirred up my feminine side.
    I am grateful that I can meet people and stay inside the house – especially in winter.
    I am grateful for people who care for others especially those in aged care – I’ve always known it takes a special kind of person to do that job.
    I am grateful for the fabulous teachers we have at Crystals school and for the positive changes we are seeing implemented in the school system this year.

  234. …And I’m grateful for this huge list of grateful’s that keeps growing and growing.

  235. I am grateful to feel a little more relaxed physically as my shoulder muscles were a little tight.
    I am really grateful for the people who continue to register here and at the new site at
    I am grateful that people are respectful of the site and there have been no instances of spam.
    I am grateful for feeling so much better since I’ve got back to writing regular grateful lists.
    I am grateful for the weather warming up and the delightful sunshine that stimulated me to go for a walk yesterday.
    I am grateful thatI can justdrive a few minutes to get to a goo supermarket to but food.
    I am grateful for the nice contact I had with people on two other different sites over the last 12 hours.
    I am grateful that this site is so easy to maintain.
    I am really grateful to be perfectly healthy and satisfied with my life.
    I am grateful for the nice breakfast cereal this morning and to share it with my daughter.

  236. Crystal says:

    im am graful for mum to be happy and im graful for me to go to school to day. and im happy for mum to now so meny peopel in her life.

  237. Agnbreeze says:

    I am grateful for my family, two grown daughters,their partners, and my two small grandsons.
    I am grateful for the “smile” on my grand-dog’s face when she brings her stick back to me after she’s caught it!
    I’m grateful for the hummingbirds at my feeder, and the fuchias that attract them in the first place.
    I am very grateful for my good health, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally!
    I am grateful for my great friends, and even for the others who try to make life difficult. They also occupy an important place in life’s journey.
    I am grateful for the city I live in, as it truly is one of the world’s most beautiful places.
    I am grateful for a dance well danced, and the partners who share my joy!
    I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the children I meet in my career.
    I am grateful for music! It touches my soul and motivates me in my daily routines.
    I am grateful to be able to have been part of “FIRE THE GRID”, and for all the authors who’s books I read and relish!

  238. I am really grateful for the company on the grateful-chain and WELCOME to Agnbreeze.
    I am grateful for the poeple who paricipate in forums and blogs becausethey make our reading so much more interesting.
    I am grateful thatpeople have different outlooks, perspectives and opinions on things because makes life more interesting too.
    I am grateful for wonderful children and for their capabilities to cook and take care of most things for themselves.
    I am grateful for the happiness in our house.
    I am grateful for all the sleep I am catching up on at the moment after approx 8 months of high activity.
    I am grateful that I am listening to my body telling me to relax more and that I can enjoy the time off.
    I am grateful for the high levels of motivation/inspiration that I do get at certain times and for the commitment I have to whatever tasks I take on.
    I am grateful for feedback that helps for me to see things from someone elses point of view and that it also helps me to reassess ‘what works’.
    I am always grateful for the peaceful life that I have, the beautiful views from my bedroom window, the joy of living in the country, an easy life and that we are all perfectly healthy.

  239. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for being able to help a friend with pain by taking them for healing at the church and immediately seeing the pain lifted because of the positive effects and prayer.
    I am grateful helping other people is so satisfying and gives you an inner glow you have assisted someone to feel better and realise positive thoughts help and work, whether internally or through prayer.
    I am grateful for my daughter who continues to be more helpful and mature everyday alongside with being absolutely silly and childish playing with her much younger brother.
    I am happy my children smile a lot and like hugs.
    I am grateful for glorious beauty of spring blossoms and seeing gardens starting to bud for spring.
    I am grateful for the love from friends and how this can lift you up.
    I am grateful for so many aspects of my life being wonderful now and moving in excellent ways showing a path to more satisfaction in the future.
    I am grateful to see Elizabeth Richardson’s glowing face on her website as this is such a happy face,it would be really good to see the picture even bigger.

  240. I am grateful forDinah’s lovely compliment.
    I am grateful for the massive amount of gardening I got done yesterday in the glorious early spring sunshine.
    I am grateful for the great bookings and response we’ve had for the Quality Parties reunion in September.
    I am grateful that my body has coped well with the extra muscular workout it had while gardening yesterday.
    I am grateful that my animals have such friendly temperaments as it makes them such a pleasure to be around.
    I am grateful for the knowlegde and experience over the last few years to create easy-care vegetable and ornamental gardens.
    I am grateful that my property is well set up and we have everything we culdwant right at our doorstep.
    I am grateful thatI allowed myself to pay to get the lawns mowed.
    I am grateful for the increased activity we are getting on Local Space and for the great contributions from so many of the members.
    I am grateful for Trevor and Susie’s contact as I really enjoy their company and support.
    I am grateful for all the amazing people who turn up in my life and surprise me, especially old friends.
    I am grateful for peace and love and moisturiser for whenmy skin is really dry…and for nice shampoo and make-up and for all the things that make me feel ‘like a girl’.
    I am grateful for the fresh flowers I could pick from the garden to put on the kitchen table.

  241. I am really grateful for how much better I’m feeling about myself and life since getting back to writing my grateful list regularly.
    I am really grateful that a simple process like this can have such profound results.
    I am also grateful for completing this process in public as, in its own way, somehow makes me feel as if I have a commitment to the world to ‘keep it going’.
    I am grateful for the magnificent activity we had at local-space last night as it created some fun and excitement.
    I am grateful that i can speak my mind when I feel strongly about things.
    I am grateful for being able to see where I can make improvements to my attitude and my life circumstances.
    I am grateful for being intelligent and having the persistence to keep moving towards my dreams.
    I am grateful to have great eyesight, excellent health, perfect hearing and that I really enjoy the taste of food (as I have a relative who can’t taste anything)
    I am grateful that we have such a nice bunch of people who join us here and people are respectful of what we do, they speak well and use the site appropriately.

  242. I am grateful that I am someone who likes to create resolution.
    I am really grateful for the people who have come to me for assistance over the last few days and that I have been able to say ‘no’ as well as ‘yes’ whenever it has been appropriate.
    I am grateful that I am solutions orientated and feel I contribute really well to the world in that respect.
    I am grateful for support when I needed it and that I can also support myself.
    I am grateful for my commitment to my tasks at the moment and that I feel so strongly about certain directions that I am heading.
    I am grateful to be me and to be available to help.
    I am just really grateful for everything about me right now.

  243. Dave says:

    Im grateful for my good health,Im grateful to my neighbours for being helpful & kind hearted yet respectful of my space.Im grateful my son & his girlfriend have come to live with me so I can hopefully have a positive influence in their life.

  244. I am grateful that Dave has come on in and joined us – welcome Dave.
    I am really grateful to be incredibly busy and very happy.
    I am even more grateful, that an uncomfortable and upsetting issue has been resolved in an unbelievable way…something I wasn’t expecting has been magically woven into my life.
    I am grateful to have the happiest children.
    I am grateful that a situation I have been involved in that had the capacity to be negative has turned into an enormous positive.
    I am grateful to be alive.
    I am grateful that our country looks after it’s people so well compared to many other countries.
    I am really grateful to have had a fun talk with rainbow yesterday.
    I am grateful that our forum is doing so well and people are having so much fun that I can relax and let them run the show.
    I am grateful that I have set up such a friendly framework that it functions easily and happily and provides a place for everyone to have their say and develop even closer relationships.

  245. Dave says:

    Im really grateful Collingwood played so brilliantly last night.

  246. I am really grateful that Dave is happy about his football team winning.
    I am really, really grateful for the support I’ve received from the administrators on another forum that I have been working on.
    I am grateful for all the years of experience that I have in the personal development field…and really appreciate what I have learned and the skills that I am able to pass on.
    I am so happy and grateful to be able to live a life of complete freedom and get up every morning and decide, “what shall I do today?”
    I am grateful foe the beautiful weather and fabulous afternoon that I had out with some of the local-space folk today.
    I am grateful for wonderful company and heaps of laughing.
    I am grateful for the girlfriends that I have and for the male friend I have to.
    I am grateful for feeling so confident with decisions that I make about my life and that I seem to breeze through life easily.
    I am grateful to be blessed with perfect health and happy children.
    I am grateful to live another day and experience peace and love and contentment.

  247. I am really grateful that Ann put my name in to have some professional photographs taken – because the results are really nice.
    I am grateful for credit cards to be able to pay for things without having to carry cash.
    I am grateful form several people over the last few days who have delivered things to me.
    I am grateful for the lovely rain earlier on tonight.
    I am grateful that I can forgive myself when I make a mistake.
    I am grateful for the lovely friends I’ve made at the new forum.
    I am grateful for the support from the administrators.
    I am grateful that I am someone who likes to resolve unpleasant feelings amongst people.
    I am grateful for the magnificent activity on the new site and 2 more registrations tonight.
    I am grateful that Billy has shown up again as we haven’t been in contact for quite a few months now.

  248. I am grateful to have achieved so much today.
    I am grateful for the support I’ve had from the forum I visit regularly in the states.
    I am grateful that I can frgive myself – even if it takes a while.
    I am grateful for the new registrations both here and Local Space..and that my mini-movie-maker gets planty of hits as well.
    I am grateful for an excuse to take a waklk today – even though it was raining because I felt so much better afterwards.
    I am grateful that I like to ask questions and learn even if I feela little silly some times.

  249. rainbow says:

    I am grateful for finding my way back here.
    I am grateful that for all the ‘aha’s’ I’ve had lately.
    I am grateful for the many special people who touch my life and help make me the best person I can be.

  250. I feel great and I’m incredibly grateful to feel like that.
    I am grateful for the fun I’m having and the new friends I’m making.
    I am grateful for being able to relax about the plans I had made that I want to change.
    I am grateful for the lovely offer from my ex to provide some business mentoring support.
    I am really grateful for peace and prosperity and a joyful heart.

  251. Dave says:

    I am grateful to all my customers.
    I am grateful i havent had a cold or flu this year.
    I am grateful for the place where i live.
    I am grateful that i do a job i love.

  252. I am really grateful that Dave made the post below because it reminded me to take some time and be grateful for life.
    I am grateful for the learning experiences that I’m having right now as I know it’s part of another phenomenal growth spurt.
    I am grateful that I’ll be able to work through my challenges with grace and dignity.
    I am grateful for the places I can go and get support and for the people I can turn to that provide gentle encouragement and honest feedback.
    I am grateful for the many opportunities I have been given to be the best person that I can be.
    I am grateful especially for the support of other business owners and knowing that sometimes when I feel as if I am different to other people, that it can be a benfit – I am unique.
    I am grateful for my organizational skills and leadership capabilites even if I wonder how I am perceived sometimes.

  253. carriewilkerson says:

    I’m grateful that Elizabeth chose to share my “Smile” article on May 8th! What fun!

    At we have a similar mission. I’m so pleased to be “linking arms” with you!

    I’m so grateful that our new mini-movie is out too at

    I’m grateful for smiling, happy, thankful people with an attitude of abundance.

    Have a powerful and productive day!


  254. I am grateful that Carrie found us and left a message.
    I am grateful to have met someone very nice to talk with who is into personal development in a similar way to what I am.
    I am grateful to have had the courage to remove someone from an area of my life.Even though it is a drastic step to take, it was by far the best solution to what seemed like an ongoing problem.
    I am grateful I have allowed myself to be put first this time as I usually wait and wait for things to change…this time, I made the change!
    I am grateful that my life is running smoothly and I am finding solutions and options in so many different areas.
    I am grateful for a fantastic party last Saturday night.
    I am grateful to be feeling really blissful, and lovely.
    I am especially grateful for the wonderful business advice I’m getting from some really good people.
    I am grateful that I had the courage to ask for the help.

  255. I am really grateful that I’ve had someone to talk with tonight.
    I am grateful that I am learning quickly even if it feels a little challenging sometimes.
    I am grateful that the test on the other website will determine if I will proceed or do something else.
    I am grateful for the respect I have earned at SR and that people care about me.
    I am grateful for the three people who specially thanked me today for helping them.
    I am grateful for the smile it brought to my face when I read the acknowledgments.
    I am grateful that I’ve had an extra day to myself.
    I am grateful for the great reference books that I have at home to turn to for information.
    I am grateful that I can get so much information off the Internet as well.
    I am grateful for all the people who keep signing up here…even if I do nothing to promote the site.
    I am in awe of how people manage to find us and sign up anyway.
    I am grateful for feeling a little supported with one matter today…and I am very thankful for friends.

  256. Lakisha84 says:

    I’m grateful for this website
    I’m grateful for GOD and his patience and love
    I’m grateful for music, I can’t get enough of it!
    I’m grateful for my family (couldn’t ask for anyone better)
    I’m especially grateful for my parents

  257. I am so grateful for the new people who find this website continually, even though it is not maintained as well as it could be…and welcome Lakisha84 to the Grateful Chain.
    I am incredibly grateful for being able to resolve confusion from a past relationship that is assisting me to move into a new one.
    I am very grateful to have met someone I feel a close affinity with even though the differences are also obvious.
    I am grateful that I am aware of some of the different ways we communicate as men and women as that helps me to understand more.
    I am grateful for love and attraction and for having my feminine side caressed very gently by someone who respects and cares for me.
    I am grateful to be able to focus my attention of things that bring me joy and a feeling of deep blissfulness – as that is important to me.
    I am grateful for all those who appreciate this site as a place to come and share.

  258. Lakisha84 says:

    Thank you for welcoming me Elizabeth.

    I am grateful for the random kiss on the cheek my niece gave me the other day, thinking about it brought me to tears last night. I’m so grateful for my Tehya.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to have graduated from SJU.

    I am grateful to be able to go pick up my diploma today!

    I am grateful to God for giving me the courage to face my fears and making me COURAGEOUS.

  259. I am really grateful for having a long and restful sleep last night.
    I am grateful that my life is balancing out and I can take some time to relax and re-charge my physical body.
    I am grateful that so many options have opened up to me in the last week.
    I am grateful that I can dream of beautiful things (I haven’t always been able to) as it is such a nice way to bring peace inside of me.
    I am grateful that Lakisha’s posts inspire me to write my gratefuls down instead of just thinking about them – how powerful.
    I am really grateful for the smile I have on my face…it has been there for some time now, yet I still remember the time I found it hard to smile.
    I am grateful that my smile comes from inside me…I look on the outside (in the mirror) and see how much it affects how niceI look on the outside too.
    I am grateful for this wonderful peaceful life…for the space I have to myself…for the inspiration to keep progressing with new ideas…for the small actions I take that produce massive results.
    I am grateful for being able to do as I please each day.

  260. Lakisha84 says:

    I’m grateful once again for this site because right now I really need to remember and recognize all the great things i have going on in my life and this allows me to do so.

    I’m grateful that I wasn’t injured in the debris that fell today in midtown manhattan

    I’m grateful that I came one step closer to knowing what career path I want to go in.

    I’m grateful my friend is gaining a lot from the classes she’s taking.

    I’m grateful for the food and bag my big sister continues to shower me with… she’s gonna spoil me 🙂

    I’m grateful for my fathers good health

    I’m grateful for this stage in my life I wouldn’t trade it with anyone else!!!

  261. Lakisha84 says:

    …I’m also grateful for Jonathan Larson’s (the creator of RENT) personal story of challenge, success, and perseverance. He is a perfect example of continuing towards your goals.

    “I can’t control my destiny, I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be. There’s only now, there’s only here. Give in to love or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today.” – RENT

  262. I am so incredibly grateful for the new relationship I have just entered, even though it challenges me it is enabling me to grow enormously as a person.
    I am grateful for the huge opportunity I have been given.
    I am really grateful for the quote that Lakisha has left below – it is simply perfect for me to read right now. “I can’t control my destiny, I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be. There’s only now, there’s only here. Give in to love or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today.” – RENT…whhooo, that’s a nice one!
    I am really grateful for being able to handle the speed at which I am being propelled into the future…it’s a breathtaking ride.
    I am grateful for love and compassion and knowing that people are really doing the best they know how to do.
    I am grateful for how healthy I am and for the balance my body has found especially since I met someone very special.
    I am grateful that I am learning how to understand the differences between men and women and have a new understanding that enhances communication between us.
    I am grateful to know that my partner (if I can call him that) has the highest intent for the life of other people on the planet.
    I am grateful that we work through things together and have a similar desire to create solutions.
    I am grateful for the assistance of other members at Local Space when we had somone needing extra support on the site today.
    I am grateful that we have attracted a really caring and loving community.
    I am just so grateful to be brought back to this process of gratefulness, as it lightens my heart and soothes my soul.

  263. I am really grateful that things change…especially when I’m feeling uncomfortable or uncertain.
    I am so grateful for the person who has contacted me regarding mini-movies yesterday as it is such a nice contact with perhaps some further opportunities down the track.
    I am grateful that I have been able to re-scheduled the appointment I missed today because I got mixed up with the venue…it will probably be better anyway.
    I am grateful for safe trips in the car as I am profoundly aware how one split second can change your future forever.
    I am grateful that my children are so happy and self-assured.
    I am grateful for the supportive email I had this morning.
    Heck – I love this process…things that once might have ‘got me down’ are now turning into advantages.
    I am grateful for my ability to re-frame an event into a positive and useful occurrence.
    I am grateful for my flexibility and being able to change plans quickly if the need arises.
    I am really grateful for the blissful state I achieve so easily these days.

  264. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for the benefits of participating in this chain, and have been so busy enjoying them it has taken weeks to muster up the courage to share the joy.
    I am ever so grateful for the opportunity to live in Malaysia with my family and remarry.
    I am grateful for passing all my university exams and it is a miracle my study schedule has been kept.
    I am grateful for all the eneregy to have a fulfilling life.
    I am grateful for my family who has helped so much and plans to help my children also.
    I am grateful for being reunited with a long lost friend as she is having the first child soon.
    I am grateful for my wonderful children being so well behaved.
    I am grateful for the local bank manager who came to save the day within hours of being asked to help.
    I am grateful to have people to love and care for in my life.
    I am grateful for the warmer weather enabling me to empty out the lounge room for painting and turn the old shop into a temporary loungeroom.
    I am grateful for finding emergency childcare the other week in Lil Rascals in Leongatha.
    I am grateful to my friend who at a moment’s notice allowed me to use her house during the day to study in, and being able to help her in study breaks with catching up with her housework.
    I am grateful to be alive and living in this wonderful country.

  265. Lakisha84 says:

    I’m grateful for my imperfections
    I’m grateful for my home, my room, that things are just how I like it.
    I’m grateful that something that encouraged me also encouraged Elizabeth.
    I’m grateful that my laundry is done
    I’m grateful for long hot baths
    I’m grateful for whatever tomorrow has in store.

  266. I am so excited and grateful to have such delightful company here again…how nice to share our lives in this way.
    I am also grateful that we’ve been give this beautiful word called “gratitude” that gives us a pleasant way to experience our past, present and future…no matter how challenging it might seem.
    And hey, have I mentioned how really grateful I am for this delightful company – just wanted to mention it again…it just helps to keep me inspired to come back on and participate.
    I am happy and really grateful to have met an amazing man…whose commitment to displaying love and compassion is extraordinary.
    I am grateful for the ability to achieve a blissful and peaceful state really easily…and now, being in this relationship magnifies that feeling to be one I have never experienced before.
    I am just so grateful for being given happy children with such delightful natures as well.
    Lakisha has just reminded me about how grateful I am for what I thought were my imperfections, because I am finding out that they are perfect for the relationship I am now experiencing – what a relief.
    I am grateful for the feeling of deep love and for the goofy smile I have on my face these days.
    I am grateful that I have been given someone who is solutions orientated just like I am.
    I am so grateful for all the things that people so willing share here in the Grateful Chain…thank you…you give me great happiness.

  267. Lakisha84 says:

    I’m grateful for the long 3 hour talk I had with my best friend tonight
    I’m grateful she reconnected with someone she loves dearly
    I’m grateful for the day I had with my mom and new friends/business partners
    I’m grateful for the inspirational lectures given today
    I’m grateful that I am part of such an amazing and life changing company
    I’m grateful for Elizabeth writing on here daily, it helps me to be consistent… thank you.
    I’m grateful that I’ve found a church to worship in and build new friendships in.
    … once again I am grateful for today with my mom and friends

  268. I am really grateful how we can all benefit and encourage each other…and this is such a delightful way to do that too.
    I am grateful to have had the inspiration to write an excellent article today.
    I am grateful simply to be alive.
    I am so grateful to feel really happy inside and also that it shows on the outside as well.
    I’m grateful that I can let myself be natural while I am at home and not wear makeup and hang around in relaxing clothes.
    I am grateful for the beautiful and peaceful environment I live in and that I can sleep in as long as I want if I choose to.
    I am grateful for the lovely friend my daughter is playing with today.
    I am grateful to have people to shower my love on and that I feel so loved as well.
    I am grateful for all the training and study I’ve ever done, as now itis being put to a valuable purpose.
    I am glad and grateful to be so relaxed about my life.
    I am grateful to feel some pangs of missing my special man as he is off having some space to himself.
    I am grateful that I already have built a legacy to leave behind when I die…and for the excitment it gives me to keep on building that legacy.
    Thanks for being here Lizwelsh and Lakisha…it just makes this even more fulfilling and fun.
    Love to you all…

  269. Lakisha84 says:

    I’m grateful for the encouraging service today at church
    I’m grateful for the will to get up this morning even though I was very tired this morning
    I’m grateful for being able to afford some new treats for myself (clothes and shower gel)
    I’m grateful for some fun shopping and eating with friends
    I’m grateful for the walk home tonight
    I’m grateful for India Aries positive and motivational music
    I’m grateful for all the great people I met yesterday
    I’m grateful for my business mentors
    I’m grateful for faith
    I’m grateful for God
    I’m grateful for the new friends that I’ve been making at the church I’ve been going to
    I’m so so grateful for being in this point in my life where I look forward to tomorrow
    I’m grateful for the relationships that I’ve found here in 🙂
    I’m grateful for the hurdles that have brought me this current JOY

  270. I am so grateful that I am allowing myself to relax today and that my energies have balanced out significantly.
    I am grateful for how settled I feel about the new relationship I have entered into.
    I am grateful for the fun things I have found to add to one of my other websites.
    I am grateful for email – what a great way to save paper.
    I am grateful for the feeling of contentment I have and knowing that everything will be alright.
    I am grateful for the massive changes that are taking place inside me that I am able to handle calmly.
    I am grateful for the many options I have been given to choose from at the moment…how nice to have options.
    I am grateful for the people who give their help and contribute to my life in so many ways.
    I am grateful for the funny and special gift that was left on my doorstep yesterday…and for the surprise and uncertainty as to who actually left it for me.
    I am grateful for the time they put into the gift to make it special and bring back happy memories of my last acting experience.
    I am grateful for the fabulous woman I talked to on the phone today about a job…who was helpful and polite and someone I connected really well with.
    I am grateful for the email reminders I get to add my grateful list here whenever Lakisha adds hers…and they are always such a pleasure to read.
    I am grateful my life is easy at the moment too.

  271. Lakisha84 says:

    I’m grateful for the people in my business that are doing great things and helping others
    I’m grateful for vision/hope for the future
    I’m grateful for lessons learned that help me to be a better person tomorrow
    I’m grateful for the rest I’ll get tonight
    I’m grateful for my brothers girlfriend, she’s so kind and so much fun
    I’m grateful for my sister who never forgets me
    I’m grateful for the “baby steps” article, it really helped me to see how each move I make leads to amazing results

  272. I am grateful for the acting job I have been given next week…which could well lead on to other things.
    I am grateful for the wonderful Christames Gift idea I was given.
    I am grateful for the people in my life who share such useful knowledge and ideas freely.
    I am grateful for being able to help someone today.
    I am grateful for the new articles that keep flowing out of me.
    I am grateful for the healthy food we eat every day as well as having clean air and fresh rain water.
    I am grateful for the egg I collected this morning and that my one chook is happy every time I see her.
    I am grateful for always being able to pay bills on time and for my resourcefulness.
    I am grateful that my parents taught me really useful and wise values that I remember and pass on to others.
    I am graeful for my abundant energy and my friendly nature…I appreciate myself.
    I am grateful that this morning I was able to allow my day to unfold and I was greeted with some exciting news and a new prospect rather than trying to force MY ideas on what SHOULD happen.
    I am grateful to be so happy.

  273. Lakisha84 says:

    I’m grateful for do overs
    I’m grateful for Barbara my new business partner she’s so encouraging
    I’m grateful for how things unfolded for me today
    I’m grateful for new opportunities
    I’m grateful for Jennifer Lopez’s song “feelin’ so good”
    I’m grateful for Mimi and her personal growth, she’s beginning to value herself more
    I’m grateful for Dana and Robert, I hope to be able to help them and learn from them in the near future
    I’m grateful the energy I had today.
    I’m grateful for my quiet time this morning

  274. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the wonderful people I am attracting into my life and for the changes I am able to make…I watch by as some people move on and new ones come along…and notice the appropriateness of it all.
    I am grateful for the strong women who have been attracted into my space and for being able to see the reason it is happening and the benefit I can add to their lives.
    I am grateful for having the time to sit and re-write my goals and for the clarity it gives me.
    I am grateful for the wonderful people who continue on as friends, through challenges and triumphs.
    I am grateful for the time I sat in the sun today and for my daughters warm and loving hugs.
    I am grateful for the help of a friend who has come to my aid the moment I asked…I am very grateful for his support.
    I’m also grateful for the understanding of the special people in my life as I think quite differently to many people and they accept me as I am and understand ‘where I am coming from’.
    I am so grateful that these people understand me…I think we all like to feel we belong somewhere.
    …and I’m ever so grateful for Lakisha’s posts that keep me on track with my thoughts and give me an even greater reason to come back and write them down…hey thanks!

  275. Lakisha84 says:

    To Elizabeth: Ditto 😉

    I am grateful for good health, that my body fights off viruses
    I am grateful for exercise
    I am grateful for being able to catch up with my roommate tonight, life can be so fast sometimes we don’t cross each others path even though we live in the same house
    I am grateful for warm showers
    I am grateful for chapter 3 of “The Magic of Thinking Big”
    I am grateful for the use of my time today

  276. I am really grateful for the positve and happy thoughts that I’m having now despite things not going quite the way I thought they mightand I’m so grateful forhaving the flexibility to accept change the way I have.
    I am grateful for the abundance of loving energy I have to give right now…and for the people who are willing to receive it.
    I am grateful to have learned that this feeling of vulnerability that I’m experiencing in the moment, allows me an opportunity to make a change.
    I am grateful for taking the time to re-write my life plan in three different areas of life…which also probably account for the changes that are occurring and the vulnerability I’m feeling.
    I am grateful for being able to allow my future to manifest in whatever way it needs to without an attachment to any particular outcome…kind of feels exciting (if I put a slight twist on the vulnerable feeling).
    A huge grateful for being able to notice my self thinking of problems today and instead of berating myself, just noticed them, changed them to a happy thought and allowed myself to trust I would uncover a solution. The solution came in the form of, all of a sudden, noticing I was inconsciously thinking of happy thoughts…of which I congratulated myself…a big change for me…and a welcome one.
    I am grateful for having a few extra special happy thoughts to draw from…especially of my darling daughter who I just shared a big hug with.
    I am ever grateful for Lakisha…and for making friends in unusual places…and for the magic and blessing of sharing something in common…what fun this is.

  277. Lakisha84 says:

    I am so grateful for Thursday nights when Grey’s Anatomy and Big Shots come on.
    I am grateful for the chicken noodle soup my parents brought over for me
    I am grateful that my roommate and I are going to be each others support as we work towards our drivers license
    I am so grateful for the good laugh all three of us had together tonight
    I am grateful the prospects I spoke to today
    I am grateful for the great opportunities coming my way

  278. I am grateful that things change…cause right now I’m not feeling very confortable.
    I’m grateful for Lakisha bringing me back here so I can put things in a brighter perspective.
    I am grateful for the assistance I received today from an employment advisor.
    I am grateful for the time I spent playing the guitar last night…oh and the new haircut and colour I got in preparation for my acting job next week.
    I am grateful I’m already feeling better after only writing a few gratefuls.
    I am grateful for having one really nice response to something today and it’s nice to focus on that.
    I am also grateful for the direct communication I got today that let’s me know where I stand…always a nice place to be.
    I am grateful for being able to allow the changes that are occurring, even thought it feels uncomfortable and I’m not as sure of the next action to take…I am grateful for the clarity I have in most other areas.
    I am grateful for the friendly chat I had today with a lovely girl.
    I am grateful for credit cards because they make paying bills over the phone so much easier.
    I am grateful for the fantastic information I received today at an appointment I had…and for the wonderful opportunities our government in Australia provide for so many people – we really are the lucky country.

  279. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful for the help I received last night and for the miracle of how it was delivered.
    I am grateful for feeling that I am receiving help from the universe/God/…it has been really quite magical how things have worked.
    I am grateful for the messages I receive that tell me when I am on the right track.
    I am grateful for taking the time to go to the beach today (a delightful 26 degrees Celsius) and being able to relax in the sun for a few glorious hours.
    I am grateful for the fun that Crystal has while we are there.
    I am grateful for the delicious food we picked up on the way home and that shops provide such delicacies here.
    I noticed to be appreciative that I don’t have to work on days like today and for the freedom I have to choose what I will do.
    I am grateful for the visit I had last night that helped shift my thoughts to happier ones.
    I am grateful for happy people that serve us in shops because it just makes the experience so much nicer.
    I am grateful for the chat at the checkout I had with a guy (a complete stranger)that was just so interesting.

  280. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful for the movie I was able to rent and watch with my roommate (conversations with God)
    I am grateful for the confidence i’ve been feeling lately
    I am grateful for the redirection of thoughts that I had today when i was tempted to condemn myself… It’s ok I’m not perfect we all make mistakes
    I am grateful for Kamilas bible talk that came over today
    I am encouraged and grateful for Crystals honesty, sharing with me all the struggles she’s been going through, I pray for her strength to be as open one day
    I am grateful my living room is warm because my room is cold and i have an alternative place to sleep
    I am grateful for Elizabeths life style i hope to have that freedom some day soon to choose what i will do.
    I am grateful for the home made soup my mother made
    I am grateful for this site that helps me to stay focused on all the great, amazing experiences going on in my life

  281. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful for running water
    I am grateful for the power to not let pessimistic people get the best of me
    I am grateful for rest
    I am grateful for new ideas
    I am grateful for my mothers company today
    I am grateful for desire and big dreams
    I am grateful for my idols, having people I can look up to, that reaffirm that I CAN DO IT!

  282. I am grateful to have found another thing in common with Lakisha…as my most favourite books are Conversations With God…I have yet to see the movie…but it just reminds me how grateful I am that I discovered those books just when I needed them the most.
    I am grateful for the time I took to study and devour the contents and how freeing it was for me to have the words resonate right from the very first paragraph I read on the back cover.
    I am grateful for the peaceful feeling in my relationship and for attracting another amazing human being to be connected with.
    I am so grateful for the loving energy that bursts out of me sometimes and for being able to chanel it to others who might gain strength from it.
    I am grateful to have a man who can just listen to me without having to change or fix me…and that I always feel better afterwards.
    I am grateful for being asked a question today that made me think about the things I do to re-charge my body, mind and spirit…and for the mini-article that was written in response to that question.
    I am incredibly grateful for the distinction and clarity I received in that I no longer have to solve people’s problems…and that resolution comes because of who I AM not what I do…that’s such an exciting place for me to get to.
    Thanks for being here again Lakisha…you sure can do it…!

  283. Lakisha84 says:

    I am so grateful for my roommates,I learn something from both of them
    I am grateful for the times my roommates and I spend together
    I am grateful for the burst of energy I had today to push even though I’m sick
    I am grateful that my immune system is pretty strong, that my cold wasn’t all that bad
    I am grateful for getting sick cause It makes me want to eat that much healthier and to exercise a bit more
    I am grateful your encouragement Elizabeth and that you always come back to the site to share your grateful’s.
    I am grateful for the rest I got this weekend
    I am grateful for the desire i have to face my fears

  284. Hey, I’m grateful for the mistake we made this morning that got me out for a walk in the sunshine.
    I am grateful for my burst of energy too and that I felt like going for another walk this afternoon.
    I am grateful for the nice article I wrote this morning about “getting what we want” as it was created out of a problem that was them solved.
    I am grateful to be able to use problems as an opportunity to create more written pieces and they seem to be more poignant and meaningful.
    I am grateful for the delightful sunshine and the balance I am achieving with how I spend my time and what I eat.
    I am grateful for the lovely responses I’ve had to the Christmas gift idea and for the amazing people who contact me to thank me for what I am doing.
    I am especially grateful because it doesn’t feel as if I am doing much…well, at least it is no effort…and is pure pleasure and enjoyment.
    I am grateful for the junk filter on Thunderbird that filters out most of the rubbish that gets emailed to me.
    I am grateful that I like the way I look and feel almost all the time.
    I am grateful that I seem to be able to shift my thoughts to happy ones fairly consistently and it gives me so much reason to celebrate when I catch myself thinking them.
    I am grateful for the people I learn from…the experts as well as the people who might consider themselves as ordinary…I enjoy learning from others.

  285. I am grateful for the fantastic day I had yesterday working…for the friendly crew and for the courage to ask to be notified of other opportunities.
    I am grateful that I am someone who appreciate what I am given and I’ve learned to be silent when I have complaints…and to express them in other ways.
    I am grateful for gratitude because it really makes my life so much happier.
    I am grateful that I can take off and have a sleep as I am tires after a full day yesterday.
    I am grateful for handling something really well today and being firm yet compassionate…no matter what the results might look like.
    I am grateful for the surprise I had from someone yesterday.
    I am grateful that I feel tired and can sleep because there are people who don’t sleep well at all.
    I am grateful for the balanced diet I am getting and also for the delicious food that was provided for us yesterday.
    I am always grateful for the attention I get when I go out in certain public arenas, and that my personality shines.
    I am grateful for the email from my brother and another family member and for the work they are putting in to compiling our family history…what a huge job.
    I am grateful that I have taken the time to thank them also.
    I am grateful for the short article I wrote again this morning and I’m almost convinced that they improve with experience.
    I am grateful for the peaceful, blissful and calm feelings I have inside almost all of the time.

  286. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful for the past two days of rest and that I’m feeling much better
    I am grateful to be able to breath out of both nostrils
    I am grateful the company of my friends that they took the time out of their busy schedules for me
    I am grateful for the compliment my best friend gave me today
    I am grateful for learning more about myself… what I’m interested in
    I am grateful for my cousins call today, i miss her so much.
    I am grateful delicious food

  287. I just wanted to get back on the site again today and say how grateful I am that my life is balancing out more…and for the lovely walk I went on again today.
    I am grateful for getting some information sent off today straight away without putting itoff.
    I am grateful for the terrific photos I found and for the memories they brought.
    I am grateful forthe hard work I put into my last property that paid off and enabled me to come to this one.
    I am grateful for the extra sleep I had today again and that I am feeling so well…and also that my eyes look well-rested too.
    I am grateful for the canned fruit I had for dinner tonight as that was all I felt like eating.
    I am grateful that my daughter is so flexible with the type of food that we eat and that she is very healthy as well.
    I am grateful for the nice conversations that I had with a couple relatives this evening.

  288. I am grateful that Lakisha is feeling better too and I know how important it is to be able to rest.
    I am grateful that I can take a rest when I need to and also that I allow myself to.
    I am grateful that we got Crystal ready for school this morning on time as it is daylight savings time and we have been sleeping in.
    I am grateful for the magnificent response we’ve had to the Christmas gift idea…and for being given the idea in the first place.
    I am grateful that each day I get to communicate with people even though I don’t leave the house.
    I am grateful for the wonderful emails that keep coming in my inbox each day.
    I am grateful that Daniel is happily off working and getting some much loved outdoor activity with some great family friends of ours.
    I am grateful that my life is easy and filled with pleasures that I can draw much happiness from.

  289. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful for the insightful conversation I had with mimi today it help me to really see how much i have to be grateful for
    I am grateful for my mom spending time with me today and helping me pick out an interview outfit
    I am grateful for my recruiter Lisa, she’s so easy to talk to and she’s been so helpful
    I am grateful for the job opening at Lifetime, I truly believe that it would be the right fit for me right now and that it will be a stepping stone.
    I am grateful for Elizabeth sharing the simple things that encourage her about her children it’s always delightful to read.
    I am so grateful today for the experience I had in Africa this summer, today i thought a lot about it.

  290. I am grateful for the delightful “girlie” chat I had with Kathy today…and that we are on a similar wavelength when it comes to the way we view life.
    I am grateful for letting myself relax and allow life to unfold right now…yet I’m also grateful for the inspiration I get to take action as well.
    I am grateful for the lovely rain we had overnight and for the fresh potatoes I dug from the garden for dinner last night.
    I am also grateful for the eggs I collect from our one last chook who is ever so happy being allowed in our vege garden.
    I am grateful for the longer days now with daylight saving time – well they’re not really longer, it’s just we have more time after school hours to go for a walk or do outside things.
    I am grateful for how stable I feel emotionally…especially when I remember the stress I put myself through around 18 years ago…running a business, a household, caring for 5 children and a husband and not taking time-out to relax.
    I am grateful I am making up for all the years I was so stressed that I could barely function properly…and for having the means and the wisdom to set my life up in better ways for me.
    I am grateful for how easily things come to me…opportunities, the home we have now, my special relationships, friends that just come when they need to, money to pay for whatever I need and solutions to problems…I thank you too.

  291. I am so grateful for the lovely day I’ve had with Crystal today and for the fun things we found on YouTube as well as for the advice we received about making polymer clay beads from Michelle on one of our other sites.
    I am grateful for the walk we had today as well…and that the animals we are looking after are happy.
    I am grateful for the bottles of home-made tomato sauce I made several years ago that we are still using today – and for how yummy it is.
    I am grateful for this terrific little website that makes me view life in much more pleasant ways that I ever did before.
    I am so grateful that I am able to train my mind to think more happy thoughts in stead of not so happy ones.
    I am grateful for all the useful information that is available on the Internet these days.
    I am grateful for all the search engines visiting our sites right now and for the activity they are generating.
    I am always grateful for the people who are coming to visit because they like what we do.
    I am really grateful for a lovely fun day and for how much better I feel after having a nap this afternoon.

  292. I am grateful to have spent the entire day inside in the warm as it was very windy, stormy and rainy outside…with flooding in some areas.
    I’m really grateful that we could stay inside and that we had only ourselves to look after today.
    I am grateful for good books to read in fays like today and for Wayne Dyers great insight into life.
    I am grateful for the people we’ve had contributing on the other site again today and for finding some great topics to include.
    I am grateful that Daniel is back home again as we have missed his company.
    I am grateful that Crystal has recovered really quickly from a stomach bug she had and that I only had it in a mild form.
    I am grateful for our marvellous health and for how perfectly our bodies handle these changes.
    I am grateful for the peaceful sleeps I’ve been having.
    I am grateful for yummy food and heaters on days when we have such cool weather.
    I am grateful for having such a lovely room to wake up in every morning and to be able to watch the progression of the storm through the big windows.
    I am grateful to feel happy on the inside…again.

  293. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful for the display of fruit by my night stand
    I am grateful for the beautiful sunset i witnessed this evening
    I am grateful for the lasagna i made tonight
    I am grateful for being able to be there for my friends
    I am grateful for time spent with loved ones
    I am grateful for my mothers giddy laugh

  294. I am grateful for the delicious mixed vegetables we are eating tonight (and especially for the silverbeet picked fresh from our garden).
    I am grateful for the email I received today reaching out for a resolution.
    I am happy and grateful to have had some lovely time to sleep in and relax again today.
    I am grateful for the change in the weather and it’s now so much calmer.
    I am grateful that Crystal is feeling better…and also for the belief that our bodies work perfectly.
    I am glad and grateful that Daniel is home…especially as Crystal really enjoys the company…and for the fun games we’ve been playing too.
    I’m grateful for the heater as the weather is still warming up after the cold snap.
    I am grateful for Rhonda Burns words that remind me that when I’m not feeling so good, it’s because I’m having an incredible growth spurt and I’m about to feel more joy and more love than I’ve ever experienced in my life…and that I’ll know that what I do benefits people too.
    I am grateful that I am able to make those simple decisions and that makes the future look brighter and encourages me to keep going.
    I am grateful for emails…as they keep me in touch with so many people.

  295. I am grateful that Crystal is feeling well enough to go and visit the neighbour and have a play over there.
    I am really excited and grateful for an email I have just seen come through…one I have been wondering about for a few days…it’s made me smile.
    I am grateful for the wonderful people posting messages on the other site…keeping us all entertained in such a lovely way.
    I am grateful for the smile on my face.
    I am grateful for our lovely home…even if the grass needs cutting…as last year over summer there was a drought and grass was very scarce.
    I am grateful for the changes I’m going through now and that I am able to handle them fairly easily while waiting for the next phase of my life to be revealed.
    I am grateful that I am so flexible and be able to make decisions quickly when they ‘feel right’.
    I am grateful as always for being able to sleep in until I am ready to get up…and I am in awe as to the changes I have made over the last few weeks by allowing myself to sleep in. I was on the internet about 16 hours per day, now it’s more like 2 or 3.
    I am grateful for the balance coming back into my life and that I have people who care and are interested in my well-being.

  296. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful that I had a surprise visit by my past roommate and her husband
    I am grateful for Michelles call today
    I am grateful for getting my hair done
    I am grateful for Kashi cookies and coffee
    I am grateful for this burst of hope and energy
    I am grateful that thanksgiving is right around the corner
    I am grateful the great exercise time i had today
    I am grateful for Dr.Oz advice
    I am grateful for the birthday idea i had
    I am grateful for my wealthy life
    I am grateful for others successful (whatever that may involve for each individual) which helps me through my journey

  297. Lakisha84 says:

    i am grateful for all the growth and change you’ve experienced Elizabeth
    I am so grateful for right this second knowing that my family is blossoming with a new nephew and Tanda, my father is eating more that I get to spend the day with him tomorrow, that my nieces and nephews will see their grandmother tomorrow.
    I am grateful for learning… learning what’s really important, learning to live each day with gratitude and to the full, glorify God, take care of my mind, body and spirit.
    I am grateful for moments like this when a light bulb goes on in my head and I love NOW and I’m ready for tomorrow.

  298. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    Thanks Lakisha – I am grateful for continuing to have faith in myself and my abilities even as I’m moving through a patch of uncertainty.
    I am grateful to ba able to wake up and happily get out of bed…as that hasn’t always been the case.
    I am grateful for how easily our household runs…and how well we all get along together.
    I am grateful for the warm clothes I have to put on as I’m going for a walk soon…and it’s cold and windy outside.
    I am grateful for the new mentor I have stumbled upon…and for the clarity I anticipate receiving as I keep redefining my direction.
    I am grateful for the forums I visit that provide me with an outlet to help other people.
    I am grateful that I am someone who seeks to make a life worth living…and that I am driven by my desire to help.
    I am grateful for the people who do receive and accept that help.
    I am grateful for being able to redefine my help in a way that expresses an acceptance of people…rather than trying to fix people.
    I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned from Ann.
    I am grateful for the support of Kathy.
    I am grateful for Susies friendship.
    I am grateful for Lakishas company and insights.
    I am grateful to have this process to come back to…it’s like meditating on the direction I prefer to take my thoughts.
    I am grateful that there are people to help me on my way where ever I go.

  299. I am grateful for being able to get out of bed to write this post, even hough I’m not feeling my fantastic self.
    I am glad and grateful that my body knows when and how to clean up the physical manifestations while I work on changing the mental ones.
    I am grateful for Crystals lovely card to wish that I am feeling better soon…how thoughtful.
    I am grateful for the mantra that has assisted me to feel mentally capable.

  300. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I feel so much better than I did when I wrote the last post.
    I am grateful for the books “Conversations with God” as I’m re-reading book 3 as it gives me clarity.
    I am grateful for being able to imagine the perfection of life even when I am going through not-so-smooth spots.
    I am grateful for the point of surrender.
    I am grateful for the couple people who are keeping the other site going.
    I am grateful for the decisions I’m about to make.
    I am grateful for a more relaxed and trusting feeling that is coming through me.
    I am grateful for my wonderful children who keep me company and love me the way I am…and who also give me reasons to keep going.
    I am grateful for the beautiful home I have to live in and share with others.
    I am grateful for a special person who has told me he is here for me and that I may lean on him…what comforting words to hear.
    I am grateful for the power of my imagination and for being able to change my thoughts so much easier these days.
    I am grateful to be able to catch myself thinking not-so-nice-thoughts…that are then changed to more pleasant ones.
    I am grateful for the amazing visions for the future that I was able to have today.

  301. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the time we spent at the beach today in the glorious sunshine.
    I am grateful for the special phone call I had before we left.
    I am grateful that I am still OK even though I’m going through this transitional phase.
    I am grateful for finding the inspiration to cut the grass…and for being able to see how nice it looks…and for being able to smell the aroma of freshly cut grass.
    I am grateful for doctors and antibiotics as I needed to go for help with and infection and pain.
    I am grateful that positive focus and mantras helped to move me through feeling very ill to feeling lower energy and now to feeling more energy.
    I am really grateful that our country provides magnificent and accessible medical care.
    I am also grateful to be living in Australia and for our freedom, fresh air, free speech, excellent education system that is rapidly making more improvements, for our healthy economy and that our people here generally know how to look after themselves and each other.
    I gratefully appreciate that things could be much worse than they are and that even when I am experiening life challenges that they are really only small ones compared to what many people need to face.
    I am grateful for a solution I had over night and for taking the time to write the format for 2 new books.
    I am grateful that I have the money to pay bills, for necessities and for anything else that I might like to have.

  302. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful for my mothers listening ears
    I am grateful for my friend who went to church with me today if not for her joining me i may not have made it there
    I am grateful for the Extreme Makeover Home Edition that came on today it was humbling and it’s helped me to see all the things i need to be grateful for
    I am grateful that today I recognize that there are things to be grateful for

  303. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful to be able to pay some bills today…well most of them really.
    I am grateful for the extra help that Arthur is giving me on Wednesday.
    I am grateful for the lesson I’m learning about equality…and that I am to view myself at the same level as others and not inferior.
    I am grateful for getting so much done today…chainsawing the fallen trees into firewood and then burning the rest in a delightful little bonfire.
    I am grateful for feeling like I was in heaven as I was working…I love my property and the glorious water views and it was so nice to sit, watch the fire and see the view as well.
    I am grateful that we have trees to burn for fuel in winter.
    I am grateful for being able to handle a chainsaw safely and for the help Daniel and Crystal gave me to build and light the pile.
    I am grateful for getting to this place of incredible freedom and for being able to live in such a paradise.
    I am grateful for having the time to be outside and improve my garden.
    I am grateful for the beautiful shrubs, tress and flowers that were planted before I came here.
    I am grateful for having an established garden to work in as it makes the maintenance and beautifying jobs, so much easier.

  304. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the blissful smile I have on my face and for the peace and contentment to be able to sit outside and meditate and read.
    I am grateful for ALL the changes, no matter how scary or exciting they seem as I know I am being MORE of who I intend to be.
    I am grateful for the creative ways I have seen to re-structure my life and my commitments to be ones of complete freedom and always done with joy.
    I am grateful for allowing myself to change so rapidly.
    I am grateful for being able to handle the changes with grace and dignity and to admit when a change to my belief system serves me better than the old belief.
    I am grateful for the love and patience I have for myself…and for being someone who keeps going no matter what confronts me.
    I am grateful that I can sometimes see through the illusions of life towards something that is so perfect and wondrous that I am in awe of it’s magnificence.
    I am grateful for the sense of calm (amidst the uncertainty) that I feel even though my plans are still being formulated.
    I am grateful for the space and peace I have here where I live…and for the cooperation of my children and others in my life.
    I am grateful that I can disappear and rejuvenate my soul whenever I choose, without it effecting anyone in a negative sense.
    I am grateful that I have so few commitments that I am free to go where I please.
    I am grateful for the insightful books I read and for the wisdom I have inside that keeps me firm in the faith that “all is well”.
    I am very grateful for the relationship that is challenging me to be even better than I imagined myself to be.

  305. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the new level of clarity I am experiencing.
    I am grateful for being given an avenue to add massive value to the world.
    I am grateful to be given the opportunity to participate in a practical application that will help all people regardless of race, religion, status, finances, poverty, education, gender, beliefs, lifestyle or anything else that often prevents people from taking action and creating their own answers.
    I am incredibly grateful for the compassionate way in which this message is to be delivered to the world and for having access to a solution that is profoundly life changing and is given to the world as a gift.
    I am grateful for the changes I’ve made to accommodate a change in outdated beliefs that no longer serve who I intend to be.
    I am grateful for the lovely couple hours I spent on the beach in peace today…and for the time spent reading….and a delightful suntan.
    I am grateful for the terrific cheque I received in the mail today…and for the suggestion of more to come in early December.
    I am grateful to be happily alive today.

  306. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful to be able to be a support for my friend at these challenging times
    I am grateful for her being here, it is helping me to be much more grateful and to fight for what i want…fight for MY life
    I am grateful for my mother
    I am so grateful my nephews made it on the honor role, every time i think of that it puts a smile on my face
    I am grateful for my computer having broke down and I’m grateful for the people who will fix it
    I am grateful for tomorrow nights party, to be able to spend time with friends i haven’t seen in a while
    I am grateful i found something to wear and i’m grateful that michelle will lend me the right shoes to go with my outfit
    I am grateful for my roommates
    I am grateful for my future joy
    I am grateful for my current struggles

  307. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the lovely time we had at the swimming pool today and that Crystal had a friend to play with afterwards as well.
    I am really happy for her when she creates such delightful entertainment for herself.
    I am grateful for Daniel helping with the ladder and with preparing dinner as he does that so regularly.
    I am grateful Daniel is listening to Crystal read a story.
    I am grateful for the relaxing time at the pool and for being able to have a nap and relax when ever I feel like it.
    I am grateful to have found another acting job to apply for and for taking the time to update my resume and send it off.
    I am grateful for the professional photographs I’ve had taken that portray me in a professional light.
    I am grateful for being able to use my imagination in a positive way and for the realization of how powerful it is to change my thoughts to happier imaginings.
    I am grateful that my life is easy and that opportunities present themselves on such a regular basis.
    I am grateful for being able to live a peaceful and quiet existence…I really do enjoy it!
    I am grateful that I have beautiful options for companionship at the times that I do feel sociable.
    I am grateful for the emails that turn up here that I can use for learning and laughter.
    I am grateful for the lovely people I am meeting and for the thanks I am hearing.
    I am grateful for good ideas and the impetus to take action and try things out to see if they work.
    I am grateful that my father taught me some valuable lessons about using common sense and thinking of consequences before I do things.
    I am grateful that my mother demonstrates what unconditional love is and I have had a positive role model in my life.
    I am grateful for all the role models in the world as they give me something to aim for…and for those who show me other things that make me decide to choose something different.

  308. I just have to say that I am grateful for the last post as I was coming on here to say that I was taking today off from writing my gratefuls and then that list just flowed out of me – amazing…it’s almost like setting time aside to meditate on the beautiful things that life gives us instead of being immersed in our problems or challenges.
    I am grateful to be here too.

  309. I am grateful that I have taken the time out over the weekend to spend ‘with God’.
    I am grateful for the inspiration this morning to do some gardening and that I will now go outside and read.
    I am grateful for finding joy in the simple things.
    I am grateful that I took some time to mentally bless my body for working so perfectly and speaking to me.
    I am grateful to be able to love myself and take care of my own needs when ever I feel them.
    I am grateful for finding another really interesting acting job to consider.
    I am grateful that I like myself as a mother and for the quality time I have with Crystal and Daniel.
    I am grateful that Daniel has gone off to work for a while as it will give me even more space and quiet and we’ll look forward to his return.
    I am grateful I’ve been able to forgive myself for bringing up someone’s issues a couple of days ago…and for feeling love when I was able to tell MY truth.

  310. I am so grateful for all this time I have been spending with God…and for finding that my life is handling itself…I’d heard about things like that happening, yet it feels miraculous that it’s happening to me too.
    I am grateful for having another day to be with ME and to BE who I choose to be.
    I am grateful for the interview tomorrow with an agency that may make life even easier than it already is.
    I am grateful for how relaxed I feel.
    I am grateful for the two new registrations on local-space that were such a surprise…and for the way google indexes the websites that have people find US.
    I am grateful for the very special daughter I have been given…who is so incredibly loving and thoughtful.
    I am grateful for the educational video I am listening to about how we already have the resources and systems in place that could liberate the world from disease and hunger and poverty…and for coming in contact with people who are actively and quietly moving through the world making the changes that are needed on subtle levels.
    I am grateful for the lovely rain we are having after a very warm day yesterday….delightful.

  311. i am grateful for the on screen keyboard or i wouldn’t have anything to type with.
    i am grateful for the courage, wisdom and sense to complete something that isn’t working for me.
    i am grateful for taking space to connect with my soul.

  312. I am really grateful that I tried another keyboard and solved my typing problem…what a great surprise…and so easy to fix too.
    I am grateful for how wonderful my daughter treats me especially on Saturday and Suday mornings, by letting me get up when I feel like it.
    I am really grateful to be feeling much peace evn though there were some upsetting words heard last night…and for finding the changes that I needed to make in myself.
    I am grateful that I know inside my heartfelt intentions even if they aren’t always perceived like that…and for the courage to go on my path anyway.
    I am grateful that I can allow myself worldly passions and be true to what things give me inspiration.
    I am grateful that I can allow myself be ME and delight in the knowledge that I am perfect just the way I am…and that my past situations have been perfect and brought me to where I am today.
    I am very grateful again for the ‘Conversations With God’ books which have given me more concepts to contemplate…even though I have read them so many times before.
    I am grateful again for the courage to complete something which has ‘run its course’…and also for my wisdom and experience gained around relationships and dating.
    I am grateful that I am different and unique and that I appreciate those things about myself.

  313. Lakisha84 says:

    I am grateful for mistakes
    I am grateful for my friends who are here with me and going through the good and bad with me
    I am grateful for amanda that we’ve been friends for so long
    I am grateful for Aden my godson who is so entertaining… who puts a smile on all our faces
    I am grateful for my new ipod
    I am grateful for my family
    I am grateful for my dad and all the positive men in my life
    I am grateful for hope

  314. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the new website I built really easilly and included all my portfolio photos on…and for the PDF I made as well to send out when I’m interested in acting jobs.
    I am grateful that my metabolism has balanced out again and I am feeling really hungry right now…and that makes me grateful for having delicious food in the frig.
    I am grateful that I can cook up something really delicious in only a few minutes and for the fresh fruit and vegetables that sometimes need only to be cut up and served before eaten.
    I am grateful for Pete who dropped off an enormous amout of produce for us again…what a generous soul he is.
    I am grateful that I live in a community where people help each other…anytime.
    I am grateful for the big walk we went on yesterday…it was nice to look at the gardens and see the views around Foster.
    I am grateful for healthy breakfasts.
    I am grateful for the offer to do a 2 day course next week…free.
    I am grateful that our government provides such wonderful facilities and opportunities in our country.

  315. I am very grateful for feeling peaceful and gently inspired this morning.
    I am grateful for the easy way a problem has been solved just now.
    I am grateful for the delicious herbal tea I’m drinking…made with herbs from my garden.
    I am grateful for allowing myself to go in a ‘worldly direction’ and have learned to stop judging myself for my natural inclinations…
    I am so much happier now I am allowing my urges to become reality and I’m grateful for getting to this point.
    I am grateful for the light I can see to the future that enables me to stay here and feel like I have a purpose.
    I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine outside and that I will take some time and sit in it and enjoy the warmth on my body.
    I am grateful for the opportunity to resolve an issue right now…and that I took the time to forgive someone and invite them back into my space…though I have made sure that their problems won’t become mine any more.
    I am grateful that Local Space became quiet over the last 8 weeks or so as it has released me to follow another path without feeling responsible – thank you!

  316. I am grateful for the opportunity to go to a course today and tomorrow just to give me a couple more business skills.
    I am grateful for the lift I got there and back and for the really pleasant company on the way.
    I am grateful for the nice prawns to eat for lunch and that Crystal was able to enjoy some when I came home too.
    I am always grateful for safe trips, good roads to drive on and cars that work perfectly.
    I am grateful for the job offers via message bank when I got home…and that it will be fun and exciting to be involved in again.
    I am grateful that Crystal is old enough and mature enough to manage by herself after school for a while until I get home on days like this.
    I am grateful for the television shows after school that keep her entertained and that some of them are educational as well.
    I am grateful for the good books that the school provides that are fun to read and listen too.
    I am grateful for happiness.

  317. I am really grateful for another safe car trip today and for meeting with a lovely bunch of people.
    I am grateful for pleasant weather, mild temperatures and peaceful hearts.
    I am grateful for finding my equilibrium by complimenting people on their good points.
    I am grateful that I can find a peaceful connection inside myself if I take time out in silence.
    I am really grateful that I learned some things today to give me a basic understanding of bookkeeping.
    I am grateful for a pleasant day and for feeling loving and friendly.
    I am grateful that I can go home to my daughter now and look forward to the workI have set-up for next week.
    I am grateful for the space to be out with other people as I have really enjoyed it.

  318. I am really grateful for the courage to let go a relationship that wasn’t working out for me…and that now I feel such a relief as I have communicated that.
    I am grateful for the amazing number of contacts I’ve had this morning and for the pleasure it gives me…and for the inner knowing that I have done the right thing.
    I am grateful for the day to myself today after a couple busy days with other people…and that I’m looking forward to being with other people again as I created a loving experience.
    I am grateful that the time away from people has made me notice how dramatically I have changed and improved myself.
    I am grateful for this site and that keeping coming back to write my list makes me feel so good…I’m really pleased that I took the time to set up the site and for Daniels’ help along the way…and for wordpress providing such easy to use, accessible and free software.
    I am grateful for being able to change the Internet plan I am on and make it a little cheaper as we haven’t needed any where near the capacity we had available.
    Hey…I’m really grateful for the extra half day work that has become available next week too…and that it is all just coming to me.
    I am really grateful for the process from Abraham that I came across only yesterday and that it works so simply.
    I am grateful for the simplicity of TRUTH.
    I am really grateful that I had a relationship with someone who is honest and open and that he gave me a really good insight into what he is like…making it easy for me to know if we had a potential future or not.
    I am grateful for having excellent past relationships (on the whole) and for the fantastic personal growth I’ve had as a result…and for having the flexibility to change any out-dated behaviour, attitudes,opinions and thoughts.
    I am grateful for my commitment to myself and or the confidence in knowing what I have to contribute.
    I am grateful for the really pleasant and mild weather again today making the temperature perfectly comfortable in the house.
    I am just grateful for everything this morning…especially for being unhappy sometimes…because that tells me I need to change something.
    I used to think I needed to change the way I was BEING (according to books I have studied) yet for me, it seems to happen when I need to change something I am DOING.
    I am grateful that I am more able to listen to myself without judging my actions, desires and needs according to what OTHER people say is right…and that I am more able to determine what is right for ME.

  319. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to be alive today…and for the clean air we have to breathe in the country.
    I am grateful that I have the space and freedom to sulk if I feel like it.
    I am grateful for the things I have planned for next week.
    I am grateful for the lovely people who continue to come on to each of the websites.
    I am grateful that I still have a few days to fulfill a commitment.
    I am grateful for having the habit of coming to this site and focusing on being grateful because I know that it helps me move through each day in a more pleasant way.
    I am grateful that my vitamin intake must be better as my nails are growing again.
    I am grateful for the way I look and that I am slim and can maintain a healthy body quite easily.
    I am grateful for knowing how to change my thoughts and encourage my outlook to be a more supportive and loving one.
    I am grateful that we live in a country that is free and prosperous and our people are taken care of.
    I am grateful for the contacts I am having from others and for understanding the best procedures to take to bring out the best in others (and myself).
    I am grateful that I can relax my thinking after writing that.
    I am really grateful that I have such a happy and well-balanced daughter who loves life and takes good care of herself.
    I am grateful to be able to stay in my dressing gown all day today if I feel like it.
    I am grateful for the last couple days off, and I’m looking forward to the activities planned for next week.

  320. I am grateful for the many special recordings I have saved that I can listen to at any time when I like to be more focused on a particular direction.
    I am really grateful for waking up and feeling much more positive about my body and my future…and even about today.
    I am grateful for my experiences that have helped me get to where I am and for being put in touch with a new casting agent who seems to be very helpful, genuine and sincere…and comes very highly recommended.
    I am grateful for being able to pay all my bills easily and for the exciting jobs that are coming up next week.
    I am grateful that John phoned last night and asked for support and that I was maybe able to help just by being here.
    I am grateful for the really nice cereal I had for breakfast tis morning.
    I am grateful for the nice email I received last night.
    I am grateful for another day to ‘do as I please’ and for the freedom I feel.
    I am grateful for being able to sit up in bed every morning and look out at a magnificent view…and for feeling so blessed that I have been able to come here…and to get to this point in my life so easily.
    I am grateful for feeling connected to the divine/universe/God and that sense of bliss that tells me I am on my path.
    I am grateful for the DVD of the play I was in as it shows ME that I was very good.
    I am grateful for my competence and confidence in my capabilities.

  321. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really happy and grateful that I got a job done today that’s been bothering me for a while…and that the wood box is full of firewood ready for next winter.
    I am happy and grateful that the weather is so glorious today and that we are going to the pool for a swim.
    I am really grateful for the great job I have to go to tomorrow afternoon and for the extra details I have sent off to other agencies enquiring about what they have to offer…as well as passing on my details.
    I am really grateful that I have photoshop to enhance the photos I have, and in this case, it helped me to make black and white copies, which are more professional in some circumstances.
    I am grateful that I have a relaxed life and don’t have to be as busy as the person I just s[poke to on the phone…we are very blessed to have our lives set us so easily.
    I am grateful for the sunshine, suntans and for having supple skin that looks youthful.
    I am grateful that I only drink water, herbal teas and the occasional filtered organic coffee as I think these things really help.
    I am grateful that I am careful what I put in my body, physically – what I eat and drink, visually and auditory – what I watch on TV (or don’t watch) and what I read, and mentally and emotionally – I treat myself well and take care of my own needs when I’m not feeling my usual balanced and cheery self.
    I am really grateful that I have interesting things to do…and that I have a huge desire to make a difference in the world…even if it is a simple smile or a kind word or to change my thoughts to more supportive ones.

  322. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful to be getting my new license photo re-done today as it is a task that has been waiting to be done.
    I am grateful for the newest challenge that has come along as it is time for me to get a NEW Attitude about it that supports me to live in the healthiest way possible, for the rest of my life.
    I am incredibly grateful for the contacts I am getting on a regular basis even if they aren’t right for me.
    I am grateful to have communication with Kim because it has been just delightful as well as comforting.
    I am grateful for the coolness today and the lovely rain we are having again.
    I am really grateful that our weather is balanced in this area.
    I am grateful that we have delicious and healthy food to eat and we have money to pay bills and to buy anything we might desire.
    I am grateful that I did 16 laps of the pool yesterday and I feel really good today.
    I am grateful for the music and dancing I am about to do…and for finding a way to get exercise even though it is raining.
    I am grateful for my commitment to myself and for being able to clearly see the benefits of the changes that are occurring…and for knowing how my thoughts have made them happen.
    I am grateful for the things I am conscious of and for knowing that my thoughts create how I perceive the world and even create what is happening to me at the moment.

  323. I am grateful that I am safe.
    I am grateful for the inspiration to exercises over the last few days and for the lovely walk I went on this morning.
    I am grateful that life is working well for me and that things are happening as I have anticipated.
    I am grateful for the extra days work I have been given and for the extra responsibility to look for other actors for the mini-series we are filming.
    I am grateful for the perfection of life and for feeling better about myself today.
    I am grateful that I have found one other person to work with on Friday.
    I am grateful that Crystals bee sting is getting better.
    I am really happy and grateful to have spoken to 3 of my boys yesterday and that they all sound happy…I’m also grateful that they have been so well taken care of by Dale and Pam.
    I am grateful that I know the value of intimate relationships and that the real intimacy is what I’m heading towards.
    I am grateful for the glorious weather again especially after a nice lot of rain.
    I am grateful that it is early and I have got so much done already.
    I am grateful to have got my license photo done yesterday and it all fitted in well with my other activities.

  324. I am incredibly grateful for the extra work I got today and that Crystal was fine before I got home…and also that Daniel will be here to look after her while I work again over the next few days.
    I am really grateful for meeting the loveliest people yet again today and for how helpful they are.
    I am happy and grateful that life is working how I anticipate and that it feels just so lovely.
    I am grateful for the lovely walk I went on again this morning before I left.
    I am grateful for feeling like I have the life of a celebrity…with lots of interesting and exciting things to do…people to meet and exercise and fitness and generally playing with life.
    I am grateful that my work is so much fun.
    I am grateful for the really special conversation I had with Sally today and for being able to enjoy making a connection.
    I am grateful Daniel is coming home tonight on the bus and it will be nice and convenient to have him here.
    I am really grateful for the delicious food that the ABC serves us for meals.

  325. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really, really grateful for an incredibly fun days work and that the crew were calling me by name.
    I am really grateful for the lovely compliments I received and for the connections I made with people while I was there.
    I am really grateful for this gratitude process because my life seems to flow better when I am using it regularly…there seems to be something more empowering about actually writing my grateful list down…
    I am grateful that I can think of what I am grateful for at any time I like.
    I am really grateful for my ability to change my thought when I need to.
    I am really grateful for the gossip about myself that I heard today…I actually take it as a compliment that people want to talk about me.
    I am grateful for the gluten-free food that I can easily get.
    I am really grateful for being driven to the location today and for the lift I am getting to the awards night tomorrow.
    I am grateful for the wonderful people I know and for the assistance that they are so willing to give me.
    I am really grateful for having my heart feel excited over the last few days and for the lovely fantasies I have been able to enjoy.
    I am grateful that my thoughts about relationships are much more positive and enjoyable – without the feeling of pain and loss that once would dominate my imaginings.
    I am really grateful to feel that the universe is providing perfectly for me…and for feeling excited by the opportunities that have been created already.
    I am grateful that my tiny body is back to live with me…as it has a much preferred place in my mind.
    I am grateful for the lovely weather to go for another walk tonight and for feeling the inspiration to go every day this week – and really enjoy myself.

  326. I am grateful for the visit and gifts from friends of ours today…it is always so wonderful to find people in our community who have such generous spirits and help others no matter what they receive in return.
    I am grateful for having today off to recharge after a really busy – and happy week working.
    I am really grateful that I have got the ebooks out to everyone for Christmas and my tasks have been completed for the year.
    I am grateful that I can do as I please from now on and have new commitments to make when I want to.
    I am grateful to be able to grumble around a bit today as I don’t usually allow myself the opportunity to do that.
    I am grateful for the shampoos and conditioners that I saved because they are now being used.
    I am grateful that I still have lots of time before getting ready to go out tonight.
    I am grateful fr the research I will bedoing tonight and for the valuable contacts I have the opportunity to meet.

  327. I am really grateful for getting to find out what an awards night is like…and even for feeling like I am very different from many of the other people there…as I don’t drink and prefer to be quietly spoken much of the time.
    I am rally grateful for getting a lift and for being taken care of.
    I am grateful for the delicious food we ate before hand.
    I am grateful that I was nominated as best female lead as it is such an honour to get a nomination for a GAT award.
    I am grateful that I have such a yearning to work now and it is driving me to keep going and define my focus.
    I am really grateful for the new posts on local space today…and I’m very grateful to Michelle for keeping on making the site busy and useful.
    I am really grateful for the restful sleep I have had and the mild weather this morning…and being able to just drive a short way to get to the shops and buy groceries.
    I am grateful for the delicious breakfast I will be enjoying very soon…and for Crystal who greeted me so happily this morning.
    I am very, very grateful for Crystal’s thoughtfulness and for her excitement about asking me if I had won the award and for the lovely card she made me to wish me luck.
    I am grateful that people care about me.
    I am grateful for my ‘tiny’ body’ as I call it and for feeling quite happy this morning…I am certainly feeling relaxed…and that is wonderful.

  328. I am really grateful to wake up feeling fine this morning.
    I am grateful that Crystal is so happy.
    I am grateful for the wonderful job that Daniel is doing clearing the weeds.
    I am really grateful for Arthurs’ help with our cows and for his good advice.
    I am really grateful for the things I have done to the property here and that it is so much mor kept than it was when I bought it.
    I am really grateful that we are getting lovely rainfall and the grass is growing, the flowers are blooming, the garden is thriving, the water tanks and dams are full and feed for the animals is plentiful.
    I am really grateful that I have options to choose from and today I can do as I please.
    I am grateful for solving a problem last night after I asked for help and for the thought that I can relax and have solutions presented to me for the other problems I have asked for help with.
    I am grateful that I have made some suitable contacts over the last few weeks.
    I am grateful for the email I am about to write.
    I am grateful that I now have all the money for the fence.
    I am grateful that Daniel pays his bills without me having to ask.
    I am grateful that my children show their maturity and good sense.
    I am grateful for how healthy and beautiful I look…and for a great hairstyle that I have been able to do myself.
    I am grateful for the contacts I keep receiving…as I would probably be wondering “what’s happening?” if I wasn’t getting them.
    I am grateful for the book I am reading and that I bought it spontaneously when I saw it.
    I am grateful for the email I am about to write.

  329. I am grateful for all the work I got done yesterday at the house and that my body feels like it has had a good workout.
    I am grateful for the lovely weather that makes me feel inspired to work outside and that I am getting back the urge to ‘be in the garden’ and clean up the property.
    I am really grateful for the kind words Michelle had for me and that expressed her appreciation.
    I am grateful for all the emails I am receiving that have thanked me for the e-book I sent out for Christmas – what a lovely surprise.
    I am grateful for Crystals happy mood every morning and that we have a laugh and joke together.
    I am grateful that Daniel is here to here to help with Crystal and with the property whenever we need something done.
    I am grateful that I can type really fast these days.
    I am grateful that I am ‘following my bliss’ once again instead of doing what I think I ‘should’.
    I am grateful for our wonderful property that I got so easily and quickly right when I wanted it…and when the timing was perfect for the housing market, perfect time to move and perfect time for us.
    I am grateful that I can relax about having a relationship…and that I feel like working.
    I am grateful that I have so much time to do whatever I please.
    I am grateful for how healthy I am and for the health of my children.
    I am grateful that I am quite fit and for all the walking I have been doing to get my aerobic capacity to a nice level.
    I am grateful for the good feed we have in the paddock for our cows and that they are looking really healthy and well fed too.
    I am really grateful that I woke up feeling good.

  330. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the energy to go only the walk early this morning and still be back before 7.30am.
    I am grateful for the beautiful places I have to walk and for the peaceful surroundings and pretty scenery.
    I am grateful for the pleasant weather.
    I am grateful for the big job I got done yesterday and that the yard is looking so lovely again.
    I am grateful for being able to order and pay for cosmetics over the phone and have them delivered to me.
    I am grateful for a restful sleep last night and for the comfortable bed I have to sleep in.
    I am grateful for the berries I picked and ate fresh from the garden and for the peas yesterday too.
    I am grateful that I made our garden so easy care and low maintenance and for the tools and equipment that I have to tend to it easier and effortlessly.
    I am grateful for the electricity that was connected to extend our lighting system out along the driveway.
    I am grateful for the experience in business that I have and that I know I can do anything I set my mind to.
    I am grateful for the lightweight summer gardening gloves that Pete gave me…and how useful they are.
    I am really grateful that I feel grateful and that I have the good sense to change my thoughts when I want to imagine something much nicer.
    I am grateful for the two contacts I have had this morning already.
    I am grateful that Daniel is helping me with the garden today.
    I am grateful that my body is managing the manual work I am doing and it feels like I have had a good workout.
    I am grateful for the trades people that we have in the area to fix whatever needs to be fixed.
    I am really grateful that I have fresh herbs growing at the door to make tea with whenever I want.
    I am grateful that Idrink healthy beverages and it’s easy for me to choose well.
    I am grateful for the energy I have to do what needs to be done.
    I am grateful for the fantastic freedom I have to do as I please ever day.
    I am grateful that we had something nice to give someone as a Christmas gift this morning.

  331. I am grateful for the glorious weather and having the space to sit peacefully in the sun this morning.
    I am grateful for the lemon tree and that the kids made some delicious lemon cordial to store until Christmas.
    I am grateful for the lovely wedding invitation I have received.
    I am grateful for good skin and a suntan that is healthy and attractive.
    I am grateful that Crystal has so many fun activities to enjoy.
    I am grateful that we have done so much work to our yard and that it is looking really great.
    I am grateful that I don’t have any commitments until next Tuesday and that I can do as I please until then.
    I am grateful for all the applications I have sent off and for the great company I registered with yesterday.
    I am grateful that I have put out the energy for a wonderful and inspiring and highly paid job and have taken the steps to let people know I am available.
    I am grateful for telephones and the Internet that keeps me connected easily to the rest of the world.
    I am grateful that I can have anything I want.

  332. I am really grateful that I took yesterday off to sleep as I must have really needed it.
    I am grateful for waking up to some lovely drops of rain this morning.
    I am grateful for the new registrations that we get on a regular basis and for the lovely comments that come with them.
    I am grateful that there are so many terrific people who enjoy helping others.
    I am grateful for our beautiful house, property and garden and that I can regularly go out and pick produce to eat.
    I am grateful for happy children and peace in our home.
    I am grateful that the phone is quiet.
    I am really grateful for Crystals wise choice of gifts to buy for herself.
    I am grateful that I have taken the pressure off Christmas and don’t commit to buying presents these days…makes for a much more relaxing and pleasant time.
    I am grateful that I don’t have people to look after this year.
    I am grateful that I am taking the time to look after myself…

  333. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that I can accept there have been some misunderstandings in an area of my life…and although I feel uncomfortable about it…I can accept that it has happened and wish the other people all the very best.
    I am grateful that I am forward-thinking and can change my thoughts to more supportive ones.
    I am really grateful for the judges certificate that I received for my acting role in stringlines.
    I am really grateful for the ABC debate I watched and felt that I had mauch to contribute to it.
    I am grateful that I have faith in myself even though sometimes things can challenge my beliefs.
    I am grateful for the uncertainty I am feeling because I know it is part of immense change.
    In fact…I am incredibly grateful for feeling like this as I know it will get me into action…thank you!…thank me…thank the universe…thank God.
    I am grateful for the people I know and for the competitive spirit that I have that encourages me to creat my life to be even better than it was…and to accept that the game of life is what keeps me wanting to live and in a sense – it gives me added purpose.
    I am grateful for this proces of gratitude…I love it for helping me to feel better and to keep focussing on where my thoughts really are…and keep changing some to more supportive and humanitarian thoughts.
    I am really grateful for the delightful phone call I just had…and for the lovely people I have met over the last couple years.
    I am grateful for the possibilities I can see for the future.

  334. I am really grateful for the clarity I just received about my need for acknowledgement…and that I think I no longer need to hear it.
    I am grateful for the place I have to go today and for another possible prospective job (and maybe even renewed relationship).
    I am really grateful that I have learned that I am not the best person to be ‘playing god’ and that I have something to aim for…I’d like to be like God…the God of my dreams…the God I know is all loving and accepting.
    I am really grateful for the understanding and quick learning I gain from writing things down.
    I am grateful that I can process my own thoughts, beliefs and attitudes this way and it is easy when I am willing to let go “being right”.
    I am really grateful for my healthy body and for the two walks I went on yesterday and for the lovely visit with Irene.
    I am grateful for the lovely judges certificate that Max brought over and I have added to my portfolio.
    I am grateful that almost anything can happen at any time to create the future I imagine, where I have the wisdom like the Dalai Lama, the respect from people like Oprah Winfrey, the humour of Joan Rivers, the magnetism of Elvis Presley, the sensuality of Marilyn Monroe, the charisma of Tony Robbins or Bill Clinton and the total acceptance of who I am as myself.
    I am grateful for the happy thoughts I am creating for my future and for taking the time to change to unpleasant thoughts into pleasant ones.

  335. I am grateful I have the strength to walk away from things that make me feel unhappy.
    I am grateful that I let myself do that instead of pretending that I am immune to unhappiness.
    I am grateful that I am doing things differently today…and I even have a negative affirmation to play with…how can I be happy and excited if I don’t have a fantastic relationship and an incredibly inspiring job.
    I am grateful for my courage and boldness to contact someone regarding a personal matter.
    I am grateful that sometimes I can hide away and keep to myself.
    I am grateful that I have a practical idea for a walk today.
    I am grateful that I have fun things to occupy my time…and for the people I came in contact with yesterday who were kind and asked me to join them…I hope I will very soon be able to accept their offers.
    I am grateful for the cool weather to go for my walk.
    I am really grateful for the excellent and quick job one of our local trades people did for me yesterday.
    I am really grateful and happy to see Andrew being so successful.

  336. Susie Foletta says:

    I am grateful that I have a relatively ‘manageable’ Christmas this year…
    I am grateful that we have such lovely neighbours up here….
    I am grateful for those that live here and those that come whenever they can…
    I am grateful that there are delightful children among them who care about the planet and the glorious country environment we are blessed to live in….
    I am grateful for ALL my friends….new and old…they bring joy to my life….
    I am grateful for my extended family…many of whom I don’t get to see much more often than at Christmas…
    I am grateful that I live in ‘Heaven on Earth’ here…..
    I am grateful for my beautiful home and my ability to share it with others….
    I am grateful that we will have lots of neighbours here over the Christmas break and will ‘break bread’,- and maybe the odd glass or two – with them over the holiday period…..!!!
    I am grateful I won’t have to be in Melbourne for long….!!
    I am grateful I have family to see there though…..!!
    I am just grateful for my life and all it’s abundance….
    I am grateful that my husband is always telling me how much he loves me….
    I am especially grateful for this as we have been together over 22 years….
    I am grateful that I am able to tell him how much I love him too…..

  337. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful Crystal will be going off to have a really happy Christmas this year at Andrew and Jacquie’s’.
    I am grateful that she is so excited about it.
    I am grateful for all the work I have done to our property…and for Daniel removing the weeds from the paddock.
    I am grateful that the animals are so easy to take care of…and for a low maintenance garden that is easy to make beautiful.
    I am grateful for the facilities we have here and for the great price I bought it for.
    I am grateful that our real estate prices have risen significantly.
    I am grateful for another nice walk today in a new area and for the different scenery I got to view.
    I am grateful that I felt like writing a grateful list tonight.
    I am grateful that I have a lovely home to live in.
    I am grateful for the funny TV shows I have started to watch.
    I am grateful that our Christmas-time is so peaceful.
    I am grateful for the safety of our family.
    I am grateful my children are all so well taken care of.
    I am grateful that I am relaxed about my income and for the terrific work I did recently.
    I am grateful for taking the opportunity to fix something up that has been bothering me for a while.
    I am grateful for Susie’s company…and for her wonderful relationship that has always inspired me.

  338. I am grateful to have found some more material, quotes and audio recordings of “Abraham” today…as I really enjoy them and they resonate with me.
    I am grateful for my hair straightener which is an easy way for me to make my hair look smooth and feel lovely.
    I am really grateful for the talk I had with Crystal this morning where we shared what was nice and not-so-nice about our last year.
    I am grateful that she is so responsible for her belongings..and that she is so loved and appreciated by so many people.
    I am grateful to know that I have been a good mother.
    I am really grateful for the way she is able to cook her own breakfast if she chooses to.
    I am grateful that she wakes herself up every morning and knows what the time is to catch the bus. .I so much appreciate all of her ways of being responsible.
    I am grateful that Daniel has done such a good job here and seems to be happy and content with what he is doing.
    I am grateful to be so relaxed.
    I am grateful for the contact I had with Endemol…and I appreciate their professionalism and that they responded to me twice.
    I am grateful for having this time off…and that I am letting myself relax and trust that all is well.
    I am grateful that I am changing my thoughts to happier ones.
    I am even grateful for the unhappiness I feel sometimes because it lets me know there is a better way of perceiving a situation…or even that I am off track.
    I am grateful to have asked for help and for the ways I am receiving help every day…in fact I was probably always receiving help, it’s just that I am taking more notice of it NOW!
    Thank you for helping.
    I am very grateful for the lovely email appreciating me this morning.

  339. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful for the lovely email this morning that made me smile…and even gave me hope for the future.
    I am grateful for the delightful weather to go for a walk this morning before driving to Melbourne for the day.
    I am grateful that the paddock looks so much better because Daniel has been clearing out the weeds.
    I am really grateful for the junk filter I have on my email as it filters out most of the trash.
    I am grateful I know who NOT to sign up with next time as they are the ones responsible for sending most of the spam.
    I am grateful that I DON’T know too much about what other people say about me any more…a much nicer way to live. I am actually a believer in “what you know doesn’t hurt you” when it comes to gossip.
    I am really grateful to have gotten into this nice habit again of writing my list each day – I know it helps me to focus on nicer things.
    I am really grateful for the light-heartedness that I have picked up from interacting with Jon.
    I am really grateful for his humour and persistence.
    I am grateful for the money I can use to go shopping with…and for having more choices when I go to the shops in Melbourne.
    I am grateful that Crystal is excited about her pool party today.
    I am really grateful for Daniels thoughtfulness and that he got up and had breakfast with Crystal and for walking her to the bus.
    I am grateful I can type so fast.
    I am grateful I have closed the forum off for a while…and for adding to it every day…because it makes me feel good to keep it going.
    I am grateful for having peaceful and restful sleeps.
    I am grateful for the lovely rain again to keep the grass growing and pretty.
    I am grateful the garden is growing so beautifully.
    I am grateful for my perfect health…and for the energy to do things and get outside and exercise.
    I am grateful I have achieved mostt of the balance I was aiming for…with jst one more piece of the puzzle seeming to fit in today!…Thank you!
    I am really grateful that I have learned somuch about myself, about the Internet and about how life works…over the last year.

  340. I am grateful for the invitations I’ve had for Christmas day.
    I am grateful for the surprise phone call yesterday as it made me feel really happy.
    I am grateful for the wonderful rain and that it has done much to break the drought in much of our beautiful country.
    I am grateful for having o many options presented to me to choose from.
    I am grateful for the delicious prawns I have been eating for days.
    I am grateful that I can do as I please again today.
    I am really grateful for Susies email of encouragement – thank you.
    I am grateful for such a restful sleep and for the interesting dream I woke up with.
    I am grateful for Crystals phone call and that she is really happy.
    I am grateful that Dale and Pam have asked us for Christmas lunch.

  341. I am grateful for all the new people who have signed up – it’s been amazing.
    I am grateful for a delightful boxing day with family friends who are always happy, welcoming and really care about other people.
    I am really grateful for Jon’s emails that are fun, entertaining and give me something to look forward to.
    I am grateful for the people who keep visiting and phoning and keep in touch with us.
    I am grateful that my children are really happy.
    I am grateful that I can enjoy the space I have to myself now.
    I am grateful that I am healthy and I ate just right over the Christmas holidays.
    I am grateful that I am stable without needing any stimulants.
    I am grateful for the liquid vitamins that keep me fairly balanced.
    I am grateful for the delicious breakfast I am having.
    I am grateful for the terrific weather and the plentiful rain.
    I am grateful that I have so many options for the future to choose from.
    I am grateful I’ll be getting my hair done tomorrow.
    I am grateful for my clothes dryer and dishwasher and all the modern conveniences in our house that make house keeping so easy.

  342. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful to have had my hair done today and for the clothes I bought while I was out shopping.
    I am grateful that I feel quite good.
    I am grateful that John dropped over yesterday and left me a great resource.
    I am grateful for the way he seems to care and help me when I have asked for it.
    I am grateful for the sunny weather and for getting so much of the grass cut yesterday.
    I am grateful that I have got myself really well set up here and that I hardly ever need to by anything as I seem to have almost everything I need already.
    I am really grateful for feeling alive, healthy and with some nice levels of energy.
    I am grateful for the vitamin E I have decided to take as I felt like it might be useful to supplement myself with.
    I am grateful for not needing a mobile phone.
    I am grateful for a safe and speedy trip in the car today…and that my car runs perfectly.
    I am grateful that I have so much peace in my life.
    I am grateful for TV to keep me entertained this afternoon as I feel like staying inside.

  343. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am especially grateful for feeling unhappy as I know that it assists me greatly to make big decisions for my life.
    I am really grateful for having the experiences in the past that have taught me how the unhappy feelings serve to let me know I have a better track to choose.
    I am grateful for the lovely offers I’ve had for New Years and that I have chosen to be with myself and for the clarity I am gaining.
    I am grateful for all the things I have done this year…learning the guitar, acting in my first stage play, being nominated as most outstanding actor, the acting extras work that came easily to me, learning about the Internet and starting each website, the learnings from interacting on Local Space, the fun at Site Reference, meeting some influential and helpful people, running a thoroughly successful workshop on complete inspiration, getting all the support from others throughout the year, being able to move on quickly from a relationship that was not bringing out the best in me, moving through a highly active mental period (and long work hours) to a more balanced daily ritual, getting a slimmer body and choosing healthier foods, letting go attachments to outcomes, being flexible with where I will go in the future, accepting my imperfections, meeting some interesting men, spending time together with Daniel and Crystal and lots more….
    I am grateful for being alive and healthy and for the wonderful home and country I live in.
    I am grateful for new work opportunities and for having the ability to choose whatever I would like to do.
    I am grateful to choose to do things with others.
    I am also very grateful for the privacy and space to myself.
    I am really grateful to be able to sleep in and get up when ever I feel like it.
    I am especially grateful to have lived another year in peace and harmony and for contributing to the world the way I have.
    I am grateful to be able to change my thoughts to nicer ones.
    I am grateful to have caught myself thinking not-so-nice things as well as nice things.
    I am really grateful for the people who have joined us here at various times throughout the last year and for the support and thanks I have received.

  344. I am so grateful for the wonderful conversations I am having.
    I am grateful for the cooler weather and that I found the time and motivation to spray the weeds.
    I am grateful for the beginning of a New Year which is always a marvellous opportunity to make some changes…and for me in particular, I am grateful to have actually checked my goals and have found than I am perfectly on-track.
    I am grateful to be feeling a little better than I was before.
    I am grateful for the exciting match of tennis I watched.
    I am really grateful that I am healthy.
    I am grateful for the surprise visit from Pete and Les and for the gifts and produce they always bring with them…they are incredibly generous.
    I am grateful for feeling like using the pc…and also for the surprise post made on Local Space before.

  345. I am incredibly grateful for all the work I got done in the garden this morning and for how good it makes me feel.
    I am really grateful for Daniels help to pull the weeds.
    I am grateful for feeling like I’ve had a good workout.
    I am grateful for the new neighbour, Rosemary, who I met this morning.
    I am grateful for all the fussy little jobs that have been done.
    I am grateful that I have been safe from snakes.
    I am grateful for the much cooler weather again today and for the lovely cool shower I’m about to have.
    I am grateful for the people who continue to phone me even if I haven’t been contacting them.
    I am always grateful to be able to type fast…and for wanting to write the things I am grateful for.
    I am grateful for the new strategies for goals I am developing.
    I am grateful for the new website idea I have just had.
    I am grateful for the people who appreciate my articles and let me know about it.

  346. I am grateful for the beautiful people who send me emails…and for the thanks they give to me.
    I am grateful for all the wonderful new business ideas I’m having…and for the time to indulge in them.
    I am grateful that I have so many options available to me.
    I am grateful that know I can do whatever I choose to do…and that I’ll be successful…especially if I make the changes that I have learned to make from past experiences.
    I am grateful that I keep getting more chances.
    I am grateful for my very special friends.
    I am grateful for high speed broadband and that we can afford to have all the luxuries that we need.
    I am grateful that I still desire more things as it keeps me thinking about interesting ways to create them in my life.
    I am grateful for the ideas that come to mind.
    I am grateful for the really cool change we are having…and for all the fabulous rain this season already.
    I am grateful that I haven’t needed to go shopping for a few days as it’s nice to save money and petrol.
    I am grateful for the fantastic television shows that Oprah presents to the world and for her genuine desire to add value…I am grateful we have such an excellent female role model.

  347. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    Hello…I am really grateful for waking up and finding something interesting in my inbox.
    I’m grateful for the cooler weather that makes it more pleasant to cut the grass.
    I am grateful for realizing that things aren’t as bad as I thought they were.
    I am grateful for the healthy food choices I make.
    I am grateful for telephones, computers, dishwashers, washing machines and all our modern conveniences that makes life so much easier.
    I am grateful for the extra money we’ve been making on adsense…as I’ve been wondering if it is worth it to have websites.
    I am grateful for the wonderful place I live and for being able to do as I please each day.
    I am grateful for the opportunities that are coming.

  348. I am really grateful for waking up feeling inspired to act and that I have printed out flyers that I wanted to do some time agao…thank heaven it is done now.
    I am grateful for a lovely cool morning as we prepare for a hot day.
    I am grateful that my body feels so good after a really big day of physical work yesterday.
    I am grateful that I have learned to turn away when someone is saying things that annoy me.
    I am grateful for learning some new skills to deal with my need to be right.
    I am grateful for the beauty aids, make-up and hair care products that help a woman feel good.
    I am really grateful that I have everything I need and almost everything I want too!
    I am grateful for the decisions I have to make about the Internet websites I have.
    I am grateful for the thoughts of new business ideas.
    I am grateful for my lovely garden.
    I am grateful for all the money I have saved over the years and that when I have made mistakes with my spending that it is recovered easily.
    I am grateful for the extra income I produced at the end of last year…and look forward to more.
    I am grateful for a fantastic printer and computer to do all the jobs I need.
    I am really grateful for finding solutions to dilemnas.
    I am grateful for Daniel and for the job he did yesterday raking the grass.

  349. Well, I am really grateful for having big thoughts about a new venture and finally getting the courage to make a start and ask for a partner…and ask advice as well.
    I am really grateful for all the reading and study (and experience) I’ve done over the years and that it excites and interests me.
    I am so grateful for taking the steps already to do something with my cows…and advertising the agistment…then I know I’m on-track.
    I am grateful for the delightful weather we’re having here…mild and sunny…beautiful.
    I am really grateful for the sneak-peek I took that confirmed that people really do think well of me and the negative stuff was really all in my mind.
    I am grateful for finding out more details about an ex-partner that made me feel so much better.
    I am so grateful that I have lost major interest in Local Space as it would have distracted me from what I am doing now.
    I am so grateful for my big dreams and for the confidence in myself that ‘I can do it!’
    I am grateful for the help I get from Arthur and Meryl, Daniel and Dale and for knowing that I can ask for help any time and they will always do their best.
    I am really grateful for Arthurs persistence in making me do something productive with the cows.

  350. Well, I’m really grateful for the new expanding thoughts I’m having to increase business, income and give me some more interesting things to play with in life.
    I am grateful for the people who find me because they are interested.
    I am grateful for being able to choose again what I will do today.
    I am grateful that sometimes I am pushed to go out amongst people because I know I’ll enjoy it when I get there, but the push is sometimes necessary at the moment to make me want to shift from my comfort zone.
    I am grateful that my finances are handled easilly.
    I am grateful for the work we’ve done on the property here already.
    I am grateful for the reallt pleasant weather we are experiencing.
    I am grateful that I have some nice clothes to wear.
    I am grateful for the extra money I make here and there.
    I am really grateful for the junk filter on my email.
    I am grateful for all the different areas I have available to make choices about.

  351. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am incredibly grateful for being offered an audtition for a role.
    I am grateful for the inspiration I’m having to maximize the income from my property.
    I am grateful for the incentives to speak with professionals in order to make sure I take on the correct investments.
    I am really grateful for Dales advice and ideas.
    I am grateful for the cool weather this morning as I go out to spray some more weeds.
    I am really grateful for the fire-fighters and emergency services people who work so tirelessly in our area.
    I am grateful that I feel safe and protected where I live.
    I am grateful that I don’t have any need for a relationship at the moment…and that I can relax.
    I am grateful for the opportunity to help someone out today.
    I am grateful for a really nice nights sleep.
    I am grateful that I don’t feel any obligations towards anyone.

  352. I am incredibly and ecstatically grateful to be feeling so inspired to purchase my next investment property…and for the thoughts and techniques I have acquired to get to this point.
    I am really grateful for all the FREE stuff that comes via the Internet that teaches me to have a new way of thinking.
    I am grateful for an open mind, and a thoughtful nature and a big desire to have fun, create a better life for myself and others.
    I am so grateful for the opportunities that keep coming my way and for remembering that anything is possible.
    I am grateful for the real estate agents that take me seriously and have their section 32’s ready.
    I am grateful to be able to tell who is willing to negotiate and for the high power position I have put myself in.
    I am grateful for credit cards, and the extra money I put away at the beginning of last year.
    I am grateful for the wonderful equity I have in my home and for the courage to be able to stretch out and use it with confidence, knowing I am significantly improving my lot.
    I am really grateful for being sent a riveting script, the contact who sent it to me and the courage to ask for an audition.
    I am really grateful that things I have put in place are beginning to be useful – how wonderful.
    I am so grateful that life always works out so beautifully for me…and for how blessed I am to be able to see it and feel the results now.

  353. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for another glorious morning and for taking the time to sit in the sun.
    I am really grateful for the wonderful property I have and for how beautiful and peaceful it is to live here.
    I am really grateful for all the choices I can make with the extra money I have to use.
    I am really grateful that I am very wise with money and use it to create more.
    I am grateful for the wisdom and knowledge I have already and for what I am about to learn as well.
    I am grateful for the courage to branch out and invest my money into something very lucrative…with exceptional cash-flow.
    I am really grateful for all the good ideas I am given and for the ones I create myself.
    I am really grateful for having the credibility to be able to do what I do…and for being taken seriously.
    I am really grateful for the energy, health and mental well being I have.
    I am really grateful for our government who take care of our systems and provide for the needy in this country.
    I am grateful that I’ll be able to contribute to that as well in a short time.

  354. I am really grateful for the courage to make an offer on a property that will stretch me to restructure my financial affairs for the better.
    I am really grateful for the courage to stretch my thoughts of “what I can do” to “what I am willing to do.”
    I am really grateful to have found what I think is an amazing bargain that can be turned over really quickly – and for the courage to take the risk…and the inventiveness of working in conjunction with each option instead of just one.
    I am really grateful that I have my sons as back-up if I need it.
    I am grateful to feel that I’ll come up with solutions if I need to.
    I am grateful for delightful weather to go out and drive around.
    I am grateful for the excitement (and a little fear) that I’m feeling.
    I am grateful that I know it is good for me to stretch out of my comfort zone.
    I am really grateful that I have a way out if I decide to not go ahead.
    I am grateful for solicitors and accountants and other professionals that help with the things I might not be well educated in.
    I am grateful for my desire to learn, know and experience more things.
    I am grateful I have faith in my judgement…especially about real estate.
    I am grateful for the fun story this will provide for my book.
    I am grateful that I take to challenges really well.
    I am grateful yet again for being willing to step outside my comfort zone…on to something that could well make me an even better life…and at the very least will be a learning experience that will propel me further too.
    Thank you for another wonderful opportunity to learn, grow, experience life and have lots of fun.

  355. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am always so grateful for the incredible resources that are available free on the internet.
    I am really grateful for my mother who always remembers to phone on our birthdays.
    I am grateful for the glorious weather this morning and to be able to sit in the sun for a while and enjoy it.
    I am really grateful that I am accepting of my life situations and find so many things to always be grateful for.
    I am really grateful for peaceful living and for wonderful health.
    I am grateful for the space I’ve had to myself over the last few days.
    I am grateful that I can say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ when I want to.
    I am grateful for being creative with the food left in our fridge and pantry.
    I am grateful for my expansive thinking, courage to take small risks, willingness to be different and act in ways that are right for me.
    I am grateful for all the options I have and that I am narrowing them down to focus on the ones that excite me the most.
    I am grateful I am single.
    I am really grateful that I have high regard for myself and for the trust that everything in my life always works out for the best.
    I am really grateful to live life without any regrets.
    I am grateful to be happy with everything I have, satisfied with everything I am and excited about what I will be.

  356. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that Daniel left his camera here so I could take some photos of the property today.
    I am really grateful that Crystal has had such a wonderful time on holidays and that I’m really looking forward to having here come home.
    I am grateful for the inspiration to take further steps towards nmy goals today.
    I’m grateful to be alive.

  357. I am grateful that we are getting things done around the property…and for the great photos I’ve been taking.
    I am grateful for Crystal who is so happy and easy to take care of…and for her enthusiasm and happiness that always makes my day brighter.
    I am grateful for the friends she has to play with.
    I am really grateful for being professional in my interactions with people and for the lovely email of apprciation I received this morning.
    I am grateful for sunshine and happiness and for being grateful and apprciating everything that I have…and everything that I will have in the future too!
    I appreciate being the person I am and for being given a new chance to make better/different choices every day.

  358. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the way I am feeling – empowered and with hope for great things the future.
    I am grateful for all the research I have done and the things I have learned from reading about other people.
    I am grateful I have the courage to take action…and for allowing myself to ‘lose’ for a little while in order to ‘win’ in the long term.
    I am grateful that I have a vision for the future to make my living situation even better than it is.
    I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I have been given…and for the new study/action route I am taking.
    I am so grateful for the glorious weather.
    I am grateful we can still keep our home as well as moving to another one.

  359. I am grateful for the junk filter on my emails.
    I am really grateful for the amazing amount of work I got done yesterday and for the stamina I have to do it.
    I am grateful that the property looks nice.
    I am grateful for the actions I have taken towards my new plan.
    I am grateful for the imaginings I am having and how easy they are to have.
    I am grateful to be relaxed about everything…maybe trusting is a more appropriate word.
    I am grateful I have money coming to me in the mail…and for the money I am able to borrow for the next set of projects.
    I am grateful for the things I have learned about goals and action and that I am happy to write things down and make plans and take the action needed to move me ahead.
    I am grateful that I only have Crystal and myself to take care of right now.

  360. I am incredibly grateful for the people who would like to agist their horses on our paddock.
    I am grateful for the appointment this morning to determine how much I can ask to rent out this house so I can move on to the next project.
    I am grateful that I am ‘in action’.
    I am grateful Crystal reached the bus on time this morning.
    I am grateful for a clean and tidy house.
    I am really grateful for the tomatoes and blueberries I picked from the garden this morning.
    I am grateful for the glorious weather again…and for the rain over the last few days.
    I am really grateful for the assistance from the Vic Business Line…great info free for all people.
    I am really grateful for finding oiut the legalities before I start my new venture…and for the wonderful people who are there to offer good advice.

  361. I am really grateful to be feeling so positive that my life is working perfectly…and I’m grateful for the relaxed comfort I feel in allowing things to unfold, knowing that it will be better than I even have imagined in my mind.
    I am grateful that I made so many enquiries yesterday and found out more details about regulations and permits…now I know what to expect.
    I am grateful that I feel so good even though I was thinking deeply about many things last night.
    I am grateful for the computer and printer that enables me to print up signs to put on notice boards.
    I am really grateful for the people who came by yesterday.
    I am always grateful that Crystal is happy and healthy…that we get along really well…that we have some laughs together…that she has some enjoyable things to do.
    I am grateful for the new vision boards we constructed together…and for how lovely they are.

  362. I am so grateful for finding out more things that give me greater confidence about what I’m about to commit to.
    I am grateful for the professional people who give good advice…especially accountants, solicitors, estate agents etc.
    I am really grateful for the sprinkle of rain overnight to freshen up the garden.
    I am really grateful for the enquiry I’ve had about renting out the house.
    I am grateful for my courage to do something different, my wisdom in knowing when I need to move on, my forsight in predicting what will most likely happen and the knowledge I gain through endless research and enquiries.
    I am grateful for Crystal who does her homework so diligently…and for her happiness that brightens my days…and for how easy it is to take care of her.

  363. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for the solution that came to me this morning…and am excited to present it to the people concerned.
    I am grateful for the time I am taking to be thoughtful in preparing and ‘actioning’ my plans for the future.
    I am really grateful for the opportunity to create lifestyle, wealth, health and even greater happiness.
    I am really grateful for the affluent country we live in.
    I am grateful that I can find advantages in every situatioon…and have the courage and foresight to utilize then to my advantage…and that they will also benefit others.
    I am grateful that I am looking after myself really well.
    I am grateful for the fun stuff on TV that I watch with Crystal…and that I have other things that interest and excite me as well.
    I am really grateful for the other properties that have come up for sale…and for vendors who are happy to sell for the deal and price that works for me.
    I am grateful to learn more about business structures and trusts that enable me to structure my finances in easier and more appropriate ways.
    I am grateful I am energized and alive today.

  364. I am really grateful for the happy thoughts that come easily to me.
    I am grateful for the inspiring quotes that come via email every day.
    I am grateful for the people who thank me and appreciate the ones that I send out.
    I am grateful that our cool change is warm enough to be comfortable.
    I am really grateful for the rain and the full water tanks.
    I am grateful the house looks so lovely.
    I am really grateful for the house I found yesterday that will be a very good purchase if I get it for the price I imagine.
    I am grateful that I am ready for opportunities…and I have experience to know what I am able to do…and what will be profitable for me.
    I am grateful for the goals I have set and the thoughts I put in place to pave the way for them to materialize.
    I am grateful I know what action to take to help that to happen.
    I am grateful for Kelvin’s phone call and assistance and friendliness.
    I am also grateful for Peter who gives practical advice and assistance too.
    I am really grateful for Crystal’s happy nature, and that she is having REALLY healthy school lunches.
    I am grateful to be very relaxed with my life, with positive hope for future prospects, projects on their way and the excitement of not knowing which one will be the RIGHT one for me.
    I am grateful I can say ‘no’ when people ask me to give of my free time.
    I am grateful I have tithed a great amount to the community last year which releases me to do my own work for profit this year.
    I am grateful to have happily tithed in advance…and know that it’s time for ‘me’ now!
    I am grateful to have an abundant life with so many things to be grateful for.
    I am grateful to have a good knowledge of basic Internet practices.
    I am grateful for all the experience I got last year, acting, building websites, working long hours and loving it, meeting wonderful people and especially for what I thought were failures (because they are triumphs that have helped me move in a fantastic direction that I might not have considered otherwise).
    I am just really grateful that my life ALWAYS works out beautifully and I am given so much more than I ever ask for.
    I am grateful for all the surprises I get that remind me of the wondrous things that are given to me without me even knowing they are available…thank you!
    I am grateful to have a ‘trust’ of life/God/the universe that everything is working in my favour…and that inadvertently it will be working for everyone else as well.
    I am grateful I can see ‘win/win’ opportunities.
    I am grateful to know I can take things easier, more pleasurable and happier than ever before.

  365. I am really grateful to have got so many trees cut down today…and for the gorgeous view that is even more visible.
    I am really grateful for the friends I have.
    I am grateful for the funny chook who follows us around and is a delight to have as a pet as well as providing us with fresh eggs.
    I am grateful for freshly dug potatoes…and freshly picked blueberries and tomatoes.
    I am grateful that I happily coexist with the snakes we saw this afternoon and for the respect we show each other.
    I am grateful for the fun stuff on TV to watch.
    I am grateful for the terrific chat I had with Ivan yesterday.
    I am grateful that I can say ‘no’.
    I am grateful for really careful budgeting that gives us a lifestyle that is fantastic.
    I am grateful that my car is so reliable and a pleasure to drive.
    I am grateful that we only need to go out occasionally.
    I am grateful for the computer and the Internet…
    I am really grateful for the people who chat with me via email.
    I am really grateful that we have all the mod conveniences we could wish for.
    I am really grateful to be so relaxed and happy with life.
    I am grateful for the fun Crystal and I have had together.

  366. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for getting my life in order and making appointments with professionals to give me guidance.
    I am grateful to have the courage to take action to enable us to increase our income for the rest of our lives.
    I am really grateful for the good habits I have.
    I am grateful for the fun stuff I get to do every day.
    I am really grateful for the energy and inspiration to do more garden landscaping on the property…and for how great it looks.
    I am grateful I can operate a chainsaw…and for the fantastic little one that I own.
    I am grateful for the guy who maintains it in good order and helps when I need it.
    I am grateful for the excellent firewood the trees provide when they are cut down.
    I am grateful for the abundant heating fuel on the property.
    I am really grateful to have options for my future and for the choices I am able to make at any time.
    I am grateful that I know when I make a decision – I ‘got for it’!
    I am really grateful for the fun I am having.
    I am grateful for this website and that I was able to let go the obligations I felt towards the other ones.

  367. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful to have met Elizabeth Richardson and been inspired to step out in confidence. The positive effect of this meeting lead to me becoming brave enough to start looking for a partner and in no time at all someone wonderful came into our lives.
    I am grateful for continued good health for me and my family.
    I am grateful both my children are still living with me and growing up fine.
    I am grateful for daylight savings and enjoying evening trips to the park and looking at the view of Wilson’s Prom.
    I am grateful for my husband, who is an angel in disguise, as he undertakes the role of being the man about the house – we are provided for, we are protected, stuff is fixed and we are loved.
    I am grateful for being able to help a new family in town when their son was rushed to hospital.
    I am grateful for this country having a family court system with processes to sort out matters where negotiation is unmet.
    I am grateful for a neighbour finding my son’s hat and returning it so quickly.
    I am grateful the waterboard came within an hour to fix a leak.
    I am grateful to have followed intuition and checked the water usage and then located another leak in the plumbing so it can be fixed.
    I am grateful my husband is so skilled with tools and he can fix so many things.
    I am grateful for being more patient in my life.
    I am grateful for learning to be more positive.
    I am grateful for another day of happiness, with peace and quiet to study.

  368. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that Dinah came over last night and had a chat with me about future plans.
    I am grateful for all the people who keep phoning regarding the singles parties – makes me wonder if we could run them again.
    I am incredibly grateful for the bank manager I have who is so helpful and comes up with solutions and suggestions.
    I am grateful for all the options that are available to me…
    I am really grateful for all the opportunities I have missed out on…because the ones that are coming up now are much more appropriate, viable and exciting.
    I am grateful for having email addresses that I can use to test if the people send spam or not.
    I am grateful for all the business experience I have as I know now when something is unlikely to be suitable for me…and also know when something is just right for me.
    I am grateful to have friends who are there whenever I need them.
    I am also grateful for my mum who phones often and keeps in touch with all our family.
    I’m also grateful for the things my parents taught me…my dad taught me much about real estate, probably without even realizing it…and mum taught me so much about positive ways to live life, especially in regards to respecting other people.
    I AM grateful for everything.

  369. I am really grateful to be feeling happy.
    I am ever so grateful for the beautiful view of Wilson’s Promintory and Corner Inlet that I get to wake up to every morning.
    I am grateful that Crystal tends to many of her own needs and is very responsible…also for how delightful she is when we have company.
    I am really grateful for Andrew who phones occasionally and it reminds me to feel loving.
    I am grateful for being well organized, especially for the auction I am going to today…I know exactly what I am prepared for.
    I am grateful for wonderful opportunities, big dreams, realistic expectations, surprises and miracles.
    I am grateful for a lovely day to sit in the sun for a while.
    I am grateful for the food we pick from the garden each day, and for the egg I collected this morning.
    I am grateful for our reliable (and clean – thanks to Pete) car.
    I am grateful that I can change our Internet plan to whatever I please.
    I am grateful for the computer and printer that helps me print up great flyer’s for the local notice-boards.
    I am grateful for the options I have to make extra income…and for being able to dream of even bigger things to come.
    I am grateful to have asked John to help (if he is willing and able) and that I can sit back and allow things to unfold.
    I am really grateful that this time I am REALLY well organized to achieve my desired goals…with more plans in the pipeline.
    I am grateful for my drive to set up our future to be even more comfortable…and for how easily these things always turn out for me.
    I am grateful for the tiny bit of doubt, as it helps me be relaistic…and will make success even more exciting.
    I am grateful that we’ll celebrate our success at Toora pub tonight…and for the other successes we’ll celebrate.
    I am really grateful that this property is such a fantastic investment…and that I have a good eye for a good buy…and I’m excited to pursue many more of them.
    I am grateful for the goals I have set in motion…and for knowing about the Law Of Attraction…and for seeing ways to tick each goal as it is achieved and move on to the next exciting and wise one.
    I am grateful to have been given financial challenges so that I set myself up in the wisest possible way that I can then teach to others who are keen to do the same…or at least learn about what I have done.
    I am grateful to know I already have financial Independence.

  370. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the extra payments I have been receiving.
    I am grateful that I can still walk after breaking my toe…and that I can sleep OK.
    I am grateful I have the option to take things easy when something like this happens.
    I am grateful for my study material which is giving me really interesting things to do.
    I am incredibly grateful for Crystals help and concern.
    I am grateful for a lovely weekend with her too.
    I am grateful to be able to hide away when I feel like it.
    I am grateful for the money I’m saving all the time.
    I am grateful for how easy it is to save…and that I am inspired to do it.
    I am grateful for the job opportunities locally I am finding…and for the ones I will create…and for the ones that will find me!
    I am grateful to be alive.
    I am grateful we live in such a beautiful and peaceful place.
    I am grateful for the things I am learning and for the assistance that the government provides for me as a single parent.
    I am grateful for this wonderful computer.
    I am grateful for the Internet that makes researching and study so much easier at home.
    I am really grateful that we have a home…and it is comfortable…and a happy place to be.
    I am grateful Daniel is coming to pick up some of his stuff as it will be easier when and if we move.

  371. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful for living in this wonderful home and that I own a property with so much potential for development as time goes by…
    I am grateful for understanding the importance of moving outside what is comfortable in order to grow and prosper..
    I am grateful for the mild weather that makes it so incredibly comfortable in our house.
    I am grateful for the people who may rent our house…and for having the courage to move on to another one so I can set myself up in better ways for the future…
    I am grateful for the teleseminar I listened to yesterday and for the information I keep receiving that let’s me know I am on the right track…and helps to define even better where I can go from here…
    I am grateful that so many things are free on the Internet and we have easy access to whatever information we might need or want…
    I am grateful to be able to learn from other people…
    I am grateful I am attractive, that my body is really healthy and that I am comfortable and confident with who I am…
    I am grateful for the things my parents taught me…like spelling, punctuation and the importance that they placed on education…and for the magnificent opportunities I have been given that make me feel confident in my abilities…
    I am grateful for being alive and happy and peaceful…and for the occasional challenges I face…as they just help me to stretch and grow into an even better person…
    I am grateful that I only make commitments I intend to keep…
    I am grateful that my only obligation is to myself and Crystal…
    I am grateful for the exciting weekend that is coming up for both of us…
    I am grateful I have so many choices and options for making a better life…
    I am grateful that Crystal enjoys music and creativity so much…
    I am grateful that she is organized, responsible, honest, trustworthy and happy…I am so proud of her…

  372. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that our sauna works so well as it’s the first time we’ve tried it out.
    I am grateful for all the study I’ve been doing and for how enjoyable it is.
    I am grateful that I’m a really rapid learner.
    I am grateful for being involved in an industry with wonderful potential to make money and assist people too.
    I am grateful for a lovely day today and for a happy weekend visiting friends.
    I am grateful for Trevor who phoned today to catch up….and hope that Susie is feeling well too.
    I am grateful for the warm weather…and for the energy saving ideas I have come up with.
    I am grateful that our house is so well set up and beautiful…and for the terrific people who came for an inspection on Saturday…and for their excellent response.
    I am grateful to feel excited about life and happy about the way things are going.
    I am grateful and looking forward to starting work really soon.
    I am grateful that I budget so well and have always been smart with finances.
    I am grateful for the thought I put into each venture and that this one seems even more appropriate for my life.
    I am grateful for a daughter who is happy and well behaved and very responsible for cleaning her room and doing as she’s asked – how lucky I am.
    I am really grateful to be alive and to feel gratitude easilly.
    I am grateful for the things Daniel taught me while he was living here and that he is off to uni this year.
    I am grateful that my other sons are all happy and taken care of.
    I am grateful that I can do things for my family because I want to – not out of obligation.
    I am really grateful I was born and that life has been very good for me.

  373. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for my longstanding clients and our caring relationship.
    I am grateful for my mother who made my weekend in Melbourne possible so I could attend to business.
    I am grateful for the legal system and the Family Court providing a reasonable system to settle matters.
    I am grateful for my husband who drives a long way to work and returns home pleased to see us.
    I am grateful for my husband who provides for our family.
    I am grateful to be with my children and have them living with me.
    I am grateful for the luxurious quality of life in this country.
    I am grateful for another day with time to study and tend to the housekeeping.
    I am grateful for being alive and healthy today.
    I am grateful for having friends where the door is open for a chat.
    I am grateful when processes seem amiss, and then the mistake turns out to be beneficial.
    I am grateful my husband located and fixed our plumbing leak, identified and dangerous problem on the car and arranged for its repair.
    I am grateful for all the benefits the government provides through centrelink, medicare and legal aid.
    I am grateful for my daughter who wakes in time for school and prepares herself and her lunch.
    I am grateful my daughter is continuing with the school band.
    I am grateful my son is starting to become toilet trained.
    I am grateful for the lovely day care clients we have and what a pleasure it is to look after the cute little ones.
    I am grateful for being able to live in my own house.
    I am grateful Elizabeth Richardson provides an excellent avenue to be able to relax and meditate over all the wonderful things in my life, and sends me wise quotes in beautiful pictures.

  374. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for Dinah’s kind words…it’s lovely to find out that people get benefit from what I do.
    I am grateful for the fun course I am doing and for the help I get from one of our local Real Estate Agents.
    I am really grateful that my broken toe is getting better quickly…and for how healthy my body is.
    I am grateful that I had a really happy start to the day.
    I am grateful for a delightfully happy daughter to get up with every morning.
    I am really grateful for our wonderful schooling system and all the benefits our government provides for the education of our children.
    I am really grateful for the beautiful view I see every morning…and for the wonderful place I live.
    I am grateful for the miracles that happened to get us here.
    I am grateful for the way things are going at the moment because I know that in their own ways, they are miracles too.
    I am grateful for being so careful with money and that I have saved for a deposit on another property.
    I am grateful for the lovely choice of real estate out here.
    I am grateful that I have patience to wait for just the right thing to come along.
    I am grateful for the options I have to be able to purchase something else as an investment…and for the energy and interest to keep looking regularly.
    I am grateful for the inspiration I receive that helps me to move in the right direction.

  375. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the suggestion of another job today.
    I am grateful forever for the beautiful place we live…and for how well the house is set up with all the conveniences we could want.
    I am grateful for the garden to pick fresh tomatoes and fruit…and collect eggs.
    I am grateful for Pete and Les who always drop in quickly with fresh produce and gifts for us.
    I am really grateful for the new processes I have come across in the last few days.
    I am grateful for the on line tutor who is available to answer questions for me.
    I am grateful for being able to study in peace and in my own time…and for the high level of understanding I have on the subject of real estate.
    I am grateful I have chosen something that is exciting and interesting to study and with a great potential to make excessive income so we can have an even freer and active life.
    I am grateful for being able to sit in the natural sunshine and warm my body.
    I am grateful for the mentors who have provided me with some terrific words, useful processes, inspirational methods and for the visions I am forming because of reading about/listening to them.

  376. I am so grateful for all the chainsawing and garden work I got done on the weekend.
    I am grateful that I could get into action even though my toe is still sensitive and sore.
    I am grateful for the glorious weather to work in – I love Autumn.
    I am grateful for our funny chook with such a personality.
    I am grateful for Crystal and Jades help moving branches.
    I am grateful our property is so easy to maintain and only small things need to be done to get it looking fantastic.
    I am grateful that I have increased our Internet speed this month to make it easier to get online quicker.
    I am grateful that we can afford things like that.
    I am really grateful for the money I have saved – especially over the last few months.
    I am grateful that my course is going so well…and that I passed my first test with flying colours.
    I am grateful for the peace and beauty around me.
    I am grateful for a gorgeous daughter who is so happy and forward thinking.
    I am grateful that I only have her and myself to take care of right now.
    I am really grateful that we could do anything we want to – if we really want to do it!
    I am grateful for flying through the Real Estate Course with ease and that it gives me so much pleasure to learn more.
    I am grateful for the potential to make extra, abundant income very soon.
    I am really grateful that I have a good reputation around town.
    I am grateful that I can sit in the sun and complete some more of my assignment.
    I am grateful that we are warm in the house and for all the firewood I have cut up for winter.

  377. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that I can do as I please today.
    I am grateful to want to get up early every morning…and that I enjoy time with Crystal before school.
    I am really grateful for the websites I have created…and for the fun it was to make them.
    I am grateful for the freedom here, and for the conveniences of roads and transport and schooling…and especially for the opportunities our government gives to all people.
    I am grateful I have a lovely home and that everything is set up so efficiently and neatly.
    I am really grateful we have money to buy whatever we want…and for the fabulous fruit and veges in our garden that we can give away when we have excess.
    I am grateful that I have things to do each day (like this) that keep me positive about living….and for the gratitude I feel for being alive and healthy.
    I am grateful for the course tutor that I can phone whenever I have questions to ask.
    I am grateful for another job opportunity that came up yesterday…and for the one this morning that I might sign up for too.
    I am grateful that we can have fast broadband internet as it is so much more convenient and pleasurable.
    I am grateful for all the men and women who have helped me get to where I am today.
    I am grateful that I only have Crystal and myself to take care of at the moment.
    I am grateful for the nice dreams I have been having that remind me what it’s like to have a special partner.
    I am grateful that Crystal is old enough that I can go out to work again…and know that I have done the best I can in the first 9 years of her life to bring her up well.
    I am grateful that I am relaxed about her schooling and it promotes her studiousness because I do not need to push.
    I am grateful that she enjoys reading and maths and really looks forward to getting to school.
    I am grateful for how thoughtful she is with time now that she is wearing her watch every day.
    I am grateful that we both eat really healthy food.
    I am grateful that Crystal is such a happy girl.

  378. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for a new system that’s been presented to me to make extra and abundant income….and for the direct contact with the creator of the system.
    I am incredibly grateful for another opportunity that might sit well with where I am headed.
    I am grateful for the Internet that gives me the access to people to partnership with.
    I am really grateful to be able to think of several key people who might be interested in helping getting something set up in Australia.
    I am grateful for another glorious day and for taking a further step towards completing my course and moving on to fulfilling work.
    I am grateful for how healthy and happy I am today…and that I am well and truly alive.
    I am grateful for all the potential that exists to feel fulfilled, happy and prosperous.
    Thank you!

  379. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that I can find and fix things with the websites even though Daniel isn’t here to ask.
    I am grateful for yet another opportunity that presented itself yesterday and that I have the inspiration to follow it up today.
    I am grateful for the health and energy I always have and for the fantastic supplements I take that help to balance out my system.
    I am really grateful for the great little tomatoes in our garden that have come up by themselves, but have been a lovely source of food for us and gifts for others.
    I am grateful to be alive and for the peace and tranquility here.
    I am grateful to be warm, comfortable and cozy in our home.
    I am grateful for the good friends we’ll have over to play with Crystal on the weekend.
    I am grateful for the people who help with our cows and that they will fetch a nice price when they go to market…and that I have options to breed from them if I choose to go that way.
    I am grateful for the computer and printer that makes nice, professional flyers to put up on noticeboards.
    I am grateful for feeling helpful (and even a little bit competitive).
    I really like being able to choose what I will do every day and I’m so grateful to have that luxury.
    I’m grateful that we have supermarkets close by and a fresh fruit and vegetable outlet with good quality produce.
    I’m glad I live in Australia.
    I’m really glad that I have set myself up that interest rates rises or falls are exciting to me no matter what happens.
    I am grateful to find new opportunities every day…and that I am smart to evaluate each one for it’s potential and financial intelligence.

  380. wilfriedfink says:

    I´m grateful to BE here on planet earth at this time.

    Happy to share with you the Universal Peace Calendar for free at

    and invite you to participate at:

    Love from germany

  381. I am always grateful for the new people who find this site.
    I am grateful for the lovely friends who are staying here who love to play with Crystal.
    I am really grateful that our house is so well set up to take guests.
    I am grateful for the effort Heather went to that helps make it easier for me to mind all the children together.
    I am really grateful for peace and happiness and comfort.

  382. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful to wake up feeling really energetic and healthy.
    I am grateful for the glorious weather we are having and for being able to get out and enjoy it to it’s fullest.
    I am grateful for having a happy and well organized child to wake up to every morning.
    I am grateful for an active weekend…and for the interesting market we have in Foster.
    I am grateful that I can walk almost normally now…and my toe is feeling much better now thank you!
    I am grateful for the mild weather overnight that makes it easy to sleep.
    I am grateful for the healthy food we eat and for an abundant supply of tank water that is fresh and tasty.
    I am grateful for the fun things we get to watch on TV.
    I am grateful that I have options for my future.
    I am grateful I am young and attractive.
    I am grateful for all the conveniences we have in our home – especially the dishwasher and new fridge and lovely furniture.
    I am grateful for our computer and the Internet…and for this website…because it keeps me thinking in nicer ways.
    I am grateful for several really lovely positive dreams I’ve had over the last few nights…and for waking up feeling ‘different’.
    I am grateful that I’m alive, with so much life still ahead of me.
    I am grateful that things are really easy for me.

  383. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for my persistent nature and for being able to wait for things to happen in their own time.
    I am really grateful for glorious weather yet again and for having the time to go outside and enjoy it.
    I am grateful for the great service that westnet give and especially for their patience when solving problems.
    I am grateful for Ryan’s nice email.
    I am really grateful for the pdf creator I was given and for how easy and enjoyable it is to use.
    I am grateful for being resourceful – and for all the people who help me with things.
    I am grateful for Pete and Iris for visiting me this week.
    I am grateful for moving through my course assignments and exams easily and quickly.
    I am grateful for the commonsense my parents taught me.
    I am really extra grateful for having a lovely, happy and charming daughter.
    I am grateful for being able to help her resolve an issue with friends yesterday.
    I am grateful that we are such good friends to each other.
    I am grateful for the Internet and the computer that my brother so kindly gave to me.
    I am grateful that I know how to fix lots of things and that everything in our lives is working really well.

  384. I am grateful for getting the courage to make a doctors appointment for a checkup.
    I am grateful for the changes I’m making to my eating patterns.
    I am grateful for the walk we went on yesterday and for the lovely neighbors that we visited.
    I am grateful that I am healthy and may just need a minor alteration to balance myself out again.
    I am grateful for being able to sleep well even though it was hot last night.
    I am grateful Crystal went off to school happily.
    I am grateful for the energy I have every morning…and that I can do anything I want to do.
    I am grateful that I’ve made the commitment to change my lifestyle again to include more activity and an even healthier eating regime.
    I am grateful for the suntan I have that looks healthy and makes me feel nice.
    I am grateful that our car is so economical and reliable.
    I am grateful for not using the dryer yesterday and saving on the electricity.
    I am grateful for all the great food ideas I come up with.
    I am grateful for the pears, lemons and tomatoes I picked from our garden.
    I am grateful to have set the end of this month as the date to make some decisions about certain things.
    I am grateful for the money we make with adsense.
    I am grateful for the tasty rice milk I have most mornings for breakfast and for the change I made to have rice instead of cereal this morning for some variety.
    I am grateful that our cupboards have adequate and easily prepared food in them.
    I am grateful to be going out today for my exams, an appointment and to get some seafood and salad.
    I am grateful for the beautiful people in my life…and for being one of them myself.
    I am grateful for this process…as I let myself be grumpy and blaming yesterday and didn’t enjoy it at all.
    I am grateful that I am a thoughtful person and I apologized to Crystal for taking my grumpiness out in front of her.
    I am grateful I can start again today.

  385. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful for the lovely suits that Kerry has given me that will be so useful when I start work next month.
    I am really grateful for having Col offer to bring the cows back for me.
    I am grateful for being asked to greet the guests on the opening day of the Mt Best Art Show…and for how pleased I am to help them out.
    I am grateful for the opportunities to be amongst people of influence in our community.
    I am grateful to be feeling much better this morning and that I can walk quite well now.
    I am grateful for the fun time we had with Daniel last night…and for how happy Crystal is after being given his laptop.
    I am grateful that dreams come true.
    I am grateful that Crystals wish came true in one day…as it’s so nice when things happen quickly.
    I am grateful she’ll have some nice time with Andrew and Jacquie over Easter again.
    I am grateful for having more space on the office desk now.
    I am grateful for easily passing my two exams yesterday…and for the acknowledgement I received as well.
    I am grateful for the delicious food we bought yesterday.
    I am grateful I have some extra money put away for something special.
    I am grateful for my drive to ‘have more’ and to ‘be more’.
    I am really grateful that I am alive and healthy and happy today.

  386. As I was just doing something with our computers, it reminded me how incredibly grateful I am for all the things that Billy did for me.
    I am really grateful for all the programs I have and for being able to learn how to use them easily.

  387. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for taking the time to consider my options regarding the websites and whether I will continue with them or move on.
    I am grateful for cool nights and being able to sleep.
    I am grateful that we got Daniels laptop connected to the Internet so Crystal could play on it happily.
    I am grateful for having almost completed the real estate course…and that I’ll be able to get work in Foster.
    I am really grateful for all that I’ve learned from my experiences on the Internet and how quickly I learn when I study.
    I am grateful for my ‘love’ of learning.
    I am grateful that I am happy with a quiet life.
    I am grateful for my reliable and economical car to take me wherever I want to go.
    I am grateful I am content with what I have.
    I am grateful that I have many options available to me to choose from.
    I am grateful for the eggs beans and tomatoes from our garden.
    I am grateful to have gotten rid of most of the spam.
    I am grateful for living a peaceful and quiet life.
    I am grateful for the people who still phone to find out about the singles parties.

  388. I am really grateful for the emails I get that make me smile before I even start to read them.
    I am grateful for the fun I’m having building more new websites.
    I am really grateful for the money I’m making from them.
    I am grateful to take some time out and think about what I’m grateful about.
    I am grateful that I’ll change this website again too.
    I am grateful to be feeling really happy again, and that I’m getting a little more exercise now that I can walk properly again.
    I am grateful that my body heals itself so quickly…and for my great health in general.
    I am grateful that my eyesight is good (as I has a test today).

  389. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful for having more patience than in younger years.
    I am grateful we have such a wonderful solicitor working for us, who acts so quickly when required.
    I am grateful for my husband finding my ten year warranty on my TV so it may be fixed for free.
    I am grateful for all the things my husband fixes on his own intuition, and what a delightful surprise to come across something made better.
    I am grateful my husband loves me so much.
    I am grateful both my children are living with me and are a blessing to my life.
    I am grateful for being up to date with my university assignment work.
    I am grateful for having the confidence to organise study groups and work as a team with fellow students.
    I am grateful for being able to stand up for myself better.
    I am grateful for electric blankets as we are having a cold spell.
    I am grateful for good specials at the local supermarket.
    I am grateful for insurance options making buying a house more possible.
    I am grateful for being able to help other people stand up for their basic rights.
    I am grateful for friends who call when they need some advice.
    I am grateful for my friend who visited over the Easter holiday and cooked wonderful food for us.
    I am grateful for my parents taking their grandkids on holiday each year.
    I am grateful to take time out writing this to see how fortunate I am in my life.

  390. irmawil says:

    I am grateful that God still gives me his grace to continue.
    I am grateful that even though some days are not as I expected that I still have the faith to continue.
    I am grateful for still be here persisting.
    I am grateful for the sun on my face.
    I am grateful that through all of these events in my life, I look great and my body feels great today.
    I am grateful to still pick up my husband from work and have great conversations in the car.

  391. I think it’s marvelous that we have almost 400 messages from people who were willing to share their grateful lists with us in 2007 to 2009. Thank you all so very much.

    You’re most welcome to use The Appreciation Space page at

    All the best,

    I appreciate you greatly xox

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