You are about to be involved in a LIFE-ENHANCING process. We invite you to be part of a revolutionary group activity called “THE APPRECIATION GAME”

Join us in feeling good, creating successful habits, beginning (or ending) each day with a fresh new perspective and experience for yourself how giving your positive attention to being appreciative on a regular basis, really works to attract more PROSPERITY, CONNECTION and HAPPINESS in your life!

It’s FREE, it’s HEALTHY and it’s FUN.

Just write some things that you appreciate today and post them on our site.

TELL US: What Do You Appreciate?

SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE To Add Your Appreciation’s To The List

Maybe you’d like to browse through, see what others have written and be inspired or just notice how unique we all are. We know that this process works to help you gain a more positive perspective on life and we simply encourage you to ‘give it a go’.  Whatever you choose make sure you have fun and who knows, you might feel like doing it every day, no matter where you are — it’s like giving your mind a healthy breakfast.

Read what other people have to say about “The Appreciation Game”:

“I am MORE than grateful that this morning discipline, is another tool in helping me to keep on track … P.S. I like it … it really works!!!” — Susie Foletta. Yarram, Victoria Australia


“Thank you for all the inspiration that is being a part of your group …. I have not been well but wish to let you know that I still read your lists and it helps me through the day.” — Scott McDonald. Grantville, Victoria Australia


“I appreciate that my commitment to this chain is keeping me on track and causing me to really look for the positives in everything that is happening to me … and to be able to share the idea with others. — Ann Steel. Bonbeach, Victoria Australia


“I understand that this process works without any doubt. I haven’t been doing it for the past week and have slipped back into assessment and worry, when really all I need to do is appreciate every moment.” — Trevor Colvin. Wonyip, Victoria Australia


Give yourself a great start to your day and notice your perceptions change in wonderful ways. I look forward to sharing my appreciation lists with you too. THANK YOU for being here and just remember, you are magnificent,

(Founder of the original Grateful Chain and The Appreciation Space)



P.S. There’s no need to fake a good feeling emotion. If you don’t really feel appreciative at the moment (and that’s OK), use the word “THANKFUL” instead. “I am thankful for … !”

118 Comments Add yours

  1. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the enjoyment I’m getting from working and for the balance in my life.
    I am really grateful for an understanding and generous boss.
    I am grateful for the opportunity to do something interesting and show how valuable I am.
    I am grateful to be alive and healthy and that Crystal is so happy.
    I am grateful to be almost finished the real estate course.
    I am grateful for to be able to enjoy the fabulous personalities of our pets.
    I am grateful for the glorious weather over the last few days…and that today is sunny and warm.
    I am grateful to be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
    I am really grateful to have learned to press the back button and save my grateful list if I’ve forgottoen to login first.

  2. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the magnificent week I had with my new job…and for the old contact I renewed.
    I am so grateful for having a lot of fun and enjoying getting out and socializing again.
    I am grateful for the fun Crystal and I are having today.
    I am grateful for the balance in my life.
    I am incredibly grateful for wonderful health and a happy, abundant and prosperous life.

  3. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for having so much fun…and for the friends up the road we go and visit occassionally.
    I am really happy for Irenes offer to mind Crystal while I am working tomorrow.
    I am grateful to have a reason to go for a walk and get some exercise.
    I am really grateful for the warm, sunny weather we’ve been having.
    I am grateful to have so many things to be grateful for.
    I am grateful for the new people who keep signing up at The Grateful Chain and for being able to make some money to pay for the up-keep of the site.
    I am grateful for the free software we have that enables us to build websites and for not having to start from scratch.
    I am grateful for the spell-checker I think I’ve managed to install while using the new browser I have – Opera.
    I am really grateful for the extra gadgets and the speed of Opera…and for the fun I have mucking around with these things.

  4. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful I have such a great job and a good boss.
    I am grateful for the way I have handled an issue with someone else.
    I am grateful for the things I’ve learned from it and for making a decision that will propel me forward.
    I am grateful for the wonderful sleep I’ve had…and for being in fantastic health.
    I am really grateful that I can find the benefit in everything that happens.
    I am grateful for the synchronicity of running into someone I know on Saturday and that it was more than a coincidence it occurred – great timing.
    I am grateful for the resources I have and also for the pile of extra money I’ve made over the last few weeks.
    I am grateful for all the money I have saved to help fund my next adventure.
    I am grateful that life is so easy.
    I am grateful for the problem that was resolved with my neighbour (and that my patience enabled the resolution).
    I am really grateful that I am ME.
    I am grateful that I have the time to write my list before I go to work today.
    I am grateful for the people who support and understand me.
    I am grateful that I can see lots of things because of the Internet.
    I am grateful that I can create resolutions for myself…and that others can create their own.
    I am grateful I can admit my mistakes and fix them up.
    I am grateful that I am a calm and reasonable person these days.
    I am grateful for the things I can control…and that I can accept what I can’t control and even find benefits to whatever happens.

  5. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for all the orders I got today and for being able to settle in to the new job fairly quickly.
    I am incredibly grateful for the neighbour who’s come to fix my fence – free.
    I am grateful for the friendly people I call at the office.
    I am grateful for my bosses patience with me learning the system.
    I am grateful to have had this job offered to me and that it is such a generous package.
    I am so grateful I have a fully functioning body and for great health.
    I am grateful I can see what’s going on in my life…and for feeling relaxed and that everything is completelt perfect.
    I am grateful to have run into Jeff and his wife today in the course of my work…and for the wonderful contacts I’ve made from having the parties and from being in the theatre group.

  6. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am incredibly grateful for the excitement I am feeling this morning…almost like elation!
    I am grateful for the amazing support I am finding in my life.
    I am grateful for the wonderful ability to be able to re-frame almost anything I hear or see to make it a benefit or a positive.
    I am so grateful for a successful day yesterday and the bosses phone call this morning.
    I am grateful for finding so much to be content with and happy about!
    I am really grateful for the dramatic increase in my finances.

  7. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the magnificent hot-water system we have that gives us the luxurious hot water when we shower.
    I am grateful for the regular contact from my boss at work.
    I am grateful to be able to have a rep come and fit me for a uniform and I can choose whatever I like.
    I am grateful for the fun I’m having…and for the new camera to take extra wonderful landscape pictures for the south-gippsland site.
    I am grateful for the work car I zip around in…and that all our fuel is paid for.
    I am grateful for the fun lined up for this weekend.
    I am grateful for the good camera advice from Brian who is an experienced photographer.
    I am grateful for a happy daughter…and for the school who organizes terrific excursions for the children.
    I am grateful for the lovely weather…and for the walk up to the mail-box to enjoy it!
    I am really grateful for the fun I’m having on the Internet.
    I am grateful for always being able to find the best out of every situation.
    I am grateful for Susie and Trevor’s contact.
    I am grateful that I learn really quickly and easily.
    I am grateful for the extra work I’ve been given next week…and that I’ll have some fun doing it.
    I am grateful to be given so much responsibility in my job.
    I am grateful my dad taught me about common sense.
    I am grateful for the money I make on adsense and for the regular people who use the mini-movie-maker site.
    I am really grateful Crystal and I are perfectly healthy.
    I am grateful for the invitation I received today…and that I answered it immediately.
    I really appreciate my long-term friendships…and or the people I’ve only known a short time, yet have developed a bond…and for the people I am still to met.
    I am grateful I have a good attitude about life and my experiences.

  8. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for enjoying my work so much…and for the time I was able to take off through the day to go shopping.
    I am grateful for the terrific advice from Brian about what camera to buy as I am totally wrapped with it.
    I am grateful that technology progresses so far so quickly as I have a fantastic video function included with this camera.
    I am grateful for everything!
    I am grateful for how beautiful and gentle ‘nature’ is.
    I am grateful for the wonderful neighbours I have and for the great location I live in.
    I am very grateful to have been given a daughter who is eternally happy and helpful.

  9. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the days that I get to ‘do my own thing’ through the week.
    I am really, really grateful for the excess money I have because of my job and the money being made on the property here.
    I am grateful we are so healthy and happy.
    I am grateful that I have such a wonderful boss and for the way he takes care of all his employees with utmost generousity.
    I am grateful for the quality and beauty of the photographs I’ve been taking.
    I am grateful for the fun contact I’ve had with my brother and foir the renewed rapport we’ve developed.
    I am grateful for the new mobile phone I’ve been given, the company car, having my RACV, phone calls and petrol all paid for too.
    I am really grateful for having a happy life and for making the most out of every situation.
    I am grateul that we are getting out a lot more and being sociable…and that I can stay in and take care of myself too!

  10. lizwelsh says:

    I am grateful my husband fixed my lawnmower and it works like a porsche now and is a pleasure to mow the lawn again.
    I am grateful my daughter is going to sit her scholarship test for Gippsland Grammar.
    I am grateful my son is so happy and cheeky.
    I am grateful my mother cooks wonderful roasts and other meals when we visit and dotes over the grandchildren.
    I am grateful for the family court system resolving contact issues for my husband so he can see his son regularly now.
    I am grateful for the local kitchen guy recommending Amy’s Track where my husband found a bargain electric cooktop for my kitchen that is being renovated.
    I am grateful my daughter received a good school report and is prepared to catch up on a few pieces of outstanding work.
    I am grateful for my exam coming up this Friday and am feeling confident of passing.
    I am grateful for fining one of my law textbooks to borrow rather than buy.
    I am grateful the internet provides so many savings of time and money on buying goods.
    I am grateful for living in such a wonderful town.
    I am grateful for my new family day care client.
    I am grateful to have had a long nap yesterday that has energised me.
    I am grateful for being alive and happy today, and enjoying the cool, crisp air.

  11. Stan Maley says:

    Thanks for the day Lord.

    Woderful autumn here in Geraldton.
    calm sunny days, mild nights. Soft
    thump of the Indian ocean from the bay, curling leaves falling warn
    us of the coming winter. Rain on
    dry, parched drought stricken
    paddocks. Green tinge pushing through.


  12. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the new stuff we went out and bought today…and for the excess money I have to buy things with.
    I am really grateful I have plans for my life and that I’m moving towards them.
    I am ever so grateful for a terrific boss and for the flexibility I have in my work.
    I am grateful for the new job I’ve been offered – and for making the choice as to whether I’ll accept it or not.
    I am grateful I have time to myself and I only need to work two days per week.
    I am grateful that Pete offered to service my car and for his generosity in every way.
    I am grateful for the two cars I have and that they both are economical and in perfect running order.

  13. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that I have days to do my own thing…and that I only work 2 days per week for someone else.
    I am really grateful that I enjoy my work and that I had a really successful day today.
    I am grateful for the natural friendships that I make along the way.
    I am really grateful for the problem I had with Ann that has given me opportunities to excel even more with the South Gippsland website.
    I am grateful for the excellent photographs I’ve been taking and for the acknowledgement I receive.
    I am really grateful for Parks Victoria and all the work they do to make our area so beautiful…and for preserving places like Wilsons Prom.
    I am grateful that all my fuel is paid for.
    I am grateful for being good at what do.
    I am grateful for the excess money that is always in my bank account these days…I am grateful that it just comes to me without having to think about it.
    I am grateful I have my life setup so well that things that I want happen easily for me.
    I am grateful for being healthy and happy.
    I am grateful for my professional attitude with our customers and for all the experiences I’ve had that gave me confidence along the way.

  14. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am incredibly grateful for being so happy and for the great job that I have.
    I am ever so grateful for the abundant money we have coming in and that I have some other sources of passive cash flow.
    I am grateful that the work I have ‘put in’ towards creating a sound future, has paid off.
    I am grateful for the mistakes I made that got me to where I am too.
    I am really grateful that I wake up each day with excitement and joy and that our little family unit is peaceful.
    I am grateful to be able to relax on my days off and do whatever I please.
    I am grateful for the fantastic photographs I’ve been taking and for the websites I have to display them on.
    I am grateful that my printer is being put to good use and that it does great photos.
    I am always grateful for a generous boss and for the use of the company car.
    I am grateful Crystal is happy and that she gets to visit Andrew and Jacquie so often.
    I am grateful that she is old enough to catch the bus to Cockatoo which leaves me extra time and saves on fuel costs and also keeps the environment just that bit cleaner.
    I am grateful for all my websites and for the people I meet because of them.
    I am grateful for the influential people I know and for the good friends I have made.
    I am really grateful for the surprises that Pete gives us and that he filled my car with petrol when we were out for dinner last night.

  15. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that my body is working to build up my resistance…and that I feel healthy even though things are changing inside me.
    I am really grateful that Crystal has gone to Andrews for the long weekend and that the bus takes her to Melbourne.
    I am really grateful that she is so happy.
    I am grateful for the fantastic header I made for Bed Of Roses.
    I am grateful that I’ve found a way to fix my image resizer.
    I am grateful I found a new program that makes mini movies even better than Movie Maker did.
    I am grateful for being able to upload them to the South Gippsland site.
    I am really grateful that it is warm in the office and that I can still enjoy the things I’m doing.
    I am grateful that we have a lemon tree that provides the juice for my warm lemon and honey drinks…also for the rosemary that grows in the garden to add too it.
    I am grateful that I live here and that our house has everything I want.
    I am really, really grateful that we have some new clothes to wear as we hadn’t been shopping in such a long time.
    I am grateful I am slim.
    I am grateful for the comfortable clothes I have to wear now.
    I am grateful that Crystal enjoys taking photographs like I do.
    I am grateful that we have things in common and enjoy each others company.
    I am grateful that she isn’t growing up too quick…and I can still enjoy her as a little girl.
    I am very grateful for my happy life.
    Oh, and I’m grateful I’ve joined Stan’s mailing list again as he provides some really great things in his emails.

  16. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful to have had attention to the beautiful photos I’ve been taking and that the newspaper came and did a feature on me for next weeks paper.
    I am really grateful for the fabulous opportunities that keep coming my way.
    I am grateful for my love of photography and the Internet.
    I am grateful for the incentive to keep working building websites and putting up the photos for other people to use.
    I am grateful for the great days I am having.
    I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be in ‘Bed Of Roses” on the ABC which finished tonight.
    I am grateful that I have the whole series downloaded to keep for the future.
    I am grateful for the fun Crystal is having with her friend this weekend.
    I am grateful to be doing so well in life.
    I am grateful that I have a flexible job.
    I am grateful for the effort the boss puts in to make sure I have what I need to do the best job I can.
    I am grateful that Corrinne stopped me in the street and that I was given some more incentive to finish the real estate course.
    I am grateful that I KNOW I want to work as a photographer.
    I am grateful I have plenty of excess money to put away for something special.
    I am grateful for the help that Shaun has offered today.
    I am grateful that I am aware of my passion and that I am making my way toward the dream.
    I am grateful for being aware of what I want, and how I work the best.
    I am grateful for all the people who support and love me.
    I am grateful I have such an understanding and accepting family.
    I am grateful that I am ME!

  17. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful for the healthy and happy walks Crystal and I have each weekend.
    I am so grateful that the weather was kind to us on Sunday when we went to Wilsons prom.
    I am so grateful for the magnificent photos we are both taking…and that the South Gippsland website looks fabulous with them on it.
    I am grateful for the lovely newspaper article they did on me.
    I am grateful for the people who find the websites and click on the ads to make me money.
    I am grateful that the adsense team contacted me a few days ago and we resolved a problem together.
    I am grateful; that I am thoughtful and not reactive when things happen that I’m not really expecting.
    I am grateful for the wonderful hot water we have.
    I am grateful for the rain to fill up our water tanks.
    I am grateful that I only work two days a week at my job and the other 5 days I can go walking and taking photos and adding them to the websites.
    I am grateful I am having so much fun!

  18. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am incredibly grateful for one of our members who wrote to say that he misses the inspirational quotes…it’s nice to be missed!
    I am grateful for the wonderful new and exciting job I have building websites for others.
    I am grateful for the fabulous photos I’ve taken…the photo club who contacted me…the things I’m learning from the experienced photographers…and for being offered to display my photos at a fabulous art gallery here.
    I am grateful I have someone to love…and that they love me too.
    I am grateful for a good boss at my part-time job and for the flexibility that this job gives me.
    I am grateful for my slim body and for the interesting things I do each day.
    I am grateful for finding Squeaky Beach at Wilsons prom to fall in love with.
    I am grateful to be alive and happy with my life.
    I am grateful for the excess money that keeps coming to me without even thinking about it.

  19. hartmanm2 says:

    I am grateful for 2 beautiful children.
    I am grateful for my health
    I am grateful for my understanding husband. I am grateful to give massages and make people feel better.I am grateful for my beautiful surroundings, quiet and serene.

  20. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that hartmanm2 left the post below which reminded me to sit and think for a while about the things I am grateful for (in more specific detail).
    I am really grateful that being grateful has simply become a way of life for me after months of making posts on a daily basis…but you can never have too much gratitude…or too much love.
    I am really grateful that the website I’ve just compiled for Stony Creek Go Karts is looking good…and that I get on so well with the owners.
    I am grateful that I have multiple sources of income these days and that most of my time is spent having fun – even while I’m working for money.
    I am grateful for the new camera equipment I got in the mail and that most places on the Internet are safe and secure to purchase from.
    I am grateful for being happy and energetic and also for the compliment I got today when Kym said “I was the full-package”.
    I am really grateful that I have so much to do that keeps me entertained, busy and making money.
    I am grateful for the love in my life…and that I am relaxed about the future.

  21. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful for the way my life is turning out…and that I am able to relax and enjoy the things I am doing more than ever before.
    I am grateful for happy days at work and for terrific customers…also for a relaxed boss who allows me a great deal of freedom.
    I am grateful for the great pay I received for building another website and that I will have long term work with these particular people.
    I am grateful for the inspiration I receive on a daily basis…and that I am into ‘high’ action on all my projects.
    I am grateful to be able to help so many people during my day…and that I can help myself the rest of the time.
    I am grateful that I have such lovely people around me…including a beautiful daughter.
    I am grateful for the respectful way I am treated in the community.

  22. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that I feel so much better after having a sleep when I got home today.
    I am grateful for the fabulous business course I’m doing and that it is helping get even clearer about the NEW business I’m starting this week.
    I am grateful that I have support from a mentor to help me when I need it.
    I am grateful for the way our Government helps us out.
    I am grateful for the people who ask about website building…and for the paying work I’ve git already.
    I am really grateful for the fun I’m having dealing with Stony Creek Go Karts and that they look after me so well.
    I am grateful that my leisure time is tax deductible.
    I am grateful for the fabulous photos I’ve been taking.
    I am grateful that EVERYTHING in my life is working perfectly…and I can almost always see the benefits instantly.
    I am grateful that things are happening in perfect timing and I can be relaxed about it.

  23. mennimer says:

    I am grateful to have this site.
    I am grateful to know there are people out there to create places like these.
    I am grateful for being healthy
    I am grateful that I have a loving and supportive family

  24. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that mennimer found this website.
    I always love it when I get reminded to consciously write my grateful lists.
    I am grateful that the slight disappointment I had today has been replaced with a feeling of “It was meant to be, and something better will show up in its place!”
    I am really, really grateful for the ease I feel when talking with people about my new business.
    I am incredibly grateful for the WIN I had in getting a really prestigious place to display our new postcard series.
    I am grateful that I feel so comfortable and confident talking with people.
    I am grateful that I get my hair straightened each week now, and for the commitment I’ve made to myself to take better care of ME.
    I am so grateful for a terrific family, a special daughter, wonderful sons and a mum and dad who brought me up really well.
    I am grateful that the weather is warmer which makes it much more comfortable in our home.

  25. mennimer says:

    I am grateful I met new interesting and friendly people last night.
    I am grateful I woke up healthy this morning.
    I am grateful I can deal better with my pain
    I am grateful that everyday that passes it becomes this tiny bit easier to deal with
    I am grateful God gives me courage everyday

  26. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful that I am feeling relaxed…and that I can measure how I feel by noticing some of the people around me who are feeling stressed.
    I am grateful that things are happening in a nice way in my life.
    I am grateful for the peace I feel about my new business.
    I am grateful that we are happy and comfortable where we live.
    I am grateful that I am healthy.
    I am really grateful for the delicious seafood I cooked for dinner.
    I am grateful that my business course is going so well.
    I am grateful fr the incredibly useful information I am being given.
    I am grateful that I can accept something that doesn’t go exactly as I had planned.
    I am grateful that there is always another opportunity.

  27. mennimer says:

    I am grateful I resisted the temptation yesterday and remained true to my beloved girlfriend, as it should be.
    I am grateful we are both willing to make it work from a distance.
    I am grateful I get to be with my first ever love.
    I am grateful that crying makes me feel better.
    I am grateful I look forward to this new routine of daily gratefulness
    I am grateful my family is strong and healthy
    I am grateful I woke today strong enough to deal with the things i have to deal with.

  28. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful that mennimer is here as it reminds me to write my list of gratefuls.
    I am grateful that I am so relaxed when things don’t go as I expected again today – but that it gave me even more opportunity to enjoy my time instead of rushing trying to get things done.
    I am grateful for the enthusiasm people have towards my new postcards.
    I am grateful that Crystal is always so happy and that she has celebrated ‘Fathers Day’ by making things for me.
    I am grateful that she has Andrew as a father figure to replace the dad that she misses so much.
    I am grateful for the fun job I have tomorrow riding go karts.
    I am grateful for the job that takes me to Philip Island as there are bound to be fantastic opportunities down there for me.
    I am grateful I am really relaxed even though I am the busiest I have ever been.
    I am really grateful for a terrific business plan…and for the people who are assisting me with it.

  29. mennimer says:

    Things hurt too much that I am having a hard time being grateful for anything today
    I am however grateful for having enough courage to be at least grateful for this

  30. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful that mennimer has the courage to admit feeling pain…and for making a commitment to finding something, no matter what, to be grateful for.
    I am really grateful for a fun day yesterday…and that we were paid to have a good time.
    I am grateful that Crystal and I are completely healthy, and that our lives are running smoothly.
    I am grateful that my challenges are small ones.
    I am grateful that I can take today off to relax, because even having fun takes energy.
    I am grateful for our computer, and for the portable hard-drive that stores all my precious photographs.
    I am grateful for the new business profile I have written and handed out to prospective customers.
    I am grateful for the fabulous response I’ve had to the ‘Scene In South Gippsland’ catalogue.

  31. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for getting 2 new websites built over the last 2 weeks…and for being paid to do them.
    I am grateful that my work is so much fun.
    I am grateful for the beautiful weather we’re having and that our house is nice and warm.
    I am grateful that I have finished my business course and have more time to do other things.
    I am grateful for the bartering system I have set up.
    I am grateful for the professional attitude I have and that people respect me and what I do.
    I am really grateful for the money that is coming in easily and that I can focus on having fun.
    I am really grateful for the wonderful photography opportunity that has been presented to me.
    I am grateful that I can allow the universe to sort out how I will get to where I intend to go!

  32. rhosie says:

    things that i am grateful….
    first: my parents and siblings are healthy
    my nephews and niece doing well in the school.
    we have a simple but happy life…i have a good job and we blessed by God with much love and care with those people around us..

  33. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the new people who continually find this website…and for the simple life that I have too!
    Thanks for leaving your grateful list rhosie…I enjoyed reading it.
    I’m really grateful that I can help Kerrie with her website.
    I am really grateful that all the long hours of work with building websites for my own pleasure has turned into a business where I can help other people have what they want too.
    I am grateful for Arthur…who just turned up at our home and went to work to fix fences and cut our grass.
    I am really grateful for all the help I get with our property, my daughter and my finances.
    I am grateful that things are really easy for me.
    I am grateful that I can work at something I love to do and unleash my creatrive side at the same time.
    I am grateful for the fabulous photos I’ve taken and for the joy I get taking them.

  34. rhosie says:

    hi, i just want you to know that im grateful i found your site…its really a very inspirational and worthwhile to visit…and im proud to be a member of your wonderful site…Godbless

    1. Elizabeth Richardson says:

      Thanks for coming RHOSIE — I appreciate you very much xox

  35. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m grateful for the new friends I’m making.
    I’m really grateful to be able to enjoy the lovely weather we’re having.
    I am grateful that my neighbour has finished the new fence.
    I am grateful to have the money to pay bills.
    I am grateful to be invited to a BBQ tonight.
    I am grateful for the new people who are coming to have their websites built.
    I am grateful to have given away quite a lot of calendar magnets today.
    I am also grateful that I am happy and healthy.

  36. rhosie says:

    im grateful today because a new day has started…
    im grateful that my family where fine..
    im grateful that im not late in the office..
    im grateful for the chance to learn new things everyday..
    im grateful to meet some friends online..

  37. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am grateful for rhosie’s company on the grateful chain.
    I am grateful that the photos I just took turned out really nicely.
    I am grateful that I got some more acting work for the end of the month.
    I am grateful to have so many opportunities keep opening up for me.
    I’m also grateful for the fun night we had at a BBQ last night.
    I’m incredibly grateful to be healthy and to have such a beautiful home to live in.
    I’m also grateful for more gorgeous weather today.
    Hello to everyone!

  38. rhosie says:

    i am grateful today because i had nice sleep..
    i am grateful that im feeling better…
    i am grateful that God made me realize each day that i can make someone’s life difference..
    i am grateful that i could able to enjoy each day of my work
    im grateful that today is friday..
    im grateful to know you Elizabeth and thank you with your response..
    i am very grateful to able to read you email each day….and im looking forward to be your friend….

  39. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    Thanks rhosie…that’s lovely.

    I’m grateful or the new enquiries about websites that I’ve had today.
    I am grateful to be almost finished the one I’m working on.
    I am really grateful for the new friends I’m making.
    I appreciate my neighbour Max calling today.
    I am grateful for the healthy soup I made yesterday and that I was able to enjoy the left-overs for lunch.
    I am grateful to be able to work inside as it’s raining outside today – and I’m incredibly grateful for the rain to water the garden and to fill our water tanks.
    I’m really, really grateful that you’re enjoying your time here rhosie.

  40. rhosie says:

    im grateful that i had a nice weekend…
    im grateful that i learned the virtue of patience over the weekends.
    im grateful that God open up my eyes with what really love means…
    im grateful that despite of whirlwind relationship with my boyfriend we are working out things together.
    im grateful that my im done with my laundry stuff..
    im grateful coa im recharge again and ready to work..
    im grateful coz Elizabeth continuous sending me response to my email.
    im grateful that i have great sisters…
    im grateful that despite of only friends i have, i knoe they are true and i can depend on them no matter what..
    im grateful to write to this site every single day…


  41. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful that Crystal is OK after a bit of a traumatic occurrence tonight.
    I am grateful that I can do as I please each day.
    I am pleased that I could change an appointment today until tomorrow.
    I am grateful that I can get my hair done each week by a really clever hairdresser.
    I am grateful we have such wonderful neighbours.
    I am grateful for rhosies company.
    I’m thankful that I have such good health…and I’m pleased we went for a nice walk today.
    I am grateful our grass has been cut.
    I’m really grateful that our garden is looking fresh and new.
    I am grateful that we know what happened to our chook.
    I am grateful for Crystals independent nature…and that she is such a delightful girl.
    I am grateful that we have everything we need.
    I am grateful that I have more money coming to me for the last website I built.
    I am grateful for the new people I’m meeting.

  42. rhosie says:

    im grateful that finally me and my has able to settle some of our differences and i think it makes our relationship much stronger through time.
    im grateful because im starting to realized what is my priority in life.
    im grateful that my friend invited me to do a charitable works this December.
    im grateful my nephew ickos doing well in school.
    im grateful because finally im done putting up christmas decor at our home.
    im grateful because God has always been good to us…
    im grateful that Elizabeth is going well today..

  43. rhosie says:

    im grateful for a nice sleep..
    im grateful for the blessing that God continue bestowing us..
    im grateful for the a nice day started..
    im grateful that i can see people smiling despite of economic crisis..
    om grateful for the good health of my family…
    im grateful that our family always stick together…
    im grateful that i travel safe…
    im grateful for the fresh air…


  44. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful for the extra work I have next week…and for the responsibility for finding other people to work as well.
    I am really grateful for the fabulous photos I took for the nest website I’m constructing.
    I’m grateful for rhosie.
    I grateful for the glorious weather…great food…regular income…a happy daughter…wonderful opportunities…satisfied customers…excellent resources…good design skills…a reliable car…food and flowers growing in our garden…the excitement of doing some extra acting work…and so many other things.
    I am really grateful that I could extend my grateful list.
    And I’m also grateful that I have lots of work to do.

    All the best wishes to everyone!

  45. rhosie says:

    im grateful the God blessed with a great sister and shes celebrating her 30th b-day today..I hope shes happy and having a great day now…
    im grateful that my nephew ickos doing excellent in school..
    im grateful tho my sisters were miles away they make extra effort to still have time for me..
    im grateful the christmas is a month from now…
    im grateful with all the blessing that God bestowing us…
    im grateful that ive learned a new recipe…
    im grateful that Elizabeth is doing well..May God always bless you with all your endeavors in life…
    have a nice day…

  46. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m grateful that Christmas is almost here.
    I’m grateful to be incredibly healthy…and that Crystal is too.
    I’m grateful for the happy work I have to do each day – and that I can take time off to relax and sit in the glorious sunshine.

  47. Alice says:

    I’m grateful for my life
    I’m grateful for my parents
    I’m grateful that my sister had a baby boy after 8 years of trying
    I’m grateful that after 4 years my whole family is here together for this joyous season..
    I’m grateful for every moment in life…

  48. A mum ... says:

    I am grateful to my son every single day for the enormous amount of love that he gives me. He is a little miracle, born with lots of health problems and yet he fights them all with more courage than anyone else I have ever met. He has struggled to do every single thing in his life, walk, talk, eat, breath. I appreciate every single day i have with him, every moment i get with this incredible person.

    I am also overwhelmingly grateful to the teams of people that have ‘saved’ him, the cardiac surgeons that mended his heart, the nurses that comforted him. I will never forget these people for the joy they have given me.

    Appreciate every day, every single moment, as you never know what is going to happen or how long you have got with those that you love.

  49. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful for the glorious weather and that I’m about to take some time outside to enjoy it.
    I’m incredibly grateful for Arthur who comes and does our handy jobs around the house…and that he’s cutting our grass right now in time for Christmas.
    I’m grateful that I don’t get caught up in the commercialisation of Christmas and that I make it pleasurable instead of a chore.
    I am really grateful for the people who find this website and add their inspiring comments.
    I am grateful for having a lovely happy daughter, the best that anyone could wish for.

  50. rhosie says:

    i think 2008 for me is another past year to be thankful and grateful about..theres some ups and down that happened still i am grateful because those thing made me a better person..whether good or bad i think it served it purpose for me to learned and be a grown up girl…im grateful that God blessed me to encountered this kind of site wherein i can share all things im grateful for…
    life is full of things to be grateful if we only learn to appreciate and be good observer..
    happy new year…

  51. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m so grateful that we have peace in our country and in our family.
    I am really grateful for all the people who help uswith things – Arthur, Pete and Les, my brother Trevor etc.
    And I am really grateful that Crystal is happy and healthy and that we are enjoying the holidays together.
    I am grateful that I am able to take time off work and that I am MY OWN BOSS.
    I am grateful for the mild and summy weather here and that our paddocks and gardens are green.
    I am grateful for the cattle on agisment and that I have been paid in advance or them.
    I am grateful to have sold extra photographs.
    Happy New Year to everyone.
    May all your dreams come true!

  52. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m grateful for the wonderful members that we have here.
    I’m grateful for the thank you notes I received just recently.
    I am grateul that I work for myself.
    I am grateful for Andrew who takes Crystal for holidays with him and his family.
    I am grateful for the cool weather today after some hot days this week.
    I am really grateful or Arthus who helps out with jobs around the house and cares so much for the welfare of animals and our property.
    I am grateful to have a great hairdresser.
    I am really grateful to have the work that I have and for a successful business as a web designer and photographer – how nice to be recognized financially for enjoying my favourite hobbies.

  53. Serenity1020 says:

    I am grateful for confrontation.
    I am grateful for Linden Oaks.
    I am grateful for love.
    I am grateful for not being afraid.
    I am grateful for my creativity.
    I am grateful for my Recovery.
    I am grateful I found purple paper this morning.
    I am grateful for this break I have.
    I am grateful for Fatima.
    I am grateful for health.
    I am grateful for discovering the need for more responsibility.
    I am grateful for the Law of Attraction.
    I am grateful that I have accepted my God into my life.
    I am grateful for Brooke, and the ability to have someone I love dearly around.
    I am grateful for Gotu Kola.
    I am grateful for food and for my body.
    I am grateful for learning more and more every day about how to treat my body like a temple.
    I am grateful for Nathan Wyse.
    I am grateful for independence as well as interdependence.
    I am grateful for forgiveness.
    I am grateful for having a wonderful house and a nice lifestyle.
    I am grateful for my creativity.

    I am grateful that I’ve made the choice to make it all about me, because before I can be generous with my love in caring for others, I first have to love myself.

  54. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful for serenity’s message and that ir reminded me to take a moment to express my gratitude.
    I am grateful for the lovely morning I had with my daughter this morning…and that if I take the time to sit and listen to her, that our time together is even more precious.
    I am grateful for the rain that has put out most of the bushfires here.
    I am grateful that our property is in a cleared area and is slightly safer if a bushfire starts nearby.
    I am grateful for the terrific job that the CFA (local firefighters) do to save properties, homes and lives.
    I am grateful for those who have worked tirelessly 14 or so days straight to fight the fires.
    I am grateful for the cool weather and for all the work Arthur has done to improve our piecs of paradise.
    I am grateful for the good and generous friends we have.
    I am grateful that the character in the play I’m in feels comfortable…and that I can have a little bit of fun while I’m at rehearsals.
    I am grateful for a very good director.
    I am grateful for the people who phone or send emails requesting work…and that it comes so easilly.
    I am grateful for everyone who shows up ay the grateful chain.

    All the best,

  55. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I woke up really cold this morning after a dramatic weather change…and felt incredibly grateful for HOT SHOWERS and ELECTRICITY.
    I’m also really grateful for the fun times we have at our photography club meetings and that I had the courage to pull out of the ‘stage play’ because I wasn’t enjoying it!
    I’m grateful that I have time to do things that make me happy and excited.
    I’m grateful for the extras days work I’ve had on the filming of ‘Bed Of Roses’ too.

  56. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful to have been able to solve some big (or what seemed like that) problems today…and for everything I’ve learned along the way…probably about a years worth of experience in one day!

    I am grateful I’ve got this website upo and running again after I don’t know how long it’s been offline…maybe a week.

    I am incredibly grateful that we’ve got a wonderfully warm fire on our house after three years of hiding in the office in front of a small electric heater to get warm…how lovely it is now to be out in the family area and feeling sociable again.

    I am grateful for the fabulous camera equipment I splurged on last month and for the enjoyable work, good contacts and even more professionally produced photographs that I’m taking.

  57. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful to be feeling SO much better after the flu.

    I am incredibly grateful for our helpful neighbour who adds joy and support to our lives.

    I am grateful for the jobs I’ve just finished…and for the wonderful customers who keep coming back.

    I am grateful that Crystal has a friend over…and that they play so happily together.

    I am really grateful for the healthy, fresh food we eat.

    I am grateful for how nice our garden is developing with the help of Arthur…and very grateful for the lovely rain.

    I am grateful that I easily find things to be grateful for every day.

  58. ReemaLimbad says:

    I am grateful to the lady in my office (maushi) for offering me daily cup of tea with a smiling face, for refilling my water bottle. For her presence around me.

  59. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful to Reema for reminding me to stop and think about how blessed I am.

    I am incredibly grateful for having Arthur around working on our property almost every day.

    …and I am very grateful that I can do as I please each day and know that all my needs are taken care of…how wonderful.

  60. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful for the jobs that come in all the time.
    I am grateful I LOVE my work.
    I am grateful for our new warm wood heater.
    I’m grateful that Crystal is so happy.
    I’m grateful all my websites are working so well.

  61. Elizabeth says:

    I’m really grateful that I’ve got this site up and running again and cleaned all the spam.

    I’m really grateful for being able to do as I please almost every day…and I’m incredibly grateful for the work that keeps coming to me easily.

  62. Heather says:

    I’m glad to have had a lovely sleep and that the wind has settled down. Grateful for a fun chat with David that opened my heart again. Thanks for an interesting day yeasterday and for having the best clients in the world.

  63. I’m really grateful to have found my purse after I thought it was lost,,,and that getting my credit card details changed were much easier than I thought.

    I am really grateful for the abundant wood we have on the property to use for our heater.

    I’m grateful for another wonderfully peaceful day.

    I’m grateful that Crystal is really happy and that she loves to sing.

    I’m grateful for the fun we had taking photos during the rehearsals for into the woods yesterday.

    I’m really grateful for the lovely reception I received from Jane when I contacted her to book in as a seminar guest.

    I’m really grateful for all the money I’ve made from my photography…and for the trouble that happened that made me buy a new camera in the first place.

  64. I’m really grateful to be able to take the day off.
    I’m very grateful to be feeling so good even if I haven’t been to sleep yet.
    I am grateful to have fixed a couple potential problems today.
    I am really grateful to have had so much fun taking photos yesterday.
    I am grateful for having this cute little website still running so I can add my list when ever I feel like it…how nice.

  65. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so grateful for the wonderful rain and the superb growing weather we’re having.
    I’m incredibly grateful for Anthony Robbins who provides so much inspiration and resources to help you change states when you’re feeling a way you don’t want to feel.
    I am so grateful for all the new things I’m learning and for all the ole things I’m being reminded of.
    I’m so grateful for the people who are very successful in business as they give me a blueprint to model off.
    I am very grateful for the generosity of the wealthy and successful people I know who seem to have an endless supply of time and information to share with others.

  66. Asoki says:

    I am grateful for: people who remind me to be grateful. Thank you Elizabeth
    : for still being here today.
    : for my husband who has loved me for 46 years.
    : for my children and grandchildren who bring so much love and light to my life.
    : for living in a safe and beautiful country.
    :for a home that surrounds me with beauty and peace.
    : For the childrewn of yr 5 Kedron State School, who learned to be grateful and say it in 2009.
    May God Bless All, and give us grateful hearts

  67. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m very grateful for the people who remind me to write my grateful list too.

    I’m especially grateful to have been accepted into the Tony Robbins Strategic Intervention Training Program and that the training is entirely based on love and loving techniques.

    I’m very grateful to be intuitively resolving tiny issues at home with my gardener and for the amazing support that he gives both Crystal and I.

    I’m really grateful for the great walking tracks we have around here and that I can take a different view each time I go out.

    I’m VERY grateful for the inspirational speakers I’m listening to at the moment – especially Tony Robbins.

    I’m grateful for having such a lovely property and that it looks even better because of the constant work that Arthur does to make it look nice.

    i’m really grateful to be able to take time out to study and that the next job is a week or so away.

  68. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am really grateful today for having such great support from my male friends, for creating honest and open communication with them, for the help I get in understanding men better, for being able to choose to do what I want, for learning SO rapidly, for increasing my skills, for trusting in God and the universe to bring me exactly what I’m ready to handle and for feeling beautiful even when I don’t look perfect …

    I’m really happy about the people who have come to make suggestions for an issue I was having, for being able to open my heart really wide and share love (even if it means I might get hurt), the way I have been communicating so clearly, being able to do my own hair instead of going to the hairdresser every couple of weeks, living so close to the beach, having a delightful garden and for choosing a magnificent environment to live in …

    The things I’ve done really well so far today are communicating powerfully “from the heart”, being positive about a relationship, not thinking about the horrible things that MIGHT happen in the future, being open to new learning, reaching out and helping someone, having fun singing with my daughter, eating healthy, getting so much done in a short space of time (including writing this most important list).

  69. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I really appreciate the inspiration to revive this website and make it even better than before.
    I’m so happy to have found all the records from years ago and be able to add them as a reminder of the wonderful things that have already happened.
    I appreciate the power of appreciation in making me feel so much better than before.
    I appreciate wordpress for the great software to create websites that are easy and free and with so many themes and plugins worked on by volunteers across the planet.
    I appreciate my amazing daughter who lifts me up with just her presence in my life.
    I appreciate Tye coming around and lifting me out of gloom and into getting out into the light again.
    Life is getting better and better.
    Thank you.

  70. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I just so much appreciate knowing that it’s best to leave writing my list until I REALLY FEEL LIKE IT.
    I appreciate the lovely man who always invites me out and for just telling me now that he enjoys my company.
    I appreciate him admitting he gets lonely sometimes.
    I appreciate the fun stuff I’m doing here and for the old articles I’ve found that I’d completely forgotten about.
    I appreciate the lovely people who helped me start this way back in 2007.
    I appreciate being able to do whatever I feel like doing and not answering to anyone 😉
    I appreciate how well life is going for me.
    I appreciate the wonderful facebook friends who still like my stuff even when sometimes I think it could be better.
    I appreciate I’m starting to be a bit easier on myself.
    I always appreciate how fantastically healthy and trim my body is – with only a little bit of help from me.
    I appreciate the people who love visiting here and look forward to them coming back again and again.
    I appreciate the inspiration other people give me too.
    With love xox

  71. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    Wow. I just have so many things to appreciate … How incredible I’m feeling because I’m using these simple processes again … How nice it is to have fun company … How good it is to know I can change my perceptions of anyone’s behavior and feel better instantly.
    Appreciate the feeling of love x

  72. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I appreciate the chance to write an even more uplifting list after the last one didn’t post 🙂
    I appreciate the regular phone calls from the most wonderful man on the planet.
    I appreciate that getting older means I’ve had more experience TO KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, THAT I CAN GET THROUGH ANYTHING — including outrageous success.
    I appreciate that I can sit at home, on my bed, with wet hair, in the middle of the day, without a worry in the world.
    I appreciate the amazing, wonderful, regular friends that comment, uplift and share with me on facebook.
    I appreciate how good I look without botox … lol.
    I appreciate my sense of humour and that I can laugh and laugh and laugh even more than ever.
    I appreciate how good these processes make me feel … oh and I really appreciate the teachings of Abraham and how loving and self empowering they are.
    I appreciate the beauty I see in other people, especially in other women.
    I appreciate the connections I’ve made with so many people over the years and how it’s always been easy to approach even the most seemingly unapproachable people … that it never mattered who they were, if I had something to say …, I just said it.

  73. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    Oh I’m just loving and appreciating my work right now … so much fun.
    I appreciate getting regular phone calls, messages, invites and dinners from the man of my dreams.
    I appreciate being gifted with trust that everything is perfect.
    I appreciate finding out the way to be recognised by google on all my websites as the author, with an author profile picture now added to all search results.
    I appreciate ALL my websites and how much pleasure they bring me.
    I appreciate my laptop and how well it runs and how terrific it’s been for such a long time … even taking it to Italy and China.
    I appreciate sleeping in until 2pm and not feeling obligated to meet Tye for lunch.
    I appreciate him calling to chat later on.
    I appreciate the right words coming at the right time and feeling them inspired through me.
    I appreciate being able to pass a client along to a number of great coaches.
    I appreciate the way I can write when something is needed and that ALL the things I write slot into one of my websites somewhere appropriately.
    I appreciate how relaxed I feel, how well I sleep and how healthy I look.
    I appreciate being ALIVE xox

  74. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    Wow, I appreciate the amazing people who keep showing up in my life.
    I appreciate how amazing I feel as I keep writing my lists.
    I appreciate the lovely lovely lovely man who sends me beautiful messages every day.
    I appreciate ALL that I have right now, perfect health, a delightful home, comfortable clothing, peaceful surroundings, fantastic weather, a warm and welcoming bed, freedom to be anywhere, do anything and have an abundance of fun right on my laptop.
    I appreciate the fun people on facebook who encourage, inspire, welcome, uplift, amuse and play with me.
    I appreciate my ability to pick up a skill that I have a passion to learn and have to drive to master it completely.
    I appreciate the taste of food, the smell of brewing coffee, the view out over the water from my window, the gentle touch of my lovers fingers brushing against my arm and the peace filled sound of running water in the fountain downstairs.
    I appreciate the wonderful pets I’ve had over the years, from dogs, horses, sheep, calves, rabbits, chooks and fluffy cats … and how much love they’ve added to my life.
    I appreciate having all my 6 children and that they’re still so much fun to be with.
    I appreciate my naturally friendly nature, that I’ve always had the ability to uplift others, that I’ve always possessed the boldness to head towards my dreams and that I’ve had the determination to get there with ease and pleasure and joy and with as much fun as I can imagine.
    I love you xox

  75. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    Oh I am really appreciating the fabulous people who encourage me and support what I write.
    I appreciate the really fun time I’ve had rebuilding several websites (including this one).
    I’m appreciating GREATLY this process of writing lists … and loving the incredible emotional uplift I get from doing it.
    I appreciate getting high on life by doing something so easy, that costs nothing, that’s fun and that has greater benefits than winning the lottery.
    I’m loving the freedom I have right now, only looking after myself, that I can walk only a couple hundred meters to buy the most fabulous selection of food, that it’s so peaceful here, that I don;t feel obligated to anyone, that life is really rocking for me.

  76. Anonymous says:

    I am so grateful for all of the abundance in my life.
    I just love my new home and it’s expansive view that I’m dancing with gratitude.
    I’m grateful for work that fulfills me and empowers others.
    I feel so blessed and grateful that I get to work from home or from wherever I happen to be at the time.
    I’m grateful for my health and and great energy.
    It’s awesome how effortlessly money flows for me. I’m so grateful for that!
    The freedom I feel and the ability to make me my top priority for the first time in years, makes me so grateful.
    I’m grateful for ER and the opportunity to express my gratitude here!

  77. oh, oh, oh, how much I appreciate my life right now.
    How much I appreciate my mood picked up naturally as the day went by.
    How much I owe my incredible high to just writing these simple, silly, fun and often enlightening lists.
    I appreciate the comfort of my home, that I can sleep in, get up, go to bed whenever the heck I like and I’m not disturbing anyone.
    For the first time in my life I’m really appreciating living by myself for a while.
    I appreciate the wonderful people like Patty who’ve shared stuff too.
    I appreciate reading what other people enjoy — it uplifts me too.
    I appreciate the teachings of Abraham for the wonderful recordings I’ve listened to over the years AND I appreciate the fabulous group of people I’ve hooked up with here because of them.
    I appreciate LOVE xox

  78. carol says:

    I am so grateful for my sons and wonderful daughter in laws grandson Cooper and my amazing friends and family

  79. Today I’m appreciating the cool weather … how nice it is to snuggle up in a fluffy warm bed, to drink hot chocolate, to sit by an open fire, to get physically close to someone I adore 😉
    I’m also appreciating how easily things are coming to me, solutions, resources, the way to make a phone app I’ve been dying to create, a guy I wanted to speak to all of a sudden sent me a message on google plus out of the blue.
    I appreciate whatever forces in the universe keep on assisting me so incredibly well, making sure I get fed, giving me strong inspiration, keeping money circulating in my world and giving me whatever I need in the moment.
    I appreciate the PEOPLE, friends who call spontaneously, my daughter who provides endless hours of peaceful company … and people who know it’s best to stay out of my way and let me work when I’m so seriously focused.
    I appreciate being alive in a time when technology is moving so fast and that I’m managing to keep up with a large chunk of it.
    I also appreciate that I never listened to the person who told me I had an internet addiction and that I needed help … lol … I love my life, I’m glad I do what I do and I’m really glad it all comes so easily to me.
    With love and joy,

  80. Now today I’m appreciating how well people treat me and know it’s a reflection on how well I’m treating myself.

    I’m so glad that I’ve come to realise how valuable it is to listen to my guidance, to feel my emotions (no matter what they might be), to respect my body, to take time out to clear my mind, to let myself be excited about the little things in life and to allow myself to NOT be so perfect all the time.

    I appreciate reading some of the articles I wrote years ago and realise that I’ve always known this stuff, that nothing is really new, that I just have different ways of applying it these days.

    But MOST OF ALL, I’m appreciating how much I’ve expanded with the wisdom that comes with age and experience. I wouldn’t go back if you paid me a billion dollars.

    I love my life xox

  81. Today I’m appreciating how easy it was to change my passwords and for the fantastic service from the support staff.
    I’m appreciating how good I feel just as I am and that nothing needed to change or improve or happen or get better – I feel really nice inside anyway.
    I appreciate the weather, the view, the happy people I can hear when I stand on the balcony, being able to watch the excitement of the people going out on boat trips and jet skiing, all from the comfort of my balcony.
    I’m appreciating getting up and going to bed whenever the heck I feel like it and feel so good to be in sync with what my body and mind are asking for.
    Loving the feeling of opening my heart and the sensation of tingling in my cheeks as I smile in bliss xox

  82. This morning I’m appreciating that I was taken out for a delicious breakfast and that I feel so incredibly good and blissfully happy to have built Tye the best website ever.
    Appreciating the comfort of my home and that it’s warm inside with the glass doors closed but I can still see out and feel like I’m right next to the ocean.
    I appreciate the lovely phone call of thanks this morning and marvel at how nice and relaxed I feel having conversations with anyone, no matter what they might be going through, no matter how good they might be feeling as well.
    I so much appreciate LOVING my work, that it never feels like work and only ever feels like completely inspired JOY.
    I’m appreciating the solution that seems to come out of the blue and know it’s just another acknowledgment of how well I’m being looked after.
    I’m always appreciating people like Russell, and Tracy and Cassaundra and Bronny and Krissi and Stacie and Jeffrey and Elena and Patty and Lorraine and oh so many incredible facebook friends who brighten my life immensely.
    I’m appreciating how totally amazing I feel and that I’ve settled into a really nice gently blissful vibe … and from this state, it’s so much easier to handle anything that might come up, be it somewhat challenging … or somewhat extraordinarily wonderful.
    Love xox

  83. So incredibly happy and appreciative of the fabulous time I’m having exploring the national parks in our area.
    I really APPRECIATE my car repairer who is taking another look at something. They’ve already done so much by repairing my air conditioning free and it’s built up such a high level of trust, it’s worth every cent I pay for general services directly with the manufacturers recommended dealer.
    So very much appreciate the incredible walks in nature and the beautiful photos Ive been taking too.
    Appreciate the men who keep entering my life — helping me get clearer about how I like to feel in a relationship.
    I love how persistent they are, and how special I get to feel ALL THE TIME.
    I appreciate the fabulous Abraham recording I get to listen to almost every day … and so happy about being involved with quite a few groups, getting uplifted, having so many laughs and hanging with people who really want to grow and lighten up and have lots of fun.
    Appreciate my apartment, my perfect health, my gorgeous body, my lovely skin, my fit physique, the delicious food I get to eat, the incredible weather, the overcast days just right for taking outdoor photos, the surprise meeting with a handsome man in the Aus Fair restaurant area, my facebook friends, my Krissi and how nice Billy is to her.
    I’m loving so much in my world. xox

  84. Elizabeth says:

    Oh wow, I appreciate that I feel better today. Loving the beautiful walks I’ve been on. Appreciating how fantastic my body is with all the walking I’ve been doing. Enjoying writing lists of wins again. Awesome having 2 close female friends to share good things with. Really really really appreciating the new Process I’ve developed AND for the instant sale and further enquiry that came rapidly. So good to be paid for developing it and noticing all the benefits as I go through the process as well. Getting clearer about how vibration works as each day goes by. I am really appreciating that I know the value of the contrast so it’s so much easier to pass through. Also glad I know not to make any major decisions until I feel better. Just had a lovely friendly talk with Aubri enjoying the female company immensely. Appreciating that I’ve asked for help and the relief that brought me. So glad to have taken messenger off my phone and giving myself peace on silent mode when I go out walking. Some really good things are happening. I sense a major transformation on the way. Bless us all x

  85. Tara says:

    I appreciate the sunshine
    I appreciate the earth
    I appreciate my home
    I appreciate my family
    I appreciate my husband
    I appreciate my health
    I appreciate being alive and feeling good right now

  86. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I really appreciate Tara coming to join in the fun.
    I appreciate all the time I’ve had to play with the foundation of this website again.
    Really appreciate the full-on inspiration I’m receiving.
    Appreciate the nice phone call from someone I adore.
    Appreciate great TV shows to watch like House Rules.
    I appreciate Krissi for all the fun times we have and for being such a delight to talk to.
    Really happy with life xox

  87. Steve Mullen says:

    I appreciate the folks visiting this website and the inspirational stories I hear about people and families fighting serious or incurable diseases. The families profiled aren’t taking their situation lying down. Instead, they’re fighting. I appreciate their fortitude.

  88. Tara says:

    Things I appreciate.
    Porridge for breakfast.
    Fresh air outside.
    Sunshine on my garden.
    Flowers of all types.
    Fresh herbs for cooking.
    Smelling pies in the oven.
    My man.
    Food when I’m hungry.
    Trying new things.
    Peace on earth.
    Christmas presents under the tree.
    Baking cakes.
    Music and singing.
    laughing until my stomach hurts.
    kittens. Puppies. Pandas. Frogs. Birds and bees.
    Nature in her finest.
    The drops of rain on the leaves.
    autumn leaves.
    Deciduous trees.
    Smelling the roses.
    Writing this list.

  89. dave says:

    I appreciate the two stage productions I am involved with.
    One been rehearing for a while – so I am appreciative the growth experience I have had interacting with and getting to know the other actors.
    The second has just started , it’s a musical but the “feel, the vibe, the joy of it” is already uplifting…..that’s it !

  90. Patty Erion says:

    This is such a cool thing to do! And it works! I appreciate you, Elizabeth Richardson for doing this! And I appreciate everyone who participates in it! You make a difference!

  91. Anjela Dermenjyan says:

    I’m grateful for the financial support I receive form my X husband, which allows me to be with my kids
    I’m grateful for the safe little community and town that I live in
    I’m grateful for my good health
    I’m grateful for the healing I received today, that is helping me to get in touch with all of me
    I’m grateful for the love, and support of my friends
    I’m grateful for the health and well bing of my boys
    I’m grateful for the quiet alone time I have this week
    I am grateful for the healing I’m going to receive from a world renowned healer tomorrow
    I’m grateful for this forum and the opportunity to practice gratitude in a supportive space
    I’m grateful for all the help and the support I am receiving with starting my business

  92. Nkechi Rita says:

    I appreciate you …bless you

  93. Marina Storina says:

    I appreciate that your books make me laughter, lots of love from Marina

  94. Appreciating my laptop, the freedom I have, the wonderful mild weather here, the money that comes in every fortnight, the fun work I get to do, my willingness to learn something new. Loving coming back to this website and finding treats that I’d forgotten about. Thanks for being here xox

  95. I appreciate having the inspiration to write a fabulous article today.
    i appreciate all the fun I’ve had re-building and adding to the strategic Intervention website — I LOVE WHAT I DO!
    I appreciate the clarity I’ve had around re-building this website as well … and that ir’s so much better to focus on ONE thing that works and be good at that.
    I’m loving the way the new PDF I created today turned out. Love the fonts and the funny part I added in the middle.
    I’m loving that I can find so much satisfaction in my life right now.
    I REALLY REALLY appreciate having so much freedom to do as I please and play at whatever tasks thrill me.
    I appreciate having the nicest and most fun cats to entertain me and give me snuggles occasionally.
    I appreciate being so excited to wake up in the mornings and get straight into doing the work I love with a PASSION.
    I appreciate the Best 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Process — if anyone wants to pickup the instructions to play that game as well, just go to
    I am loving how healthy my diet is and that I only need to eat when I’m hungry — and for the creative recipe to make these fabulous gluten free cheese scones that seem so decadent but as so very simple.
    I am appreciating the fabulous level of energy I have and laughing as I’m typing with such great gusto to enter in this list 🙂
    I am loving looking back over the years to 2007 when I first started doing these processes online and for all the people who’ve come to join in along the way.
    I am adoring myself, my body, my resilience, my joviality, my faith, by determination to keep moving towards the influence of MY DREAM.
    I am appreciating the feeling of readiness for bed in full knowing that I’ve given my all today and feeling better and better and better than ever.

  96. 1. What have I done well today? ………… (Write down at least 5 -10
    things you’ve done WELL today – it’s really important to focus on
    our successes, not on our failures or on trying to fix something
    that’s not working out as well as we might like it to).

    2. What things can I find to be satisfied about right now? ………….
    (Write down at least 5 -10 things you are satisfied with – feel
    your mood change as you slow down to focus on simple
    satisfying thoughts about what you are being, doing, having or
    creating in your life right now, rather than on things you need to
    change in the future).

    3. What do I sincerely appreciate? …………….. (Write down at least
    5 -10 things you really appreciate about yourself, your body, your
    personality, your work, your home, your environment, your mate,
    your community, your pets, your friends etc. – choose topics
    that are easy to appreciate – don’t try too hard – it’s meant to be
    fun – be creative and come up with some new ones each day).


    I’m appreciating the 3 question process and how much it help me direct my focus.

    1. What have I done well today?

    Oh wow, I wrote another really excellent article and have the next few days of posts ready to be sent to subscribers. I feel accomplished. I also took time to go out and get food … lol … for myself and the cats. That’s done well. I took the time to have a really long shower. Nice. I have been feeling happy for weeks and have no need for the St Johns Wort to boost my mood. I changed my thoughts about dependency. Well done.

    2. What things can I find to be satisfied about right now?

    Really satisfied with the applications I’ve sent out, that I’m ahead in everything that needs to be done, that I asked and received some new info for the Organature newsletter and extremely satisfied with where I live.

    3. What do I sincerely appreciate?

    OMGoodness, I am living in appreciation right now. I LOVE the mild weather, my home, the freedom I have to do whatever I want, the fun I have with the cats. I appreciate my body and how good it feels. I appreciate the discount I stumbled on at Petbarn today after giving up my need to get a discount … lol … the universe is having fun with me. I appreciate the whole-food diet I’ve been on just because it’s the most delicious and easy to prepare food for me when I’m so focused on what I’m doing. I REALLY APPRECIATE having these websites to transform. I LOVE the creativity and total immersion that keeps my vibe uplifted and my spirits high. It makes me wonder if I’ll ever need to see another person again. I am so happy with ME <3

  97. 2. What things can I find to be satisfied about right now?

    I’m satisfied that this is a great place to start for me today.
    I’m really satisfied with my body and the food I’m eating and the way my coffee tastes.
    I’m satisfied with the conditions of my life RIGHT NOW and that I am free to do whatever I please. that I have wonderful cats as company and that I only need to look after them and me.
    I’m really grateful I setup this site because it gives me pleasure to come here and to focus as I write things down properly.
    I’m starting to get excited about how to redo the site and get it working better for me and others.
    I’m really happy about what I’ve done already on my other websites and that I’ve consolidated them into a few really important, professional and useful ones.
    I am loving this process more than ever right now.
    Thank you for helping me to get that sense of appreciation again.
    I appreciate the guidance and knowing that it’s best to focus on what raises my energy, not on what others suggest I do.
    I appreciates acknowledging that I’m finding MY OWN WAY with what feels good so I can enjoy every day as I should <3

  98. Kathryn says:

    I am very grateful for my family, our health and the lives we have.

  99. Liv Lashley says:

    I am grateful for all the souls I have encountered who recognised I was drowning in a sea of dispair.

    I am grateful for all those souls who extended their open hands. They did not know me, but they held fast my broken soul whilst I circumnavigated deep, dark catacombs.

    I am grateful for the light that waited so very patiently to bathe me in it elixir.

    I am grateful for a warm smile, an infectious chuckle, a rip roaring laugh, for without them I would surely be nomadic.

    But above all.

  100. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I’m really grateful that Liv came along and reminded me to write a grateful list.

    I am really gratefulf for the inspiration leaders I’ve been reading about and listening to – especially Tony Robbins.

    I am incredibly grateful for the new incantation I have to say in my mind repeatedly, that inspires and comforts me.

    I’m grateful for having students in my current class who challenge me to be a MUCH better teacher.

    I’m really grateful that I have money in the bank that needs to be invested and that I even give myself permission to WASTE some money for No Reason At All!

  101. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    OMGoodness … I appreciate the fun progress I’m making here and the course I’m doing to get ideas of how to make it even better. I appreciate the CSS expert who gave me the way to improve the code here. I appreciate that I’m able to go to bed now and that I have all the time in the world to get up tomorrow. I appreciate the extra work that just came in ,,, knowing I’ll really enjoy it once I get momentum started there. I am appreciating my fun side AND also that I let myself off the hook sometimes and not expect myself to be so perfect. I really appreciate how I can find anything I want on the internet. I appreciate the nice compliment my brother gave me today. I appreciate ALL THE FUN FUN FUN I’m having and how good it is to focus on something that thrills me every day. I appreciate being willing to follow MY DREAM and that they way is being shown to me. I actually appreciate noticing those feelings of concert when they creep in becasue it tells me this particular thoughts are off … and I LOVE being ON!!!

    1. Elizabeth Richardson says:

      1. What have I done well today?
      I wrote the funniest newsletter today and got 2 fabulous responses. Made some more progress and got more clarity about where I want to take this website. I’ve done well having fun with the cats, going out to buy delicious food and testing out some page builders. I’ve done well making sure I take some time out through the day and I’ve dine well to come in and write another list. Pleased with myself about that.

      2. What things can I find to be satisfied about right now?

      Very satisfied with the work I’m doing. Satisfied with where I am.

      3. What do I sincerely appreciate?

      Really appreciating how funny Izzy is tonight. Always easy to appreciate the weather here, so mild and pleasant. Appreciating the money flowing in today. Appreciating how things are coming at the right time and I have been having so much fun that the things that were troubling me a month or so ago are just distant memories. Appreciate Shannon for phone and saying hello. Appreciating I can get up when I want in the morning, that I can go to bed when I want tonight — pretty soon too I think and appreciating the rewards from taking time out to write these fabulous lists. Appreciating how fabulous I feel and that prospects are approaching me. Loving the quality of the theme I’m using and how quick the site is to load. Appreciating I have some other interesting sites I can re-construct if I want … really really loving the latest few articles I’ve written as well. The highlight was the funny newsletter. I appreciate the laughter from thinking about it that spontaneously caught me a few hours after sending it as well. This is good. I’m REALLY REALLY HAPPY satisfied, feeling connected and IN love xox

  102. I REALLY appreciate being given an opportunity to go to a fabulous job interview tomorrow morning.
    It’s so good that I’m feeling really good and writing some inspired words.
    I appreciate my friends on Facebook who support my wacky posts and enjoy a laugh with me.
    I appreciate my perfectionism.
    I like it that I do things really well.
    I appreciate the beautiful weather and that my body moves easily even if I haven’t done much walking for the last few weeks.
    I appreciate all the work I’ve done getting my websites updated, the email newsletters started and setup for what’s to come.
    I appreciate knowing that I’M READY for what’s next.
    I really appreciate the confidence I have in my abilities — and the confidence I have in my guidance.
    I appreciate the years the bank has let me pay off my credit card without charging fees and interest.
    I appreciate the peaceful time I’ve had over the past few months.
    I appreciate Shannon ringing to see how I am.
    I appreciate having these funny beautiful and entertaining cats.
    I appreciate MY LIFE and MY DREAMS and that I’m faithfully moving forward towards them. LOVE 💙💛💚💜

  103. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I AM LOVING how I am feeling and appreciate MYSELF for relaxing and trusting the process enough to let me get here.
    I appreciate the FANTASTIC company I had a job interview with yesterday.
    I appreciate how well I know I did.
    I appreciate that I’ve got myself to a place of so much confidence, that I could declare it as MINE without even needing to hear their acknowledgement.
    I appreciate Rob for acknowledging my energy and for the fabulous interview style he has.
    I appreciate that it didn’t even matter I wasn’t feeling my best in the morning, that I was high within minutes of entering the room.
    You know, I really appreciate that I don’t need drugs or stimulants or anything other than my trust of the process, to bring me into alignment with MY SOURCE … and that meditation is not even necessary either.
    I appreciate that I am declaring daily — I AM UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF MY DREAM!!! — That really works for me.
    I appreciate that Bill sent me a message yesterday and we had a really really good chat. I’m glad he felt he could contact me.
    I appreciate my willingness to move through life and find benefits no matter what’s going on.
    I appreciate going through the tough times because it doesn’t take much to get me HIGH ON LIFE these days.
    I appreciate Abraham for the amazing message that makes sense of what I already knew to be true.
    I appreciate the spirit that’s connected to me which gives me SO MUCH ENERGY.
    I appreciate that I’ve kept going.
    I appreciate that I’m still here.
    I appreciate that there’s SO MUCH MORE TO COME!!!

  104. Elizabeth says:

    I am appreciating how easy it is for me to feel open and loving and free.
    I appreciate taking time out to chill and be thoughtfully kind to myself today.
    I appreciate the barrage of inspired ideas I’ve been having for the new work I’ll be doing … it just feels obvious this new job is mine … and I’m appreciating my KNOWING about it all … KNOWING THAT I can contribute hugely … KNOWING I’d like to be business partner … KNOWING that the timing to hook up with someone who’s moving in the same direction is coming closer … KNOWING that FEELING THIS GOOD is all it takes right now.
    I am appreciating these processes and how much they are a part of me boldly and successfully towards MY DREAMS.
    I’m even appreciating the awful life period I went through recently because NOT It’s so easy to feel satisfied and happy and trusting and aligned.
    I appreciate my fantastic cats and how they keep me entertained and happy.
    I appreciate the things, opportunities and people I let go in the past AND for the better things, opportunities and people who are showing up RIGHT NOW.
    I appreciate the stuff that didn’t work out … because what is working out now is just so darned satisfying.
    I appreciate who I AM and the path I took to get here and knowing that EVERYTHING HAD ITS BENEFITS to bring me to where I am right now! 🖤💜💛💚💙🖤💜💛💚💙🖤💜💛💚💙

  105. Elizabeth RICHARDSON says:

    I really appreciate my tenacity.
    I really appreciate the good confession I’ve been practicing for weeks and weeks now.
    I really appreciate how I can see things as opportunities OR make them fun.
    I appreciate how my body carries me even when I walk so far that my feet get sore.
    I appreciate having time to make a decision and line up with it.
    I appreciate knowing that there is an answer I might not have considered before.
    I appreciate the stunning weather we’re having again.
    I appreciate being able to go for walks on overcast days.
    I appreciate the strategies that help keep me uplifted.
    I appreciate great coffee, delicious food, lovely restaurants, beautiful peole, fun adventures and KNOWING that no matter what happens … I’VE GOT THIS … and I’m not alone 💑👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

  106. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I appreciate feeling SO MUCH BETTER and I’m glad I’m having more fun every day.
    I appreciate that I can be so lighthearted and that I have friends who appreciate that about me too.
    I really appreciate my photoshop skills that I’ve gained just from sheer desire.
    I appreciate the Abraham recordings that give me such a boost and that I get them sent to me regularly.
    I appreciate the payment that came through early from Organature.
    I appreciate the delicious food in the frig and the fabulous array of gluten free stuff I can get from the Supermarket.
    I’m so pleased I’ve got Christmas planned and something to look forward to.
    I appreciate getting free medical here in Australia and for the other free treatments I get too.
    I really appreciate having all these facilities walking distance away from home.
    I am LOVING THE WONDERFUL WEATHER here and that I get to live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

  107. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I really want to talk about the things that are going well.

    I am able to pay off a debt and it is manageable. RELIEF.
    I gave the other person the freedom to choose how much it should be and at what frequency. FREEDOM.
    I know that the universe always provides the ways and means for me to handle anything that I commit to. BELIEF.
    I have already done so well this year and proved to myself what I am capable of. RESOURCEFULNESS.
    I already have other options available to me if I feel the need to use them. OPTIONS.
    I hadn’t decided what I wanted to do with the excess money I was getting anyway. LAUGHING.
    Things are always working out for me. FAITH.
    This now keeps me focused and happily working on the projects I am already doing. FOCUS.
    I bet this is the path to other things I am wanting. FORESIGHT.
    I have a feeling this will turn out way better than I first thought. GOOD VIBES.
    I am so happy to put this in the hands of my inner being and have this reason to connect more fully AND more often. ALIGNMENT.
    If the excess money is to be put anywhere, then this is the person I would wish it to be paid to. RIGHT PATH.
    I can activate the positive aspects of this situation like I’m doing now and keep feeling better and better. CONNECTION.
    I can still create even MORE excess money for all of us to enjoy. MORE FUN.
    I absolutely LOVE this website and this process for making me focus into a better feeling place. FEELING MUCH BETTER.
    I have absolute faith that this will help me feel more satisfied and purposeful and free and happy, possibly more than I’ve ever been. FAITH.
    I’m going out for a walk along the waterfront in the cool seabreeze, enjoy the freshness and chillout about everything. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY.
    I am already feeling so much better and eager to find out where this will lead.

  108. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I appreciate the funny cat that keeps me entertained and feeling joyful, fun and loving.
    Appreciating the design classes I’m taking and that there is such a variety of styles and teachers to learn from in the internet.
    So appreciating that the work I can is bringing in so many sales for my clients and that it’s easy and fun and getting better all the time.
    Appreciating being able to send my surface book to microsoft through JB HiFi (that it didn’t cost anything to send) and anticipating a really satisfying result.
    Appreciating the fabulous amount of data I get on my new phone plan and that there was a really great short term option to get more through vodafone that I can keep or let go if I need to over the coming weeks.
    Appreciating my HOME and my little garden and the cool breeze flowing through the doors and windows while I work.
    Appreciating that my backup hp laptop is still in great condition and that all the updates are complete.
    Appreciating all the things I get for free to tryout to see if I like them.
    Appreciating the adobe creative suite I get to use and have fun with.
    Appreciating the extra cloud storage and that I’ve found another really satisfying option if I need to use it.
    Appreciating that I’m making the most of what I have.

  109. Elizabeth says:

    I appreciate having Abraham recordings to listen to.
    I appreciate the new opportunity that came my way today.
    I am really pleased I went for a walk early this morning and that the rain was enjoyable.
    I appreciate the extra rain we’re getting now.
    I’m pleased about the work I did today and that I know once it’s done, to let God do the rest.
    I appreciate the funny cat sitting right next to me and the beautiful cat just a bit further over.
    I absolutely adore having this page to visit wherever I want to focus myself into a better feeling place.
    I appreciate having a beautiful home, money in the bank and all my bills paid.
    I appreciate WHAT IS because it’s given me something else to aim for in the future.
    I appreciate all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years.
    Oh I REALLY APPRECIATE that I feel so much better physically today and that I’m calm and at peace.
    I appreciate what meditation gives me.
    I appreciate WHO I AM and that I have a good heart, meaning I have kind thoughts towards others.
    I appreciate my guidance letting me know when it’s time to refocus.
    I appreciate all the rebirthing I did years ago and that I have a “good breathe” every day now.
    I appreciate the lovely things around me and especially the cooler nights that make sleeping more pleasant.
    I appreciate the private schooling my parents made sure I had … and that I can read and write well.
    I appreciate my other websites, one that has made me so much money over the last 10 or so years, one that makes me so proud to have it and gives me an outlet to express myself.
    I appreciate the times I’ve felt so loving I could almost die.
    I appreciate the lovely men who’ve treated me so well.
    I appreciate that I’m looking after myself pretty well too.
    I appreciate having entertaining things to watch on TV at the moment.
    I really appreciate the fabulous courses on Skillshare that I’ve been doing abd the connections I’ve made with a teacher as a result.
    I appreciate getting my portfolio looking amazing.
    I appreciate the people who notice the good work I do.
    I appreciate knowing that things are going my way in the background, often without me even realising it at the time.
    I appreciate how I’ve got through challenging times gracefully and peacefully and that they’ve always taken me to the next level.
    I appreciate that I can ask for proper fees for the work I do.
    I appreciate the results I’ve been able to achieve for others.
    I appreciate how magnificent I AM.
    I appreciate this process and that I feel so much better now. THANK YOU 🧡

  110. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am loving that I have the time to go out for a walk now and that the weather is astonishingly beautiful right now.
    I apprentice the delicious food I have in the frig and that I picked up some more fresh products before to make Home-Made tomato sauce and another lamb shank stew.
    I appreciate having healthy and tasty things to eat.
    I REALLY appreciate that my laptop has fixed itself and that it’s working at almost 100%.
    I appreciate that I have plenty of options when I want to go and get a new one.
    I appreciate that my calls for money to cover all my needs has been met (with even more to spare).
    I appreciate how easy this website is to manage and to write out a list on, much easier than anywhere else.
    I appreciate that my cats are so healthy and happy and funny.
    I appreciate that I got so much done today and the apartment cleaned and pots replanted over the last few days too.
    I appreciate the beautiful breeze blowing in through the window right now.
    I appreciate spell-check … lol
    I LOVE my phone.
    I LOVE my dishwasher.
    I LOVE my washing machine and that I live in a climate where things dry easily without me needing to use a dryer.
    I appreciate overcast times so I can go for a walk in gentle lower light conditions.
    I appreciate the friendly people around who I say hello to.
    I appreciate my WORK very much.
    I appreciate the success that others have because of the work I do.
    I appreciate being given so much freedom to do the work I thoroughly enjoy and at times that are convenient for me.
    I appreciate having Teagan close by so I can get my hair done soon.
    I appreciate the entertaining programs on TV when I feel like sitting down and chilling out.
    I appreciate my attitude.
    I appreciate feeling fine about myself, just as I am and that I know that even more improvement is only a deep breath away.
    I appreciate feeling much better about my life than I did a couple years ago.
    I appreciate knowing that things can improve and having examples to remember when I need a bit of a lift.
    I appreciate how my body is stretching quite well with yoga moves.
    I appreciate the work that Renate did with deep tissue massage recently.
    I appreciate feeling freer than ever.
    I appreciate being able to get up and gop out whenever I feel like it without having to tell anyone what I;m doing (except the cats … and even then … they don’t care … lol).
    I appreciate that I am able to speak my mind occasionally and that I’m accepted as I am and appreciated for what I achieve.

  111. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I appreciate how lovely and mild the weather is here and how comfortable it is to be at home.
    I really appreciate the chunk of money that landed in my bank account yesterday and that I know there’s even more to come.
    I appreciate having excellent courses to study that keep me active and growing in the industry that I love so much.
    I appreciate that I can settle into spending life back at home in comfort and joy and having fun with the funny cats.
    I appreciate having food in the fridge and freezer that’s easy to heat and serve whenever I feel like having it.
    I appreciate that I’ve grown accustomed to eating more whole foods and vegetables and fruits and really enjoy them more than ever.
    I appreciate that our supermarket had food that I really wanted to eat and that there’s plenty stored in my cupboards as well.
    I appreciate having people to connect with on LinkedIn and that I reached out to someone new in the marketing field and he’s been reciprocating with interest.
    I appreciate ALL the magnificent clothes I’ve bought over the last year and laugh as I realise that I’ve definitely made up for not shopping for so many years … and the new shoes are fabulous too.
    I appreciate having comfortable and groovy things to wear and that everything is washed, ironed and my wardrobe is beautifully tidy and well organised.
    I appreciate listening to Abraham when I feel like it and that I’ve just downloaded the latest live broadcast to listen to when I feel the urge.
    I appreciate feeling relaxed about what’s happened recently and that I’m allowing the Universe to line up the next fabulous thing for me to do … actually, those things are probably already lined up and I just need to get aligned with them now too … I LOVE knowing that!
    I LOVE my phone and my Surface Studio and my new Surface Book 3 and really glad I bought them all as I use them so much and appreciate having the best tools available.
    I appreciate listening to courses online and that these ones provide me with a certification that’s really useful on my profile, website and resume.
    I appreciate knowing how powerful that writing these lists are … and that my focus is more on things that are easy, lucrative, fun, freeing, secure and satisfying. Easy, lucrative, fun, freeing, secure and satisfying. Easy lucrative fun freeing secure and satisfying. Easy lucrative fun freeing secure and satisfying. Easy lucrative fun freeing secure and satisfying.
    I appreciate having fabulous hair products that make my hair look beautiful when I do it myself at home. I really appreciate my body and how it’s maintained a lovely weight for a long time now. I really appreciate being happy and not needing any vitamins to perform at my absolute best. I do appreciate having the collagen supplement though as it really helps to balance my system properly and keeps mu skin nice and supple. I appreciate that I’ve been taking care of my time in the sun and lightening the spots in several key places, making me feel and look better. I appreciate the fabulous coconut oil that’s so nice to use I can even drink it. I appreciate how fast I can type when I’m in the flow, I appreciate my gorgeous catties and that they’re happily eating the new food I picked up for them yesterday. I appreciate that I love being at home and that current world events don’t affect me at all. I appreciate having just a few special websites that I’m really proud of and that are easy to update and maintain. I appreciate how well organised I am and that I still keep accounting records for both business and personal, usually on the day they occur. I appreciate being able to be here and that I feel so free and secure and that I love who I am. I appreciate that there are so many openings and that I’ve put up my price and am getting called to interview. I appreciate that I have the bravery to say I don’t think I’m the right person for you … when I can feel the energy isn’t a match. I appreciate the fabulous website I just built for GMB and love that doing it for fun what the major driver and that whatever happens, I am totally satisfied and incredibly proud of what I’ve done.

  112. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I appreciate knowing that everything I want is coming to me.
    I appreciate the funny little ditties that Tim McGinnis sings that I can bring to mind any time I feel like it.
    I appreciate the time I’ve taken to build a YouTube channel, to create great websites, to study marketing and graphic design, to make friendships that last a lifetime and to go for fantastic morning walks that stimulate my senses.
    I appreciate Abraham for the words of wisdom that help me understand more fully the part I have to play on this fantastic planet and that I’m here for the fun of it.
    I appreciate the time spent with Carol that got me back INto THE RYTHYM OF LIFE that I like to live.
    I really appreciate having the medical study to go to next week, knowing that I’ll be paid handsomely for taking part in it and also knowing that I can make it fun and interesting and worthwhile and valuable while I’m there.
    I appreciate the amazing staff who enjoy their work and make it easy for me to find abundant ways to acknowledge them for their work.
    I appreciate feeling close to Joanne and that she can pick up the phone to chat whenever she wants and that it’s always an uplifting conversation.
    I appreciate having the fun games to play in the mornings that earn me $5 coles cards to use for groceries.
    I appreciate shopback and cashrewards for all the bonuses I’ve received over the past year and with even more to come.
    I appreciate my beautiful and funny cats for the entertainment, the company, the love and the liveliness they bring to my life.
    I appreciate my stunning apartment and the gorgeous place I live in.
    I appreciate my comfy office chair and the intention to take time to write this list.
    I appreciate how great my body is feeling and that it keeps improving. Also appreciate how I get the messages for what needs to be improved that provide the impetus to take steps to make it better.
    I appreciate the warm sunshine on a really brisk winter morning and that I took the time to sit in in for a while.
    I appreciate the tasty bircher muesli I’ve made and the blueberries that make it even more balanced and tastier.
    I appreciate the airfryer abd the fresh food in the fridge to cook whenever I feel like doing it.
    I appreciate all the fantastic food that’s stored in the freezer, ready to be used at the flick of a switch.
    I appreciate me and how far I’ve come and for doing whatever it takes to boost my alignment. LOVE xox

  113. I appreciate the excellent service I’ve had from my hosting provider.
    I’m so glad I’ve been able to relax and let the solution come.
    I really appreciate the free apps I use to do workouts at home and that we have a gym in the apartment building here.
    I appreciate myself for taking the steps to increase muscle and eat better in easy and fun ways.
    I LOVE my Galaxy watch way more than I thought I might.
    I’m so glad that I’ve got new toys to play with that keep me engaged and healthy and uplifted.
    I appreciate the free years subscription to balance and that the meditations are so enjoyable.
    I appreciate the music I listen to at nights if I need a bit of peace and serenity.
    I appreciate finding solutions for the cats to eat healthier and that we could do it all ourselves,
    I appreciate knowing so much about websites and the internet and AI and that I’ve exceled in the Graphic Design Diploma Course I’ve just completed.
    I love having evidence of how well things have worked out for me before.
    I love remembering how valuable relaxing and trusting is to my inevitable expansion and how it helps me to appreciate life so much more.
    I’m glad I feel more alive and in tune these days and that I have the impulses to keep on making improvements to my body, mind, and emotions.
    I love knowing that I’m ready for what’s next.

  114. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    I am so glad that I still have this website up as I love to remember how much fun it was back in 2007 when we first started. Building an uplifting community has the potential to expand joy.
    I really appreciate my skills and all the new things I am learning at the moment, especially about marketing my own business.
    I appreciate my funny cats, one is softly snoring on a cushion just next to me and it made me laugh.
    I appreciate my freedom to do as I please, to stay up as late as I want, to sleep in if the inclination arises, and to stay inside and focus on my work without anyone calling me away from it.
    I really appreciate the stunning weather we are having and that I can leave the front doors wise open day and night and the temperate stays moderate.
    I appreciate AI more than words can say as just yesterday I asked for something specific to fix an issue on one of my website and I received all the detailed information about how to fix something that I would have found complex in the past, and that would have most likely taken me half a day to research. AI gave me specific answers immediately and in around half an hour, it was done, and even better than if I had to find it all out alone.
    I appreciate being alive at this moment in time when technological advances are booming. It makes life and any stage of life more exciting, pleasurable, joy-filled, and easy. I feel blessed xox

  115. Elizabeth Richardson says:

    What have I done well today?
    I fixed some things in the automated system first thing this morning and feel a sense of achievement, I’ve taken further steps towards reinventing myself. I am coming to realisations extremely quickly right now and expanding at the speed of light. I am finding extremely useful benefits to the contrast and I love knowing I have real reason to celebrate even when I feel like crap.

    What can I find to be satisfied about right now?
    I am so pleased I upgraded my AI account and get assistance in real time and at the drop of a hat. I am extremely satisfied with how my body is and how good I look even though I burn the candle at both ends—I am amazing myself. I am more than satisfied with where I live and the gorgeous climate we have here

    What do I sincerely appreciate?
    I appreciate ME and who I am and who I am becoming. I appreciate knowing about vibration and the power of alignment. I absolutely love having this website still up as writing these lists really energise me even more. I appreciate my ability to focus on things that I love and also appreciate when something doesn’t feel like fun, that I can let it go when I notice my vibe going down. I appreciate my skills immensely, that enable me to write powerfully, to build successful websites, and that my designs skills keep on improving with practice. That’s it. Over and out … oh, I really appreciate my sense of humour and that I am allowing myself the freedom to express more authentically and still maintain a high vibe while doing it!. Now I mean it, I’m really taking off to have more fun 🙂

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